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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2275899 No.2275899 [Reply] [Original]


This coin is actively being shilled on /biz/
Be very careful purchasing at these inflated prices

Users just want the price to increase so they can DUMP on you.

>> No.2275907

So buy DGB?

>> No.2275913


>Thinking /biz/ is capable of DGB volume levels at the moment

Get real kiddo. Buy the fucking dip.

>> No.2275917

How much should I buy OP?

>> No.2275918
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if a coin is being fudded on /biz/ you should buy

>> No.2275919

True but also not true. I hate DGB as much as anyone else here but I gotta say, they fucking did it. By all means this thing should have fucking died today but it didn't. At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if this thing climbed past 3k tomorrow. If someone wants to sell right now, it wouldn't be hard to do.

>> No.2275925

lol this coin has be talked about on here forever and even after the dip it's still up over 50% in the last 24hrs

stop buying coins after they are already mooning you fucking retard

>> No.2275935
File: 34 KB, 378x184, Screenshot+2017-06-03+09.37.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my dude, I'm sure the magical whales of /biz/ are pumping 86k BTC in and out of DGB, nearly more than the next three coins combined

Fuck off nobyter.

>> No.2275941

HAHAHA it's so fun how nodigibyters are trying to ruin the fun for everyone. Get real buy the dip and soon you'll buy a nice car.

>> No.2275954


Pff,I know right, how retarded do you think OP is?

>> No.2275956

Ok well this is not sound advice. Let's be honest DBG guys. Right now is a very risky time to enter DGB.

>> No.2275966


Not in my opinion, I'm almost certain it will rise above 3k sats in the next few days

>> No.2275977

No fud and I honestly hope for you guys that it does but I personally would not buy in right now.

>> No.2275982

Blatent FUD

Majority of us bought in between 100-300 sats, if not lower.

>> No.2275984

implying biz can influence the price at this point

>> No.2275989

>he hasn't bought the DIP
LMAO at ur life senpai

>> No.2276033

I dont even care buying now and I will double my money in a week at most

>> No.2276081

I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for how cucked out /biz/ is sometimes.

>> No.2276105

You'd be surprised how many victims there have been to all the shilling. The numbers will only grow as people spam out the "HODL WEAK HANDS" memes as the slow dump scripts start running.

>> No.2276119



LIke who? Anybody that bought today, at it's ATH, and sold is their own victim. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow morning it's nearing 3K. This coin is doing unbelievable things. I don't think anybody expected DGB to perform the way it is.

>> No.2276122

This is the same board that fell for mooncoin...IMO if you can't differentiate between the actual advice and the retarded memes you deserve to lose your money

>> No.2276124


>> No.2276139

I felt bad for all of the idiots rushing in when bitcoin went up $500 in day. A lot of them got burnt badly.

>> No.2276145

The coin isn't doing anything you fucking absolute retard. It's the goddamn artificial buy pressure and the memes pushing the price up. How retarded are you?
If anyone is thinking of buying DGB right now, DO NOT. You're giving money to the whales.

>> No.2276153

I know what you mean but I also don't want /biz/ to turn into scamboard.

>> No.2276173

This is what happens when there are no mods.

>> No.2276180

when it comes to dgb there have been more victims of FUD. day in, day out for weeks. so glad i never listened to a word you people said.

>> No.2276189

I was glad when the captcha went down. Every other thread was mooncoin shilling.

>> No.2276218
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>fucking absolute retard

Is that necessary?
Listen man, it's a shame you didn't buy in when we told you, too. But we're all here for a reason, to get rich. You pointed out two of my posts, you must be really, really angry!

>> No.2276238

Look, I'm glad you made a profit, but as soon as the pump and dumpers lose profitable control over the volume, it's game over. They start the dump scripts. That's just how things work. I get that you're obviously new to trading, so I'll give you that one. Just take your profit and go. Last warning.

>> No.2276251

I already sold and made my 37 grand. Where will your profits be next week if you don't smarten up and sell? In the pockets of the niggers running the show.

>> No.2276299


As a holder of much DGB I would like to see you proof of this sale

It is true that now is an interesting time for DGB but fundamentals will take this coin to a dollar one day

>> No.2276806

So, I'm a nocoiner interested in playing this game.

Do I:
>buy undervalued shilled coin
>sell when making ludicrous profit

All I'm seeing here is an underregulated market that people and pumping and dumping for gains. As long as I don't hold like some of these motherfuckers, I'll make some profit, right?

Is this the proper way to play the crypto game? Jump on the pump and leave before the dump?

>> No.2276905
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Hindsight is 20/20.

Think about this, look at all the people that tried to do that with DGB and ended up wanting to kill themselves because it went up far more than they thought.

Identify which coins are actual, literal pump and dumps, and which coins are bigger than that.

More often than not, you will sell early and hate seeing your missed gains, or buy late and ending up waiting to break even.

Buy a good dip on some coins you like, and just fucking hold them.

>> No.2276910

Sounds like OP bought at ATH and sold at the dip. Fucking retard.