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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 1048x692, posign 2 xby logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2275333 No.2275333 [Reply] [Original]

Guys sell you xby before yoy get burned, take your gains.

Profit does not exsist without taking it.

>one satoshi buy in

Never happened

Only devs and scammers got that.

>genisis block

After 50000 block

After this

After that

Never happening


No commits




Their gains are in orbit and did this to a point where they cannot anymore.

>buy nodes

300 nodes locked and loaded

500k times that and you have victims.

This is an elaborate yet simple scam that they got others to shill for them.

In hungarian the devs name is the horror.

They are so concerned about scams, why??

If it was legit who cares about price and scam claims.

No bittrex still.


I have sxreen shots to support claims and will post later.

>> No.2275414

Kek is trying to tell you something

>> No.2275431
File: 203 KB, 794x1123, xby socials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi feel free to post any screen shots to support your claims.

Registered STaTiC nodes can be seen here:http://borzalom.hu/static-list-updated.html

You can verify they exist in the Genesis block by following the instructions outlined here:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1864397.msg19334461#msg19334461

Block 50k was the checkpoint for first round of STaTiC registration.

Github has commits, as focus is all on the new chain the old wallets take less priority as they are functional and will be replaced by the new code upon release.

How the market trades XBY is up to the market, people buying and selling at a higher price, then buying back in lower is called trading.

No point moving onto bittrex until the tech is stable and running correctly. Theirs no illusion or trickery and it has been stated multiple times this is a step by step project.

The history of the bitmox scam from which XBY took over is transparent.

Thanks for your continued interest in XBY, if you want to keep up to date follow us on all our social media outlets or chat in real time in our slack.

>> No.2275482

Jewish internet defense high and alert

>> No.2275510
File: 120 KB, 1299x248, thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this op are we getting fucked

>> No.2275543

SOOOOO mch yummy delicious FUD. That only means one thing, its gonna moon. Keep fudding XBY, it only reveals how hot the coin is. Everyone knows the coin is gonna go bonkers once it hits Bittrex

>> No.2275587

This coin is such a scam it's unreal. no but in all seriousness we can't let borzalom get his hands on the static nodes

>> No.2275602

>once its on bittrex

Its never getting there, son.

>> No.2275845

Hahaha dude this.

>no bittrex till tech is working

Meanwhile they pay for ir to be listed on another exchange

>> No.2275865

I cant believe these idiots are actually falling for the lies!
I noticed that it was going to get pumped early on so I got in, then got out with %1000 profit.

>> No.2275867
File: 38 KB, 480x456, image (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lets get the coin on a high volume exchange while it's still in its infancy

>> No.2275909

Yeah let continuentonshillbthe livig fuckbout ofnitbthough

>> No.2275952
File: 194 KB, 640x960, IMG_0571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst FUD campaign I've ever seen on /biz/. Hahahaha if you fall for this, you legitimately have extra chromosomes.

>> No.2275979

This was done to give the community another option as many were concerned about yobit and c-cex.

Thanks for your interest in XtraBYtes!

>> No.2275994
File: 3 KB, 108x90, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2275995

Link XBY to kikes.
If you can't, then fuck off.

>> No.2276005

they are just as bad, if not worse.
worst shitcoin scam ever.

>> No.2276012

Is Borzalom a Jew?
That would be fucking disheartening.

>> No.2276022

You will need to elaborate on what it is I'm meant to be thinking about.

Thanks you.

>> No.2276030

you godadam cucks are ogver here agaain shilling yourshit just FUCKOFF


>> No.2276035

"they are just as bad, if not worse..."
>even possible

>> No.2276036

Great argument faggot.

>> No.2276197

We are active everywhere else, seems logical to be able to offer a counter argument to the scam claims being made here.

Engaging with the community is part of a projects success.

Thanks for your continued interest in XtraBYtes.

>> No.2276239

I understand you are active here, XBY devs. Why are you anonomyous on all platforms? Why is the technology not proven?

>> No.2276259

post moar PROOF feggit!
don't let fellow neets take the fall

>> No.2276359

The technology is in active development, you can follow the progress at the various socials.

I'm quite comfortable not having my identity revealed for the time being. In the future I may be more open to the idea. Nothing to hide beside my own privacy. You're welcome to reveal yourself and if your not willing I assume you understand.

Thanks for your interest in XtraBYtes.

>> No.2276409

They were obsessed with the logo having a hexagon, hexagons =jew

If you want i will draw how that makes sense.

>> No.2276431
File: 7 KB, 208x243, 1443703897616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need senpai, i'm aware of the secrets of the angular jew

>> No.2276467


Hollllly Shit. GTFO while you can!

>> No.2276474

Glad fellow pols are here.

Guys seriously take your gains and leave before this ship sinks

>> No.2276498

LOL awwww faggot baby crying cause he wants to buy in on a dip

>> No.2276778

1000x gains for a lot of ppl.
Better leave with something

>> No.2276836

I dont want toue shit coin.

Git hub has 0 real commits.