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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 950x668, huracan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22751570 No.22751570 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a guy in a lambo Huracan yesterday and I didn't even think "woah cool, that guys a badass"...I thought look at that fucking deucebag drawing bad attention to himself showing off his depreciating asset that no one gives a fuck about. I also thought about the micropenis in his pants that would cause him to buy an overpriced Italian sports car to compensate. I mean really, driving a lambo is inviting every weirdo, gold digger, and glow niger to follow you back to your house. It immediately puts a target on your back. He should have dropped that $350,000 into an boomer Vanguard 500 index fund and collected dividends.

>> No.22751595

>t. low t beta poorfag incel

>> No.22751610

Agree, I drive a motorized hot dog cart for transportation, and it suits me fine

>> No.22751614

No one cares what you think. Literally no one.

>> No.22751635


>> No.22751646

if you honestly are trying to make it so you can drive a lambo you are a degenerate low class faggot

>> No.22751656

Yea seriously. If it's not a Ferrari you're a cuck.

>> No.22751659

youre literally just envious

>> No.22751676


>> No.22751699

>worried about what other people spend their money on

>> No.22751702

No..I literally thought. Look at that faggot driving a racing car on a two lane highway where the speed limit is 65mph.

>> No.22751709

anytime i see someone in a shiny new car the only thing that comes to mind is how much crypto they could have bought instead. its nigger rich and unless you can buy more than 20 of them why would you ever buy one

>> No.22751717

Based and weinermobiled

>> No.22751752

Yeah if you want a sportscar just buy a 911. Doesn’t look as flashy, no obnoxious exhaust sound, and turbo s is even faster than a lambo/ferrari for $100k less

>> No.22751767

My boy Jake pizzy Paul has deep pockets that lambo was peanuts

>> No.22751775


>> No.22751810

Is there anything more pathetic than the small penis comment on anyone driving something that's not a Toyota Camry

>> No.22751813

>He should have dropped that $350,000 into an boomer Vanguard 500 index fund
This type of thinking is exactly why you’ll never make it you normie faggot

>> No.22751814
File: 35 KB, 345x361, 20200922_173404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I make it, I will hoard all my shekels and not spend ANY of them on expensive shit.
I will live in a tiny house with an old Volvo estate car, and use my money to buy food and vidya.

>> No.22751835

It was 10% of his net worth and probably half his bank account

>> No.22751836

I was making the point that the money would be better invested elsewhere you retarded fuckstick

>> No.22751843

Cope plebbit Untermensch

>> No.22751845

>He should have dropped that $350,000 into an boomer Vanguard 500 index fund and collected dividends.
I agree with most of your post but this is retarded. If someone has money to splash on a lambo, they don't need to invest more. They're at the point where they want to buy things they'll enjoy, and that's ok.

>> No.22751857


To some people cars mean something. Not to me, not to you, but to some. We don't get it. We would do smarter things with our money

>> No.22751862

I would rather a Lotus Evora GT.
Light, fast, cheaper, looks amazing.

>> No.22751909

lol looks like a fag car. Just get a GTR or an Audi R8

>> No.22751914

to get top tier pussy idiot

>> No.22751966
File: 269 KB, 2000x1125, 8764C9BB-94F2-4A0F-B070-205785B12931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your PS5

>> No.22752031

arnold turned out to be such a faggot

>> No.22752090

Based jake pauler

>> No.22752106

Peanuts. Hell make over a couple mill when he heems Nate Robinson

>> No.22752128

Their alright, but its a Lotus or a Holden GTSR W1

>> No.22752295
File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1570505694508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22752334
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>> No.22752365

First time seeing this.
Beauty in it's simplicity.

>> No.22752381

Dude it’s not that easy lol as every celebrity automatically has millions of unlimited money

Taxes and paying employees fucks you so bad you don’t even know and they own mansions and land in the most expensive place in America

>> No.22752391
File: 82 KB, 1964x267, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22752489

because dumb broke idiots like yourself will post about it online.

>> No.22752673

This is the polar opposite end of the spectrum for handling wealth, and it's equally retarded. You don't have to have to be spendthrift and burn through your fortune in a few years, but having tons of money and just sitting on it while you masturbate in you shack all day is incredibly lame, and indicates a complete lack of creativity or drive in someone.

>> No.22753257

Lambos are the poor people of rich people's car.

They show that you're kinda rich but not that much and that you have no taste.

>> No.22753330


>> No.22753416

Exactly its like the guy who buys a rolex but he only makes 100k a year and saved for 3 years to buy one.

>> No.22753434

>he follows the speed limit
Beta confirmed

>> No.22753453

the patrician's choice

>> No.22753487

If I really make it I buy an old Daimler Benz Führer style. Nothing else.

>> No.22753527

Imagine falling for the meme IRL, you only buy that just for fun when you have 10M+

>> No.22753878

/biz/ has gotten so tryhard and contrarian. The perfect /biz/nessman would die homeless on the street while having $100billion he never touched because he was trying so hard to not look new rich to crusty old boomer jews.

>> No.22753943

> depreciating asset
lambos are one of the few cars that aint
look up the price of a 1990s Countach

>> No.22754026

Countachs were too hairy in the 90s

>> No.22754175

yes goy, if you don't buy a $300k supercar you're literally destitute

>> No.22754283

Why is he rubbing his hands like a merchant?

>> No.22755044

just consoomer things, OP

>> No.22755092

I wouldn't even want that kind of attention. I like Escalades, elegant and status but still functional and lower key than a supercar.

>> No.22755508
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, 1990-mercedes-benz-190e-25-16-evolution-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in lambos look like
>yeah you got money fuck off
sure, you will attract hoes, but for rest of middle class people you will look like a giant douche

Anyway if I make it, EVO 2 for me.

>> No.22755510

whilst I agree for a normal person who has "make it" money, which for me is like $10MM, spending $350k on a car which is unfit for most occasions is a terrible decision. However you have to consider this guy will probably make the money that he spent on the lambo back anyway after making 100 videos and using it in his thumbnails, so it's not really the same.

>> No.22755613

newfags dont realize there are actual homeless people with nearly a mil net worth that browse this board. hell there was an anon that got jail time and smuggled a phone into prison to trade shitcoins on binance

once you're actually worth some money you do anything to keep it away from kikes.

>> No.22755877

The fact that seeing someone drive that car made you this upset says a lot about you not the guy in the car. With that said I agree with you though if I made I’d keep driving my same Toyota until the wheels fall off.

>> No.22755997

Why u care about other peoples life, get out have sex redicule worry about your car so other ppl dont talk shit but envy

>> No.22756094
File: 2.23 MB, 5481x3654, e60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste, Sir. Im more of an e30 m3 man myself though.

>> No.22756126
File: 77 KB, 1080x1408, ezgif-7-5d7258f774a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22756291
File: 868 KB, 1620x1080, unimog-406-4f1b4beb-88da-4f5e-9279-de235dbd32bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only classic cars who do not lose value. Daily driver, pic.
This, innawoods and fuck them.

>> No.22756300

This is the correct mindset to have.

>> No.22756354

Ostentatious displays of wealth are confirmation of sub-100 IQ, and the Paul brothers are known retards.

>> No.22756383


What the fuck that image is so fucking gay it doesn't even have almost any truth in it for the wealthy part.

>> No.22756399
File: 62 KB, 1087x725, Audi-RS6-Avant-1392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just get a car that's good enough - pic related

>> No.22756467

You ever driven a lambo? No? Ok. I recently drove the 2020 huracan evo and it was amazing.

>> No.22756566 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 344x161, yeetokcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22756601

anyone that likes this crap is a faggot

>> No.22756848

>e30 m3
Neger hast du dich gerade gedoxxt ?

>> No.22757025

I agree completely, what's the point of buying this ridiculously expensive car if it means you potentially wasted your future time for a stupid car that as the same utility value as a 1999 toyota?

JESUS fuck, I'm glad idiots spend their money like this though because it's healthy for stocks and the economy.

>> No.22757112
File: 21 KB, 331x248, AEIOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one and only

>> No.22757360

call 112 it's too hot, but for real, was that a SEK transporter or something like that?

>> No.22757376

>implying making wagies seethe isnt part of the appeal
Its called 'fuck you' money for a reason

>> No.22757840


shits expensive nowadays

>> No.22757879

Conspicuous consumption is for niggers.

>> No.22757975

because his dad is jewish

>> No.22758047

crypto loses value way faster than a car kek

>> No.22758079

I wouldnt buy one thats for sure. Ill probably find those pozzi rental companies that loan them out for a day or two and just flex on it out on the weekend

>> No.22758214

Are you in flroida by any chance?

>> No.22758234

Obviously. Also, 400+ HP combustion engines literally stink in strong acceleration. recently had a jaguar accelerating in front on me full power, it stinks. Not so cool, and indeed pollutes a lot. Now Teslas don't think, but there is still the attracting problem.

>> No.22758262

Yea Orlando. Im right by Disney world.

>> No.22758274

Florida *

>> No.22758313

I swear the same 5 lambos drive around the state lmfao. I saw one the other day and literally thought the same thing. The only idiots that buy them are old frat boy roided out losers.

>> No.22758552

Poorfag cope, but I agree that lambos are shitty cars. They lose massively more value as they're driven than other vehicles. Very few people own them and just lease them because it's such a horrible investment

>> No.22758656

I want one of them SUV Maseratis cause they sexy and I could live in it and have sex with women in the car and also because it has Poseidon's trident as an icon and I suspect that will please my guardian god's greatly to drive a vehicle representing such

>> No.22758693

yea the guy In the lambo I saw looked like he was in his mid to upper 40's and definitely on roids. But I can't blame him, his life is better than mine at the moment

>> No.22759099

>He loses his license
low iq beta anon confirmed get back on your bike

>> No.22759104

Buying supercars as a status symbols is for the wealthy pleb. Buying supercars as a trophy of achievement not of one's self, but of mankind is another story. Respect and admiration for the engineering prowess of those who chose to make such a niche product is in some way laudable. It's at such extremes that we can find new means to exploit our expanding understanding of the world for the greater good of the common man. But the real respect should ultimately be given to the poorer tinkerer who toils in his garage, not as a means to success but simply in an act of passion for the field he pursues. It is also at this extreme that we find more development for a sum greater than the parts.

But the formermost reeks of trailer-trash-esque social identity based on a shallow collectorship of goods.

>> No.22759206

It may or may not be better. When these losers do stuff like this, it's to cope with how shit their lives actually are. They are the same spineless losers that would take it up the ass from a jewish exec if it meant they could have 15 minutes of fame.

>> No.22759473

You're a homeless faggot that seeks attention by tripfagging an anonymous board. But yeah, some dude in a lambo has it way worse.

>> No.22759614
File: 135 KB, 1250x600, 001-2015-Lotus-Exige-S-Automatic-autofilou-1250x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer car

I would get this

>> No.22759883

My favorite car is the Lamborghini Reventon. Probably won’t depreciate and actually will appreciate because they only made 100 and will never make more. Costs like 2 mil tho

>> No.22759965

OK so what is it that you know that we dont?