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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22749176 No.22749176 [Reply] [Original]

I do-NOT understand how anyone is opposed to capitalism you guys!
It's a fair democracy based, infallible system of progress based on failure or success.
I mean, because MONEY! money doesn't lie, and does not play games. Everybody cares about it to some degree and therefore payment of it constitutes an endorsement of all the believes said money is invested in. This way all the unworthy business go bankrupt and all of the democratically decided businessess worth existing due to whatever reason, are given a shot to be preserved and improve.
How is this not objectively the best way of elimination of the worst and preservation of the best? Why is anyone possibly against it, why is it even an argyment?

>> No.22749200
File: 3 KB, 231x218, 1600799959776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait faggot

>> No.22749251

You and your family needs to be executed

>> No.22749289

the sentiment is mutual

>> No.22749318

Because the third position is better in every respect. Capitalism and communism both lead to the inevitable destruction of mankind. The one because of greed, the other because of delusion.

>> No.22749347

Youre a fucking idiot. Any other system is fucked and if you would study history even slightly you would see this. Fuck you, you socialist faggot.

>> No.22749350

your "third" position is just re branded capitalism

>> No.22749422

Third position is national socialisim, die.

>> No.22749462

it still fundamentally has an ownership class that dictates the means of productions
how is this not capitalism?

>> No.22749525

retarded communist wants gibs, doesnt want to work, and doesnt care if we turn into venezuela because muh real communism has never been tried. thank god for the 2nd amendment.

>> No.22749580

>thank god for the 2nd amendment.
what the fuck are your beliefs
>omg i lub me some nazi cock
>but i also like deep throating mutt marican cock

how do these things not come across as fundamentally different

>> No.22749595

So does communisim you crumb. Just stop posting and kill yourself.

>> No.22749637

>it still fundamentally has an ownership class that dictates the means of productions
>So does communisim you crumb. Just stop posting and kill yourself.

stay in school underage faggot

>> No.22749696


>> No.22749722
File: 12 KB, 230x219, 1594961201979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democracy based
There lies the problem

>> No.22749726

>braindead commie trys to make an argument
Kill yourself, you have no argument, and no knowledge of what you talk about.

>> No.22749783

>>braindead commie trys to make an argument
>Kill yourself, you have no argument, and no knowledge of what you talk about.

you mind telling me how im wrong
or are you just going to keep spurging and telling me how stupid i am

>> No.22749860


tu quoque fallacy, third position exposed and debunked it's still just capitalism but with death squads

>> No.22749967

Off topic.
Mods need to ban for 30 days.

>> No.22750055

capitalism off-topic on a bizuness and finance board

>> No.22750076

wouldn't it be closer to pol or lit

>> No.22750209

Its not, death squads are a meme.
Your a commie livestream your suicide

>> No.22750273

>Its not, death squads are a meme.
>>>22749783 (You)
>Your a commie livestream your suicide
are you ever going to defend your position/beliefs
your giving your side a bad image

>> No.22750327

and communism hasn't? Oh right, real communism has never been tried

>> No.22750335

The only good thing about communism is that it’s good at killing communists.

>> No.22750355

>and communism hasn't? Oh right, real communism has never been tried

i never said that
and it has been tried, and it was the best goddamned thing on this earth

>> No.22750359

What would my side be shithead?

>> No.22750363
File: 103 KB, 595x381, 20120721_wwd000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related this conversation has been had and resolved for many years now maybe commies should read a fucking book

>> No.22750405

okay you are baiting. Each communist regime, socialists included has fundamental flaws in stability and no mechanisms to re-stabilize. A capitalist regime at least can deal with crisis, one based on redistribution can't

>> No.22750452

>Each communist regime, socialists included has fundamental flaws in stability and no mechanisms to re-stabilize

what was ww1,the civil war and ww2 to the soviets?

>> No.22750511

>imagine being this much of a goy

>> No.22750833

with every crisis the communists became more autocratic and feudal. After Stalin keeled over it became more capitalistic. The end of the story is, re-distribution is unstable and can't prevail on its own as it makes those dependent by the centralized regime, which every re-distribution system needs to organize, weaker, less innovative and in the end will be eaten up by a stronger more stable system.

>> No.22750867

looks like im a commie now

>> No.22750997

devours all potential counterarguments
by proxy people are paying with their time and energy. So what other possible system could be more fair than people voluntarily paying with their naturally given life-forces in exchange for whatever this specific company offers!!!!!!???

>> No.22751057

Bad bait. All I will say is... who argues that capitalism is perfect?

>> No.22751130

Those looking over in envy and asking themselves, why are all my people lazy, non innovative faggots that are good for nothing, beside for multiplying and being used for fueling the ovens

>> No.22751848

This is incredible bait. Literally no one has actually read the post.

>> No.22752049

The stupidest thing is when they say that the capitalists have all the power because they own the means of production. If capitalists had all the power over workers, why would they choose to pay some workers very high salaries instead of paying everyone the bare minimum? Communists believe some mind numbingly stupid shit.

>> No.22752227

imagine being as uneducated as all of you are

>> No.22752267


>> No.22753496


>> No.22753563

go to /pol/ you are annoying

>> No.22753764

>capitalism (...) it's a fair democracy based, infallible system
>money doesn't lie, and does not play games.
>all of the democratically decided businessess worth existing due to whatever reason, are given a shot to be preserved and improve.

>> No.22753895

It is currently in use in human groups in both modern, and primitive society. But the dumb don't see it.

>> No.22754248

I could explain in detail why your threads fail. But you haven't gotten over the /leftypol/ phase, sad