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22735663 No.22735663 [Reply] [Original]

>if the jews really control the USA then why are they trying to kill the vaping industry?
For years, this question has been in my mind. But it just hit me. Nicotine suppresses appetite. That means Americans would eat far less food. That means that the cost of americans smoking/vaping on the food industry must be enormous. This has to be the reason.

>> No.22735693

No, they'd just prefer you to use regular cigarettes. Vaping is actually slightly healthier. It really is that simple

>> No.22735726

check out $kavl on the OTC if you wanna get in on the ground floor of a vape company. They just filed with the FDA and they're gonna break out huge from it.

>> No.22735749

Marijuana. Jews have to supress marijuana: 1. To control medicine through pharma for profit and to force you to take what they want, 2. Marijuana gives you the ability to see through their bullshit and become a producer not consumer if you have enough, 3. Evil bastards who like to see you suffer without sleep aid, autoimmune boosting, relaxant, and mood booster that is marijuana

>> No.22735752

That is something that crossed my mind but Marlboro owns juul and they were selling more than ever before. So why would they attack themselves?

>> No.22735758

Cost of vape: about $60, lasts forever
Cost of vape coil: about $5, lasts 2 weeks or so
cost of vape juice: about $10-15, lasts 2-4 weeks

Now compare with the cost of a pack of cigarettes: $15-20 here, LASTS A FUCKING DAY!

That's your reason. You can't sell vape juice for as much as you can sell cigarettes for, and it lasts for too long.

>> No.22735800

>nirajkumar patel
is that you niraj?

>> No.22735830

Didn't know that
ok good point

>> No.22735915

That’s white people not Jews

>> No.22735984
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It's just virtue signaling by politicians to seem like the good guys to boomers.

>This new technology is confusing and scary, but don't worry we will keep your children safe

>> No.22736099

More like nonblack christians and jews

>> No.22736132
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There's also the health benefits. Nicotine is a known nootropic and never been shown to be addicting. Only botched studies on tobacco or nicotine + maois. It's kind of op so trying to force people into the nerfed version with known health risks is the only good kike move they have here. You see the same stuff with fit shaming and making testosterona illegal, even for low t guys taking doses to get high normal ranges. Of course estrogen and progesterone are totally kosher and easily available. Nicotine, Adderall, and test is a godly combination. I only go swimming and do a basic AB full body workout twice a week yet I look and feel better than people who go five times a week. Once I get older I'm adding gh to the mix two. Preventative medicine is not profitable so it's mostly illegal just to keep goyim from getting any funny ideas. Beautiful and strong people are also hard to manipulate or control so there is also that. They hate guns for the same reason. Fun on their own and can be used to provide food.

>> No.22736186

the first thing you need to understand is there is no such thing as america, that was the first trick

>> No.22736705
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nicotine is somewhere between 90-95% healthier
weak, sickly, goyim are weak goyim
weak goyim are fleeced for their family's life savings when they get lung cancer at 50
weak goyim spend 100 of thousands to millions to corrupt healthcare before the finally croak
also: big tobacco lobbys
its always about the money and nothing else

>> No.22736825
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It has to with bonds, anon. There was something in the 90s called the General Settlement, or something, where Big Tabacco agreed to pay the states X amount of dollars to cover healthcare costs. The states spent that money into the future, then wrote bonds against future income from it.
>People stop smoking cigarettes, state bonds go bust.

>> No.22736900

The actual non schizo answer is that they were
A. Marketing to children
B. Retards were selling literally poison
C. The people who then bought this shit go and complain
D. The FDA steps in and starts to regulate

Is it that hard?

>> No.22736908
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>The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) was entered in November 1998, originally between the four largest United States tobacco companies (Philip Morris Inc., R. J. Reynolds, Brown & Williamson and Lorillard – the "original participating manufacturers", referred to as the "Majors") and the attorneys general of 46 states. The states settled their Medicaid lawsuits against the tobacco industry for recovery of their tobacco-related health-care costs.[1]:25 In exchange, the companies agreed to curtail or cease certain tobacco marketing practices, as well as to pay, in perpetuity, various annual payments to the states to compensate them for some of the medical costs of caring for persons with smoking-related illnesses. The money also funds a new anti-smoking advocacy group, called the Truth Initiative, that is responsible for such campaigns as Truth and maintains a public archive of documents resulting from the cases. Study of this archive revealed the "tobacco industry playbook" and its parallels with techniques used in climate change denial.

The settlement also dissolved the tobacco industry groups Tobacco Institute, the Center for Indoor Air Research, and the Council for Tobacco Research. In the MSA, the original participating manufacturers (OPM) agreed to pay a minimum of $206 billion over the first 25 years of the agreement.
holy shit you're not lying

>> No.22737067
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I can still get dank nic salts in PA.

>> No.22737135

>you're not lying
Yeah, that's it. Master Settlement. States like New York, Illinois and California that are broke already - were counting on those billions from big tobacco (not to mention state tax revenue on cigarette sales) to fund pensions, entitlement programs et al. That's why Big Tobacco and the States collaborated to come down on the vaping industry, especially in the most "broke" states. I like in NY and all flavors were banned.

>> No.22737137
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utterly genius observation bobro. why haven't you written a PhD thesis on this yet?

>> No.22737147

>retards selling poison
They weren't selling vape juice. They were selling bad THC vape pods. Completely unrelated. Also. the lung issues could have been unironically covid 19.

>> No.22737193

Marlboro *bought* juul. It was selling more than ever until they got rid of everything but the tobacco flavors. Now puff bars are the big seller, nobody wants juul because the choices are tobacco or tobacco with menthol. No good flavors.

>> No.22737429

In any industry you always wind up with idiots who don't know what they're doing. The vaping industry is no exception. There are honest people before regulations there are dishonest people after.

It only takes one bad apple to get a new regulations for your entire industry.