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22722090 No.22722090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it interesting that all the people on this board,(who are mostly white conservatives) are desperately trying to get rich with crypto so they dont have to be wage cucks, yet, at the same time, the very laws and policies that would make their inevitable wage cucking lives 10x easier, with free healthcare, no tax gain by reducing the unnecessary budget on military and fixing simple mismanagement in the gov in general. Instead they decide to literally vote against their own interest for the greater good of everybody in the country, why? Because they think they are special. Whether its because they are white, or they think they are smarter than everyone else. Leme clue you guys in on something, your not special, and your intelligence is average at best. Take a step back and think logically without all of you racial and familial bias. Stop falling for the propoganda by the rich to keep you a slave and turn your hate filled lives into something worthwhile. Conservatism is against you, join the ideals that want to help you, no not your ideal self that is a millionaire already, the real you, the normie that is sitting on the computer reading this rn. Good luck on your growth. Love all. Peace.

>> No.22722225

what have you done that's so successful?

>> No.22722277

Agreed. National socialism is the only path forward.

>> No.22722278

Commies get the rope.

>> No.22722304

>conservative whites
I'm neither

>> No.22722307

Isn't it interesting that people on this board will write entire essays about why I'm better than them?

>> No.22722330

>Conservatism is against you
Duh! But so are the Leftist parties!

>> No.22722351
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fuck you commie, I'm not reading your life story

>> No.22722353

fuck off comie

>> No.22722361

Nice half-assed attempt at getting under the skin of /biz/ users, faggot. Try harder next time.

>> No.22722456

Success based off monetary gain or supposed success in your career is pointless and is simply a way for most to occupy their boredom. I base success off of emotional and other mental growth aspects. I'm not saying I am special by any means, but I have been able, through constant self therapy and reflection, been able to completely rid myself of all bias, hate, and depression. I know you didn't ask but here is another thing I've come to accept, everything, be it animals, plants, insects, all have the exact same worth in the grand scheme, which is essentially 0.I have also come to the conclusion that the universe has a purpose, but it is not us, and whether there is a god or not will never be known, we are just a random by product of the formation and inevitable collapse of the universe.

>> No.22722649

Lefties always think they are enlightened intellects because they "see through the materialistic greed" and think everybody can live well if we put reins on those doing the best.

Hate to break it to you but even if you taxed every billionaire 100% you wouldn't be able to fix every problem. Losers will always be losers, you give a homeless person 1k a month to 'get on their feet'and they will simply buy more drugs until the money stops. People always say capitalism like it is an option for socialism, no capitalism means people can earn value based on value they provide, anything else is inefficient. Also if you actually looking into what trump is doing you will see he pulls troops out of war and cuts medical costs whilst lefties simply just take more taxes and even let medical expenses etc rise because they are getting kickbacks

>> No.22722702

>words >words >words >words >words >words >words >words >words >words >words >words


>> No.22722832

Not against capitalism, just pro free healthcare and better education. Also, I didn't say tax the rich, taxes can be the same for them as it is now, the only way to actually fix our problems is to handle the ungodly amount of mismanagement in the government. I would estimate almost 30% or more of our taxes is literally just lost through horrible mismanagement. It will take a long time to fix the mismanagement but taking steps in the right direction is the first step. Yes, democrats have plenty of mismanagement themselves, but when you look at everything through a non-biased lens, the democrats are the better choice, as long as we increase local voting, we should be able to minimize mismanagement of taxes in the long run, which would allow for much more money to touch everyone's lives through better education, healthcare, etc...

>> No.22722845

You sound like a 15 year old who just watched a Che Guevara documentary and think he’s hot as fuck. “Stop falling for rich people propaganda” is something anyone of any belief system can say to anyone else of any other belief system mein neger.

>> No.22722860

fuck off kike

>> No.22722865
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>free healthcare, no tax gain by reducing the unnecessary budget on military and fixing simple mismanagement in the gov in general
Nice, subtle attempt to shill for socialist governments. First of all, fuck this ideology end everyone that espuses it. You also seem to be fooled by the /pol/lutant leakage that /biz/ is by any means conservative. /biz/ is a libertarian board, which means that any form of government increase is undesired. It is just coincidental that libertarians and 4chan natzees happen to align on some socioeconomic issues. This happened only because the left/progressives have become batshit insane with the policies they want to implement and their blatant racism towards whites. The left and the party (parties for yuros) that you are trying to shill are detrimental to future prosperity of individuals and groups alike.

As for you nihilish about everything having zero value blah blah blah, I only have to say that you are a weak, insecure faggot with nothing to show to and for himself. Take your spiel and shove it up your arse
>inb4 white supremacist
t. liberal progressive immigrant

>> No.22722903

You are a complete moron. Socialized healthcare would never work BECAUSE of the minorities that milk the ever loving fuck out of subsidized healthcare already. At a massive scale like you're proposing, no one would receive quality, or timely healthcare. Fuck off you dumb commie. Jesus christ.

>> No.22722931

Also, the homeless and drug addiction issues are easily solved by increased quantity and quality of education. Education, plus a little boost to those in need has been proven many times to actually make a lasting effect. Also stopping the ridiculous war on drugs, bullshit interference in other countries for monetary gain, and not demonizing anyone that has made a mistake throughout their lives are also steps in the right direction. Conservatives take steps back, Dems take steps forward, however slow those steps are.

>> No.22723033

Lmfao, free healthcare has been proven to work in many countries. By the way, free healthcare doesn't mean you have to use it, their would still be private insurance for those who have the means. Canada's healthcare system works just fine, get your head out your ass and find some real evidence of free healthcare not working that isn't some bullshit biased source that creates a study literally just to make free healthcare look bad theoretically. Anyone with a brain knows that in practice, it works just fine, and saves millions of lives a year.

>> No.22723181

Your entire argument is that progressives are racist towards whites. Name one policy that is racist towards whites pushed by progressives that aren't the screaming SJW trans retard minority. By the way, the majority of the democratic party is white lol. Also, 4chan in its entirety is anti- anyone that isn't white, your not smart, your just racist and need to find something to make yourself not feel like a dumbass. Let go of your bias, you will feel better, your miserable BECAUSE you hold onto these hate filled beliefs, not because of the actions of others. Take accountability for your own mind.

>> No.22723204

It takes weeks to get surgeries in Canada you nigger, and like 5 weeks to get a CT scan. I could have one scheduled within 1 week after asking my primary care doctor. You have no idea how the healthcare industry works you fucking mong. I've worked for F500 companies in healthcare and have almost 10 years of work in the healthcare industry. shut the fuck up you idealistic faggot. you're probably a burnout 24 year old with a liberal arts degree

>> No.22723216

Nice 200 essay

>> No.22723232

fuck off back to r/politics redditfag

>> No.22723236

>your not smart

>> No.22723242
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>stop falling for the propaganda
>I have rid myself of all bias
>when you look at everything through a non-biased lens
come back when you're an adult, anon

>> No.22723275

I never used to be conservative until democrats became commies. BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!! fuck off with that. I'd rather deal with the flaws of conservatism than live as a poor commie fag bending the knee to black lives matter.

>> No.22723302


And your conclusion was to turn to Evil. To rob those more successful than you through the Government, because you are too much of a coward to rob people yourself.

You are lazy, self-absorbed, greedy and utterly useless. Pathetic.

>> No.22723374

Based advocacy of the program of the NSDAP

>> No.22723386

It only takes weeks for surgeries that aren't needed immediately, and they are free so you don't lose your entire net worth once its all done and over with. Anything that is urgent happens immediately and completely free with rehabilitation on top of it. If you worked so long in the healthcare industry, you would know that its severely mismanaged and broken thanks to the insurance companies. Tell me again, how 500 dollars for 2 tylenols is an optimally working healthcare industry. Your wrong and you know it. Btw, do you guys lack the ability to talk to people with different beliefs without throwing out random insults throughout every post with minimal actual content.

>> No.22723389

>You have no idea how the healthcare industry works you fucking mong. I've worked for F500 companies in healthcare and have almost 10 years of work in the healthcare industry.
He thinks his experience of working in a broken system is relevant.
Britbong here. You can wait 5 weeks for a CT on the NHS or you can pay privately and have it scheduled within a week. Rich people get the same high level of health and poor people don't strain the ER system with as many preventable issues. It is financially a net win.
Look outside your little bubble and mature out of the "everyone who disagrees with me is a 24 yo libtard" mentality.

>> No.22723391

Fuck you leftist university faggot I used to think like you once, I always thought socialism was the ultimate solution, then I saw what real people are like in work and wider society and the jews and/or sociopaths at the top think about people like you and turned in the space of 2 years, and you will do too one day. I have 130 IQ everyone acts like insect NPCs compared to me and the virgins on this board.

>> No.22723394

Shooting the dealers is good too

>> No.22723418

lmfao, stop making stuff up, ive said twice throughout this thread that I dont want to raise taxes, but handle mismanaged taxes and cut out the middle man that is price gouging everything called the military and insurance companies. Find a real argument and get back to me, dw, il wait.

>> No.22723420

it's because we know that every single fucking person would become a leech like us if they voted those laws.
I'm from Belgium and I've seen it happen there

>> No.22723431

Free healthcare for all plus non stop stream of immigrants? Have you considered this yet if so how do you think it will go?

>> No.22723438


Taxation is theft and doctors don't work for free. What you suggest is called slavery. You are evil.

>> No.22723454

So nothing

>> No.22723457

Your judgement is clouded because you deal with assholes everyday, if you are so much smarter than them then how do you fall for the same shit they have.

>> No.22723474

get outta here nigger lover

>> No.22723487

pls answer question Rajesh

>> No.22723495

I'm pretty capitalist here, the only valid point is the healthcare. The US healthcare system seems fucked from the rest of the world perspective, I'd rather my taxes pay my healthcare bills or have a separate outlined monthly health insurance payment to the state like a lot of countries have. American healthcare costs more per person on average, so I'd rather save the money.

>> No.22723499
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>> No.22723502
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>> No.22723518



>> No.22723529
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>Name one policy that is racist towards whites pushed by progressives that aren't the screaming SJW trans retard minority
Affirmative action on the top of my head but I am probably wrong as this is not only against whites but asians as well. I'd probably know even more if I was in the US and more involved in you r country's politics

>Also, 4chan in its entirety is anti- anyone that isn't white
That's true after only after 2016

>your not smart
The irony of this sentence

> your just racist and need to find something to make yourself not feel like a dumbass. Let go of your bias, you will feel better, your miserable BECAUSE you hold onto these hate filled beliefs, not because of the actions of others. Take accountability for your own mind.
You ost as if you know me and have drawn your conclusions based on a few sentences I wrote on this shithole. You commie fucks cannot be more stereotypical even if you tried to. I'm not racist and I fucking hate this word and how it's being used. I'm also not even white and don't post as if you know me because you know jack shit who I am, what I do and how I have formed my opinions, values and beliefs. Stop making assumptions aout people based on vague stuff you probably picked up in some psychology class.

As for the free healthcare you are touting works in other countries, I would like to see you trying to use the healthcare system in any of these places and then come back here to have another discussion about the glory of "free" healthcare and education. I honestly hope you are below 20 so you still have time to fix the shit that is in your skull

>> No.22723561

>Success based off monetary gain or supposed success in your career is pointless

Translation: I didn't amount to anything, so I want the system to cater to me instead of to people who did amount to something.

t. person who amounted to something

>> No.22723562

Legal immigrants pose literally no issue, the type you see on the news pushing to change things are a minority. When it really comes down to it, the average immigrant just wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. They may have different beliefs, but they pay taxes as long as you give them the opportunity to work. If anything, immigrants work far harder than people that are born in America because they know what its like to live in a third would shit hole. Make legal immigration easier, and illegal immigration will be greatly reduced. Also, demonizing people that are just trying to have a better life is pretty fucked up, doesn't take much thought and compassion to figure that one out.

>> No.22723597

see >>22723431
YOU are in the broken system. No one is saying the US is perfect but thinking the NHS system is sustainable in the near future is ridiculous. Say whatever you want, it's going to be on you in 50 years when you're old and unable to get decent healthcare because Mohammed needs IVF for his white wife to make sure he has more sons and you're wondering where it all went wrong

>> No.22723626

Also here to add to the health care argument.
NHS (as much as it is inefficient as fuck etc) is actually the only sensible thing about UK.
It's the fact it comes out as 8percent of everyone's wage check and by law you have to pay.
Means the majority of healthy people pay for all the sick kids.
Problem you retards have is not everyone pays for health care insurance which means the premiums for everyone are higher. So you fuck yourselves over

>> No.22723647

That scenario is literally something you would hear from some right wing nut job on the corner of the road. Its a ridiculous thought and nobody is taking what you just said seriously.

>> No.22723657

jesus christ faggot stop stinking up this thread with your pseud bs

>> No.22723658

I’m not demonizing anyone and it doesn’t matter if they work hard and pay taxes. It takes a lifetime of taxes to come close to covering a health service, if you move new people in non stop and give them access to the free health service it’s literally impossible. You either end up with Victorian style shithole hospitals or 20 year waiting lists

>> No.22723690


Lmao yeah bro it's just a LITTLE bit of Communism! Just vote Democrat, they have been installing a little bit of Communism every day since the assassination of Kennedy. Sure 250 million people died, but this time it will work for sure!

I am going to find and hurt you.

>> No.22723704
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>> No.22723705

>got rid of all bias
>assumes this board is predominantly white cons, with no real data on hand

>> No.22723718

its a ridiculous thought to say that you welcome changing demographics in your country via immigration and having everyone else pay for the burden of double digit IQ brown people that produce nothing

>> No.22723722

Affirmative action does not hurt whites at all, where do you get your propaganda from? Whites don't need help getting a good education and getting into a good university. They are already in a better position in the world from the very start, by the way, very few universities actually meet their max capacity, so its a pointless argument that it hurts whites, it just helps minorities. Helping minorities doesn't automatically means hurting whites. Life is not a zero-sum game like you have been led to believe.

>> No.22723740

kys nigger

>> No.22723761
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OP basically likes to sniff his own shit and think he somehow is more evolved than all of us, despite having accomplished literally nothing. He is a complete narcissist

>> No.22723763

lmfao, come find me big guy, nobody is afraid of you, your probably a stick, only an insecure pussy would try to threaten somebody over the internet.

>> No.22723766
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listen you ignorant basedboy faggot, this is 4chan, not reddit, nobody comes here to write (or read) 5-paragaph essays about how some faggot achieved enlightenment and came to realize that all the problems of the world can be solved by voting for one party over the other

you're either a moron or a child if you believe that you "rid yourself of all bias", especially if all you have to show for your zen enlightenment is "vote for this political party"

there are people on this board who make $100k, $200k, $300k, and more, and I'll bet they've donated infinitely more time and money to actually improving society compared to what you choose to do -- writing faggoty moralizing screeds on 4chan about how voting for Democrats is the path of enlightenment

why don't you get out of your basement and find a way to actually help improve the world instead of trying to convince yourself and strangers on the internet that you "see the world through a non-biased lens" and that somehow makes you morally superior to the people who make more money and do more good for the world than you ever will

>> No.22723771

Well he has a fair point. The jobs that pay the most are the ones where you can siphon the most money possible out of unsuspecting victims. In this case, most of them are in health care, where $5k for a box of tissues is normal.
Personally I make a decent income too, WFH. But I’m not gonna pretend like my company doesn’t do the same practices.

>> No.22723792

Yeah, a narcissist that wants the greater good for all people, I'M the narcissist. Nice try,

>> No.22723802

Lefty as fuck here anon. Nothing of that american marxist bullshit tho.
Have to ride this shitty game anon I cant overthrow it on my own. If you cant beat them... Join and earn some crypto bucks

>> No.22723814
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Eat a bag of dicks commie.

Also crypto is a fucking scam.

>> No.22723817


>> No.22723831

>Has no bias
>"Everyone in 4chan is anti-anythingthatisntwhite"
After wasting my time reading some of OPs answers. He has to be baiting. I refuse to believe a person can be this disconnected from their own brain.

>> No.22723842
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>> No.22723852

You dumbass, universities have limited positions. If you force a university to give seats up for less capable individuals, guess what? Someone who is more capable doesn't get that seat.

Affirmative action hurts literally everyone involved. The taxpayers, the niggers who can't even or odd, the asian who has to score much higher to get in, etc. No one benefits when you puts chimps where they don't belong simply on the virtue of the shit color of their skin.

>> No.22723881

unironically true, anyone saying they will work for the greater good of "the people" is a narcissist.

>> No.22723905

Are you talking about a place like Harvard? Thats probably the only type of university that actually gets filled completely. You ever heard of rolling admissions? Virtually every university has plenty of space and only super elite schools are effected at all by affirmative action.

>> No.22723909


Small things will start to go wrong for you. You'll wonder, is this is a coincidence? It isn't. I am doing that to you. Then I will start escalating. Rapidly. You will beg, but Communists aren't people so mercy and the rules of engagement don't apply. I will never stop. All you had to do was not be evil. Now I am going to destroy everything you love. And you won't even knowingly see my face. Thanks, surveillance state.

>> No.22723913

>giving someone that does a shittier job because they are black is a good thing! don't hire the guy in the top 1% of his class as a rocket scientist, hire the guy at the bottom 10% because he's black and we need diversity!

>> No.22723922
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Yeah you are the narcissist who thinks he is capable of making decisions "for the greater good". Your decisions are shit just like you.

How about before you try to make decisions "for the greater good", you make decisions for the good of yourself, your family, and those around you?

oh wait, you can't because you are a completely incapable retard.

>> No.22723945
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Prepare for trouble
And make it doubles

>> No.22723974

Name one policy I have laid out that supports narcissism, I have nothing to gain from them, I just believe that because this is our only shot at life (knowing their is almost no chance of an afterlife), we should make it the best we can for all involved. I know that may be impossible to believe because all you know is selfishness, but its possible.

>> No.22723994

>only super elite schools are effected at all by affirmative action.

right so you already conceded that your point is shit. You acknowledged that affirmative action places people where they don't belong and that it does effect "certain" schools.

I say it effects all schools because you shouldn't place someone in a slot because of the color of their skin rather than by merit.

What is your experience with schools and universities? What does rolling admission have to do with anything?

>> No.22724007

>Helping minorities doesn't automatically means hurting whites.
Lowering the bar for certain ethnic groups while keeping it high for the "privileged" does not only hurt the latter group but hurts education mostly. Academia has lost much of its prestige and credibility because even top tier schools have become diploma mills and the scientific output is in poor compared to the output of "academics" and "scientists" coming out every year. If you fail to see how affirmative action hurts everyone involved, get out of this thread and dyofr.
>Life is not a zero-sum game like you have been led to believe.
Tell that to my boss, city council and national government commie

>> No.22724010

Socialism and communism are honestly very nice

For max 2 generations

After that, the shit legacy leaders take over and it all goes to hell. If you had a style of communism where after every two generations, the leaders would be shot dead, it would work extremely well

>> No.22724026

Thats not how affirmative action works, usually applicants at those top schools are virtually eactly equal in prospects. They all have 4.0's and essentially are a draw, affirmative action only effects them in that particular instance. And trust me, that white guy that got beat by a draw by a black dude has plenty of opportunity and will do just fine. Its a pointless thing to worry about and literally effects almost nobody badly.

>> No.22724046


Bitcoin is a technology and is indifferent to your political ideology you pleb.

>> No.22724089

Thats not true at all. Blacks can score much lower than average and get into college based off affirmative action, and asians have to score much higher than average to get in.

You literally have no idea what you are talking about because you are an incompetent narcissistic retard.

>> No.22724095

What are you blabbering about? The majority of you commenters keep putting words in my mouth, I never said anything about communism, or even socialism for that matter. We basically have socialism as it is with law enforcement and military, all I want to do is add healthcare and education into the mix, why do you guys keep switching what I say to fit your narrative?

>> No.22724186

You support affirmative action which is a SJW policy and a precursor to communism. That's why people think you are a communist.

>> No.22724192

>Only the best institutions in the country, who have historically produced our leaders and brightest minds are affected by it
That’s not good, and you just moved the goal posts from “It doesn’t affect anything” to “It only affects this”. I am a black anon, and I agree with the immigrant anon who initially called you out. It’s also ridiculous how your initial post is predicated on the assumption that everyone here is some white conservative. Your posts reek of arrogance, and you give off the vibe that you’re better than everyone else in the room. I am unconvinced by your weak arguments.

>> No.22724193

Gosh, you republicans label everything contrary to your elitist free market and trickle down economics as "socialism." Historical ignorance.

>> No.22724224

Never even said I was pro affirmative action, just said that I dont see it as something to really worry about. Probably would be better without it, but not enough of a problem to not vote democrat.

>> No.22724248

Because that's what many conservatives do. Look at Trump, he does it too. Note also how rather than taking you up on your ideas, the response is ad hominem. This seems to be a common strategy for the right.

>> No.22724265

You have a savior complex and you passive aggressively paint anyone who disagrees with you as stupid or selfish. At the same time, you’re not actually doing much for this “greater good” you preach of, other than arguing on an anime imageboard.

>> No.22724291

Nice quality bait OP

>> No.22724303

lmfao, I didnt even write that thing you highlighted in green. You literally just wrote that sentence acting as if I wrote it. And get real, all of 4chan is overrun by hate spewing conservatives, there is no point in me even trying to convince you if you actually believe otherwise. Its right in front of you.

>> No.22724313

/biz/ BTFO

>> No.22724347

Lol, look at average MCAT/LSAT scores for admittance into law/medical school. As a black anon, I can score much lower and still be admitted into top programs because I’m an “under represented minority”. Had a friend with a 2.9 GPA and a slightly above average LSAT get admitted into an Ivy League program. Good for him, but that would never happen for a White/Asian applicant.

>> No.22724353

German here, you talk bullshit.
We have all the "good socialist stuff" here an it still sucks without personal wealth.

>> No.22724359

>they think they are smarter than everyone else.
The vast majority of my life has done nothing but confirm this. I don't vote. Stay salty ;)

>> No.22724362

You don't see something wrong with getting something because you couldn't get it with just merit?

Do you want affirmative action for our leadership, where you put someone in a position of power, not by merit, but by being in a demographic?

Do you want people in charge of nuclear power plants to be there because they circled a certain bubble in an application, rather than by them being proficient in the field?

What if we were playing a sport and you won, but because of affirmative action I actually "win" and get to move on to the next stage?

>but not enough of a problem to not vote democrat.

you do realize that the democrats are in the process of trying to overthrow the government through a communist coup, right?

>> No.22724393

No, I just felt like posting this sentiment here and seeing the response. The responses are obviously, exactly what I believed they would be. Also, not spreading hate, is probably the only thing everyone needs to do for things to change on their own. It all starts with the irrational fear and hate that conservatives have for everyone else. You get rid of that, and things will fall into place on their own. I also said everyone should vote more, regardless of your belief, go vote in local elections. No one person can do much, but changing the thought process of those that don't see things clearly, will help.

>> No.22724413

The things you're proposing will cause everything to break down you retarded commie faggot. Life is struggle and it always has been. Now get me my fucking big mac before I call your manager over here!

>> No.22724432

Surely humans will get it right this time. Fucking retard.

>> No.22724445

Nobody with a 2.9 GPA is getting into any Ivy league program, so I know you are lying, but nice try, white guy. Cool! A rhyme!

>> No.22724451

Stupid fäggot.

>> No.22724452


>> No.22724473

lmfao, communist coup, do you hear things when nobody is around? Check into reality dude, your gone.

>> No.22724482
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>Isn't it interesting that all the people on this board,(who are mostly white conservatives) are desperately trying to get rich with crypto so they dont have to be wage cucks, yet, at the same time, the very laws and policies that would make their inevitable wage cucking lives 10x easier, with free healthcare, no tax gain by reducing the unnecessary budget on military and fixing simple mismanagement in the gov in general. Instead they decide to literally vote against their own interest for the greater good of everybody in the country, why? Because they think they are special. Whether its because they are white, or they think they are smarter than everyone else. Leme clue you guys in on something, your not special, and your intelligence is average at best. Take a step back and think logically without all of you racial and familial bias. Stop falling for the propoganda by the rich to keep you a slave and turn your hate filled lives into something worthwhile. Conservatism is against you, join the ideals that want to help you, no not your ideal self that is a millionaire already, the real you, the normie that is sitting on the computer reading this rn. Good luck on your growth. Love all. Peace.

>> No.22724498

We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism

>> No.22724514

Your lack of education shows through your grammar and spelling. Kill yourself brainwashed cunt.

>> No.22724524

i cant self reflect if im starving for food and have no food and have no way of getting the food. shut the fuck up. this isnt 1600's anymore. things changed. stupid fucking hippy.

>> No.22724537

Now you are just being disingenuous. In >>22723905 you state only elite schools are “affected at all by affirmative action”. Can one not infer that elite institutions produce people who ultimately fall into the upper echelons of society?

Ah who am I kidding, there’s no way to convince you. An immigrant anon and me, a black person, have told you that this place is not all white conservatives (and of those people on this board, I would wager only a small percentage of them are “hate-spewing”.) but you just tell us no we’re wrong. You’re so high on your own bullshit that you can’t even see that you’re just a pushing a woke version of the white mans burden. Even if this is bait, it’s sad to know that there plenty of people who think like you unironically. On the off chance that this isn’t, perhaps you should go join them on Reddit.

>> No.22724556


>> No.22724557

beautiful digits fren

>> No.22724566

black people are, because of affirmative action.

you think that's a schizo thing to say since you are an uneducated low level thinker. Its reality though.

>> No.22724571

>the ideals that want to help you
kys nigger no one wants to help they just want to feel good by being weak handed faggots

>> No.22724575

>Let's all give up and accept mediocre bland existences with no higher purpose than to consume our Victory Gin
>Anyone who strives to make themselves, the world better and get wealthy in the process by virtue of being compensated for contributing to society is a soulless capitalist who makes me feel bad

>> No.22724609

>free healthcare
Anon. DRs don't work for free. How do you incentivise people to become surgeons?

I'll explain it to you. It's very simple. There are two types of systems.

Reward based (capitalism)
Punishment based (communism)

No one works for free. So, as soon as you stop incentivizing hard work with rewards, the only way to motivate people to work, is through punishment.

Communism is slavery. It is a system that motivates its workers through punishment.

>> No.22724656
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, 0AE1D7E4-F327-4C81-B25B-07244F364E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disagree with you
>Get told I’m white and basically don’t exist
>Get told my friend does not exist
I dislike people like you. I do hope you’re baiting.

>> No.22724727
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Doctors in Canada make plenty, anywho, I think i've made my point with this thread. I am not going to respond anymore. Good bye triggered conservatives. Good luck on your growth. Love All. Peace.

>> No.22724761

Just kys

>> No.22724780

>anyone who doesn’t agree with my views is a conservative
I wish I was this brain dead

>> No.22724799 [DELETED] 

cuckservatives only care about the rich
progreshits only care about niggers
both of them are controlled by (((them)))

only NS cares about the white man's problems

>> No.22724844

now that this asshole is gone let's talk about coins that will 10x in the future.

>> No.22724894
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Need to put some shiny in that pol/ thread

>> No.22724903
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Only one triggered he is you after minorities like me called you out instead of letting you speak for us like we're some sad abused animal. If you weren't baiting, maybe one day you will learn how refusing to believe my anecdote because it didn't fit your narrative, while also calling me a lying white man, is extremely racist. Far more racist than most of the people on this website.

>> No.22724949

You must be 18 to use this website.

>> No.22724967

This anon understands.

>> No.22724991

I am not conservative nor white you racist fuck.

>> No.22725001
File: 104 KB, 1099x726, inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are mentally ill. Nothing you say or do is correct. You are being used. Get help, see the light. That is all.

>> No.22725034

>rich Jews
>going to tax themselves
>and give money to the poor

>> No.22725120
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> also calling me a lying white man, is extremely racist. Far more racist than most of the people on this website.
Unironically true. I don't think most channers actually care about people's race, they just like saying the nigger word because people tell them not to and it makes them upset. I act extremely racist online but I seriously could not give less of a fuck what race you are. I'm pretty sick of being shit on for my white skin 24/7 while also being told how privileged I am, fucking pisses me off and this is how I cope. Liberals are the real racists, so they call everybody else racist preemptively in an attempt to remain hidden. Also, fuck niggers.

>> No.22725160

Well, there are definitely actual new-Nazis on this site, although the extent to which it is a concerted effort remains to be seen.

>> No.22725188
File: 100 KB, 620x412, Did-Only-Angry-White-Men-Help-Trump-Win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is essentially my girlfriends family minus the crypto. Everyone is pretty much minimum age and have no healthcare benefits, retirement plans or own their own house. Most are also getting some type of government benefits, live paycheck to paycheck and the the only way for getting healthcare is checking into the emergency room. But everyone thinks democrats are socialist and will destroy their way of life.

>> No.22725250

Yeah but I think most of us agree that those guys are fags. It is mostly concentrated in /pol/. That board is like a meeting place for when happenings occur. After the fun is over, all of the non schizos fuck off back to their home boards. They exist because this is one of the only websites that has freedom of speech.

>> No.22725288

We're still here. I presume you meant neo, not new though? Anyway, it doesn't really matter, plain old Nazi will suffice if you insist on being derogatory. We do however prefer to be called by our actual name which is national socialists. It's quite amusing to me because our programme of policies is incredibly similar to your, the only difference being we feel that these policies work far more effectively in the context of a cohesive ethic group. We should discuss it sometime.

>> No.22725291

I was just thinking this exact thing while walking by the river this morning. It’s mind blowing how many people are about to vote against their best interests.

>> No.22725317
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the post

>> No.22725342

Beautiful digits agree

>> No.22725378

Hahahahahaha it’s exactly the same here. My mom just went to the ER while waiting for a scan because the wait was another 2 months. The difference is yours is free.

>> No.22725403
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Kill yourself, communist NPC

>> No.22725405
File: 128 KB, 941x775, 1554202963867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make vage shitty arguments targeting white conservatives
>Get upset when people call you out on your highschool level understanding of politics, economics, labour, education etc
>Call people who try to argue in good faith angry white men
>Make generalisations based on things you have read about le 4chan nazzees
>Throw a fit when you are called out on your vague arguments
>Try to shill an idealized version of the policies you want to see implemented and respond with even lower tier arguments when anons call your bs out
I really don't know why I keep wasting my time with people like you

>> No.22725421

SAFE is an interesting bet, migrating to two different coins n all with lead devs that will be desperate to outdo each other.. very interesting bet indeed

>> No.22725467

>and like 5 weeks to get a CT scan.
it took me six weeks for my preauthorization to clear to get an MRI here in America...and I had to pay $375 for it.

This country fucking sucks.

>> No.22725513

FUCK OFF COMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22725635

Libertarians are fucking gey and short-sighted mongoloids that don't think beyond "Republican and democrats are bad." Basically the epitomization of the grug meme on a political level.

>> No.22725682

Btw, just for the fun of it.
Argument didn't target white conservatives, targeted the republican party and 4chan, which the majority is in fact, white conservatives.
Next, I never got upset about anything, and I'm about to complete my Masters, so I believe I have a decent understanding, but even so, most of my belief process is based on real evidence.
Next, if you call random nonstop insults with replies that have virtually no substance and most of all just put words in my mouth, good faith, you need help.
Next, never threw a fit about anything lol, i answered everyone calmly.
Next, its not an idealizes lower tier argument, cant really convince you otherwise though if you refuse to actually do real research.
And no you dont need to waste you time talking to me, just go vote. Good luck on your growth. Love all. Peace.

>> No.22725728
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>> No.22725785

I don’t think you would appreciate it, seeing as I’m not white. But anyway, I have no hate, I just think that the logistics of turning a multicultural society into a singular society are impossible and could only be achieved through mass murder.
Personally, I wouldn’t like to be murdered, and I would assume that you also would not like to be murdered. So I consider murder based on race to be highly unethical.
Thus these policies are not my cup of tea, but I appreciate the discussion.

>> No.22725816

real schizo hours

masters in what?

also you are a hypocrite since you said you wouldn't respond anymore here


which means your word is completely worthless

>> No.22725848

>t. transsexual mixed race capitalist landlord libertarian
OP you're making a lot of pretty big assumptions about who uses a Cambodian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.22725887

GOP states are the poorest, when everyone is poor their income is equal.

>> No.22725904

i'm more than happy to talk with non whites, the program of national socialism is of equal benefit to all races. You seem to have a specific issue whit white people though, may I ask why? While I agree with your view that separation presents some challenges from a technical view I'm glad to see you don't object on moral grounds. When you say the policies aren't your cup of tea, which policies are you referring to?

>> No.22725941

1. Ever hear of a joke?
2. Masters in IT, and thats a weird way to use the term hypocrite, I decided to respond to some response that was entirely wrong in my eyes. At the time I thought i was done responding, are you going to try to make me look bad because i decided to continue responding, is that your best argument here?
3. I dont know what your even figuring out there. All i said was i would stop responding, and that i triggered conservatives, which i did, doesn't make my words worthless, but i guess because you dont like them, they are worthless now? It goes both ways bud.

>> No.22725943

>who are mostly white conservatives
Your whole premise is based on this fact that you pulled out of your ass

>> No.22725956
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reposting a based image

>> No.22725976

I believe green text means I said it? Because I didnt say that, I would say nearly half of the replies are just people completely changing what I said to fit their narrative.

>> No.22725988
File: 39 KB, 419x610, bitch-what-the-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes are supposed to be funny bud

and your word is worthless because it doesn't mean anything

>says he won't respond anymore
>responds anyways

>> No.22725990

TL;DR - next time just post the coin you're shilling as the first sentence.

>> No.22726011

I like how you just completely disengaged from me once calling me white backfired. No shame, just arrogance. Sad.

>> No.22726057

idk maybe the ethnostate one? how can you even sit there and not think what your saying isn't ridiculous. America was literally built by immigrants, you're an immigrant. The thought process you have is not feasible in the present and future of the world. And it is almost always based upon just simple lightly veiled racism

>> No.22726079
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>> No.22726123
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Ask me how I know you're a faggot?
fuck niggers

>> No.22726143

What? i just responded to you in full, and your response is that I didn't respond?

>> No.22726149

I am not sure where you got the idea that I have an issue with whites? The reason I brought up white people is due to the history of National Socialism. The same thing can (and has) happened by people of other races too, it’s just the particular ideology you’re referring to originated in Nazi Germany.

On moral grounds I do disagree, as previously mentioned I believe mass murder based on race to be highly unethical. And I believe this answers your question in regards to the policies I disagree with as well.

>> No.22726158

There is no honest way to deal with these people because they hold no reserve about crawling backwards through their own shit while being smug about it.
To them, that is what winning looks like. They see those that win, and bully, and succeed without ever understanding why. Perpetual Victim logic. They think that if they can keep up their smug attitude then they're winning. A close cousin to the "I was just acting retarded" take.


>> No.22726204

>Isn't it interesting that all the people on this board,(who are mostly white conservatives) are desperately trying to get rich with crypto

shills promoting crypto. i have doubts whether they're even allowed to own a significant portion of it under whatever godforsaken we-have-you-by-the-balls-now NDA they were forced to sign.

>> No.22726205

I'm not an American and don't reside in America. I'm actually not an immigrant, i live in the same country my great great great parents were born in. Why won't you discuss policies? Your original post had a line about dropping your prejudice, why don't you try taking your own advice? You clearly aren't very well informed on the doctrine of national socialism yet you seem to take so many positions inspired by our programme? Where do you think the concept of social healthcare comes from?

>> No.22726209

I don't even know what post you were, are you the guy about the affirmative action? My argument from the get go was never about affirmative action, you cant just bring up one thing from the dem side and because that one thing may be wrong, count literally every other policy wrong, get a grip and get real, the dems have better policies than the republicans overall and thats all there is to it.

>> No.22726218

Uh huh, please show me the responses to >>22724656 or >>22724903
Your only response to me was that I am a lying white guy because you refuse to believe my anecdote which went against your narrative that affirmative action only takes minorities with 4.0s and perfect test scores.

>> No.22726241

shut up faggot, reading this was painful and I want my minutes back

>> No.22726257

I agree that mass murder based on race is unethical, I lack any moral compunction against expulsion though. Are yuo aware that more americans have died in BLM protest than jews died in Christlalnacht?

>> No.22726291

Not sure if you'really new, trolling, or retarded. I was describing myself, your assumptions about who uses this site are not valid.

>> No.22726311

Your policy is so outrageously trolling that its a joke and not even something I can have prejudice towards. You want to have an ethnostate, there is no conversating about something like that, it doesn't take a high sense of morals to see that its not good.

>> No.22726367
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>Argument didn't target white conservatives, targeted the republican party and 4chan, which the majority is in fact, white conservatives.
There's a huge overlap between those two but as I'm ignorant about US politics (I'm europoor, remember?) I will refrain from arguing about things I have little to no knowledge about
>Next, I never got upset about anything, and I'm about to complete my Masters, so I believe I have a decent understanding, but even so, most of my belief process is based on real evidence.
Oddly enough I got a masters in IT as well and also have a job I'm overqualified for and unrelated to what I studied so my masters became worthless. However I also believe I have a decent understanding of the world around me but I try to not draw any conclusions based on things I have not verified by myself and I also base my arguments on evidence and verifiable facts. I used to be like you once but I got hit hard by reality andhad to re-evaluate some things in how I vew this world and how to navigate it. I advise you to do the same before you get a dose of things really work. Academia is not real life
>Next, if you call random nonstop insults with replies that have virtually no substance and most of all just put words in my mouth, good faith, you need help.
I'm not sorry for calling you a faggot and I never put words in your mouth, you are falsely accusing me here but you are a bit correct on unsubstantiated replies because I'm too lazy to do research atm and I'm getting ready to leave for work
>Next, never threw a fit about anything lol, i answered everyone calmly.
Like a passive aggressive cunt. Agian, not sorry if my words make you feel uncomfortable. I'm an aspie and live in a country that you are not allowed to call people names in order to not offend them (1/2)

>> No.22726371

I imagine you take acid at least once a week to be this sick and broken. Hope you realize that path you're on is a lie setup by people to trick you, but you're so far down that rabbithole you should just rope honestly.

>> No.22726402

Lol dude, nobody with a 2.9 gpa gets into an ivy league school, im not calling you a lier, but its not so black and white and your using some random outlier as a precidence for your belief on the subject. And that other post is just you calling me triggered, not much to respond to.

>> No.22726433

Ok, why don't we just discuss domestic social policy then? You seem fixated on the idea of an ethnostate, which I didn't raise at any point. Lets discuss how a country should be governed.

>> No.22726456

> nobody with a 2.9 gpa gets into an ivy league school

Again, Black people do get into ivy league schools with a 2.9 gpa exactly because of affirmative action. That's the issue.

>> No.22726479

>I agree that mass murder based on race is unethical, I lack any moral compunction against expulsion though.
I don’t believe the logistics of that are possible, nor would they result in the results you desire. Historically speaking so-called “ethnostates” tend to split themselves up into subgroups and start the same in-fighting all over again. And whites are no exception, there are many different types of white people.
> Are yuo aware that more americans have died in BLM protest than jews died in Christlalnacht?
I am not sure what the purpose of this statement is.

>> No.22726496

lmfao, believing that an ethnostate is a horrible thing, especially when your trying to make it happen to a place that is already diverse by literally kicking out anyone of a certain ethnicity is a trick played on me? are you serious? get a grip dude, your mentally ill

>> No.22726520


economic and physical separation of disparate groups is entirely ethical.

>> No.22726532


>Next, its not an idealizes lower tier argument, cant really convince you otherwise though if you refuse to actually do real research.
I've lived in 2 countries so far and have visited a few other european countries with free healthcare and education and, at least to my experience, the use of such countries an an example to what you want for your country will have adverse results
>And no you dont need to waste you time talking to me, just go vote. Good luck on your growth. Love all. Peace
We established you forgot I'm not a burger but I'm not gonna blame you for that. I'm not voting for reasons unimportant to our discussion so I'll skip that but I have to tell you the following:

Soon you will face a dilemma: Keep clinging to your idealised society and how everyone else you disagree with has to change and conform to your vision of what everyone else has to do for this to realize. The other option is to come to terms that people are idiots and it's up to you to either put in the work and bring those changes to reality (i.e get involved in politics) or at least try to improve your own life and the lifes of those close to you

>> No.22726534
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>Lol dude, nobody with a 2.9 gpa gets into an ivy league school
the absolute state of plebbit

>> No.22726578

>muh nihilism
Just kys

>> No.22726624

Show me statistics that illegal immigrants are a net positive for the economy.

>> No.22726626

It is. In fact it's a vastly more moral system then trying to force different groups with entirely different social need, desire etc into a situation where none of them can fulfil their potential. You really have to question the motivation of people who seek to deny people this fundamental right.

>> No.22726630


>> No.22726648

Please stop taking acid every week it's not healthy. It's really showing on your mental state. You don't seem very well put together. Hope you figure it out.

>> No.22726652

>who are mostly white conservatives
That's where you're wrong, fag. You have to be a brainlet to be a (((conservative))) and we all know anons in /biz/ aren't THAT retarded.

>> No.22726674

I always put my family first and am improving my own as well as their lives, and yes you are right, most people are idiots, which is why the smart ones need to push us in the right direction. And not fall for the bullshit the idiots do, thats all this thread was trying to do. But it seems people here get triggered too easily, this really is my last reply though, this is exhausting, peace.

>> No.22726712
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I'm rather successful in the online entertainment field. I want to make it here so that I don't have to worry when it comes to raising a family and providing for them when the time comes. Fuck niggers, fuck trannies, and fuck communist kikes. I know what success is and it's those three demographics keeping society down as a whole.

>> No.22726714

finally someone said it. took long enough

>> No.22726751

>I'm not calling you a liar, but what you're saying happened doesn't happen.
>Pay no attention to the fact that I called you a lying white man a few posts ago.
It's also not a random outlier, there is a website where you can compare Law School admissions. URMs across the board have a much easier time of getting into top programs. I'm talking 2.5-3.0 GPAs with a 160 on the LSAT getting into Top 25, Top 14 programs in the countries. If you're White or Asian, there is practically no chance of getting accepted into the same programs with those grades and test scores.

>> No.22726754

>Claims he's getting a masters in IT
>Wasting his time debating random people on the internet instead

nice larp retard

>> No.22726775
File: 8 KB, 225x221, 1586710706696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit someone asking me for statistics and objective facts to show that other democrat policies are good. You are all idiots, goodbye!

>> No.22726827

This is off-topic but how did you come to find this forum as a comfy home when you are insulted every day here just for existing

>> No.22726839

quiet, nigger

>> No.22726843
File: 58 KB, 594x582, 158551A7950D4979B5D663B6C31A7D2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I trigger 4chin

>> No.22726861

Well, I don’t believe in forcing anyone to do anything. We reside in a society that is already multicultural. To turn it into one race means forcing people to do something.
Ultimately I believe that people are capable of putting aside their differences and working together. I don’t understand the implication that it is impossible. Humans have done incredible, even impossible things, but the notion of having love for your fellow man is too difficult.
Ultimately the survival of the entire human race is going to depend on the ability for people to do this. Otherwise we will get likely get taken out by natural catastrophes or nuclear war. I don’t necessarily have a stake in what happens, if that’s our fate then so be it.

>> No.22726889

Yes but then those minorities fail with their low Iqs

>> No.22726896

stupid nigger

>> No.22726923

top quality bait

>> No.22726937

Who's paying for that Masters btw. Asking for a friend.

>> No.22726945

You acknowledge that "most people are idiots"
You put yourself and your family first.
You at last see the folly in serving the "Greater good", or at least finally admit it to everyone here.
How convenient of you to be in your own sense "one of the smart ones". How narcissistic to think that others with leverage and total disregard for intelligence and education wouldn't demand sacrifices from you.
The Greater Good is the Greater Mob, and if "most people are idiots" then those idiots they won't play by non-idiot rules.
To think otherwise, is stuiped and ignorant. To see it otherwise, is a testament to how special you think you are.

>> No.22726950
File: 89 KB, 1300x958, smiling-asian-janitor-working-isolated-white-background-38799699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a troll all along
Oh no no no

>> No.22726957

>your not special
Opinion discarded. Learn your own language to an elementary school level before you deign to lecture anyone about how the world ought to work.

>> No.22726969

Me, dumb nigger

>> No.22726970
File: 30 KB, 656x527, 1567808187161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sweetheart, You have wasted enough of my and other peoples time to just leave like that. Sit the fuck down.
People here are triggered easily because you baited them with arguments of a toddler and you are not supporting your claims with any evidence. Not using references in your dissertation will not be good when you submit it so you may as well practice citing your sources when you make a claim. This way some poor soul will probably put in the effort to do the same as a counter argument or get BTFO. Stop accusing people of things you are also guilty of. As long as you make shit claims you will have idiots like me replying with arguments of the same level.

>> No.22726999

jk XDdd
There’s no way minorities get into Ivy leagues with a bad 2.9 you fucking fags. I’m hispanic and applied to Ivy leagues with a 3.8 and got rejected. You /pol/fags are delusional

>> No.22727000

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.22727026

triggered nig

>> No.22727057

What sort of programs are you talking about? I can guarantee you it happens in Law. What university did you go to for undergrad?

>> No.22727065

I didn't ask and I wasn't talking to you, faggot.

I'm typing this for the people who can read and think. To wipe your stuiped propaganda from their minds. Show your true colors now.

>> No.22727086

lmfao u dumb nigger, nobody with a 2.9 is getting into ANY law school, let alone an ivy league, you stupid fucking white nigger

>> No.22727087

i showed you my post plz respond

>> No.22727093

Honestly, which part of reddit did you come from? How old are you?

>> No.22727097

I got into BU but I don’t want to say what Ivies are applied for. I don’t know anything about law.

>> No.22727104
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>> No.22727134

I came in your mom if thats what your asking

>> No.22727158
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>> No.22727204

Why can't you believe that we can work together to build separate societies? I presume in 1980's South Africa you wouldn't be saying 'We live in an apartheid system and changing it would involve mass murder so it can't be done'. Changing apartheid did involve the mass murder but my sense is that because the victims were white your not overly bothered by that.

>> No.22727253
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Shut the fuck up nigger, you missed out didn't you? Or are you too poor to invest? Or too stupid? Nice try you disgusting tranny nigger kike.

>> No.22727257

What I find humorous is that the hard left is now pro segregation and on some level agreeing with you.

>> No.22727268
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>> No.22727279

Okay, so what were you applying to exactly? You don't have to say the specific school, just the field. Medical, Graduate, Business? Some of those are less exaggerated. Also Hispanics don't get as much of a boost from AA compared to African Americans, from what I've heard.

>> No.22727300
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Lol, lefty-brainlet detected.. Go the fuck back to plebbit.

To anwser your question, here are a few pointers.

1. Where do you get your facts from? You know Cnn, wsj and almost every other news-outlet out there is bought and paid for by special interest groups..

2. Even do problems exist in our society, is the anwser MORE goverment? ... NO. Have they ever successfully alocated money to where it needs to go? No, overspending and straight up fraud is very common. The free market is the most just way to alocate money. Not by goverment force.

3. You really bought into the race narrative, cmon OP its all about getting the black vote, and also
The military budget is absolutly necessery because China is about to start a fucking ww3. They seriously have a 100yo plan to take over the globe. Starting with insiders in the US.

Conservatism is about the freedom of the induvidual, less goverment and less tax! The democrats say they are for all the good things in the world, but in reality it never ever works out, because they are fucking stupid. You cant tax the most productive members of society while others are leeching. Thats why the 1% pay NO tax. And only the wagecucks end up paying most of the taxes.. The Elite is very very clever, they are the ones sponsoring the Marxist agenda, look up who is behind BLM. Why? It makes no sense.. The Democrats are against evil capitalists they say... but no, actually the oppsosit is true. They want to kill the competition levredging the power of the goverment. And also make any regulation as its fits them. They basically have been doing this for years by paying poleticians of. And also The FDA and other organizations. I mean seriously how can Mcdonalds and Coca Cola be the biggest doners of Cancer and Diabetes society... MURICA sure is messed up. Peace out

>> No.22727338

True power to change anything lies with the FED not the presidency.

>> No.22727368

Dodged my post twice, confirmed larper, fuck this gay earth

>> No.22727395

They are very similar. The main difference is that we want this for the benefit of all peoples, where as the only want these benefits for themselves.

>> No.22727544

Too many niggers in this thread, right OP?

>> No.22727606

checked and reasonable arguments. It's a shame because you, as every anon here arguing with this imbecile are just wasting their time while we could be in one of the many good threads on the board recently. Oh wait...

>> No.22727779
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Your days are limited.

>> No.22727784

Why are you acting as though you aren't the OP?

>> No.22727821

I believe that is possible and if that’s what everyone mutually agreed on I would be in full support. But associating that idea with the horrors of Nazi Germany is exactly why people don’t take it seriously.
As to your second comment, again I have no bias towards or against any race. I understand why you would think that because of some of the bizarre anti-white rhetoric out there.
In the case of apartheid the actions of those in support had to be stopped. It doesn’t matter what race they were.

>> No.22727824

So, nothing.

>> No.22727870


>> No.22727883

i can tell u have good intentions OP

thank you for sharing your wisdom

>> No.22727936

Why would one ethnic group require the permission of others to forge their own path? For example, if 100% of black Americans wished to separate should they require the permission of White Americans?

>> No.22727959
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>> No.22728006

>I believe that is possible and if that’s what everyone mutually agreed on

we are both starving. there is a hamburger. we will never come to a mutual agreement on who should eat it.

>> No.22728019

Dude don’t even try to understand it, anyone who’s still a “conservative” is just a braindead Donald Trump cuck

>> No.22728072
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>> No.22728195 [DELETED] 
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Pretty sure biz is a natsoc board and you little kike lovers just came and sat at our table but okay

>> No.22728202

Well, that’s not what we’re dealing with. If black Americans want to leave, they already have that freedom.
The thing is, a lot of people were born here, have friends and family here. Just like you. It’s home.

>> No.22728218
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Calm down. I've been on this shithole for like 8 years now. Remember, you're here forever. I am not so thin-skinned as to get upset by words on a screen. The only place where it's even bad is /pol/. Anywhere else and it's practically a non-issue.

>> No.22728227

Split it in half.

>> No.22728251

Fake and gay. Natsocs hate business. Fuck off you commie shitfag.

>> No.22728277
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>> No.22728278
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Haha lefty detected

>> No.22728280
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From this post alone I can tell you have absolutely no idea how lawschool admissions in the US work. You're probably not even American, but rather some assblasted European. But here's a hint, GPA isn't even the most important factor by a wide margin. The LSAT is far more important to determining whether or not you're accepted.

>> No.22728299


it's already really small. and growing smaller as our arable farmland turns to dust and sand. the earth can only support so many people. you can't even eat tuna every week because the fish have too much mercury from pollution.

>> No.22728327

Thanks for noticing me senpai, I revoke my decree of larp

>> No.22728375

Based black guy puts fear in the sjw soros sucker

>> No.22728395

That's exactly what i'm suggesting. My instinct is though, if we split the burger in half, one side would gobble there's down in seconds and then start making demands on the other's half. i think that's why so many in your cohort want their own space within the current system: they wish to have their cake and eat it so to speak. It's far easier to demand special treatment within the status quo knowing there's another group to fund it then it is to actually go out on your own and be masters of your own destiny.

>> No.22728398

>inevitable wage cucking lives
speak for yourself tyrone
>literally vote against their own interest for the greater good of everybody in the country
ah yes my own interest is letting the dem's pets burn everything down, importing endless third worlders to destroy the standard of living, and continuing their attempts to destroy nation and family (the only things preventing global slavery to the rich brazil-favela style)
>your not special, and your intelligence is average at best
again projection
>Stop falling for the propoganda by the rich to keep you a slave
the country will get less free as the left attacks its foundations by importing a new voting population, because only groups with shared heritage can have the solidarity to support local freedom and the greater good

>> No.22728405

Thank you, fren.

>> No.22728469


>> No.22728506
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The way out of slavery for plebs is a return to the gold standard or some sort of sound money.

Why do you think asset classes keep rising to the tune of 6% per year but salaries do not?

That and shut down migration to only 15% of all births in a given country or something like that.

>> No.22728627

I already am unjustly forced to pay enough for jews, negroes, spics, and misc non whites. Putting the incredibly corrupt jew government in charge of more of my resources is more plunder. >>22722277
Absolutely, I only care about my white brethren.

>> No.22728810

It's crazy how cucks defend capitalism. It has sold out your women and turned them into whores. It has destroyed the family unit, both parents are wage slaving all day while their children are raised by strangers / media. It has turned home ownership into an investment, instead of a place to live and grow a family. The trend shows that eventually all of the bottom 99% will inevitably be rent cattle and forever priced out of owning their own shelter; yet you morons cheer it on. You pay more taxes than billionaires. You are indentured servants, yet you keep playing the game. You think that if you get enough money you too can exploit others and sidestep the system. You're weak men with weak character.

>> No.22728865

Bullshit natsoc and fash boy ideology loves business so long as they can make it beneficial to the people in some way. Such as my sick crypto gains

>> No.22728926

US healthcare costs so much because of the insane ratio of niggers and beaners that get free services, and you're stuck paying for it. We also pioneer literally every advancement, and fund almost all study/research. Europoors and leafs steal our IP because "muh oath, save our muzzies/jeets" and don't pay for any of the backend (just like nato shit).

Nationalized healthcare only works on relatively small populations, for as long as the subsidies and free outside advancements last. Not in a country where 30% are perma neet crackheads and we're steadily replacing every middle class white (the only reliable tax base) with 10 beaners doing menial jobs while frauding welfare/healthcare/and housing programs.

I know most of you zoomers were cumstains then, but pre Obama to post...health insurance has basically 10x'd in cost. There's a reason for that, re: 10 beaners moving in to replace you.

>> No.22729006

Fuck off dirty commie.

>> No.22729046
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>Instead they decide to literally vote against their own interest for the greater good of everybody in the country, why?
Imagine being a pleb and thinking its possible to 'vote in your own interest'

>> No.22729081

Can conform national healthcare in Australia is starting to fail since our population is increasing

>> No.22729119

It's not the white population that's increasing though is it. There's a lesson there

>> No.22729121

Yo let's like, kill all the bourgeois...and then we can be rich and stuff. C'mon lazy coloreds-errr "people" of color, why aren't you helping me become rich and stuff.

>> No.22729312


>> No.22729406

Fuck off Marky

>> No.22729820

medicare and insurance aren't tied to each other idiot, there is nobody that gets free service that is causing anything in terms of the cost of healthcare. Medicaire is paid for by taxes, not your insurance premium, it doesnt increase the cost of your insurance premium. The cost of healthcare is directly based on insurance companies dictating how much they are willing to pay, thats it.

>> No.22729830


Although you're right to an extent, lot's of people squander their efforts and waste their time on bullshit, much like me typing this reply.

The majority of people don't know like to learn and they fuck over their own. The racism is often just a meme, but in the instance that it isn't their time is numbered too. They won't be able to express it because it's mostly an antiquated notion, and more often than not the perception of people from the sticks of their countries. They'll cower in terror as they become the closet case and get bashed for thinking like a subhuman degenerate, which of course is what Homosexuals are.

Things can change but only if people stop acting like stereotypes and educate themselves in a manner that provides value to their community and overall country.
People need to start taking care of their on communities by disposing of real criminals as was the point of original gangs.

They also need to stop being faggots when they hear the words; faggot, jew, kike, nigger, and cracker. I say that because it seems like these people are untouchable and above any cultural reproach or jest.

Chances are that these thoughts are probably visionary, and like most forward thoughts of their time are ridiculed by people indoctrinated by an idea instilled through generations of instruction.

>> No.22730327

Have you never stepped foot inside an ER or urgent care in the past 20 years? Unless you live in Maine or New Hampshire you know exactly what I was referring to, so quit being a straw manning faggot.

Illegals use ERs as day care centers/social venues. MY taxes (because you don't earn enough to pay any) don't cover that.

>> No.22731249
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Give it to them Anon!

>> No.22731300


>> No.22731358

> Isn't it interesting that all the people on this board,(who are mostly white conservatives) are desperately trying to get rich with crypto so they dont have to be wage cucks, yet, at the same time, the very laws and policies that would make their inevitable wage cucking lives 10x easier, with free healthcare, no tax gain by reducing the unnecessary budget on military and fixing simple mismanagement in the gov in general.

Are you high? What does this mean?