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22719187 No.22719187 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make low risk, long term investments to earn dividends and gain passive income?
I think it's called ETFs? Please advise

>> No.22719215

Its called DCA into chainlink and you do it on coinbase

>> No.22719250

This is an anti gambling thread.
No coin posting please

>> No.22719319
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if you have enough collateral..

buy stable coins.
soak the interest up.

alternately look at like the top 5 successful companies in the world. apple Facebook Microsoft etc. these are safe bets.

>> No.22719393

no one on here is going to give you the info you need, either learn yourself via youtube/books or hire a financial advisor and tell him what your goals are

>> No.22719477

Think of the biggest boomer businesses and buy their stock, they all have dividends. Shit like Walmart, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Visa, etc. Those fuckers aren't going anywhere, and have a lifetime of runway in the bank to weather any black swan/market downturn. Also buy gold/silver (the actual fucking rocks, not just gold/silver mining stock)

Obviously I'd recommend staking crypto as well for really good passive income, but you said low risk

>> No.22719500

Just buy SPY. Lots of it. Turn on dividend reinvestment until you have enough to make it worth getting the dividends in cash.
Dividend reinvestment is very powerful. It won’t get you rich overnight but shit grows exponentially over decades.
Look up a list of “dividend king” stocks as well. Those are the ones with a record of paying large dividends that hardly ever decrease or go away. Be warned though, these are not growth stocks. They don’t move much. By doing this your strategy is to acquire massive holdings in slow moving boomer stocks and get payed a “salary” to do so.

>> No.22719965

I didn't know coins give interest, how does that work?
Further, do those big companies pay good dividends at all? That's why I was wondering about ETFs and whatnot, I'm looking at Visa and if I understand this right wouldn't it take me 100 years to make any profit?
That seems too long, I will be dead by then. I thought 15-20 years was normal

I will do that as well, but I thought I would ask my friends on 4channel first

This sort of boomer approach is what I'm going for, thanks

>> No.22720292
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Yes hello Sir! Send coin to me Sir and I will give you many interest in a year time!
No risk, Sir!