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22717206 No.22717206 [Reply] [Original]

WATCH THIS VIDEO AND FTM WILL HIT 5$ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xtOoeDPc9uI

>> No.22717223

Can we hit 0.2 eow?

>> No.22717256

Even if it hits $5 I will be poor as fuck. WHAT DO

>> No.22717269

quit making threads about this shitcoin

>> No.22717280

you are truly going to stay poor anon

>> No.22717284

5$ EOY but this song will push it to 100$

>> No.22717297

How much u have?

>> No.22717311

20k stack feeling super comfy right now.

>> No.22717318

Only 200k, poorfag :(

>> No.22717346

Only like 8k now just been buying little bits at a time.

I have to make it on this. Even if I see like +16,000 it won’t do fucking shit for me. I really need a big number.

>> No.22717376

What for do you need that kind of money this fast?

>> No.22717390

dude you literally have a golden chance to make $100k USD right now from ~$1k.
It doesn't get much better than that. I'm not rich either I sold off other shitcoins for this along with some of my paycheck. I can't afford to go 100k in or some crazy shit.

>> No.22717393

Can you get to 50k?

>> No.22717405


>> No.22717422

I just live in really sad ultra poverty hell with alcoholic parents and trying to turn my life around and get a nice house

I’m trying my ass off. I have the money for it but I’m really risk averse because of how scarred I am from poverty

>> No.22717431

to add to >22717390, dump whatever you can into this now because the train has started moving.

>> No.22717451

Anon, honest to god here. get a 20k-25k stack and you have a great shot of getting out of that environment. You could buy a beautiful piece of land in the country, even with a house on it.

>> No.22717463

Where you from. Just get to 50k dude

>> No.22717495

I already live in the country I fucking hate it I wanna live somewhere nice

I’m trying to figure it out that’s what I really want maybe even more. I’m kinda nervous because I don’t know shit about coins and they all scare me because every coin I look at mooned and then died into the oblivion and remained a piece of shit forever

>> No.22717505

>I just live in really sad ultra poverty hell with alcoholic parents and trying to turn my life around and get a nice house
Get a fucking job for starters then. Start grinding and living like you want to make it. Sitting on your ass and putting small amouny of money into cryptos will not bring you that. Good luck

>> No.22717523
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>tfw 15k stacklet
I'm so close to 20k but I literally don't have any money to buy more ftm, so close but yet so far...

>> No.22717543

I already have one and I have a bunch of money. I’m gonna start working harder I also wanna put a lot into stocks.

I think I can do 50k fanties easy. I should probably go for 175,000. I know a big amount of money isn’t gonna come easy and it’s not gonna come from investing a little bit of money either. Even the fact it only costs like 4000-5000 is a fucking steal.

>> No.22717556

How much could you buy if you wanted to right now

>> No.22717564

Prince level fantie

>> No.22717599

Well you sure as fuck better get more then 8k especially if you can’t get 175k if you wanted. I don’t know what the fuss is about. If your in fucking poverty then you need to take a shot and this is as good as any and look at all the excitement here on this board and literally nobody knows about it outside of here for the most part. Get 100k

>> No.22717608

yo man thats mint. I've got 23k Im going to sit on for a while. look at it this way anon, if it hits $5 you've made $75k thats a decent chunk of change!

My advice to you is to treat investments as a way of treating psychedelics. You use them to help you get to where you want. Ultimately you have to put in the hard yards yourself if you want to make it.

>> No.22717639

The only reason is I’m making enough now for a maybe okay life if I stick at it but if I lost a bunch of money I’m fucked. I don’t think buying a big ass stack will kill me or anything im just not big on coins I just got started again and haven’t spent much time looking at them. Ftm is definitely a really good one I don’t wanna fuck up though

I just got $1500 today too.

>> No.22717671

Do you guys seriously believe it will go above $4? Thats already 9 billy mcap. Top5 coin. Lets hold on for our horses at the moment. $1 is realistic but maybe eony, this is long hodl

>> No.22717736

I’m banking on $1 that’s why I wanna collect a shit ton now while it’s cheap. I don’t think it’ll go top 5.

>> No.22717758

Does 9 billion really seem like all that much?

>> No.22717782

>yo man thats mint.

Are you black?

>> No.22717813

Also guys do you think I should sell my bitcoin for ftm? That’d give me a good boost

>> No.22717829

I only hodl BTC so for myself thats a strict no. BTC is my fallback fund if everything goes to shit.

>> No.22717898

if we go on a decent bull run tear w/ btc ~16k, we wouldn't even be in top 10 with 9bil. And if you think this can't flip ADA you're crazy.

>> No.22717965

If you’ve been in crypto more than 3 months and you fall for this shitcoin you should be embarrassed. It’s a less successful and more scammy version of ICX. Seriously out of all the 50 “ETH killers” you could’ve lost money on you choose this?

>> No.22717997


>> No.22717999


>> No.22718022

Don’t listen to this moron dude

>> No.22718048

I feel the vibe but I'm not buying in now that it pumped. market is to weak for that at the moment

>> No.22718082

The value of this coin isnt even in the "ETH k1ller" tag. Stop fudding and buy 10k suicide stack before its too late

>> No.22718127

yeah I know haha Im actually comfy af rn

I seriously would now man. Less than 24 hours till the AMA and its only going to pump harder. Might dip a little bit after the AMA but I reckon this is the cheapest we will see for a while.

>> No.22718130

True, this is a long term hodl, but everything below .035 is a fucking steal

>> No.22718132

Same. Chinks are asleep and AMA is tomorrow.
Obviously there's going to be a huge dump to shake off the weak handed. After that, we pump.

>> No.22718138

All these fudders are getting in my head fuck

>> No.22718662
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>only 100m marketcap
This is the next x100, isn't it

>> No.22718863

Only have 30K and currently can't buy more. Should I kill myself?

>> No.22719006

Send me your fanties first

>> No.22719022


>> No.22719036

Think of that in real world dollars dude. Thats $150k USD, what do you think of that?

>> No.22719095

Getting a little carried away with the $5 dude

>> No.22719154

Andre is actually excited about ftm and is working on uniswap clone im guessing based on his posts. With eth having stupid high gas fees and Vitalik not giving a fuck, this is exactly what ftm needed to start becoming more established