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File: 82 KB, 569x1000, denzel deals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22713360 No.22713360 [Reply] [Original]

Most of you don't know what this is, and that's a shame. So many DAOs popping up but these guys have been around for a couple months and, well, pic related.

The entry is small compared to other projects and I believe they are capping it soon.

I'm telling you this because the DAO isn't even the half of this token. They have a major update coming soon, and if you've interacted with anyone from the team you know it's big. Some bigger players in the DAO as well, if you know your way around Telegram.


This is all you need to be able to figure out the rest.

'Denzel Washington', one of the team members, is currently working on about 3 OTC deals.

Don't know if I'll post about this again, but those who do see it can thank me in a couple of weeks.

>> No.22713444

I didn't know this was still going holy shit there's a DAO as well? Buying back in thanks anon

>> No.22713596

I swear Denzel has the Midas touch. For that I'm in.

>> No.22713612

DAO and a lot more to come..

>> No.22713657

What am I looking at anon ... I like the drawings

>> No.22713662

You dont want to miss this opportunity guys. This is going to be big asf. kek :)

>> No.22713668

Rarest fucking Pepe, imagine not buying into a project with this quality

>> No.22713671

Heard it’s a very strong community, love it!

>> No.22713699


I strongly advise purchasing this token at your earliest convenience.



>> No.22713703

My bags are pumped thanks to my master rPepe and damn are they juicy fat ones

If you're a pleb no need to try get in, nobody has time for you or your spaghetti fingers

All hail rPepe

>> No.22713748

God tier artist.. but the dev.. keeek he’s the one that created god.. why does this need a dev for you might ask.. well.. kek

>> No.22713817

Can confirm, this group is gold. Get in while you can, bois.

>> No.22713833

Bros no lie I gambled my way down to 5 eth and realised I still had pepe and instead of selling I joined the Dao and 10x off their first presale this literally saved me from giving up on crypto

>> No.22713855

That's the only reason I posted about it, they deserve to be more known

>> No.22713876

I am a member here. This isn't some PnD group. What the leaders do is that they look for juicy OTC deals that us ordinary plebs doesn't have access to.

See you Anons! May the based Pepe bless you!

>> No.22713890

Kek. OP you're an idiot. This needs to stay under the radar or all the plebs will join the Dao and the price will go up before the platform launches

>> No.22713923

we won’t ride the hype, we will create it! Kek be with you! SEND ITTTT

>> No.22713958

Are you not going to buy rPepe, anon?
Do you hate money, anon?

>> No.22713965

What platform are you talking about ?! Shhh that’s confidential you babooon!!!!

>> No.22713970

Just spent some time looking into it. Loading bags.

>> No.22713977

Oh baby

>> No.22714004

Compared to the other groups where you get dumped on, here you get to go in from the basement.
Wanna build your folio, rpepe bois

>> No.22714010


>> No.22714013

rPepe is love

>> No.22714014

You always cry for not being early enough, anon.This is the way to get in early, without getting fucked by pajeets. DYOR

>> No.22714044

honestly, ive made more money from OTC's with this group in 1 month than i did in the 6 months flipping shitcoins.

join you cunts

>> No.22714088

This is it! Keknazis!

>> No.22714119


they just burned over half a million for some reason

>> No.22714281

Because the team are based as fuck apparently

>> No.22714309
File: 106 KB, 1353x651, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While your uniswap shitcoins bleeding this alpha holds like a king. Soon 1 rPepe = 1 asian gf

>> No.22714318

Pepe is great!

>> No.22714361

Am member and hold small bag.
DAO is very helpful as team and members look for gem presale OTCs and discuss in group. You then decide if you in or out.

I’m in, no regrets.

Firmly on the path to green paradise! Feels good man!

>> No.22714373

This is the only DAO that's been worth my time and investment. Fuck all the TG shitty shill, pump and dump groups

>> No.22714428

rPepe is ART!


>> No.22714464

will be bigger than bitcoin

>> No.22714485

we won´t settle for less than a umber one spot. This is going to the top, no matter how long it takes. kek wills it

>> No.22714557
File: 1.29 MB, 1042x1600, r.Pepe Roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the puzzles?

>> No.22714604

Rare Pepe just got more rare.

Yet another burn that makes all remaining tokens that much more expensive.

>> No.22714608
File: 447 KB, 689x689, Denzel Pepe1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the custom avatars?

>> No.22714827

Where do I get avatar like this

>> No.22715134
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, F85434E8-2CD2-423E-BEEC-6B004753AC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those ? You’ll be able to get them somehow

>> No.22715323
File: 226 KB, 1024x1280, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i understand what these hints mean

>> No.22715377

"Dear rPepe's

You better buy this or else i'll come to your home and make sure to let you know how much money you lost and make you cry for pepe life.

Another anon"

>> No.22715415


>> No.22715585

this should be the biz coin, yo will all fomo in after its pumped 10 x


>> No.22716267

were to buy sirs

>> No.22716276

Praise Kek, for Pepe will guide us all to great fortunes.

>> No.22716296

Click Twitter in op
Find website
Find tg
Enter paradise

>> No.22716588

Holy shit that is based artwork

>> No.22716839

Imagine seeing this project now and not jumping into the paradise with Pepe. Best or worst decision of your crypto life is about to be made right now. Kek

>> No.22717749

Best investment what you can make.

>> No.22717856

Waw, went up crazy fast. And almost no sells, strong hands. Someone knows something...

>> No.22717955

Blue horseshoe loves rPepe

>> No.22718157

why would i sell my tickets to the dao that keeps on giving, and we keep giving back to?

5 eth entry today,

20 eth soon book it

BIG stuff coming and biz will and should be all over it