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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22712618 No.22712618 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the least painful way to commit suicide?

>> No.22712706

YFV is probably the worst thing I've ever put money into.

>> No.22712733

I don't care anymore. The 3k I put into it is more or less valued at 0 to me.

>> No.22712736

from $70 to 7. only 7 more to go until 0

has anyone seen a coin that went down 90% in a couple weeks recover? i imagine its literally impossible

>> No.22712770

who else /holdinguntil0/? The entire crypto market is going to dump another 5-10% today and the YFV devs are probably on suicide alert

>> No.22712805

Bought at $18 thinking it was a good deal kek

>> No.22712823

kek same
thought I was smart buying when everyone was negative and fudding this but it just keeps dumping

>> No.22712878

Oh man, i FOMO'd in at 45, missed selling the top of course and cut my loss at 32. Felt like a retard days afterwards. In hindsight, it was probably one of my better decisions.

>> No.22712917

There was an anon here who put in tens of thousands of dollars into YFV close to the top. I don't know if it was a larp but it sounded pretty genuine. I hope he's doing okay

>> No.22712956

pretty sure this is just a soft rug at this point. you can make promises all day but who profited the most from yfv? whales who farmed day 1 and will continue to farm and dump it to 0 with zero risk beyond a little IL(or maybe literally zero with the USDC vault)

don't you think its more likely the devs are in that category, and not just another shrimp getting dumped on?

>> No.22712984

the team destroyed this token, they are the biggest farmers and this is why.. wake up ppl they are dumping on u a lot of money

>> No.22713040

All in on UNI

>> No.22713068


I definitely think there's insiders that were happy to dump endlessly, but I can't say whether or not the devs are among them. The devs are either working really hard to enhance the project or they're just blowing smoke and planning their formal exit. I think the latter is more likely at this point. The project is very tainted and so far from working that I can't imagine they won't just pull the plug

In the end, I only farmed 20 YFV in total because I dumped my LINK to avoid catastrophic losses. I'm out gas fees, a few hundred on the LINK that was plummeting, and a few hundred in unrealized gains on holding the farmed YFV too long. Oh well.

>> No.22713094

put 5k in this shit at $60 and thought it was the dip.

now only hundreds left.


>> No.22713163

I've never seen a more schizo set of indicators around a project

On one hand you read all these clever things about how they're doing a sushi heist on balancer and how the Devs are really productive and reactive to the community, how they've reconfigured the incentives so people are not just farming and dumping.

Then you see broken young men crying every fucking day whilst the price continues to pump lower.

What a fascinatingly weird project

>> No.22713258

When will they even migrate the BAL liquidity?

>> No.22713280

Lmao. Vault code just deployed.. strap in for a parabolic run once vaults and new UI is added


>> No.22713313

Exit bag

>> No.22713331

Holy fucking shit, you can call it exit scam.

>> No.22713402
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started farming this with 2k links literally three days ago. estimated gains then 140ish dollarinos. today estimated gains are 26 dollarinos wtf