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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1100x550, VRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22708207 No.22708207 [Reply] [Original]

Is Verasity the Chainlink-esque market ignored chad coin that I think it is? How can NBK + Tik Tok fags swarm this yet it still stays in this range? Staking is 85% APR or something and it's still under a $5M cap. How long can it be manipulated down? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills but I know $4-7M cap projects are the ones that can 1,000x in a true bull run so I buy with every paycheck. I almost gave up on LINK in the 30 cents range, and I feel like this will happen again if I stop accumulating or sell and I will hate myself.

Who else /autistgeneral/ ?

Did anyone sign up for this? https://esportsfightclub.com/pubgasia

>> No.22708226

It is ignored desu

Not sure why

>> No.22708417

Looked into it.

Like the product but here is the problem:

There is no incentive to just holding VRA (staking is just inflation, it doesn't create incentive). The only buys come from publishers and marketers.

Until the platform grows it won't get any buying. It won't get any growth without the buying.

I feel like it's a bit of a perpetual cycle. Furthermore the UI sucks, which is disappointing because for anything video gamey the UI has to be on point. Visuals sell.

>> No.22709268

Too high IQ for me didn't read

>> No.22709801

Chainlink, no

XLM, yes.

>> No.22709953

vrabbie gang vrabbie gang