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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22707686 No.22707686 [Reply] [Original]

the IRS is fucking me big time. don't risk it guys. every single trade is a taxable event. they WILl find out. I thought I could be like you and trick them. when they come after you they come hard.

>> No.22707707
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What happen, give more detail pls

>> No.22707713

This. Tell us what happened op.

>> No.22707762

Explain how or it didn't happen. Why would you try to scam them anyways? All of your transactions are on your metamask/uniswap and other platforms.

>> No.22707770

OP is the dumbass who cashed out 500K, didn't file taxes and meditates to fend off the IRS.

>> No.22707773

>trade $500 in DAI for $500 in TETHER


like lmao I haven't gained ANYTHING. EVER.

>> No.22707978

stfu albino nigger

>> No.22708035
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>> No.22708061

I dont know what youre talking about. I have never traded or owned any crypto in my life, just like everyone else in here.

>> No.22708097
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Reminder to newfags that these threads are unironic IRS psyops. Fuck the fed government it no longer serves the interests of the actual americans that built this country its just another enemy and denying the enemy resources is something any patriot will do

>> No.22708121

How do I cash out without worrying about anything?

>> No.22708123

>convert gains into BTC
>MONERO back into BTC
>into unregistered wallet
>buy bootleg Xanax and Oxy from Chinese dark web lab
>sell to dealer for cash
>use cash to, you guessed it, buy more crypto

It’s free money

>> No.22708133


>> No.22708144

>not declaring everything as a gift from God

>> No.22708156

Nice try, I. Arrr. Ess.

>> No.22708176

in reality the IRS doesn't really give that much of a shit as long as you pay what you owe


just report your gains, fag

>> No.22708201

Checked and christpilled.

>> No.22708208

do you guys think that i have made alot of money by investing financial aid, they would take it away because non-school expenses with financial aid are ilelgal?

>> No.22708230

if i made alot of money*

>> No.22708236
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why do all these larps act like once you get an audit, the IRS is going to send in the FBI to take everything you have and your house?
in reality, you have a month to respond, you send an email saying youre working with a tax lawyer, where you basically say youre paying 5% of what you owe a month

>> No.22708256

Financial aid is yours to spend as long as you don't drop out until after 2/3 through the semester. At least that was the case for me.

>> No.22708265

omg you were gifted gains by god too!?

>> No.22708275
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Either tell us what happened or I am forced to believe you are the IRS gathering intel

>> No.22708294

are you guys also buying XDC?

>> No.22708310
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Its for you.

>> No.22708335

Only 5% for real? Isn’t that an incentive to hodl your crypto, pay the minimum each month until your gains are 10x your bill.

>> No.22708340



>> No.22708391

OP 1 month after buying $20 Link

>> No.22708409

you being a faggot

>> No.22708415

im exaggerating a little. but if you actually read this IRS horror stories on reddit, they have around a year to pay shit off

>> No.22708452

1099 Crypto trades,
Deduct them as a business expense.
Count all trades as a loss..
Problem solved.

>> No.22708480

pretty based

>> No.22708481

Let's go OP, don't be a faggot

>> No.22708515

I bet 99% of poor people don't pay taxes. Is the IRS gonna go after an inner city stripper? doubt it.

>> No.22708518

ok cool

>> No.22708519
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>> No.22708583

They subpoena every bank.
They want every BTC address.
They will even subpoena your ISO to know exactly what exchange you use.
You will be expected to provide all exchange trades. They are prepared for every excuse.

>> No.22708623
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after 10 years of crypto, the IRS has only managed to get Coinbase to bow down

>> No.22708725

calm down goy drink some more whiskey

>> No.22708761

meh, I use crypto software that automatically tracks all transactions and does the tax math for me, it even tracks everything I've done through etherscan on my wallets, all exchanges etc. Even creates an automatic audit trail report for me to send to the IRS if they audit me.

Worth the like $200 a year. Don't fuck with the IRS. I don't care. Also stop making it sound like it's a big deal. Every transaction is taxable even if you lost money on t he transaction then it's a deduction. Like if you were swinging UNI on the 18th and lost money after that whale dumped the price $1.5, that means you got a tax deduction if you sold for less.

Buy 50 Uni - $200
Sell 50 Uni - $300 - $100 of that is profit cuz it's $100 more than the $200 you started with.
Buy 75 Uni for $300.
Sell 75 Uni for $200. $100 less.

Now you have $100 gain but a $100 loss, they cancel each other out and become $0 in taxes owed.

Just use tax software and play it safe. Be honest with the IRS, don't try to hide things and they are not going to attack you. All they care about is getting their money, they aren't about destroying people's lives. You are honest with them, you work with them, you pay your taxes and you'll be fine.

>> No.22708772

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off

>> No.22708783

They only care about trades exceeding $20k total per year. They don't give a shit about the $50 worth of crypto you got from Coinbase Earn that you're now trading for shitcoins.

>> No.22708816

>crack monero
>make tens ofmillions stealing from wallets
>take .625 million from IRS bounty


>> No.22708821

I chuckle when Americans say they actually pay tax on all their crypto transactions.

Like what the fuck are you a full time accountant now as well.

The IRS aren't going to audit you and don't have the manpower to work through thousands of small transactions for shitcoins on uniswap. If you cash out into fiat into your bank account, then pay tax, if its big amounts.

>> No.22708851

When I was 20 I tried to do my taxes myself and could not figure it out. So I hand wrote the IRS a letter with my tax form saying I wasn’t sure if I had done it correctly and asking them to double check. They sent me a refund that was different than what I had calculated but I always thought it was funny that I sent it in and someone listened. If all else fails, I plan to use this approach again when I file my crypto gains.

>> No.22708857

this wouldnt happen if you were about it and stood up for something other than BlackLoverMovement. hows the Bath you brewed?

>> No.22708904

Exactly. Unless you're an ultra autist just pay tax on your gains at your relative income bracket.

>> No.22708977
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just program a Smart Contract to deal with your trades, tax, triple entry accounting etc Also, look into property swaps

>> No.22709026

No, lol. Only gains are taxable. So if you cash out, they will subtract 20% or whatever from your gains.

>> No.22709054

I wish this is how it worked in the US. Here we are taxed on trades, not when cashing out. And the IRS has the exchanges by the balls, which means they report your gains even if you have not cashed out.

>> No.22709067

>1 post by this ID

IRS getting desperate..

>> No.22709086


>> No.22709097

Don't buy on Coinbase then.

>> No.22709171

Ok mr. glownigger.

>> No.22709230

fuck this mongrel kike government. I'm not paying a single cent. It doesn't represent us anymore, no taxation without representation.

>> No.22709470

This. A lot of people on biz are poor fags who never filed taxes. 80% of IRS audits are resolved through the mail. They are actually not in the business to fuck you, they just want what i owed.

>> No.22709538

>1 post by this ID
Kill yourself glowfaggot CIA pig nigger

>> No.22710330

Yes, if you read any info on tax and crypto it says so.

They know everything anon, you think the taxman doesnt not want money.

Good luck

>> No.22710352

literally who?

>> No.22710551

Based and patriot pilled
Fuck the (((IRS)))
Only going after poor people and leaving the billionaires to do whatever the fuck they want

>> No.22710864

what a good little smart goy you are

>> No.22710874

Is this actually doable for stuff like the UNI airdrop?

>> No.22710991

And this is why the feds are gonna come down hard on crypto eventually

>> No.22711832

the upside of avoiding the IRS is limited. The tail risk on the downside is not

>> No.22711861
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>they WILl find out
oh yes, the always wili find out.

>> No.22711873

I don't get it how can you pay tax on a trade where you have no realised gain?

>> No.22711879
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> they wili find out

>> No.22711946

Stupid retarded goy.

>> No.22711972

I was wondering this too? If im losing money out the ass like when i traded futures, how are they going to tax me?

>> No.22712028

You add all the losses and gains and get the net gain which gets taxed.
If you're in the red then I guess you can get tax exemption for your losses for your other income?

>> No.22712208

Why does going between Monero and BTC make money?

>> No.22712402


Who the fuck is wili you cunt?

>> No.22712447

That's exactly it. Any net losses can be deducted from your other income sources.

Also people thinking they can get away with tax evasion calling me a stupid goy lol. Sorry dudes, the IRS is a scummy piece of shit and the government doesn't represent me anymore, I agree.

However, unless we have an armed rebellion and overthrow and shut down the IRS, you either pay your taxes or they ruin your life. Trying to get clever will only take you so far.

>> No.22712615

No thanks IRS, not gonna wageslave for some shitty company, definitely not gonna wage slave for the IRS. If you cant manage to keep your crypto private your fucking retarded.

>> No.22712645

what software are you using if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.22712662

Taxbit. There's plenty of others but these people gave me excellent customer service so I stuck around.

>> No.22712671

Fuck the Irs. Kill agent Smith on sight

>> No.22712676

awesome, yeah i've heard of a couple other ones as well. so you recommend Taxbit? Seems pretty cool if they can go through etherscan and pull all that uniswap bs trades i've done.

>> No.22712682
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Imagine being American and not only are you getting fleeced out of money for crypto to crypto transactions but that money is also paying for niggers/shitskins to shit out more kids and to give Israel more free money

>> No.22713121

The IRS literally doesn't have the manpower to go after people who don't file. Their budget has been getting cut for years, one of the few good things Republicans have done. (I haven't filed taxes with the IRS in seven years, never got so much as a letter.) Just don't dump a bunch of money into your bank account, find other ways to cash out like localcryptos in person if you want to take out a lot at once.

There are other ways like starting a business and LEGALLY paying yourself by cashing out crypto, but I haven't looked into that yet because I haven't made it yet. But small amounts through your bank account are literally nothing. They require humans to process stuff so they only go after the most obvious money laundering where they stand to make a lot of money. Even if you want to pay taxes they're not going to audit you because you didn't provide a line-for-line description of all your transactions, since they already got the money it would be a waste of manpower.

Google "How the IRS was gutted" to find out more about this.

>> No.22713535


How to defeat the enemy?

Your play their tactics against them! The student becomes the teacher.

The IRS use the same rules as the kikes. Kikes are very tactical in their ways.

In order for us to defeat the kikes we have to use gorilla warfare.

Dont be a GOY and cash out a large sum.

Use cash and AVOiD banks. Get off the grid. Buy gold.

>> No.22713610
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Holy mother of basado