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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22704130 No.22704130 [Reply] [Original]

Are business degrees a scam?

>> No.22704721
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>> No.22704741


Imagine thinking you can learn how to start a business. If it were that easy everyone would be rich.

>> No.22704747

Colleges raising the tuition is anti white. The only people who can get student loans are minorities, while moderately rich white families cant afford it. College tuition is going to keep rising till 90% of students are taking out a loan

>> No.22704759


>> No.22704774
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Yes, but not the way you think. You can use this degree to get jobs you are completely unqualified for.

>> No.22704786

coping retards that could never dream of getting into even a t50

>> No.22704802

1. buy something
2. sell it for more than you bought it for.
there, i just saved you a shit load of time and money

>> No.22704825
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My brother got a business degree from UNC then went to law school in Delaware and now has a nice job as a VP of a regional bank in Florida. Cant say its all bad, depends on what you do with it.

>> No.22704832
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Lol faggot I have a business degree and I do quite well and it started getting jobs I wasn't fucking qualified for.

>> No.22704840

A regular business administration degree? You know, it's not going to knock anyone's socks off. It's not going to give you skills that make you instantly employable. But, relative to most other degrees, it's not that bad. People who go to college apathetically, not really caring about what they study, and too timid to choose a specific career, should major in business administration rather than things like psychology, poly sci, etc. I definitely respect a business major more than a humanities major.

But there's more than just business administration degrees within the field of business. There's finance, accounting, management, arguably economics as well. Accounting is the bread and butter of a business education, and I really respect it. Where accounting gets you skills for when you're right out of graduation, finance will help you with higher-level jobs. Economics seems to pay off well later on in your career as well.

To anyone uncertain about what business degree they want, I suggest doing a business degree for your associates so that you'll get a feel for everything. Then you can choose a specific business degree for your bachelors.

>> No.22704854

Economics accounting/finance, no.
Others yeah possibly

>> No.22704865

University is both a total scam and not a scam at all. Much like a sports car is definitely not worth it and totally worth it. Do you want to be accepted by people in the upper middle class and above? You need a degree. Will you learn anything useful? Outside of a few majors, no. Retarded middle and lower class people thought university gave you the knowledge you needed to climb the class ladder, but really, a degree is just a certification one needs to remain in the upper classes.

>> No.22704886

They can be. Depends which one you get and which school you go to. I now work in “big data” as an engineer but I got a Business Analytics degree. It sorta translates but not really. My situation probably isn’t very common. If you do go to business school and you don’t want to learn to code on the side, you should go into corporate finance and even then you only have about 10 more years of avoiding programming.

>> No.22704925

I think you're underestimating just how big of a black hole the entry-level, no-education pit of despair is. It takes a lot of cunning to work your way up from wageslave-tier jobs. Education, done right, is the easiest way to boost your income level, and income is vital to building wealth. The issue is that most people who go to college are stupid about it. You can go to a cheap local school for practically free, and study something that'll make you at least $50k starting. Instead, they go into debt for the honor of working towards a degree in a subject they clearly aren't interested in, and have no job prospects.

>> No.22704954

They're there for networking and getting internships at huge companies so you get a foot on the ladder. It'll also prepare you for many actual use cases in corporate life.

>> No.22705066

The concept of an internship disgusts me to the core.

>> No.22705140

Usually you're paid. And it really helps because when you graduate if you've say interned with them 2 years in a row they're like
>This guy knows all our procedures and doesn't need additional training
>We already know they can do the work
>We know you personally and we like you
And you can get a job much easier.

>> No.22705164

Should I switch my degree to financial planning?

>> No.22705217

Depends on the school. If it's from Harvard or Stanford or something it's still a scam education wise but starting salaries after graduation are around 150-200k.

You'll probably get a good job on Wall Street out of it and lots of networking opportunities with other rich kids.

>> No.22705330

Most internships are NOT paid

>> No.22705358

>The only people who can get student loans are minorities

Not even remotely true, and even if it were, having access to the most predatory legal loans in America is not an advantage in life.

>> No.22705382

t.retard that couldn't get a scholarship

Just get good grades and don't be a retard

>> No.22705399

Literally refused to go to college unless my parents paid for all of it. You’re a dumbass if you think indenting yourself that much for any reason is worth it.

>> No.22705412

>education bad
Look at all the anti-excellence ITT. Why am I wasting my time with you bottom feeders?

Absolute state of /biz/

>> No.22705451

Extremely false if you go STEM or business. Get with the times grandpa

>> No.22705547

I own my own company and found my associates in business management useful.

Your mileage may vary.

>> No.22705564

This desu senpai. If it's not a top school, it isn't worth much unless you plan to go into the mediocre accounting jobs.

>> No.22705571

Without a degree I would have never cultivated my IQ enough to understand AMPL and sell near the top

>> No.22705721

>go to apply for a job
>realize I already applied with a different resume to a different job at the same place and I don't want to lie to them and get in trouble

>> No.22705764
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>my mom stole 12,000 dollars from my college fund
>claimed that it was used to pay for my college
>know for a fact she received thousands of dollars from the government in tax credits because I was an adult dependent while in college

All I can say is that it's a good thing the hospital fucked up and missed my dad's cancer so he died. The ensuing lawsuit payout paid for my university. Otherwise my mom probably would have made me take out loans and 17 year old me was a cuck aiming to please my mommy so I would've done it.

>> No.22705808

kek, hadn't seen that Stonetoss before, clever

>> No.22706031


WTF I hope you're never speaking to your mom again. I thought my parents had bad judgement because I had about $20,000 in my college fund while they spent $50,000 on tennis lessons and tennis-related expenses when I was a child. I stopped playing tennis shortly after I graduated high school.

>> No.22706160

Kek she also told me not to get a job in college (I found out this was because of the tax credit thing) after I told her I was going to save 10k for a decent used car (she had hounded me to get a summer job for years until that point when she backtracked because her tax credit gibs were threatened) then she got my grandad to give up his car and THEN she gave the spare keys to my brother, who drove it into the ground (he literally crashed it) even though he already had a van.

It's funny because she makes 6 figures working from home and can barely even use the internet correctly but because she's basically a manager they can't fire her (but she still pretends she's an oppressed worker under the thumb of upper management and got pissy when the tax law changes took away some of her write offs).

The things I would do to her if I could get away with it, all that lost time trying to climb back from zero.

>> No.22706239

If you wanna learn how to start a business just google that shit lol why do you need to pay for that knowledge?