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22698509 No.22698509 [Reply] [Original]

>at least I'm not black
how can I even come back from being btfo like that?

>> No.22698522


>> No.22698543

Get a job he was more qualified for

>> No.22698551
File: 407 KB, 750x1000, 1588621868458.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving a shit about race
Live your life as good as you can, and be nice and kind to other people

>> No.22698564
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You get your fellow hood niggas to beat whitey's ass. Remember don't try this unless you outnumber him at least 5 to 1, he's dropped his guard, and isn't armed.

>> No.22698639

we're not all like that.

>> No.22698729

Being black is different from being a nigger. Lots of decent black people out there.

>> No.22698749
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>> No.22698757

just post some webms of you bottoming out in white roasties and revel in the seethe and cope

>> No.22698768

Paint a picture of the guy who said it getting assfucked in prison.

>> No.22698771
File: 33 KB, 838x829, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy, don't be black

>> No.22698787

most people here are niggers since they don't have a job

>> No.22698806


you know this is true by meeting real African immigrants like Nigerians for example, very decent regular people that didnt grow up to be a niggerfaggot and listening to horrendous music like so many "african-americans"

>> No.22698810

There's nothing.

>> No.22698856

just shout out "built for bbc" and point at the closest female

>> No.22698861

lol no they will chimp as hard as American bleqs when given the opportunity. Even literal pajeets with thousands of years of documented ethnoreligious strife cooperate more than Sub-Saharan Africans.

>> No.22698898

not from my experience, although to be fair the ones i met spoke really good English and obviously came from money so maybe you have a point

>> No.22698957

I seriously doubt you're black. Post a pic of your hand with timestamp. There are so many different kinds of black as well. You got the american hood nigga black, then the european immigrant black(the ones fresh off the boat), the UK blacks, the African well off blacks. I'd say to any black anon on here to try to just dress cleanly. A black with hood clothings or immigrant type of clothes is an instant red flag.

>> No.22698985

This is what I thought too... But as soon as the African immigrants interact with some real joggers they change lanes pretty quickly. I think they are just more adept at wearing a face that gets along with the white man when they need it.

>> No.22699008

Easy. Buy LINK.

>> No.22699010

This is the biggest cop out, white people really think saying this is a good justification for saying the n-word
>At least my self worth isnt based on a fabricated sense of superiority over others, cultivated to earn votes by and for the same people that keep me down in life

>> No.22699025

You don't, being a nigger is the worst fate of all. At least indians are known for being mediocre with technology

>> No.22699043

Black anon reporting in, there's nothing to be gained from those arguments, it always just becomes a time wasting pissing match.

>> No.22699059


>> No.22699127

That's great, but how tall are you?

>> No.22699136

if you are black in a western country in 2020 you won the genetic lottery, second most privileged group after Jews of course.
You have a magical spell that solves all obstacles: 'is it because I'm black?'. You get preferentially hired everywhere to fill diversity quotas. You are allowed to have completely arbitrary political affiliations and nobody is going to attack you for them (white people get called racists for being right wing).

If you are black in Africa well sucks to be you I guess

>> No.22699287

>'is it because I'm black?'
This doesn't really work unless the person you're talking to is room temp iq
>You get preferentially hired everywhere to fill diversity quotas.
This also isn't true, at least in my experience, I had to grind experience and tailor my resume and cover letter to each, and then follow up to get jobs. Most of the time I get the automated "We went with another candidate sorry" email. Not complaining or anything but this is a meme the internet loves to push. Affirmative Action was also abolished back in the 90's.
>You are allowed to have completely arbitrary political affiliations and nobody is going to attack you for them
I get yelled at whenever I say I don't think trump is that bad lol get called an uncle tom and all that. Most times people expect you to answer a certain way.

>> No.22699389

I know a few black guys who act like gentlemen, have high paying jobs, are intelligent and are less niggerish than many white dudes I know.

Also, I always feel like the more connected to Africa the black man/woman is, the more likely they are to be a respectable human being. The FOB African families are always based as fuck.

>> No.22700148

>>You are allowed to have completely arbitrary political affiliations and nobody is going to attack you for them
>I get yelled at whenever I say I don't think trump is that bad lol get called an uncle tom and all that. Most times people expect you to answer a certain way.

This. >>22699136 is delusional in thinking black people are in anyway safe from group think. Black culture is insanely collectivist, you WILL get shutdown for having any opinions that are not with the norm. And this has been that way from way before SJWs were in existence.

>> No.22700202

OP just buy some chainlink and live off staking once institutions confirm adoption/utilization, do it soon.

>> No.22700270

An American born negress is possibly the worst person to come across.

Of course, many black women aren't negresses, but they are easily identifiable.