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22695489 No.22695489 [Reply] [Original]

Handed notice in at start of August as my portfolio was looking good. Told my boss I’d be gone by the September 1st to pursue a career as a crypto investor. For the whole of August I was bragging to my colleagues that I would be earning in 1 month what they earn in a year. I even went to a Porsche dealership to look at cars and took a few brochures with me to leave on my desk and read whilst on lunch breaks in the office canteen just to rub it in a bit more. Anyway, I’m now about 70% down from August and I now need my job back. I’ve looked for new jobs but there is nothing about. Really don’t want to have to return to my old job after leaving it less than 3 weeks ago and be ridiculed by everyone there. What would you guys do?

>> No.22695545
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>> No.22695571


>> No.22695582

>crypto investor.


>> No.22695616
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Either crawl back, find something else (did you look really deep), or double/triple down on what you set out to do.

>> No.22695620

oh jesus

I wouldn't go back

>> No.22695664

For anyone who is even thinking about quitting or making the same mistake. Do not quit unless you have $2 mil minimum, no debt, low expenses, tight budget, and have a passive income stream of SOME kind

>> No.22695758
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I hope this is a real story, you are max tard, better invest in knee pads, you can start with me, ill give ya 3 bucks, pretty generous considering fat tards like you usually only get two bucks a blowy.

>> No.22695771

depends on cost of living....but I wouldn't quit my day job without having my current salary x10 in the bank. not in crypto....in the bank.

>> No.22695948

You're a fucking idiot and you deserve everything you get.

>> No.22695978

You can keep buying the dips with the job, op is dumb

>> No.22696406

>actually quitting your job over unrealized gains

>> No.22696536
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play it off as a terrible, poorly executed, autistic joke

>> No.22696658

George costanza style lol

>> No.22696769

No turning back. My job was paying wel for me and my wife. But I couldn’t handle their mental conditioning after corona so I quit. My first few week of crypto I was doing well. Now these past 2 weeks have been a crap shoot and it’s been straight up gambling. I’m thinking about taking out all of my stocks just to stay afloat and have some money left in crypto. Otherwise I’m just gonna so handy man work for the time being.


>> No.22696885
File: 7 KB, 185x273, JUST Frasier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quitting your job before cashing out

>> No.22697061

i want this to be real so badly

>> No.22697110

>For the whole of August I was bragging to my colleagues that I would be earning in 1 month what they earn in a year. I even went to a Porsche dealership to look at cars and took a few brochures with me to leave on my desk and read whilst on lunch breaks in the office canteen just to rub it in a bit more
Kek. Imagine if someone actually did this

>> No.22697270

My folio reached $1.2mm in August and I was strongly tempted to do the same, except without the disgusting noveau-riche braggartry. Glad I didn't as I'm down to $700k now and it would suck mega dick having to dip into that to survive now.

Same, $2mm is my hard exit figure. It could tank 50% from there without imperiling my retirement.