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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22690920 No.22690920 [Reply] [Original]

hello dinglers

I am a real coinbase dingus. Lots of fees, lots of limitations. Feels like I'm channeling my inner dingus.
How do you buy your crypto elsewhere?
What platforms can you use for purchasing and swing trading without being raped?

Thanks in advance to all the realfaggots

>> No.22691027

what is your goal? anonymity? convenience? low fees?

>> No.22691118

>price comparison for getting your fiat into crypto:

all options require kyc to varying degrees

>> No.22691451


Thank you for the link, kind one.

My goal is low fees and no limits.

For example, there seems to be some price drama rn, which is great, and I can pull my money out of Coinbase quickly, but I can only buy back in at a few hundred per week.

>> No.22692279

I made a song called dingus I bet you'd like it cause you're a dingus
Listen, rather than onramp and offramp your money thru an exchange and pay fees, you can just swing into Tether and sit out dumps. Swing back in to link or whatever when you feel comfortable. Tether uses some kind of internet magic to always be a dollar. I use coinbase even though it kinda stinks. I usually just do most of my trades on uniswap because im addicted to losing all my money on shitcoins trying to find that next 100x, but coinbase doesnt have a fee for trading coins so if you like what's on there it works.

>> No.22692510


ding dong dingus the witch is dead.

I'm almost positive coinbase charges coin trading fees, even though it says it doesn't. I don't think it's just coincidence that my portfolio goes down by about $15 any time I've done a transfer.

>> No.22692550

You are using Coinbase Pro and not regular Coinbase right? Also, Binance is even cheaper fee-wise and has a greater selection, but if you're a burger you have to use Binance.us which has pretty poor volume.