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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 706 KB, 768x781, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22689956 No.22689956 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck is it dumping so hard???? will it recover?

>> No.22690008


Yes, all coins are dumping right now

>> No.22690011

everything is dumping, its normal

>> No.22690031

Of course it will recover. Everything is dumping right now, don't worry. If you can make it threw this and keep steady hands you'll be able to handle any dumps in this market.

>> No.22690043

There's no way it doesn't recover to at least $4, but it sucks for people who bought in at like $7 or $8 like me. I have lost $50 on this.

>> No.22690044
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that hefty dump surely will mean a huge buyback?

>> No.22690050

cope faggot. only idiots kept holding it and did not sell at $5-8 levels..

>> No.22690051

Because crypto is a fucking scam

shut the fuck up

>> No.22690064

lmao no

>> No.22690087

PS5 is sold out so no need for it

>> No.22690134

theres still a lot more to be dumped. This DEX doesn´t even have a good future, because it´s built around useless shitcoins. A governance token over a platform trading scams, is not worth much. Also the token inflations is enormous

>> No.22690158

Why would it recover? Millions of Pajeets are still holding 400+ UNI and have yet to dump

>> No.22690214

just fucking sell and do not give them hope. just cut your loss and fucking sell this shit is gone. stop manipulating people this is real money

>> No.22690220

Launch hype is over and market sell off. Of course but it will bottom out first

>> No.22690261
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niggers have to be done dumping now soon
weak hands with 0.2 second attention span will get bored, anxious to move to the next profit to gain back their losses.
this is the bottom

>> No.22690273

when will people ever learn... coins pump due to hype and then dump 95% of the time. glad i sold around $7

>> No.22690288

>market dumps
>everyone goes immediately bearish long term and calls it a worthless shitcoin
You guys are hilarious, so gerbil-brained that you’ll swing full sentiment within 12 hours. What the fuck is wrong with this board?

>> No.22690323

Realized it just keep dumping with the rest of the market and sold my remaining 100 UNIs. We got too cocky.

>> No.22690354

God I'm so angry about this. Millions of shit eaters got this for free. Fucking nuke india.

>> No.22690405

screenshotted to show how wrong you are. I've done the TA and this shit will dump to $2 within a week

>> No.22690406

kek. based 20 UNI holding jeet

>> No.22690486

Prove it

>> No.22690541

TA doesn't fucking work in crypto.

>> No.22690570

uniswap useless token is overvalued as fuck, its a bubble. A governance token to govern the rules of a platform trading scams that will soon die. 95% of the coins on uniswap will die in the next few years, and it will never overtake binance. It relies on ethereum which is fundamentally flawed in itself, and cant switch to POS. What a joke. A ore fair mcap valuation for the uniswap token would be 50 million, so 10 times less than current value.

>> No.22690577

It thought it was the bottom when we were at $4.85. I was wrong and admitted. Dont be stubborn anon, it will keep dumping with the rest of the market

>> No.22690586

It will go to $1
Bear market has started, come back in late spring

>> No.22690590

so what, so did you
you're not a binance retard who doesn't actually use decentralized protocols, are you?

>> No.22690627
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>its normal

>> No.22690643

the long term forecast for uniswap is bearish. It relies on the overall crypto market, and the overall crypto market has a few bearish years in front of it. All these shitcoins will soon die, and exchange trading volume will drop u morons

>> No.22690664

ofc it will dump, but when it hits a certain low people WILL flock back to this.
guys its fucking uniswap, not some pajeet scam

>> No.22690700

Why wouldn't this dump to well below a dollar?

>> No.22690703

>guys its fucking uniswap, not some pajeet scam

>> No.22690720

might as well be jeetswap the whole market is going to collapse into dust

>> No.22690725

>TA doesn't fucking work

>> No.22690732

This guy gets it
You really thought this was gonna last forever? This entire summer has been nothing but green. Could buy anything and sell hours later for profit

>> No.22690752

I´m a high IQ dude with experience on doing analysis the find the fair valuation of a cmpany, project or even crypto. Uniswap and all these other shitcoins are massively overvalued if we go by any meaningful metric.

>> No.22690764

Crypto is over. Most chains dont even worth. Everything is scam. Life is a scam

>> No.22690874

Insider here, this

>> No.22690881

I'm going to kill myself.
I sold at $7 originally, then bought in back at $6.50. Then it dropped to 5.10 where i sold, and then bought back in 5.50. Now i sold at 4.10 and it;s already pumping up to 4.50. Time to rope. Fuck this coin.

>> No.22690902

75% of tokens have already been claimed, and from what I've seen, the vast majority of those have either 1) gone straight to centralized exchanges or 2) been consolidated into much larger wallets. I'm not saying the jeets are done yet, but within a couple of weeks that should be more or less at equilibrium. Of course, two more weeks of bearish stocks/BTC could mean sub-$2 prices either way.

>> No.22690906

Bitcoin will have to die before crypto can succeed. Thats in the cycle of events that will happen before the next bull market. It´s all lined up. But first we will go through a year or two of pain, combined with the worst economic depression EVER. All the jeets will sell their uniswap, and buy property in there shithole india, or food to survive the coming economic holocaust, which is gonne bacome increasinlgy worse over the next years. People will exit crypto, and most coins will die. Only the best will rise from the ashes, in a much more regulated market.

>> No.22690923

>haven’t sold once
>never swung, therefore never risked getting rekt
imagine losing money on a free airdrop. you guys seem to do this every hour.

>> No.22690931

>TA on an unprecedented airdrop coin designed to govern and provide liquidity to the largest decentralized crypto exchange
These are untested waters

>> No.22691024

>t. brainlet

>> No.22691047

yeah no shit. how new are you to crypto though?...be honest. you can't think it terms of actual value in crypto. if you do, you won't make any money and will sell the best coins before they ever even pump. this is a market where it's unironically easier to make money with a lower IQ. if you're smart, you have to be smart enough to realize how dumb everyone else is and play it to your advantage.

>> No.22691072

imagine being this retarded.

>> No.22691126

bought back at 4.78, how far will my shit get pushed in?

>> No.22691152

>Fuck this coin
The coin is not the problem. You are. Learn to trade properly or stop trading.

>> No.22691171

I'm done trading. Cashed out and putting everything in my bank. Fuck crypto and fuck money.

>> No.22691183
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>> No.22691207

Hahahaha I have kept my capital safe I am planning to invest in RIO DeFi, its doing awesome job in DeFi segment.

>> No.22691209

I thought there was no way it wouldn't hit $10 once they launched staking and governance. But now the market has died and we're on our way down to March levels.

>> No.22691211

til u can't feel it no more son

>> No.22691283

Unless we see a Black Tuesday-equivalent tomorrow, I imagine that we'll be back to $5.00 within the next couple days. My current buy-in average is $4.30 so I'm sitting a little more comfy though.

>> No.22691338

>Unless we see a Black Tuesday-equivalent tomorrow
Oh fuck I forgot that "Battery Day" is tomorrow. This is extremely bearish.

>> No.22691444

What’s battery day?

>> No.22691505

Ohhhh shid, looked it up. Elon is announcing something tomorrow that’s “going to blow your mind”.

Inb4 everyone goes and buys up Tesla stock.

>> No.22691510

Musk announced some meme holiday and made a bunch of promises last week. TSLA rebounded massively and it stopped other tech stocks from bleeding as well. Since Musk is a meme master of the markets, everything he does has the opposite effect.

>> No.22691529

nice digits, but are you sure youre in the right place? It has to deal with gay ass Tesla

>> No.22691551

>Inb4 everyone goes and buys up Tesla stock.
They already did last week. Today's the day before and TSLA is still out-bleeding the NASDAQ. He'll probably throw a retarded stunt where a battery explodes during unveiling for extra effect, like the indestructible window on that truck breaking after one rock.

>> No.22691595

is number gonna go back up to 7 at least

>> No.22691640

>why the fuck is it dumping so hard????
because it was free

will it recover?

the $UNI airdrop is a perfect example of why UBI will not work

>> No.22691696

i´ve been here for years. Ofcourse crypto is not rational. but it will trend towards more reationality over time, thus most coins will decrease in price over time, thus most uniswap tokens will die.

>> No.22691814

>but it will trend towards more reationality over time, thus most coins will decrease in price over time
This is usually done on the scale of 6 months to a few years. UNI's still a babe in the woods.

>> No.22691926

>the $UNI airdrop is a perfect example of why UBI will not work

A governance token on a DEX isn't remotely comparable to the worlds reserve currency used daily.

>> No.22692035
File: 34 KB, 563x650, 15888654259385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt sell the first day for a ps5
>sold the 3rd day for a ps5 and some games
why yes i am a chad how could you tell?

>> No.22692037

ok govinder put the pipe down and step away from the keyboard

>> No.22692053

the gambling speculation side of the crypto market will decrease over time. SImple because it´s not that many usecases a public blockchain can offer. Once all the usecases are covered, there will be far less new innovation to shill and feed the gambling market. There will be a handful of big public blockchains, the rest will die, and specualtion will die down. So uniswap will lose a lot of volume over time. We are right now at PEAK speculative mania, and thats when exchanges flourish. But that will change

>> No.22692096

You're retarded. Stop relying on the market to do what you want it to do, and learn how to trade better. If you didn't sell at $5+, sell now and salvage some profits while it's still above $4. Buy in when it dumps to $2-3

>> No.22692131

get back to work pajeet, if your uncle finds you neglecting the village chickens again he will sic the toilet witch on you.

>> No.22692147

To some extent I agree, in that we're in an extremely volatile situation, and when everything returns to that 2013-style optimism people will abandon crypto alongside gold. But if you consider either possible outcome of the election, the continued changvirus uncertainty, and the effects of the tech bubble, it's seems clear that things will continue to be unstable at least into mid 2021.

>> No.22692191
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Same, bought at 7 something and lost $150. When will this end?

>> No.22692339

Blowing of future investment on a ps5. Such chad.

>> No.22692355

Bros...someone tell me this is going to $10 soon

>> No.22692411

It’s not that bad my dude.

I swing my linkies at that price and and down over $7k. Grass is always greener on the other side.

Use it as a learning experience and turn that loss into a gain.

>> No.22692450

If the market continues bearish, expect $2 before $10.

>> No.22692467

>>sold the 3rd day for a ps5 and some games
kek this

why get just a ps5 when you can get a ps5/weed/alcohol/games/60 inch TV/sound system

>> No.22692532
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based long term perspective. this is the truth. don't lose heart /biz/, it's the psychos who held on through dumps like this that end up winning in the end. All that matters in the short term is figuring out where the bottom is going to be, buy while it's cheap

>> No.22693235

holy fucking cringe

you held through a dump and lost money, that's the reality

don't try and twist it by pretending you're some sort of sharp witted psychopath outplaying the market lmao, if this was the case you'd already be rich and not asking an anonymous forum for validation

>> No.22694021
File: 539 KB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20200921-094708_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everything is dumping why are faggots in this thread acting like this won't recover.

>> No.22694059

Lol what TA retard

>> No.22694139

Imagine believing BTC will die and your <insert shitcoin here> will prosper.

>> No.22694425

cringe faggot doesn't understand tokenomics

>> No.22694521

Because that’s the /biz/ way lol

It will recover. Good time to buy the sales. I remember when link dumped in the March crash and didn’t fucking buy then, never again.

>> No.22694537

Why the fuck are we going through this for the second time in two weeks? First the obvious scamcoin SUSHI dumps and drags the rest of the market down with it, and now we're doing the same fucking thing with the obvious scamcoin UNI. I gotta say, I'm getting pretty fucking tired of this DeFi bullshit. Crypto has become a literal casino.

>> No.22694676

A fucking unregulated casino at that

>> No.22694679
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1598705675968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US stock market is shitting the bed retard. Therefore grandad BTC shits the bed and so on. And unlike SUSHI, UNI isn't being lead by rug pulling faggots with no sense of vision.
>Crypto has become a literal casino.
It was always a casino. This is early days. For 10 years it has been. It may well be for another 10 years. We can hope to be retirement age and see our shitcoins turn into respectable investment vehicles of stability and storied growth. Until then, nut up buttercup.

>> No.22694746

>just get into crypto
>poor fag
>drop 2k on shitcoins through uniswap that I could afford to lose but still a bad idea
>anon here is your money back plus some, keep the coins you bought too

I love you uniswap, you guys saved my dumb ass.

>> No.22694804

>weak hands
>0.2 second attention span

Still made more profit than you

>> No.22694850

Caring about 50$


>> No.22695043

kek, this shit is dead on eth.
ftm will roll over this with based andre.

>> No.22695388

Any technicalfags have educated guesses about where the bottom is, loading up for the golden bullrun

>> No.22695595

>buy $2000 worth of PNK at $0.14 cause /biz/ says it's good
>loses half its value
>uniswap airdrops me $2000 for doing nothing
>cash it out instantly
>still got my pinkies

Goodbye sunk cost fallacy

>> No.22696044

Im still up $200

Shouldve sold couldve made $5000 though. I'll end up making even more now

>> No.22696094

Right? Thanks anon, no one couldn't put it into better words. Hahahaha. Fucking faggots and weak hands.

>> No.22696134
File: 309 KB, 2602x758, Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 1.58.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ in a fucking nutshell.

>> No.22696491

Changed mine to usdc with the rest. Waiting for massacre to end.

>> No.22697217

When is the buy back in price

>> No.22697319

It has unironically hit the bottom. We’re going to $8+ by eow

>> No.22697410

$10 on the 23rd.

>> No.22697517

>why the fuck is it dumping so hard
Because they literally give away money for free?

>> No.22697594
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>there's unironically some faggots here who bought AIRDROPPED FREE internet chuck-e cheese token for over $7

GIGA FUCKING KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22697645


All the whales only wanted enough to vote. Now that they have it nobody is buying UNI except for poorfags

>> No.22697654

Leave your contact here. If it reaches 10$ on the 23rd, I will send you 1 ETH. And all the opposite.

>> No.22697668

What happens on the 23rd anon?

>> No.22697748


didn't you read it hits 10 dollars

>> No.22697864
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>went up as soon as you did that
The bogs called
You fucked up lol