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22689787 No.22689787 [Reply] [Original]

Would adding 672 million people to the US be better for the economy?

>> No.22689874

that's nice more debt slaves .....they abolish slavery to make way for shit like this.

>> No.22689893

>672 million
Of what? Niggers? Chinks? Poos? Moslems? There is less than 500 million people in western Europe.

>> No.22689923

I'm so sick of these fucking idiots it's way past due for Cambodian style killing fields in this cunt

>> No.22690048

Automation is going to make 35% of all jobs obsolete by 2024.
That means 100,000,000 people without work in the USA.
How sustainable is that, do you think?
Buy Chainlink, Ethereum, Gold, and some stocks just to be safe. Today is a good day to make a purchase, too. Literally everything is down.
Dump your savings into some type of asset and hold on for dear life. Resist the urge to cash out when things get rough. Once we come out on the other side, you'll be big happy with the outcome.
Discipline, anon. Get you some.

>> No.22690058

the weird thing is.....if the us would just openly sell citizenship. make it $1m each. or we finance it for 20 years.....
we could then live like kings for 50 years as rich immigrants moved to us and financed our lifestyle.
by the time 50 years passed btc citadels will be a thing and we could do a breakaway civ somewhere else.
i have no idea whats the obsession with attracted dirt poor immigrants instead of rich ones. quite retarded

>> No.22690130

As long as you guys keep your overpopulation to yourselves. I'm really banking on the fact that I live in a place that is too cold most of the year for people from 3rd world countries. I rather like not getting stuck in traffic jams and being able to go places without any people if I want to.

>t. worried canadian

>> No.22690203

It would make GDP go up, it would make per capita GDP go down substantially. The nation's system doesn't really make sense in a post-crypto mainstream world though since government's main purpose is to ensure property rights and this is unnecessary ever since Sergey solved the double spending problem back in 2008

>> No.22690252
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Bingo. I wonder how they'll handle transferring all that money.

>> No.22690266

The tent cities in Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver are your future.
Post in-store prices of luxury soup.

>> No.22690284

wait a few years, europe is importing millions of niggers

>> No.22690333

The Pyramid must go on...

>> No.22690368

There's tent cities all over the place here in Winnipeg too... some based community members were going around lighting them on fire this summer, but I'm afraid it wont be enough.

As I said, I'm worrried

>> No.22690473

>some based community members
its absolutely fucking absurd that fag nigger loving govt should simultaneously impose property taxes and encourage destruction of private property simultaneously. there are people who pay tens of thousands per year in property taxes who are told to fuck off when they call the cops to report squatters.
what is recourse?

>> No.22690600

ya lol, the cops don't do anything. Even though they're literally robbing stores nearby constantly every single day (I used to live down the street from one of the big ones under a bridge here in winnipeg). There's homeless/poverty initiatives that go and try to get them set up with welfare and manitoba housing (LITERALLY FREE FUCKING GIBS AND A FREE APARTMENT) and they say no, they'd rather live in a tent under a fucking bridge and steal from everyone around them.

>> No.22690634

Worse cause they’ll all be brown which means we need to pay for them to live

>> No.22690652

Think of the Gee Dee Pee

>> No.22690686

This, the only way to preserve my profits and portfolio is with unmitigated violence against leftists

>> No.22691237

Where are you gonna house them? How about start adding millions of houses?

>> No.22691350

*creats 500 million studio apartments in windowless concrete blocks.*
Welcome to le epic science future anon :D

>> No.22691440

das rite whyte boi

>> No.22691825

More like 500 million slave pens. For the economy!

>> No.22692583

>make it $1m each
.... you know... this is already the case right.... at least for a permanent residency, all you gotta do is "invest" a million bucks... or make 10 jobs for americans...

>> No.22692705

>let's turn the US into Honk Kong but with beaners, poos and africans

>> No.22692733

poor immigrants undercut wages of the native
Bezos loves mexicans, he wants open border, same for the tech industry with visa

>> No.22692982

Dallas FW Texas. This is happening all over the world not just US. In Europe they keep building blocks in the cities and these modern homes outside the cities. Natality is low as you know, who will inhabit these?

>> No.22693030
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forgot pic

>> No.22693202

>increasing automation will, in the next few decades, essentially make any person below ~110 IQ worthless because unskilled labor will be a thing of the past
>import hundreds of millions of them

>> No.22693322

That title is devious af. You can't just "add Americans". Giving Jose or chang a piece of paper doesnt make him an american.

>> No.22693505

Why would rich kikes invite other rich people that would compete with them when they can import hundreds of thousands of dirt poor beaners that they can employ for sub minimum wage and up taxes on the middle class to provide welfare for them since the spics arent being paid living wages

>> No.22693543

Sauce on your big numbers? I’m guessing it’s your hairy asshole

>> No.22693651

1 million? really
id try like at least 50-100million
maybe when that slows down then 10 million or so
1 million isnt even enough to retire off, and with inflation thats going to be chump change soon

>> No.22693666


This whole planet will eventually be an unlivable toxic waste shithole, with no natural resources, full of poos, chinks and niggers. We're never colonizing space. This beautiful planet is being destroyed just to harvest chicken to feed to niggers

>> No.22693689

>Don't have children to save the climate!
>The case for adding 673957375364729274 more Americans.


>> No.22693847

you realize the former is just to get rid of whiteys? since the rest arent slowing down the children cabooses anytime soon
also they only care about the environment when it profits them
>t. ecofaschist rip linkola

>> No.22693858

There is literally less than 10 years left to avert irreversible climate change, and just take a look around to how the "adults" have reacted to this .... for the last 30 years since Congress held hearings in 1989

A bunch of fucking assholes, thats what America is comprised of, for the most part, and anyone coming in, also... a bunch of fucking assholes.

They sold you out? What price did your future fetch? How much did they make? Don't ask them- all they have to do is pretend they don't know, couldn't act, weren't told, nobody forced them to, etc.

Go ahead and post some Greta pics, all you self-destructive trolls.. its all you can do

>> No.22693922

bro you realize theyve been saying theres ten years left for ages?
im not saying its not true that hte planet is deteriorating, im sayinfg its far past fixing
i want the seas to turn to acid, i want people to starve in the streets, i want them all to turn this earth that they fancied heaven into a real hell
i dont care

>> No.22693998

You’re so young. I remember in the 70s the narrative being pushed was an impending ice age

>> No.22694013

the economy? maybe. the millions of heritage Americans who fall into the low skill/ no skill workforce? no, it will widen wealth disparity and accelerate the coming class war between the haves and the filthy have nots

>> No.22694064

what did they use to reinforce it? like now its carbon emissions what was it then? cold war shit?

>> No.22694111

But would it be good for us stock holders? Who the fuck cares about poor people if we make it

>> No.22694268

When acculturation is effective, the brainwashed adopt the beliefs and reasoning of the culture'

>past saving
>don't care
>fuck it burn it down anyway

You could have been cultivated to be a decent human being, but they warped your mind, mangled your logic and ability to reason, destroyed your ability to fight back. The culture "has a death wish" - quote. Its like they put the words in your mouth like the barrel of a gun... you're spiritually and mentally dead already. Resurrection is possible, but it would take a miracle.

>> No.22694293

The icecaps were growing and all the pollution was going to seed clouds and increase the Earth’s albedo and reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the surface or some such. It’s all horseshit, motivated by distract (and tax) and rule presumably

>> No.22694349

I would support this as long as we went Tokyo level housing density, otherwise it would unironically destroy us.

>> No.22694363


>white genocide isn't real.
>nothing to see her goyim

>> No.22694364

my conception is a christian one
what happened to paradise? it was burnt down. in order to make way for the new heaven and new earth it must be completely destroyed. now i dont claim to know the timeframe, nor do i assume that man ought to be the impetus of such a situation. only that its natural taht it will happen, so theres no reason to fight against enevitability, only foolish and childish idealism.
when i die i'll simply go to heaven, then what do i care of the limitness of earth? none.
i always find it funny that every also ignores the little ice age just a while back. like earth heats and cools all the time

>> No.22694474

The sun’s output varies enough to swamp any impact we might have on the climate, but you can’t tax people based on that. Yet

>> No.22694481
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>I remember in the 70s the narrative being pushed was an impending ice age

We're not debating. You're just wrong. All your embedded assumptions are clear... typical 4chan contrarian, meme-tier invalid reasoning, about historical falsehoods. This is the only forum in which you can compete with dumb ass reasoning like this.

The environmentalists were right about everything and capitalism, psychology, and culture just rolled over ethics, reason and science. I'm not here to win arguments. I'm here to remind you that smart & ethical people never succumbed to political retardedness. We were just overruled and overwhelmed.

As they teach in philosophy, there is no valid argument that must be accepted as true. Irrational people believe whatever they want for other reasons.

>> No.22694510

>the reddit spacer is shitting up the thread with climate change muh science bs

>> No.22694576

What do you want the average /biz/ poster to do about it?
I'm sure a lot of us would have liked to live in a low-pop, clean, white West but instead our elites chose the nogbeaner favela option

>> No.22694599

>who will inhabit these?
All the Californians coming in, as well as H-1B's getting jobs in the Richardson corridor, which to me count as Californians. Also, the US doesn't have the same problems with birthrates that Europe does, at least not yet.

>> No.22694625

They're evil, but they really can't be that short-sighted, right? Why the fuck would they even want that? Is being king worth it if your kingdom is mountains of shit and trash?

>> No.22694629

we have the same problems amongst the white populations
the only reason our birth rate is increasing is due to immigration and immigrants

>> No.22694718

>ten years
Actually, during the Paris agreement it was already agreed upon that we're already over the edge and current measures are to lessen how long the environment will be unbearable. I guess they rewrote the propaganda again

>> No.22694796

>The environmentalists were right about everything
From the man in your picture:
>"[i]n the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now"

>> No.22694814

>all that text
>not a single argument
You dumb, nigger

>> No.22694829
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>Eat Recycled Food
>It's Good For The Environment
>And Okay For You

>> No.22694890

Today, we CAN in fact avoid irreversible climate change. It requires a year over year 7% reduction in CO2 emissions.

That will mean, by 2030, we are on the road to sub-1.5C warming. Literally speaking that is like saying, to the average American, drive 1 less day a week, assuming they drive every day of the week.

Guess what? No one will do it, because the climate is a commons, and their comfort and way of life is a private good. Its a moral and ethical dilemma. I'm a realist- we are going to fail, because there will be no political will or popular sacrifice. This will play out similarly globally, because politically, there will be a total lack of coherence and collaboration.

Most likely, we just keep on going until crisis reaches day-to-day reality, and then, no one can be blamed for the mess, because of the dilution of time and responsibility. We'll be too busy trying to survive, maybe fighting some pretty spectacular wars.

We are just not going to make it out of this because the forces toward destruction are too vast and distributed. This century is a keyhole event- probably faced by other galactic civilizations- where they create the waste products they choke to death on- like bacteria in a petri dish. We don't make the leap to next-type 90+% of us starve by 2100. I have no illusions that you'll "Get it"... people "kill the messenger"... people didn't listen to the environmentalists then, they won't listen now- in fact, go ahead and attack me... its what the PR has been doing for decades & decades. It will only get more intense for us as things get worse. Not civilians. They will be encouraged to buy-buy-buy. Nevermind us "enviro wackos". :) good luck kids. You're fucked, seriously. Enjoy tearing down statues and banging on your keyboards in internet chat rooms.

>> No.22695027
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>We're not debating. You're just wrong. All your embedded assumptions are clear... typical 4chan contrarian, meme-tier invalid reasoning, about historical falsehoods. This is the only forum in which you can compete with dumb ass reasoning like this.
>The environmentalists were right about everything and capitalism, psychology, and culture just rolled over ethics, reason and science. I'm not here to win arguments. I'm here to remind you that smart & ethical people never succumbed to political retardedness. We were just overruled and overwhelmed.
>As they teach in philosophy, there is no valid argument that must be accepted as true. Irrational people believe whatever they want for other reasons.

>> No.22695065

>a ring of fire supervolcano erupts dumping two decades worth of GHGs into the atmosphere over the span of two weeks

>> No.22695074

>Why dont we just sell off our land and move elsewhere lol
Fuck off.

>> No.22695122

>to the average American, drive 1 less day a week
For many Americans that is impossible, due to population density and is unenforceable. That's the crux of most of these efforts and proposals.
Some maniac getting the nuclear codes and genociding most of the planet is probably the only bet at quick reduction of CO2. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the plan down the road.

>> No.22695190

So what's your stance on brown "people", muhclimate faggot?

>> No.22695320
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based. too many doomers in this thread

>> No.22695368
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I'm tired of this shit, seriously. I'm in the X generation, that saw it all go downhill from 1974. Every year was a new low. The boomers were young, their optimism peaked around 1990. Inexorably the forces of evil won. Like the Star Wars allegory, without the Hollywood happy ending bullshit. The system architecture was built to remove the obstacles to what they euphemistically called 'development' and 'growth'. The hypocrisy was mainstreamed (to go hyperdrive around 2005 and continuing today).

There were two paths for humanity to go down at that historical inflection point. One was, value of money highest, profits up front, ignore problems, ignore moral reasoning. The other was (other) values set arbitrarily higher than money: truth, love, courage, maybe. An ethically sound, scientifically valid path to solve problems.

The bad guys won. Colonized nearly everyone's mind. Happened in a wave. Wore down the best, oldest, wisest grew weak and died. The "Average person" adopted cultural messaging without reflection and perpetrated it on their kids (in mass indoctrination).

All (theoretical and actual) civilizations face existential tests like this. This was the first encounter, for us as at a species level, globally- there is no historical analogue. We aren't biologically equipped, by evolution, for this problem. Culture obviously failed, being based on, at best, 2nd millennium problem sets. Religion instructs and refers to apocalyptic key-hole type events- for stone age populations (including climate change) so they've been no help. Embrace the apocalypse, this world is just a mirage, a falsehood, the real world is "in heaven", etc. Heavy future discounting. Science couldn't overcome these forces. In the past we'd just lapse into one of the many dark ages. Not this time, now we just push physical conditions beyond the margin of survival the species existed in for millions of years.

But practically and mathematically speaking we could avoid this.

>> No.22695514

who the fuck wants to go to the US

>> No.22695594

Call me a Chang or a CCP shill, but I honestly think the chinks are on a good way. They still have a long way to go, but I can see a steady improvement. I think after the west successfully genocided itself and the Nigger-Spic cycle breaks apart, the chinks, japs and perhaps the Russians and Indians will inherit the earth.
Perhaps humanity will still become a space faring species, but unfortunately it seems without Europeans.

>> No.22695606

This is the end result of the financialization of the entire world economy. Everything must grow to compensate for the endless creation of debt, no matter the cost culturally or environmentally. We are living in the largest pyramid scam in history, and now we're learning why usury was considered a 'sin' the hard way.

>> No.22695713

What's the solution though? Is there any that doesn't involve killing most of the Earth's population or turning everybody into slaves? It's sad seeing the environment deteriorate, but I'm feeling a bit hopeless over it. At this point maybe we'll need to push production and sciences as much as possible and try to come up with technological solutions.

>> No.22695792

>Turn a Texas sized square of land around the equator into a solar farm

>> No.22695805

Montreal is getting bad, Tent cities, junkies everywhere, neighbors are putting up barbwire on their gates.

>> No.22695821

Its too long to describe here. Basically the reason immigration is upheld is because of agriculture, which is based on monoculture type that predominated because, despite the civil war, the south's type of production (monoculture) won over the north's (polycutlure). The idea of the civil war being about two kinds of agriculture may be new to you. Not a popular or widely known subject. Anyway, the dominance of commodity crop monoculture basically required cheap labor. Big business dictates the terms, in negotiation with government and society, then as now, generally. Other factors like cheap energy, diversification, the path the economy took, all played a part. This was a global phenomenon. The explanation is far too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say that unsustainable agriculture and unsustainable civilizations go hand in hand. In a polyculture, agriculture is embedded, broadly arrayed, and sustainable. In monoculture, a handful of entities consolidate nearly all the production, on vast area removed from population base. All along this economic model (all economics are based on natural resources- agriculture in some way or form) was sold to us all in the typical way- that it was in our interests. Monoculturists needed the public and the government to look the other way. Instead of allowing the price of free labor to remain unmolested, they allowed instead a kind of second-class citizenship, to keep these giant businesses in profit. These aren't 'free markets'- agriculture (the unsustainable, climate destroying kind) is the most heavily subsidized sector of the economy today, around the world. Every step of the process from production to consumption. It didn't start out that way, but economic incentives kind of grew like a cancer. It started in America in the pre-civil war south. That war was fought by and largely, in the interests of continuing that model.

>> No.22695852

if renting a studio apartment doesn't cost 20k a month we're doing things wrong.

>> No.22695897

China will soon be proving that a homogeneous and ethnocentric society provides better outcomes than diverse and divided ones, even if it's not my own idea of an ideal society.
White nations will probably experience an inverse brain drain, where the best and brightest whites go elsewhere for better opportunities, as they can still provide a lot of value.

>> No.22695905

People here, like myself, hate China because it is a soulless nation. The suffering of individuals is of no consequence so long as the system doesn't collapse. They think its good for everyone to be a literal mind controlled robot if it means steady GDP growth. A multiplanery China that dominates every planet it occupies would be perpetual hell. Complete state control of your thoughts and even an extinction level event can't end it because they'd have more than one habitat.

>> No.22695941

As if they suggest this for financial reasons.. they want to get rid of the white race and everybody who has spent 1 minute researching the jewish question would understand it.

>> No.22696161
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>What's the solution though? Is there any that doesn't involve killing most of the Earth's population or turning everybody into slaves?

I think the only real solution is a global, military hegemony.

For example, take the problem of Brazil. Brazil wants to basically raze its rainforests and turn it all into a few years of beef production. The kind of supra-national global hegemony with a mandate to defend a rainforest, not because its a "resource base", but because it is assigned a perhaps arbitrary distinction as "something that should not be destroyed.

This might play out with Brazil saying, "We can do what we want, fuck you", and this hegemonic force, basically sending cruise missiles to destroy weapons platforms and strategic assets until Brazil surrenders.

Its not possible for any other military in the world to play this part, except for the United States (its hard to imagine the UN playing this part). Its plausible that China or Russia or some other actor, even the EU could arbitrarily build this capability and deploy it. But there is no precedent... its the realm of science fiction authors, but that in itself is not a reason to dismiss the plausibility of it, since Science Fiction, tends to be an "Art that Life imitates".

Closely related examples of this kind of intervention are going on around the world today, only the antagonism is in the legal and economic spheres. The West "tries" to negotiate with Iran to keep it from building a nuclear reactor. Through organizations like the IPCC we "try" to stop China from building coal-fired power plants- currently something crazy like 1 plant built every day.

Its not as far-fetched, if you hit the Fast Forward button to 2029, when the climate is really, and truly frightening, when suddenly, the arbitrary and implied "value" of things like rainforests, or thermal ocean currents, or local climate mediums, exceed relative "value" of things like beef, corn, and onions commodity crops.

>> No.22696170
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Incorrect. The answer we were looking for is "fuck them I hope they all die" and or anything about how shitholers pollute 50x whatever you're trying to blame on working class white Americans. Now fuck off back to your safe space redditnigger.

>> No.22696294

This guy gets it. International finance won. Until the bankers and international financiers are systematically dealt with nothing will change.

Also the “spic” who wrote the article about importing 672 million sub human debt slaves into the US is literally Jewish. Please google his spic name and read his wiki. He is literally a psychopathic jew.

>> No.22696377
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There was only ever one choice, friend. Your blindness to that tells me you’re still hopelessly naive. I’m sure you make a very useful idiot for whatever cause celebre du jour you’ve been brainwashed into. Buy TSLA

>> No.22696388

>we are going to stand and fight this
imagine being 45 years old and believing this shit. you are delusional about the scope of our defeat.
the best out at this point would be to build private non-gov non-democracy enclaves and start fresh. might as well take free money off shitskins in order to fund that....sell them their american card and simultaneously funnel money into private communities.
democracy = NWO = communism.
trying to continue without changing that is a fools errand.

>> No.22696478

Definitely not the Indians. They're completely wrapped up in globohomo too

>> No.22696482
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If anyone is curious how this kike fag sounds and looks like

>> No.22696590

Fucking hell, even more annoying than Shapiro.

>> No.22696868

the lusts of their father etc..

the problem with jews is clearly a genetic one. They simply cannot help themselves in making the lives of whites miserable.

>> No.22696921

They make their own lives miserable.

>> No.22696960

But at this point it's not even necessary. If they simply let things continue as they are and have a little patience then by 2100 this will be practically accomplished.

I think you are right. Faced with the decreasing internal security and economic prosperity in western nations, the ones who are able to choose will look for alternatives. This will probably become really noticeable in the next two decades.

Of course China has a quite high degree of collectivism. Paired with the necessity of extreme economic growth it indeed creates quite a hostile environment for the common worker. But I at least hope that in the future with the further development of their economy the work conditions will improve. Just like during the rapid industrialization in Europe, where working conditions were similarly bad.
You other point of the extreme government control in China is indeed worrying, especially considering what future technological advancements might enable in this field. At the same time I believe that as long as strong competitors still exist for a nation, it doesn't have the luxury to completely suppress individual thought. Since individual genius is needed to keep up in innovation and productivity.
I think a careful balance between individualism and collectivism needs to be struck. But for me it has become apparent that the post ww2 core values of the west like humanitarianism and democracy have been a disaster for the west. It seems like a people is not capable of rationally governing itself, instead I think the people are much better at judging the merit of an independent government and applying punitive measures if necessary.

>> No.22697037

I thought "whites or Jews?" and then realized the answer is "Yes."

>> No.22697047

Nah, fuck em. Europeans are so obviously maladaptive. They cause the destruction by feeding everyone else. Extinction suits Europeans just fine.

>> No.22697073


>> No.22697159

unironically b&r
anons need to actually read this post and not just skim over like everything

>> No.22697267

Man... This thread reminded just how mentally ill the average 4chan user is. None of you have the faintest idea of what actually happened throughout history and the cause and effect of immigration and climate change. All of you are literally just real life white trash losers that sit at home all day spewing hate and racist rhetoric while eating up fox news propaganda. Please, just take a second and take a step back and look at what you do all day. The extreme racism is completely unfounded and bullshit, I know all of you are miserable and want to kill yourselves, but that doesn't mean you should take other healthy minded people with you. Race/ethnicity doesn't mean jack shit, grow up and just live a happy life, stop being a negative to the world and get over it. Fucking losers.

>> No.22697299

>Race/ethnicity doesn't mean jack shit

>> No.22697488

No. It's a scheme by the bankers to bring in new waves of debtors, that way they never have to default.

The banker's mantra; "A rolling loan gathers no loss"

>> No.22697520

>But at this point it's not even necessary. If they simply let things continue as they are and have a little patience then by 2100 this will be practically accomplished.

Well, if not something interferes with their plans obviously, but a continuation down the same path will surely lead to ruin, but it is as if they have gotten a taste of blood lately, that they want to escalate it even further. I think we will see more extreme examples of their hatred in the near future.

I think also this is where their plans will fail.. the fact that they can't really see in what areas they will potentially bottleneck and cause a backlash.. they just want an outright bloodbath and they want it yesterday.

>> No.22697536

t. trigged nig

>> No.22697550

Yes, but they are unable to see that.

>> No.22697595

lmfao, smooth brain moron.

>> No.22697622

At some point ppl. will realize what people were fighting wars over for all those thousands of years. The real price of land is blood.

>> No.22697651

100% of the population growth rate since the 70s has been immigrants and their descendants

>> No.22697667

I will tell you what actually happened throughout history. This requires you to take off your reddit-glasses though.

Jews were behind slavery, jews are behind immigration because they hate whites and climate change is a bunch of nonsense only virtue signaling faggots fall for.

>> No.22697832

>the case for 0 Jews

>> No.22697872

Isn't China collapsing, like yesterday?

>> No.22697873

The seething shitskin in a Western nation.

Because you're a sad commie on a board about business.

>> No.22698151

If you take a look at history you will come to the conclusion that humans collectivize based on a few shared traits, most importantly ethnicity, religion and culture. The more similar these traits are in the population of a nation, the more stable and cohesive it is.
On the other hand it seems very clear that if there are substantial sub groups in the population that deviate on one or more of these traits, the nation is more prone to struggle and instability. Modern examples are the slavs in Kazakhstan, the Kurds and Armenians in Turkey, the Rohingya in Myanmar to only name a few. It also seems that governments like China are quite the believers in this, as you call it, bogus theory, since they are in the process of crushing their ethnic and religious minorities.

On the other hand I would be interested if you could provide a single example of a successful stable nation, where numerically comparable subgroups exist, that deviate from each other in the mentioned traits, which are also equally part of the power process. Please mention actual nation states and not city state tax havens that are basically isles for the rich.

>> No.22698184

fuck no, everywhere you go there's way too fucking many people

>> No.22698391

This. I wish it weren't the case, and that we all really were equal inside, and could coexist happily and peacefully, but it just isn't true.
Here's Richard Nixon talking about this "bogus theory"
Universalism and equality are for the plebs, all the people calling the shots are fully aware of race and its implications.

>> No.22698734

> t. Rabbi shlomo shekelstien

>> No.22698830

..he said while using the white mans language.

>> No.22698841

> t. Chang

Chinks are more fucked than anybody. They have replaced all that was chinese, with jewish trash. Their people have been turned to fat blobs just like the states

>> No.22698923

>t. Califag

>> No.22698931

Don’t worry Anon. This entire website is now infested with boomers and Trumpist morons

>> No.22698972

only incels think racism is funny

>> No.22699084

Based boomer.

>> No.22699524

Why didnt he do anything about it

>> No.22699529

We're getting rug pulled by the immeasurably rich parasitic class, essentially

>> No.22699542


>> No.22699865
File: 290 KB, 584x475, frog puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking Matthew Yglesias seriously

You've already lost if even consider taking his arguments seriously. He's one of the most disingenuous "political" voices out there. Everything he writes and says is meaning. He's pissing in the wind. He's a millionaire journalist. He is writing for reactions, to keep his name relevant, for clicks, for the fuck of it. He doesn't have any conviction, he's a fucking worm.

Dipshits continue to take his bait and rebbidumbs slop his disgusting shit up like pigs, but anybody with any sense knows he's just a fucking freak spouting freak thoughts to provoke a reaction.

>> No.22699896
File: 41 KB, 512x564, frog giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the Star Wars allegory,

oh God shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.

>> No.22700014

If this was ever considered it would have to be atleast $10 million. And after it’s payed they get deported

>> No.22700233

>You’re so young. I remember in the 70s the narrative being pushed was an impending ice age
Good thing world leaders listened and banned the offending aerosols in the Montreal agreement in 1989 so that we're not living in an actual ice age today and the ozone is recovering. But I can see how, to a completely ignorant person, it was all shrill alarmism over nothing.

>> No.22700515

>It seems like a people is not capable of rationally governing itself
Representative democracy is full on dumg af in today's world. Voting isn't even mandatory in the usa - you get 2 people per state to vote on the behalf of millions, cleary some ideas and opinions are going to be overlooked and under-represented.
There's only a few places where citizens can introduce laws at any level. Its just "pick the man to make decisions for you." FUCK THAT

>> No.22700610

i dont know how they expect that many people to get mortgages for all those houses.

>> No.22701585

Disgusting. Such ugly and wasteful use of land. I guess they at least planted a few trees from Home Depot.

>> No.22701644

Yeah let's turn the us into India. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.22701666
File: 36 KB, 500x566, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent bait

>> No.22701798

Elimination of CFCs was a good idea, although China and Mexico are still cranking them out. Everything else you wrote is pants on head retarded