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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22688636 No.22688636 [Reply] [Original]

i'm ruined.

>> No.22688732

This has nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.22689069

But more and stake it. You will be rewarded soon.

>> No.22689766

wtf is going on? This coin is so fucking manipulated its ridiculous. bots keep price down for weeks, then push it up to $31, then repeat pushing down further. so fucked

>> No.22689877

Whole market is down dude , it's holding good compared to others , just keep buying in the way down , I am staking my 1k bag and wil sell next year

>> No.22689878

Na we got fucked by the market. As soon as we started pumping higer, all markets just shit themselves

>> No.22689985

This. It was finally going back up after a few bad weeks from bots and then the whole market tanked.

>> No.22689996

What happened to the anon who had like $200k worth of xDai? He can’t be feeling good right now...

>> No.22690041

you can literally see the sel walls coming in and out repeatedly for weeks now, consistently pushing the price down. They dont care about them walls getting eaten up, as long as they keep pushing the price down they can scoop massive buy orders cheap. Rinse repeat. Its annoying cause this project is arguable one of the best in the space rn. obvisouly it means whales know its the best otherwise they wouldnt be supressing the price

>> No.22690141

They have been doing the same thing since May. The whales on this shitcoin are ruthless

>> No.22690157

Maybe, but having so much STAKE that’s earning interest is going to be glorious once it breaks out.

>> No.22690165

I wish theyd just announce the winner, I dont give af if its omg or matic. Just fucking annouce it ffs. I bet reddit is filling bags before the announcement

>> No.22690222

I had 400k, now 200k

feel fine cuz I only put 2-3k into this.

>> No.22690282

I’ve got $490k worth at the moment. Was $1 million at $40. This project has just begun...it’s meteoric rise in adoption and utilitarian value to the ETH network is just the beginning. Resilience during downtrends is where the most money is made in these markets. Just gotta be patient.

>> No.22690599

Yeah, the wait is a pain. It’s entirely possible those bot orders were at the behest of Reddit.

>> No.22690718

If it shoots up to $100 I'm def putting half into chainlink, that coin is like a coiled spring just waitin to explode to $40

>> No.22690775

I have 5000 STAKE and not selling until $500.

>> No.22690800

I don’t see how it could be OMG if they want an optimised system with fast withdrawals. Matic is the only other realistic option outside of xDai.

>> No.22691202

one thing is for sure. the bots arent supressing the price to sell their bags. It means whales know this project is likely gonna be massive, which keeps me from selling

>> No.22691214

When will the bake off winner be announced?
And is this worth buying?

>> No.22691256

Lmao holy shit crypto bagholders are the dumbest niggers on earth

>> No.22691280

whats annoying is weak hands allowing whales to scoop up a ridiculous amount of this project with such a low circulating supply available

>> No.22691300

That’s true. At least certainly not at these prices.
Before the end of September and yes.

>> No.22691317

OMG fanboi here, gtfo wanna be chad

>> No.22691337

I am going to invest in RIO DeFi they have awesome team with huge potential to grow in DeFi, who all are waiting for RIO to be listed.

>> No.22691537

Wrong thread.

>> No.22691785

We always talk about our stacks to death, but what are your current interest rates in your stakes? My highest is a 7.8% and my lowest from today is just over 2%.