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File: 267 KB, 627x450, 1520500984958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22684552 No.22684552 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is a big step in technology.
It is first and most thought out decentralised oracle network.
Understand that Bitcoin enabled a shared history which enabled tranfer of funds (BTC) to other adresses without supervision of central authority.
Ethereum and other smart contract platforms developed upon that techology by using blockchain to create smart contracts (Bitcoin has some of those capabilities as well).
Smart contracts are automated contracts that are writen on a blockchain.
Blockchain provides security, trustlessness (no third party is authorising contracts, the truth is derived from consensus of nodes) and automation.

>> No.22684585

Imagine believing this

The world does not even need oracles, most people prefer traditional contracts

>but muh smart contracts are the future

No. We're gonna do it the old way, the boomer way

>> No.22684591
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Providing false information is economicaly discouraged, since it is more profitable to abide the rules and generate revenue. Attacking blockchain requires over 50% of nodes to create "false truth".
Smart contracts are secure because the truth originates from blockchain (ie an address holds some amount of cryptocurrecy, or a token). That kind of thing enables decentralised exchanges where you can swap your tokens with another token by creating or fulfilling someones smart contract terms.

>> No.22684645
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Chainlink expands on that by aggregating the data from outside the blockchain and creating the closest thing to the truth that we can have at this time. The technology is still very very young, and there is a lot of uncertainties, although for someone well informed those uncertainties seems silly.
This enables smart contracts to execute upon real world data (currently mostly market price changes of assets such as crypto (which enabled the recent defi boom) and gold prices, but the data can be whatever is needed. Ie flight status for airline insurance, weather data, transport data etc.
The data has to be secure up to the standard of blockchain security, otherwise using central source of information to determine the truth defeats the purpose of blockchain, and the central entity might as well hold the contracts.

>> No.22684759

Sorry anon we arent pumping chainlink

>> No.22684790

> we're
> boomers

>> No.22684800
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The project has numerous industry recognition, the team is transparent and truthful. If you are not in LINK currently, I encourage you to DYOR, since its the only way to believe in a project. Otherwise you are chasing hype and buzzwords. There are numerous projects that will earn you money, there is incredible amount of projects on which you will loose 90% (if you are lucky).
Basic resources, how far you want to dig is up to you.

>> No.22684832

>Posting false information is economically discouraged
the world would be a better place if such a state could be reached, and communism as socialism would simply stop to exist

>> No.22684875

this isn't about people, it's about data. Data is the new gold.

>> No.22684897

you are talking to an external hired gun, he was told what to say and what not

>> No.22684907

I bought the dip
Chainlink can barely even manage a dead cat bounce.

>> No.22684931
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Chainlink tries to bring the truth in the world full of lies, and I encourage you to play your part. I understand the purpose of fud, and agree that up to some point it may be necessary, although I would never actively fud the project. Posting FUD goes against core principles of chainlink. Telling the truth may be hard and not always beneficial, but it helps to build a better world. Don't help them to bury the light.

>> No.22684953



>> No.22684982


>> No.22685037
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I was late to the crypto party, never caught my interest before 2017. It seemed that I missed out, but today I'm just waiting for the inevitable. I could cash out today and live a comfortable life, but I'm not selling, since I believe that LINK is far away from its peak (whatever that may be). It was a blast, and I'm still enjoying the ride. Keep on strong frens, and remember to share the truth.

>> No.22685040


they're literal scum that are unironically going to be facing hellfire when they die lol they're not concerned with that. With their shitty 1k swing stacks

>> No.22685076
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Don't believe in these lies. I have been warning about Chainlink for over a month, ever since it peaked, and I will continue to warn people until it reaches the bottom. Get out now, and get into gold, silver, and mining stocks before it's too late.

>> No.22685095
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>link dumping
>cope posting "fundamentals" and hopium begins

>> No.22685107
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smug posting changed to please buy my bags posting really quick.

>> No.22685140

I'm waiting for it to go to $5 so I can buy more. This is a golden opportunity.

>> No.22685182
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For over a month anon? Why didn't you warn them a year ago. Or two years ago? Or, dare I say it, 3 years?

>> No.22685202

Nice bait OP, thanks

>> No.22685222
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anyone have a link to the community page with all information link and the marine ranks??

>> No.22685230
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>> No.22685254


>> No.22685279


Didn't feel a need to do so, because I still thought that meme magic and sheer humbug could pump the price to a certain point. But when it became sufficiently obvious that the bubble was reaching its peak, I started shouting at people to sell.

>> No.22685321

Link will drop to $0.5

It is waaay overpriced

>> No.22685530


>> No.22685548

Checked, your query was answered by decentralised anonymous network.

>> No.22685576

The team hasn't accomplished anything in three years. It truly feels idifferent this time. It feels like it is over.

>> No.22685631

Accurate estimates based on the analasys by a retarded incel cuck.

>> No.22685661

Hahahaha. You fags are way too funny.

>> No.22685791


>> No.22686086


Anon, I understand Link is getting hit particularly hard and the fall from 20 means a lot of people here lost tens or hundreds of thousands, but this leg down was marketwide. It sounds like youre posting this more for yourself than for others, which is fine. But it wont stop this drop if it has the energy to go lower. If youve held for three years now, youve been through this many times and you should know that it can pump and pull a 100% retracement two or three times in a row before rocketing to a new ATH. Dont get freaked out by what's happening or what people on here are saying— in fact at times when i start to irrationally doubt LINK, I avoid biz because it fucks with your judgment. But by that same token, stay real with yourself and think rationally if you can. This is easy for me to say because I sold a lot at 16.5 and bought back in between here and 10. Remember this: selling now because you believe it can keep going down forever after a month of red downward dildos is just as deluded as buying after a month of upward green dildos. We may go a little lower but we are close to the bottom and LINK in particular is reaching oversold levels on all timescales. Good luck anon.

>> No.22686199
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T. newfag

>> No.22686290

Everything that has been promised still isn't as much as Kleros can do, right now.

>> No.22686381

Thank you for your concern anon, and congrats on a good swing. I'm posting this for newfags that are onboard that feel shaky, or the ones that are thinking about buying. I'm guessing this is a good spot to buy in if you haven't done so in the past few years. Most of all, I'm posting this to keep a balance since most threads are plain fud.

>> No.22686455
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A json parser hahaha

>> No.22687173

Haven't seen that on yet. Nice one anon.

>> No.22687222

Lol, smart contracts are a meme. Delusional bagholder thinking amazon will need on chain requests to know where their parcels are.

>> No.22687583
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Checked, though its all so tiresome. Why do you do it anon?

>> No.22687806

Because it's fun. And because i like these neets in here in general. But naturally they lack the ability to assess business processes and usability of smart contracts completely. I like seeing them making profits by dumping their bags on reddit influx, but long term holding is not the best idea here.