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File: 74 KB, 1000x668, Chainlink-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22678463 No.22678463 [Reply] [Original]

EOY conservative price prediction? I'm thinking $40 if Trump wins.

>> No.22678474


Tell me what connection Trump and Chainlink have to each other.

>> No.22678475


>> No.22678484

Trump winning in November will spike a bullrun like in 2016 onward.

>> No.22678485

both are beloved by white nigger hating NEETs

>> No.22678494

$80-$90 before a pullback

>> No.22678498


$1.00 eoy.

>> No.22678586

$25 eoy!

>> No.22678616

This seems likely actually. They also predicted the bottom of Link would be by end of September.

>> No.22678894

70 bucks probably..
But this faggot keeps dumping at 13 bucks, how big of a salary do those niggers need?
Either way long term its similar to bitcoin, so in like 5 years i guess its 1000bucks or something

>> No.22678901

>If trump wins

lowkey fud

>> No.22679056

12 cents.

>> No.22679065


>> No.22679074


>> No.22679094


>> No.22679136
File: 811 KB, 2154x1440, 1558488171611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes you smoothbrained double nigger
>being this new

>> No.22679579


>> No.22679625

Why do you think the stonk market or crypto market have any correlation to who is president? Fucking up is the only direction it has gone in literally since inception. The S&P 500 index traded at $130 in just 1980 and now 40 years later it's at $3300. The market performed way better under Obama than it has under Trump. Looking at the S&P again 2.1k to 3.3k under Trump (+57%), 1200 to 2100 (+75%) in the 4 years before that under Obama.

Explain why people think Trump is good for any financial market, please. If nothing else he is devaluing the dollar making the gains less meaningful.

>> No.22679627
File: 51 KB, 293x384, 14596672825jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump in his victory speech will include a shout out to Sergey, scream "1k eoy is FUD," let out a massive wet fart and then leave.

>> No.22679635

If Trump wins, all coins will pump. Even the shitcoins (especially the shitcoins).

>> No.22679651
File: 8 KB, 225x224, 1598158441710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 bucks in 5 years

Q: It's only in chainlink threads I don't see supply FUD, why is it that people don't care there are 400 million circulating coins and a total supply of 1 billion?

Asking cuz UNI and Link are similar and one will probably follow the other.

>> No.22679687

Real answer is even total supply of LINK at potential adoption levels gets you way more than $1,000/token. And the vast majority of it will be tied up in nodes once staking is a thing. There will be extreme scarcity if/when adoption picks up. That's a big if, of course, but the supply is a non-issue in terms of speculative investment potential.

>> No.22679700

Vast majority of LINK tokens will be locked in smart contracts.

>> No.22679724

Trump lessened the amount you pay in taxes on capital gains so theres that. Helped me immensely when I cashed out.

>> No.22679755

That's fair but not correlated to the rise or fall of the stock market. I'm not saying he's not good for personal wealth, I just don't get why people think Trump = bull run. The economy looks like it's about to shit itself any second regardless of who is in office the next 4 years. Unemployment at highest levels in decades, tons of businesses going under, dollar value lowering, and we just brrrrrr'd trillions of dollars as a bandaid for a problem that still has no solution.

>> No.22679772

holy shit 1000 isn't just possible it's a no brainer. And it will happen in a month. It will be so insane. At any moment they could announce staking

>> No.22679778

1,26$ ari confirms

>> No.22679792

Um, sweetie we don't use that word on 4channel

>> No.22679818

This thread again? Need to take your mind off of reality again? It is going to dump, a slow fucking bleed back to how much it is really worth. 0.2cents

>> No.22679819
File: 56 KB, 1072x533, Trump wins sp500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard, Obama was coming out of a huge market dump so of course that made his % look good.
The market stagnated for the last 2 years of his presidency and as soon as Trump got elected the market started pumping and even after this covid travesty the markets are still kicking ass.

>> No.22679880

30 something but we need to get a capitulation candle going we wont close below 8 but a wick down to high $5s would be good for the shakeout

>> No.22680506

>Why do you think the stonk market or crypto market have any correlation to who is president
Why do you think the Jew media and left who don't want him in won't tank their own Jew markets to smear him. You are naive

>> No.22680602

There are Jews working at Fox news too. I guess Fox is also Jew media. I guess the Jews are having an internal struggle. Some want Dems in. Some want Conservatives in. 70%-80% of religeous Jews vote Republican.

>> No.22680762

Name it. Chainlink. LINK is solving the number one issue in the space and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.22681039

No precise prediction can be given, news and team announcements will still be able to get the price to move upwards in small spikes but they will drown in a longterm downward move into very low single digits until people lose interest entirely. It will take until than for the last link marine to realize that we worked three years to create an epic pump based entirely on memes.

>> No.22681171

Conservative? Look at the fucking market right now. We're also getting late into the year. Unless something magically changes I can see anywhere between $4 and $8 EOY.

>> No.22681395

>Some want Dems in. Some want Conservatives in. 70%-80% of religeous Jews vote Republican.
Holy fuck delusion or shill. The media do not want him in.

>> No.22681432


>> No.22681463

You all will know the truth when Trump loses and tries, unsuccessfully, to contest the results.

>> No.22681532

Fortunately not happening