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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 980x440, neoncat_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22677401 No.22677401 [Reply] [Original]

Almost all NYAN is being staked. Soon there won't be any more NYAN left to stake that CATNIP. Mmm. CATNIP!

>> No.22677498

which logo are you voting for, bros?

>> No.22677511
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>google docs

>> No.22677536

this cat better pass that stupid dogecoin in marketcap.

>> No.22677567

Here fren, welcome to web 3.0

>> No.22677627

this is from the twitter

>> No.22677642

this is so fucking yikes

>> No.22677707
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I hope I can buy a whole dNYAN before they run out because staking is too slow. I have almost half a NIP.

>> No.22677746


>> No.22677761


>> No.22677775


>> No.22677790


>> No.22678380


>> No.22678710

Staking won't save this DOA shitcoin. Look into ARPA + Bella Protocol.

>> No.22679380

Those are all dogshit lmao

>> No.22679427

Discord trannies r real bro

>> No.22679477

Nyan might be the most deluded project I've ever seen. It's like a big joke that the holders aren't in on. They actually think they're going to be rich from farming catnip :)

>> No.22679590
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>he thinks he isn't living in clown world in which meme tokens like doge or nyan turn people into millionaires
>he doesn't understand that nyan even has a legit usecase and a delivering developer

>> No.22679764

Pure cope.
There's no usecase by design... It's a hedgefund.
Also, it's an anonymous, unaudited dev/contract.
Also the fact that do many tokens are locked in staking will cause a death spiral from liquidity drainage.

>> No.22679805

>this fucking whale dumping on us right now

>> No.22679807

This FUD is BULLISH!!!

>> No.22679815


>> No.22679836


Top kek!

>> No.22679906
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It's the governance token, they presented the same liquidity crunch FUD when talking about YFI, and audit will be in the next few weeks.

>> No.22679964

Is this zerosum666 guy dumping? Just started reading the chat.

>> No.22680052

Muf yfi again.
Firstly yfi's token price is getting hammered.
Secondly yfi is a trust less protocol with over a billion Aum.
You're a bunch of autistic twits and "strong independent black women" who are going to have to come up with decision making capacity... No chance.
Couple that with fact that by selling the nip to raise investment funds you'll decimate the asset price of the individual holders... The tokenomics don't work you've just been memed into thinking they're super clever. Ample vibes

>> No.22680360



>> No.22680388


>> No.22680395

A whale sold. Watch the tg good buying opportunity

>> No.22680403

This whale is a fucking idiot, he's buying UNI

>> No.22680408

They might as well dump it all

>> No.22680453

Lol I got both

>> No.22680493

Definitely a great entry point

>> No.22680498

How much does this guy have?

>> No.22680599

I didn't even compare it to YFI fundamentally, but suggested that this isn't a problem the way you believe it to be. Especially because the dev wants to incentivize liquidity providers soon. Myself, I also bought into this because it's a community project that I believed could catch on just like DOGE and similar shit for fun and meme reasons. Aside of intelligent people with high maybe buying into it and leading it to success. Now'd be a good time for them to do so.

>> No.22680702

These FUDsters don't even try that hard

I guess you don't have to to scare the regular guy because he does what he's told when investing

Wise up bros

>> No.22680727

haha based zerosum

>> No.22680736


I could sell all my catnip right now and take you're mother out for one of the most memorable nights of her life my friend

>> No.22680751

Dangerously based

>> No.22680785

will be sub $50 by eow. Even if it wasn't, you're really going to struggle to turn a profit in this market 90% of alts will lose 90% of there value by next year.

>> No.22680788

Didn’t he buy the majority of his stack above $300?

>> No.22680794

what went wrong bros?

>> No.22680842


>> No.22680870

Don't worry, Anon. We'll put 50% into YFI vaults or other interest bearing tokens (e.g. mETH, if this isn't already included in YFI as strategy), 40% into /biz/ memecoins like RSR, LINK, and Curio, and 10% into rugpulls.

>> No.22680896

How do yfi vaults benefit the holders? Every holder could just put his own money into yfi vaults if he wanted to?

>> No.22680974 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1280x1280, 14ee7204-54a4-44ba-89de-178eeeb63b2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll flash loan attack the vaults with leverage, of course. The dev is clearly andre and has this though true for his next stroke of genius. We'll become stinking rich anon...

>> No.22681026

We'll flash loan attack the vaults with leverage, of course. The dev is clearly andre and has this thought through for his next stroke of genius. We'll become stinking rich anon...

>> No.22681053

You're going to democratically vote to pull off time sensitive quantitive trading strategies? lmao

>> No.22681089

it's going back up, but was the deal with that zero guy is this shit gonna rugpull after half a month?

>> No.22681179

Zerosum...blackzero...You can work out what that means right anon? Do you think it's a coincidence that three day after Andre cronje uses a nyan cat background on twitter a guy creates Nyan finance? What is a social egineering scam?

>> No.22681209

I hope that doesn't happen. I just want to stake a few CATNIP. Already got 2 for 4 days of staking. Yeah it's not a lot but would be cool to get some small passive income like this.

>> No.22681225

>as the deal with that zero guy is this shit gonna rugpull after half a month?
the team bought 30,000 nyan for only 4 ETH when they first launched. they have been dumping for days. they have launched several other scams recently

>> No.22681248


>> No.22681253

hahaha This guy get it.

>> No.22681293

so it's sushiswap all over again?

>> No.22681325

Question: Assuming this is the case. What's stopping people from scooping up cheap Nyan and continuing to stake CATNIP. Ok so let's say Nyan goes to $50 and CATNIP to $5. But now you buy 100 Nyan and are are staking 100 CATNIP a day.

>> No.22681385
File: 54 KB, 1280x544, IMG_20200921_135656_697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking easy to learn & earn on

>Refister and make a wallet

>Ask your questions and pajeets will answer for freaking awesome earnings

>They will get rewarded depending upon quality of reply

Go for
>Queryfi token sale don't miss it pajeets ...

>> No.22681479

The project is quite awesome dude!!

>> No.22681492

Already recovering a bit. Have some of the other >2k whales taken profit by now?

>> No.22681528

The motive behind the project is that people use their knowledge to earn money. Freaking project with rewards.

>> No.22681584

very happy i sold my bags. when i got on the telegram i could tell it was a scam

>> No.22681605


This is such bullshit

I have 2000 Nyan and I'm not going anywhere

Your maths are not fucking possible you retard

>> No.22681634

This guy who sold is a fucking retard who just fomo'd into UNI swap

He's a lucky cunt who bought NYAN cheap, he's up over 100x

This is perfectly natural, ownership changes hands as projects mature

Imagine not backing this dev

>> No.22681728

He bought nyan at $250 I think and actually made a loss, no?

>> No.22681738

>This guy who sold is a fucking retard who just fomo'd into UNI swap
>He's a lucky cunt who bought NYAN cheap, he's up over 100x
>This is perfectly natural, ownership changes hands as projects mature
>Imagine not backing this dev
he sold at a 50% loss, because he found out devs bought 30,000 nyan for only 4 eth and have been dumping, and have launched more scam projects

>> No.22681753

What is everyone's opinion on that Tulip project? Worth buying some of that?

>> No.22681761

just over $325 avg price. tulip is probably one of their new scam tokens. same scam strategy.

>> No.22681765


Could you please take at least5 fucking minutes to look at the Nyan contract transaction history?

If you want to FUD bring it but don't forget that all these transactions are public information so you need to be more inventive.

Christ the fucking state of you lot.

>> No.22681771

>Tulip project
looks like its nyan teams latest scam.

>> No.22681800

He did not even buy it cheap anon.
He pushed it from 0.5 ETH all the way to 1.6 ETH.
He sold at a massive loss and given the fact that he has made decent amounts of money, maybe there is something he see's that others don't.

>> No.22681807

Oh look, it's hippofaggot. Imagine genuinely thinking this isn't random pajeets copying the github to rug...

>> No.22681822

Watching this whale wreck himself has been highly entertaining. Thanks for the laughs!

>> No.22681823

How high do you think the Tulip seeds will go?

>> No.22681939

This assumes that catnip or dnyan have any real world use case which they don't. Both are of zero value.

>> No.22681971


Says the guy whos almost certainly out here shilling high apy food token ponzi schemes

Wrap your little fucking peabrain around a new idea my friend

>> No.22682114

Hilarious. Bit disappointed I’m not able to grab more at these prices.

>> No.22682237

I'm not shilling anything. My portfolio is incredibly boring. 60% of it is currently in usdc and 25%is in btc. Your irrational, emotional response is quite telling. I've looked at nyan and it is an interesting idea but look around you, look at the market conditions; a community driven hedgefund is going to struggle, hate to break it to mate. Real world hedgefunds have struggled for years now, thsts why they have 80% less in Aum then they did pre 2007, why? Because its almost impossible to beat the market, this effect is amplified in crypto.

>> No.22682280

Why don't you want to participate in a pseudo-meme hedge fund with a relatively decent degree of /biz/ participation even if just for fun? No need to throw the house and kitchen sink at it. Kek.

>> No.22682309

I just bought 3 more NYAN. Trying to get 10. Like you said.. why not? If I lose it I lose it. What a ride /biz/ has been over the years with all this crazy stuff.

>> No.22682314

Two things wrong with your brain:
1. You hold 60% usdc in crypto during a uptick
2. 60 + 25 = 85 which I'm guessing is also your IQ
Stay poor faggot

>> No.22682330


Your initial point was that Nip and Dnyan have no use case. Read the PDF

Your response was some generic spiel about the profitability of hedge funds since 2007,

Can you fucking focus on one thing instead of trying to get a load of discombubulated nonsense out there to scare people?

Don't make presumptions about my risk management.

>> No.22682346

Because I hate democracy in all its forms.

>> No.22682390

Are you genuinely this retarded? My usdc is earning fantastic interest rates. My btc is my btc and the rest of my portfolio is split between 5 alts which I think may have a decent future if they can survive. Again, drop the emotional response shit. I'm being polite, you should be too.

>> No.22682403

>My usdc is earning fantastic interest rates

How and how much?

>> No.22682428

Explain the value of cat nip without relating it to the value of dnyan because I don't get it?

Explain the value of dnyan without relating it to the value of the underlying non erc20 assets of the fund? Because again, I can't see it.

>> No.22682439


>> No.22682442


Bro I would sell those 5 alts, a wise man once told me the following:

>why? Because its almost impossible to beat the market, this effect is amplified in crypto.

>> No.22682455

Averaged 27% for the last month in the yfi vault. Current rates have dropped in the past week due to uni stealing liquidity.

>> No.22682491

I missed all this YFI business, how exactly are you earning off your dollars?

>> No.22682499

It gets value because profits are used to do buybacks and the total supply is ultimately kept at ~50k via burns and other mechanics, even if it can fluctuate.

>> No.22682504


>> No.22682523

Do you think it's worth holding an XMM bag or better to convert it to get several more NYAN?

>> No.22682532

Enjoy being priced out of the universal world reserve currency for 12% apr. You also probably think link will hit 1k. Theres still time to become a lady boy and sell your feet pics you lost soul

>> No.22682551

I'm happy to have a certain amount of risk but I'm expecting them to lose a certain amount of value (50-70%) over the next 2 months.

>> No.22682563

Jesus, this made me sell everything i owned.

>> No.22682591

It's a simple deposit system. The sc directs the funds to the highest yielding place on a daily basis.

>> No.22682642

Again, if the underlying token has no value then a buyback doesn't help, does it. The whole project hinges on being a profitable fund, the token relation presents systemic risk imo.

>> No.22682694
File: 146 KB, 781x829, SmartSelect_20200918-143424_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your USDc is about to flow from YFI to NYAN. Just wait and watch.

>> No.22682705

Are you referring to btc? If so, I don't feel under stacked. I think btc will primarily be used as a way for us corps to inflate balance sheets while avoiding dollar inglsyion/deflation issues. It could definitely moon but I'm comfortable with my position. The reason I keep so much usdc if precisely so I can take advantage of market conditions if they move favourably. My personality doesn't suit having my entire net worth exposed to underlying asset costs. It makes me nervous.

>> No.22682711


NIP/ETH liquidity pool < NIP is backed by Eth liquidity.

NIP minting is limited to Nyan holders therefore it is scarce

Once we have Polkadot integration and Dnyan as a value producing asset then no-Nyans will be incentivised to purchase Nip to expose themselves to Dnyan dividends. Yes this is a while off and polkadot is not fully operational yet. This is speculative market.

We will almost certainly vote to deploy a % of the fund to low risk yield earning assets such as you with your stablecoins.

Yes you're correct that if the fund is unprofitable then the project has no value. I have another chin stroking hot take for you? Water is fucking wet.

>> No.22682729

It won't because the sc doesn't allow the underlying asset to be converted.

>> No.22682755

Why not just direct your own funds though in thst case. Why add the substantial risk of a democratic process?

>> No.22682810

Cant and wont spoon feed you but my previous image is not a coincidence. You'll learn the hard way.

>> No.22682822


I can't present an argument to you in favour of a democratic process when you have clearly stated you're not pro-democracy. This is a value based belief so it would be the same as me trying to convince you that guns are bad or abortions are cool.

All I can say to you is that prediction markets exist for a reason, and that what you see as Nyans product offering right now is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.22682874

Why do you care?
If this isn't for you then move along faggit.
Nobody gives a fuck about you, stop stinking up this thread and telling us about your investments.

The only reason you are still here is because you have ulterior motives.

>> No.22682920

The dev has repeatedly stated otherwise. Are you saying that the dev is dishonest?

>> No.22682939

Bought some more at $150, still comfy minting nip. Although this has raised my total average buy into 3 figures now.

>> No.22682942

I'm not a very political person, do you try. Specifically though, in the world of finance a democratic approach has never been seriously tried so it could feasibly work but I have my doubts personally.

>> No.22682969

Again, it's just an emotional outburst. I'm being constructive, why can't you? Is this how you're going to be when your Co investors vote against you?

>> No.22683032

Democracy implies that every vote/voter has equal weight.

This is not the case. The people that hold the most get the greatest say.
This is more a council of elders or meritocracy then democracy.

That's why this will succeed.

>> No.22683073

I'm sorry I was a little harsh.

The difference with co-investors and you, is that the co-investors want the project to succeed and you do not.

>> No.22683084


Well my friend I hate to break it you but this whole fucking industry could be affixed with a 'but I have my doubts personally'.

Your stablecoins could collapse to zero over night or there could be a bug in your AAVE smart contract that sees you lose everything in one ethereum block.

I'm sure there were and still are a few people who have their doubts about magic internet money.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable holding gold? It sounds like your risk profile is akin to my nan.

>> No.22683109

Uhhhhhh board meetings?

>> No.22683134

Is it though? If it was it would have better chances but take zerosum for example, his entry trades accepted 20% slippage to buy 1000 nyan, I couldn't accept someone that reckless with their capital as a senior partner. Neither should you really. The guy clearly has more money then sense to execute a trade that way.

>> No.22683212

That really isn't a democratic process, trust me, I've been to plenty.

>> No.22683220

And he dumped for a loss, so we no longer need to worry about his poor decision making abilities.

>> No.22683331


Statically whales have a good sense of buisness and trading. Taken as an aggregate I can say, those are people I want as my partners.

You point out one bad one. Statistically he doesn't matter. Each bad one will be outnumbered by the law of statistics.

The will attract many medium to low whales. Huge whales won't need this.
Smaller traders will be following the trails of our fund.

>> No.22683346

If the underlying smart contract functions and its not a scam, this project will most likely converge to an investment council type of thing between large holders (which is how large VC firms also operate). The beauty is that the large holders can directly profit from their decisions as good investment decisions rise the evaluation. Conversely bad decisions will cause people to drop out and it is likely that we will go through several cycles until a successful team of large holders is in control of the fund. At that stage the small fish can still profit of good trading decisions and the me es.

>> No.22683381

I'm speaking more to the point that a lot of untalented idiots have managed to make a lot of money in the last 6 months in this sector. Those are the people who a more likely to invest in a project named after a meme cat with an anon dev. It's a preselected group, the largest holders are probably the least investment savvy of the lot. I'm not here to knock you, you seem reasonable, but look at this board today, how many are making money? A rising tide raises all ships, well the tide isn't going to rise all the time.

>> No.22683406

Well said

>> No.22683466


Quite the opposite. Those who looked beyond the surface level cat aesthetics and read the technical details of the tokenomics got in early.

You realise that this is an entirely new idea in crypto? We already have numerous clones that have spawned over the weekend. All stinking of chutney. Why would you not back this dev when he has literally created something from nothing?

Also you convienently ignored my post which pointed out to you the risks across the entire crypto industry. Almost as if responding to that wouldn't fit your agenda.

>> No.22683532


The only meme here is your assumption that only untalented people have made alot of money lately.
I doubt this very much.

>> No.22683535

I got in at $15 and out at $300 I kept a small stack, but probably won't be bothered participating in the fund unless it's a simple process. Just going along for the ride now.
I agree with what you've said.

>> No.22683538
File: 12 KB, 258x245, laughingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all stinking of chutney

>> No.22683545

I don't have an agenda. I agree about the systemic risk of defi, it's why I hold usdc as opposed to tether or dai, despite the favourable rates on them.

>> No.22683560

Have you ever been on a link thread?

>> No.22683600

So it seeks to be a vc firm now, because earlier it was a hedgefund. These are very different things. You can't have annonimity in a vc firm, it isn't legal.

>> No.22683622


The people who made it with link have also held it for years. Moot point.

>> No.22683658


Okay and to the 'why would you not back this dev?' question?

You have pleaded to the intellectual capacities of investors on numerous occasions now, so lets talk about the dev.

Completely new idea - yes you agree?

Already got clones - good sign?

What are your thoughts on this side of the equation.

VC companies back founders, not ideas right? Is this really that much different?

>> No.22683661
File: 72 KB, 640x1280, photo_2020-09-21_06-33-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at anyone who thinks the Dev is Andre. Nyan cat was no coincidence. Andre had the Nyan banner up BEFORE Nyan was created. BlackZero.....aka Tran Hoang Long, leveraged that to get hype. This is your leader.

>> No.22683675

No, the people who made it from link either sold or leveraged their link to reinvest. Why else are there over 300 million dollars in wrapped link tokens on the market.

>> No.22683700

This is crypto. Old world rules don't apply.
You can argue about semantics but that doesn't change the nature of this beast.

>> No.22683767

>lmao at anyone who thinks the Dev is Andre. Nyan cat was no coincidence. Andre had the Nyan banner up BEFORE Nyan was created. BlackZero.....aka Tran Hoang Long, leveraged that to get hype. This is your leader.
yeah it's a social engineering scam. their marketing guy learnnyan mimics yfi's yearntolearn

>> No.22683782


Prove it


Good decision, no?

>> No.22683792

No, a crypto hedge fund is not a new idea. Take hyperion as an example (one of my alts).

Vc firms back devs to an extent yes, not anon ones. They basically back founder/product fit.

If clones are a good sign then you should checkout the food coins.

>> No.22683793
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>> No.22683815

The law applies to crypto. Presales require kyc, if you don't know that then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.22683828

>Quite the opposite. Those who looked beyond the surface level cat aesthetics and read the technical details of the tokenomics got in early.
>You realise that this is an entirely new idea in crypto? We already have numerous clones that have spawned over the weekend. All stinking of chutney. Why would you not back this dev when he has literally created something from nothing?
>Also you convienently ignored my post which pointed out to you the risks across the entire crypto industry. Almost as if responding to that wouldn't fit your agenda.
it was a pump and dump from the start. it wasnt fairly launched. the fucking dev bought all the tokens for only 4 eth using multiple accoutns and has been dumping for days. they are doing same thign with tulip. same scam team is behind it.

>> No.22683841

Yes, it's exactly what I did. It hasn't been a good decision for many though

>> No.22683862

>And he dumped for a loss,
coz 30,000 tokens were bought for 4 eth. its a pnd scam. tulip is their next pnd

>> No.22683885

>Is it though? If it was it would have better chances but take zerosum for example, his entry trades accepted 20% slippage to buy 1000 nyan, I couldn't accept someone that reckless with their capital as a senior partner. Neither should you really. The guy clearly has more money then sense to execute a trade that way.
kek. he bought at an average of 325ish after slippage. price went to 480-600... not his fault devs fucking dumped on him for days because they have all the supply

>> No.22683888


Hyperion is a fucking blockchain map nonsense thing you fool.

Again to the point...


Do you understand this basic point?

We will proceed from there once it's in your head.

>> No.22683920


What you said is irrelevant to what was discussed.

This is not a VC fund or Hedgefund.
It is a new financial instrument for the crypto space that loosley resembles what a traditional Hedgefund looks like.

>> No.22683941

Obvious Scam

>> No.22683969


Dude you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.22683988

>It is a new financial instrument for the crypto space that loosley resembles what a traditional Hedgefund looks like.
it was a pnd scam. all tokens were bought for 4 eth by the team.

>> No.22683998

Please go to some place like reddit. You're too stupid to be posting here.

>> No.22684014

these guys are the nyan team

>> No.22684019

LoL this is the whale that got wrecked.

>> No.22684029

Yes. I with my 5.7 NYAN are the "NYAN TEAM".

>> No.22684037

>Please go to some place like reddit. You're too stupid to be posting here.
>Dude you are embarrassing yourself.
they use full stops at the end of their sentences. they arent one of us. they are the scammer nyan team

>> No.22684044


Haha get wrecked

>> No.22684047

could you explain to me why this cat got so much attention?

>> No.22684048

Any news on the voting contract? And fuck this market.

>> No.22684063

>muh full stops
Sorry, I do make an attempt to use proper English and Grammar, though am not always successful (full stop)

>> No.22684075

I'm sorry but I don't think yield bearing governance tokens are a new idea, I agree its interesting but no, not really original.

>> No.22684125

When you guys were critising me earlier for being in stable coins, look around you, can you see why? How much am I going to be able gain when this market turns? How much capital drawdown have I avoided in the last month?

>> No.22684135

Sometimes you have to risk big to win big.

>> No.22684194

>Haha get wrecked
im still richer than you

>> No.22684225

they used nyan cat meme to attract dumb money to scam them

>> No.22684261

Where do your winning go though?

>> No.22684292
File: 9 KB, 235x215, 1600553594600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you paid more than everyone else does that mean you were the dumbest?

>> No.22684365

we got gooked bros.

the team are in this thread talking to themselves. dont fall for this scam. they still have millions to dump

>> No.22684397


You're quite clearly resisting this one with all of your will power. You see a silly cat meme and have a generic bias / superiority complex about lowly traders always losing. This is emphasised by your chin stroking claims to 'low safe yields using muh coinbase stablecoin'. Congrats bro!

You see all these farm and dump tokens yeah? That's all yield bearing governance tokens have been up until Nyan. Every telegram group is full of tears about the token price constantly deprecating because the whales are dumping to farm more. See YFV as a classic case of this.

When you actually bother to drop your inanely boring conservative bias and take a proper look into the tokenomics then you will see that a new set of incentive structures have been developed.

This has been explained to you when you tried to forcefully claim nip has no value. You have had the fucking system explained to you and you're still trying to push your bias down peoples throat.

Yes it could fail you're 100% right, but your takes are completely off kilter, so much so that it's actually boring reading you repeat your self ad infinitum.

There are valid concerns with this project, however you've not discovered them yet - because to have these revelations you'd first have to thoroughly understand the Nyan incentives model which you clearly haven't.

Enjoy your 2% yield bro

>> No.22684409

> 14 posts by this ID
> Poor grammar
Go away Rajneesh, give it up.

>> No.22684453

Haha so you are admitting it!?!
You are the fudding whale spreading lies and deceit.

Better buy back in soon bro.

>> No.22684473

Pathetic response. You're on 49% 2 day draw down kid. Learn some humility.

>> No.22684487

Everybody can see the initial transactions on Etherscan and how these initial Nyans were sold again. You have to provide better proof

First and foremost it is a social experiment, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.22684501



Well said!

>> No.22684548

>Haha so you are admitting it!?!
>You are the fudding whale spreading lies and deceit.
>Better buy back in soon bro.
just warning my bros not to buy into your scam. its all on etherscan. tokens were bought by dev on multiple accounts for only 4 eth. and your doing same with tulip. you might make it scamming people, but you'll always be a short slanty eyed flat faced soulless gook

>> No.22684570

>First and foremost it is a social experiment
if it was jsut an experiment tokens would have been fairly distributed.. this is a pnd scam and setup ina way where team could buy all the tokens for 4 eth

>> No.22684599

>this is a pnd scam and setup ina way where team could buy all the tokens for 4 eth

Post the transaction hash. Its all recorded right? Post it.

>> No.22684670


I'm usually not racist but you fucking stink of chutney.

Go and fucking learn how to write English properly before you come and play with the big boys

>> No.22684689


You getting bad Karma for this shit, you realize that right? Right?

Don't do this to yourself.

>> No.22684694

it's easier to cause fud than come up with a TX that does not exist.

>> No.22684713

Nobody unstaking despite the fud. The market cap is below $5mm. Get real.

>> No.22684742

what fud? i just woke up
what happened

>> No.22684835

Are you a girl by any chance?

>> No.22684860

Soiboy gets emotionally bothered by a cat, creates fud, dumps at a 50% lost

>> No.22684867

A whale (zerosum) dumped claiming that it is all a scam. Didn't provide evidence though. Then just the usual discussions about how wisdom of the crowds is a stupid idea.

>> No.22684908

it needs to be cuter or girls wont buy it

>> No.22685195

It kind of is though. Most of the investors are idiots who have no idea how a hedge fund works. There needs to be some extremely sophisticated engineering to get this to work. Let's face it. This is not the next yfi. Just the fact they they used the name "Nyan" tell me they are not ready to go big. It's not the silly cat that's the issue, it's a copyright issue. Changing the logo slightly and using the same name does not get around this.

>> No.22685196

zerosum666 is a scammer - just trying to create fud on this project. probably has mama's rent to pay and is bitter he over extended himself...ignore this faggot

>> No.22685261

hes a cuck no doubt

1000 soon enough

>> No.22685693


NYAN is the japanese term for "meow".
I wanna see somebody sueing someone for naming a cat "meow". As long as the logo is slightly different everythin is a-okay.

>> No.22685897

I love how people are taking the copyright issue and trying to force that into a fud piece. You realise how you all got made aware of the copyright risk? Because it was provided as a reason for the logo competition. Do you know what that means anons? It means the Devs are utilizing long term thinking. This simple fact destroys any of this lowest common denominator pnd fud

>> No.22686024

why this cat got so much attention?

>> No.22686035

There's more going on in this thread than just simple fud. Do far, nobody has been able to adequately explain what Nyan is at it's core. To some it's a hedge fund to others a vc firm, some see it as a social experiment. It all feels a bit chaotic if I'm honest but then a leaderless project is bound to be.

>> No.22686184

the thread can be completely ignored until the voting contract goes live.
If the voting goes bad this will crash hard.
If the voting creates profit this will fly.

I would call this a "experimental" hedge fund.
Should you invest your entire savings into this or blow 300k $ into it? Probably not.
Can you throw a dozen to half a dozen ETH on it and see what happens? Absolutely.

>> No.22686192


Do you open your mouth because you want to or because you need to?

Who said this project was leaderless? The clones are leaderless. We have a big brain innovator at the helm

>> No.22686401

You obviously don't understand your project. My guess is that you are losing money today and lashing out. You would make a terrible investment partner. Your response does tell me something though; you lack confidence in your own judgement, hench why a community approach appeals to you. My guess is, so far, you are insecure with your personal performance as an investor and are looking for help going forward.

>> No.22686424

This is a reasonable position.

>> No.22686511

This shitcoin is like 2% of the portfolio of people like me. What are you on about. Kek.

>> No.22686536

I don't believe you. I think you're poor.

>> No.22686639


You're getting hung up on semantics... What in fucks name would a crypto VC be? These are all loose comparisons to real world organisational structures. There really is no concomitant. Is BTC actually money? No it's a bunch of sha-256 hashes in a distributed database. We use metaphors to give people a rough approximation as to what a real world comparison would be. Nyan is a decentralised <insert phrase for investment vehicle here>, which leverages smart contract based interactions for voting and distribution mechanisms. Are you happy now?

If you want to construct a mythologised character profile of my investment credentials to back up your empty points then so be it, but the bottom line here is that this is an anonymous board and you don't know a fucking thing about me

>> No.22687021

it's dumped another 50% after the whale sold. we know now it was a scam. that the team bought all of the supply for only 4 eth and are dumping it, and tulip is their next scam. they done the same thing. bought up all the supply for a few eth. and the project is very similar. 3 token ecosystem. polkadopt integrations. its them. dev got doxxed as a gook scammer.

>> No.22687114

Tulip, Hippo, Kush and other copies are all scams but those are copies by pajeets

>> No.22687165

tulip = theirs. kus and hipp = pajeets

>> No.22687189


>> No.22687207


You're the fucking gook scammer who can't even phrase your English properly. The 4 eth thing has been put to bed at least 5 times now. It's not mathematically possible. Look at the chart. If there was a 30000 Nyan buy for 4 eth you'd see a dildo bigger than the one I rammed up your mothers anus last night. You stink of one of those illiterate Kush finance team members

>> No.22687318

>You're the fucking gook scammer who can't even phrase your English properly. The 4 eth thing has been put to bed at least 5 times now. It's not mathematically possible. Look at the chart. If there was a 30000 Nyan buy for 4 eth you'd see a dildo bigger than the one I rammed up your mothers anus last night. You stink of one of those illiterate Kush finance team members
this guy is one of their team. they post in the threrads. you can easily to who they are. they dont talk like one of us

>> No.22687423

The price action must be very concerning for holders. Only an hour ago I was being taunted for enjoying +20% yield on stable coins, today of all days! I've had some decent answers from some holders but there appear to be too many fools involved as well. It's a shame.

>> No.22687489

>you can easily to who they are. they dont talk like one of us


You just typed words in that order. Do you realise that if your intentions were to communicate meaning then you just failed badly as the combination of words you picked does not fucking mean anything?

How are you going to FUD if you can't construct meaning?

>> No.22687566
File: 142 KB, 1080x1812, -l0dpsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to recover your losses??
$alea #alea is here
Look for alea mate
One of the best defi project
Already planning to list on exchange like SRM dex

Currently presale is going on
Fill up your bag. It will fly soon


Link to the sale page on @bamboorelay :


Contract Address:


Minimum order size - 0.04 WETH

Sale Hardcap: 1,875 ETH

Sale Softcap: 950 ETH

1 ETH = 16.2 $ALEA

The Token Sale will be live from 9/18/2020 EST 12PM until 9/25/2020 EST 12PM

Please note that we are NOT on Uniswap (Anything on Uniswap with our name is fake, and you will most likely lose your money)

When Uniswap? Once the sale has concluded on 9/25 or the Hardcap has been reached.

>> No.22687632

>>you can easily to who they are. they dont talk like one of us
>You just typed words in that order. Do you realise that if your intentions were to communicate meaning then you just failed badly as the combination of words you picked does not fucking mean anything?
>How are you going to FUD if you can't construct meaning?
i emant to type tell. somehow it typed to. i dont give a fuck ,. i wont even correct meant coz i dont give a fuck. suck my cock

>> No.22687727

This is fuckin huge man.. invest in it to recover losses . Defi season is onn

>> No.22687785

Live Live Live...ALEA is gonna pump high to the moon..

>> No.22687826


Your English is fucking terrible. People are going to be more convinved by my considered and coherent responses than your fragmented broken English and your regurgitated points. If you want to come and play with the big boys then you need to get the education to match. Id' advise you to return to scamming people in telegram because you just can't compete on an intellectual level here in an open forum medium. Each response is further indicator of your malintents and bullshit. You've ran out of ideas. Where is the next pajeet for me to slay? This is far too easy.

>> No.22687827

It was worth at launch, wait for price of seeds to come down

>> No.22688021

>Your English is fucking terrible. People are going to be more convinved by my considered and coherent responses than your fragmented broken English and your regurgitated points. If you want to come and play with the big boys then you need to get the education to match. Id' advise you to return to scamming people in telegram because you just can't compete on an intellectual level here in an open forum medium. Each response is further indicator of your malintents and bullshit. You've ran out of ideas. Where is the next pajeet for me to slay? This is far too easy.
i have fuck you money. fuck you

>> No.22688059

>Your English is fucking terrible. People are going to be more convinved by my considered and coherent responses than your fragmented broken English and your regurgitated points. If you want to come and play with the big boys then you need to get the education to match. Id' advise you to return to scamming people in telegram because you just can't compete on an intellectual level here in an open forum medium. Each response is further indicator of your malintents and bullshit. You've ran out of ideas. Where is the next pajeet for me to slay? This is far too easy.
this guy is blackzero, the gook scammer behind nyanfinance scam and tulip

>> No.22688085

>Your English is fucking terrible. People are going to be more convinved by my considered and coherent responses than your fragmented broken English and your regurgitated points. If you want to come and play with the big boys then you need to get the education to match. Id' advise you to return to scamming people in telegram because you just can't compete on an intellectual level here in an open forum medium. Each response is further indicator of your malintents and bullshit. You've ran out of ideas. Where is the next pajeet for me to slay? This is far too easy.
you got doxxed. you're a gook scammer. and one ugly beta looking piece of shit

>> No.22688153

you are a pajeet nonhuman

>> No.22688250


What is fuck you money these days in hyderabad? 1 Nyan would probably feed the next generation for life.

>> No.22688256

>you are a pajeet nonhuman
the dev is a fucking chinkand known scammer.

>> No.22688294

>What is fuck you money these days in hyderabad? 1 Nyan would probably feed the next generation for life.
$3,000,000. you will never see that amount of money in your life

>> No.22688316

>Statically whales have a good sense of buisness and trading. Taken as an aggregate I can say, those are people I want as my partners.
Every time this comes up about NYAN this is my response as well .

>> No.22688331


This idiot just admitted that he's a pajeet scammer from Hyderabad ahahahahahaha.

Sir give me your Eth address so I can make a donation to the village

>> No.22688749

Going up again. Thank you for distributing your tokens to the community. Hopefully your UNI buys will work out for you

>> No.22688836

What is with the robo-trolling in this thread. So bullish for NYAN although I feel like I'm reading a info-commercial that's fudding NYAN and shilling a C list crypto clones.

>> No.22688856

Helllllo fiverr shill thread

>> No.22689530

the team bought all the supply of nyan for only 4 eth. they used multiple accounts. the proof is on etherscan. and everyone can see how you used social engineering to make people think dev was andre cronje. and the dev was doxxed and is a known chinese scammer. it's also obvious tulip is their next scam project. the dev team are commenting on nyan threads on biz to try to make you hold while they dump. they still have a lot of token still to dump.it doesnt take much eth to mvoe price. they pumped it just now with a few eth to make people think its now dead

>> No.22689931

Why is this cat so important?

>> No.22690040

God fud somewhere else kiddo.