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2267641 No.2267641 [Reply] [Original]

Swarm City will release Boardwalk on June 15th. Boardwalk is their Minimum Viable Product. Their first release was Terminal which is a wallet and is accesible right now on swarm.city, and their third release after Boardwalk will be Storefront (but you don't need to even think about that one yet, it's just good to know more is coming).

Okay, so now that I got your attention, I don't think I have ever seen such good odds for a 10 bagger in such a short period of time.

Not only will the devs at Swarm City release their unique platform (nobody else is doing what they are doing in crypto) in two weeks, they will also release a new website before the launch to actually give people an idea of what Swarm City is about.

So let me give you a hint of what Swarm City is about: SC is a commerce meta-platform where anyone can create a hashtag like #needaride or #cash4btc (can be location specific). So whenever someone creates a hashtag they will become the de facto business owner of that hashtag, and people will be able to transact with eachother under that hashtag by making use of a smart contract (the hashtag creator/maintainer will be the arbiter and decides what % of the transaction to pay himself as fee). You also get reputation points for successfully completing transactions so you will know who to trust. So basically you could set up an Uber or localbitcoins type business up on Swarm City or any business that you could think of really and you don't have any regulation stuff to worry about because it is decentralized and impossible for a government to take down.

If you go to their current website it's already clear the Swarm City team are great at marketing. This ain't no amateur show.

What really makes the value proposition of this coin so good right now though is that it is totally under the radar because the website is so cryptic and nobody really understands what it is about. Not for long anymore.

Thank me in two weeks for giving you the heads up /biz. I'm all in.

>> No.2267672

This is how you value invest in crypto.

Also good to know that on June 15th they will limit the platform to 1 hashtag #Pioneer. After a couple of days that limit will be lifted though and everybody will be able to create their own hashtags.

>> No.2267685
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Interesting... how do you feels it compares to Bitbay's concept ?

>> No.2267691

>Enabled by the SWT token, running
on the Ethereum blockchain


>> No.2267701


>> No.2267710

noice and it's flat as fuck, totally premooned.

>> No.2267720

Or you can get dgb as we rocket from 2k to 10k sats. Why are investing in worthless shit?

>> No.2267722

the fuck kind of cryptocurrency name is swarm city

>> No.2267725


Bitbay is an exchange. Swarm City will enable any type of business to operate, the use cases are only limited by the creativity of the users. And most of all you will be able to do it without some middle man snooping off 20% of your revenues.

>> No.2267727


Have you not realized by now everything is pumping like mad?

Who cares just jump in the chart looks good.

>> No.2267737

Picked up 100. Thx OP.

>> No.2267740


No Swarm City has been in development for a year. The profits are going to be reaped on June 15th and nobody here is even aware.

I predict the floodgates will burst once they release their improved site before June 15th.

>> No.2267741

Seems interesting OP, how do I buy?

>> No.2267751


That's what makes Swarm City so good. It's not just some pump and dump scheme. It's a legit platform that actually has massive potential and I think it makes use of crypto that gives it unique advantage. Swarm City will be one of a kind, for now at least.

>> No.2267753

price looks good no pump yet
where can we buy

>> No.2267755

whats a good entry
below 100k sat?

>> No.2267788


In this thread we are value investing. If it doesn't hurt at least a little to buy in, you are doing it wrong.

However unlike old school value investors, you don't have to sit for 2-3 years on your investment and hope the value will be recognized.

We know what the catalyst is going to be that is going to unlock the value, and it is June 15th. You know it's priced it for the reasons that I mentioned in my original post and because it's obvious that 95-99% of people on this board have never even heard of Swarm City, and in the off chance that they did they have no clue what it's about.

>> No.2267795


Correction: meant to say "You know it's not priced in..."

>> No.2267828


Anywhere around 100k sats and you are gold in my opinion.

This thing is going to go to the moon in two weeks so entry is not that important. What's important is that you are on the rocket before it takes off.

>> No.2267850

had this in my top3-whats-next already

going to get a nice stash!

>> No.2267944
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Well I just googled into this, and this appears to be a project that rose from the ashes of arcade city coin which turned out to be some massive scam?
Whats there to stop this just being scam again?

And quite frankly the marketing so far has been rubbish, trying to even understand what the fuck this coin did was a pain, their bitcointalk thread is in shambles basically and barely explains a thing. The website is also a fucking shitshow that barely explains anything and runs like trash. so idk why you saying they are good at marketing, doesnt seem they have really tried yet which would make sense since the app is out yet.

Havent finally understood wtf they are on about though it does seem like a great idea, seems suss though since it comes from arcade coin and they havent really shown off the application as functional yet except for one blockchain transfer test in a pretty poor gui?
Unless im mistaken and they have somewhere shown off the app???

>> No.2267962

Why do I need a hashtag to trade under? Why wouldn't I create my own and trade under that for no fees? Why not just send the payment directly?

This sounds like a normal wallet, but you add a referee tag to who you send a fee for each transaction.

>> No.2267964


I think this will be the best 'I told you so' of my life. There have been many ten baggers in crypto before, and there will be many after this. The difference here is that a 5x is virtually a sure thing and I estimate that a 10x happening in the next month has like odds of 80%.

>> No.2267966

Because he's holding

>> No.2267991

If you don't know why this is a scam then you don't deserve to be rich.

>> No.2268007


They rebranded from Arcade City to Swarm City and ousted the scammer CEO. The team right now is very solid and transparent. Visit the slack. Read their blog posts.

Your opinion is exactly why this coin is going to do amazing. They are launching a new website in the coming 10-12 days to give people a better idea of what Swarm City is about + they will release their functional application June 15th. Again check the slack if you are curious to see what it will look like. But it will have all the functionality of the hashtags I described. They have been working on it for months.

The next update after this is Storefront which will provide context dependent GUIs so you will be able to hook up the Swarm City API to any app and have the same experience as you would using Uber for example, while being totally decentralized and without having to pay any middle man.

>> No.2268012

Does that stop this from being a buy the rumour sell the news scenario?

>> No.2268022


Are you still going to mindlessly say it's a scam once they release Boardwalk and people are going to start using the platform?

If you want to explain to me why you think it's a scam please do so. I'm all ears.

>> No.2268058

What do you mean not having to pay a middle man? In the OP itself
>the hashtag creator/maintainer will be the arbiter and decides what % of the transaction to pay himself as fee
There clearly is a middleman, the creator of the hashtag. In your example Uber would still take a cut of every transaction.
So again, what makes this useful? Why pay extra to pay thru a hashtag, when you can pay without one even easier?

>> No.2268077
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From my basic research it seems to be the previous coin was run by a scumbag CEO that the team hated so they hardforked off it into swarm city, which does raise some suspicions but otherwise i cant find much to say its a scam coin, so give some reasoning as to why??

I'll go on slack and look around, holy fuck they need a new website the current one is complete trash.

If XRP can rise to its current prices, then any coin can lmao

>> No.2268104

I like the idea of the currency but it's so new and shady.
Could go either way so I'll get maybe $40 and wait

>> No.2268115

We're off to the moon boys

>> No.2268121


Uber takes a 20% fee. They have to because they have to pay for a lot of overhead costs.

On Swarm City you are correct that a small % of the total transaction amount will go to the hashtag maintainer, but the only costs he has is playing the role of an arbiter which is necessary function. But the fee on every transaction will be max 2-3%.

This is because you essentially have an environment of perfect competition where anyone can set up a hashtag and compete for the lowest % fee.

What I mean by not having to pay a middle man is not paying for all the unnecessary overhead costs that are associated with normal businesses.

>> No.2268149

One of the reasons why their website is pretty shitty is because it runs completely client side, similar to MyEtherWallet. That's the trade-off you have with decentralized applications.

But as I said they are working hard on a new website which should give people a better idea of what this is all about.

>> No.2268150

got in sub-100k

lets go boys!

>> No.2268156

So what's the ticker and where can i buy?

>> No.2268162


>> No.2268175


SWT on Bittrex or Shapeshift.

Shapeshift does not accept scam coins by the way.

>> No.2268245


You're welcome. All you have to do now is sit on your but and be patient until June 15th arrives.

>> No.2268249

Not really convinced desu senpai, I'll stick with Bitbay for now

>> No.2268268


I agree their past was shady, but it was only related to one individual. The current team is pretty awesome.

You can always wait of course. Just know that the big money is never made after the rocket has taken off. It is made before.

>> No.2268283


Here, watch this senpai. I guarantee you will be sold on the concept.


>> No.2268376

And why are you telling us about this? What is your motive?

>> No.2268428

not sure if you're the same guy, but your thread and your writing-style in general reminds me about the last two shilling-threads, which made me actually buy something.
these were RDD at 5sat and DGB at 113 Sat.

Made a lot of money on those and I will ride this rocket now, too.

thanks OP!

>> No.2268514
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Ok finished doing a bunch of research, going in with 250us most i can afford rn desu. OP isn't shitting this coin is pretty solid once you get a grasp on it, information is fucking disorganized though, check out the video below for things to actually be explained. Slack channels good to check out too, I like the old lady lmao


How the fuck did you even find this coin OP, feed me your ways so I may moon more often and never wagecuck again

>> No.2268605

Project looks meh, website is meh, whitepaper is meh. ONly thing making me considering buying it is that the Master of Autismo aka Dmitriy Buterin, father of the autistic paradigm officially endorses Swarm City

>> No.2268643

where's the whitepaper? i'm trying to find it. there's only the "convert arc to swt" whitepaper which pertty much says nothing about what it actually is

>> No.2268697


>> No.2268771


My motive is spreading awareness. Also as I said I am all in so I have an interest in getting the word out. I have no more fiat to invest so there's no point anymore in keeping it quiet

>> No.2268789


That was not me and believe it or not this is the first time I publish my investment thesis on /biz.

That should tell you something.

It means I'm serious about this.

>> No.2268840

>you get reputation points for completing transactions
what's stopping a guy from creating many fake accounts and transacting to himself to increase his reputation?

>> No.2268846


Yeah there's a bunch of normies who follow Swarm City because they have crazy good on the ground marketing, and the product isn't even out yet. That should tell you this thing has actual potential to go mainstream.

Also contrary to what some anon said here previously, I don't think their marketing is shit. It's very solid. They are doing all the right things like doing outreach on the ground/organizing events/interviews/new website/new marketing tools for the launch of Boardwalk. Also their spokesperson Mathew Carano is a master communicator. Once he does some more interviews/appearances and people get to know him I promise you they will 100% buy the vision they will flock to Swarm City.

>> No.2268850

also, are new swt created? what is the rate of inflation

>> No.2268860


They have a whitepaper but it is fairly outdated. They brand forked from Arcade City to Swarm City and broadened their mission from just making a ridesharing app to include all types of businesses.

>> No.2268873


The inflation is 0%. There are a total of 9.5m SWT tokens. But some still have to be converted from ARC to SWT so in coinmarketcap you only see 6.5m SWT tokens.

>> No.2268884

looking at their bitcointalk announcement, youtube, and website currently it is very shitty marketing. right now you have to do a lot of work just to find out what this thing is. it's a very interesting idea though

>> No.2268897
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oh well get the fuck in here we meme this now. way better that digishit

>> No.2268898


The same thing that stops someone from spamming the blockchain. Transaction fees.

>> No.2268937
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gtf in here /biz/

>> No.2268986


Yes I agree. But what's the point of investing if everything is perfect? In 99 of 100 cases the price will already reflect that and you will be overpaying.

What makes the value so great here is that Swarm City is actually a super solid concept once you get your head wrapped around it, right now you just have to do some serious digging to understand it. But this will change.

Once they have their new website and Boardwalk ready by 15th June the hard to understand aspect will disappear and the super solid concept will be all that is left.

Suddenly everybody is going to realize that this is an actual gem in crypto, and that is when the FOMO will start.

So the point is that you are not investing in what it is now, but in what it will be in two weeks. And it will be great.

>> No.2268988

will boardwalk offer a "global" hashtag e.g. for online work, it looks like it's just going to be geolocation based

>> No.2269020
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doesn't matter; will pump

>> No.2269023


On June 15th you'll be limited to the #Pioneer hashtag. After that everyone is going to be able to set up their own hashtag. You will be able to choose yourself if you want the hashtag to be location based or not. For certain applications that makes sense, for others it doesn't.

>> No.2269111
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>> No.2269124


Having Dmitry Buterin as advisor is another data point which should solidify that this is not a 'scam.'

I agree 100% that the website and whitepaper are meh. The website is changing in 10-12 days and who cares about the whitepaper..

The project is far from meh. Watch the video that is linked in this thread.

>> No.2269293

it still has a really low price compared to its overall total supply, it's fair to expect at least a 6x in the next weeks

>> No.2269375


Imagine what will happen once the platform will actually gain traction...

>> No.2269681


Where can I buy some of this shit? From a trusted exchange.

>> No.2269702


>> No.2269709


Thanks. I could've just read the thread, saw it earlier.

>> No.2269833

Just saw this thread. Been in SWT for a while, and never saw this point mentioned. Right now the main exchange to buy from is Bittrex, but imagine the FOMO if Poloniex decides to add it? I'm holding for that day, which I believe will come.

>> No.2269957


You can find it on shapeshift too if you don't have a Bittrex account

>> No.2270076

i actually saw this token two days ago when i was checking the roi on recent icos. this has gone up over 3000% since then. i'm in.

>> No.2270200


Stratis has been out for literally one year and since then it did a 100,000% return.

3000% is nothing.

>> No.2270244

Good post OP

>> No.2270294

It's already at a $20 million market cap though, it's one of the most popular altcoins (#80 on coinmarketcap). So how far up can it really go?

I guess it doesn't have to go up 10x though, even just riding the hype is feasible, but still it's a risky game to play.

>> No.2270388

if they don't fix their shitty website, ther's not gonna be any hype

>> No.2270390

if you look at the stats you can clearly see stratis is an exceptional case. compared to everything that isn't stratis, 3000 is very good. that's 30x your initial investment.

>> No.2270462

That's quite a lot of posts. Are you sure you're not shilling?

>> No.2270537


It's coming before June 15th. Visit the slack and ask the team to confirm if you don't want to trust me.

>> No.2270577


If Digibyte can go up to $350m and Waves can go up to $500, this can go to $200m easily. Remember the Swarm City platform will be the first thing in crypto that actually has unique and compelling use cases besides giving the DNMs a payment system and setting up ICOs.

>> No.2270683

Was reading about this yesterday and was planning to buy. Looks pretty undervalued. Just bought some now.

>> No.2270732

If Uber alone can be worth 60 billion, there's a lot of upside here. It's actually mind boggling to think what this could become. I don't know if I should hold for $50 or $10,000 per token. We're at $3 right now.

>> No.2270747


Yes, and that 30x is with a shitty website and without a useable product. Do you know what that signals? Belief and confidence in the team and the concept.

Imagine what will happen if the broader crypto market gets wind of what Swarm City represents.

They will see what I am seeing now. I am seeing it earlier because right now it requires work to understand the value. But this is only temporary.

Once the new website is released and their product comes out, boom, the value is unlocked because suddenly it is recognizeable. These things move very fast too.

Remember when Sia was trading at $20m not too long ago? Not many people here knew about it. Now pretty much every knows what Sia is about. Nothing has fundamentally changed about Sia since it was trading at $20m, but it still did a 15x since then. Once the price started to rise people actually took the effort to take a closer look. It turns out that all the while Sia was just a gem hidden in plain sight, just like Swarm City is now.

Unlike in Sia's case though, here we have two clear catalysts which will unlock the value and wake the broader crypto scene up.

The problem right now is that they haven't heard about it or that they don't know what it's about. After the new website and the platform are released, I will guarantee you that they will be sold on it.

>> No.2270778


It's because I'm passionate about this thing. Doesn't really matter if anyone thinks it's shilling. Just listen to the arguments and decide for yourself if you think it's worth something

>> No.2270938

I've known about this way before even the first ICO for Arcade City. I never liked the Arcade City name. That was something Chris actually paid someone to come up with. When Chris left, the team decided on a new brand, Swarm City. I still consider it a kinda weird name, but since I know the history behind it, I'm able to see what others do not see because they look at the name and think it sounds weird. That means I'm going to be rich.

>> No.2271053


Sadly I learned about it when it was trading in the low single digit millions and passed on it just like everyone else because I couldn't understand it. I only dug deeper once I saw it move up the ranks in coinmarketcap.

>> No.2271166


Of course he's shilling. But he also thinks he's found literal gold, and the only way for that gold to be recognized is for others to see it as well.

>> No.2271310

And they will

>> No.2271331


Any crypto with good fundamentals will rise in a bull market, it is only a matter of time. I own golem and will hold till it hits 80 cents at least, and I will look into this. It would be dumb not to put part of your stack in this coin if it is actually good and you think this bull market continues (which it will.)

>> No.2271368

Indeed. I'm already on the phone with the Lamborghini dealership as we speak. They have me on hold, I'm inquiring about what they'll have available in a few months. Being rich is going to be so nice.

>> No.2271375


I don't know if you think this is something nefarious, but what you describe is literally how value investing works.

You see the value before the market does and you either wait for the market to recognize it or you publicly publish your thesis and hope that it will accelerate price discovery.

There's nothing wrong with this.

>> No.2271401


I don't. I just want people here to understand, not everyone shilling is trying to get you to buy for his 30 minute long pump.

I will be reading this thread tonight and putting in between 5-15% of my stack depending on how much I like it.

People forget the eth shilling at $2. Everyone shilling it only had good intentions. I think a lot of people are gonna get burned on DGB and turn people off from anything being shilled, which is a damn shame.

>> No.2271464

What makes you think a lot of people will get burned on DGB? Not trying to start anything im just genuinely curious.

>> No.2271485


Most people vastly over value the fundamentals and don't understand it's being manipulated by whales.

>> No.2271495


In that case, great to encounter another rational mind. To be honest, what continues to suprise me is how well many cryptos keep their value once they have been pumped.

By the way, the thing that keeps me coming to /biz are threads like the one I created here. Even though there are many scams here, I believe biz was the first one to shill ethereum, then pivx, waves, sia, reddcoin, then digibyte. It's pretty impressive.

>> No.2271516

Because there's literally nothing special about Digibyte and once Bitcoin adds Segwit and is bolted onto the Lightning Network, all of its benefits are made redundant.

>> No.2271522

I remember the ETH shilling on here. I took note and now I'm applying my wisdom by buying an undiscovered gem before it goes mainstream. I'm smart. I love myself.

>> No.2271541

that feel

>> No.2271677

How much does it cost to create a tag?

Is is first-come first-serve?

Is there a market-place for tags?

Seems like there's going to be a run on good, short, tags like the domain name run

>> No.2271819


Join the Slack and ask the devs. I'm not going to do it because I don't want to reveal my anonimity.

>> No.2271946

so you're shilling shit without even understanding the basics of how it works?

>> No.2271967

Welcome to /biz/

>> No.2272039


This thing is a work in progress mate. Pretty sure that what you're asking hasn't been decided yet. On June 15th the hashtags will be limited to #Pioneer. I imagine that there will be a run on hashtags after that, probably on a first come, first served basis.

But because I'm not entirely sure I implore you to ask the devs yourself.

>> No.2272309

it's less than 2 wks from release, but fundamentals haven't been decided?

they can't change this after release without nuking their credibility

this smells like poorly managed toxic dog shit

>> No.2272499


Here's the answer:

"anyone will be able to create, the community will decide which hashtags show up in the official swarm.city"

>> No.2273160

>this smells like poorly managed toxic dog shit
I love hearing opinions like these. Let's me know how early I am to invest. Same exact criticism was given to Bitcoin, and back then I believed the doubters way too much. Turns out, they don't know shit, they're just intellectually lazy faggots who suck at life!

>> No.2273212


By the way I asked around and it turns out that there is a clear and very elegant plan. But it's kinda sensitive right now because there is a lot of economic value attached to this so they don't want to disclose the details yet because they don't want to change people's behaviour. Hint: it has something to do with reputation. If you don't trust my answer, ask the devs yourself.

>> No.2273249

it's not a cheap coin really is it? what are the legs on this? you mention 10x gains earlier and now you say here >>2273212

>Hint: it has something to do with reputation.

are you suggesting this is tied to augur? how would you know that?

>> No.2273254

You quoted the wrong person. I'm onboard with SWT all the way. I've been in the slack since the beginning and seen that they are a team that thinks thinks through very carefully. This is definitely not some fly by night shitcoin.

>> No.2273284


No it has nothing to do with other coins. Remember how I said that you gain reputation in Swarm City by successfully completing transactions? People will be able to vote with their reputations which hashtags show up in the official swarm.city

>> No.2273477


$50 is very reasonable. For $10,000 I think they are 5 years to early. I think there are currently still too much problems with fiat/crypto conversion to really make this go mainstream beyond the crypto space, but I could be wrong. I'm sure there are lots of brilliant brains working on solutions right now.

>> No.2273632

so where do i buy

>> No.2273742


Bittrex or Shapeshift

>> No.2273752


Yup, but a real application like this is exactly where fixing those problems begins. That's pretty much why Dmitry Buterin is an advisor, imo.



>> No.2273755

Thanks OP. Finally a good shilling thread with actual explanation of the fundamentals. I filled my bags

>> No.2273874


Glad to hear my shilling was appreciated. Be patient now though. I guarantee that if you hold this coin for 10-12 more days you will remember me and this thread.

You guys are lucky I only have so much fiat and having nothing to lose by disclosing this golden opportunity

>> No.2273885

lol look at faggot OP desperately trying to lie about it not being a scam.

If you buy this coin you're fucking retarded and deserve to lose money. Anyone shilling THIS hard is a liar.

>> No.2274057


I'm shilling THIS hard because I'm all in so I finished buying and because I like giving my biz bros the opportunity to profit because biz has given me several profitable opportunities in the past + it simply makes me feel good. Don't give a shit that it comes off as shilling.

If you think this is a scam, I'm all ears and willing to hear your arguments. Actually I would be very grateful because you'd obviously save me a lot of money if you told me something I didn't know yet.

But I suspect you don't have any evidence because I did pretty extensive due diligence.

>> No.2274099

Go back to your shitcoin threads, you sad clown.

>> No.2274109

show ur portfolio

>> No.2274154

>says the CIA spook desperately trying to keep NEETs out of the crypto revolution

>> No.2274870

you should have posted something like this


it's long but interesting, this is actually pretty great and looks slick. the only downside and limit to adoption is, like the other anon said, the inevitable bullshit that you have to deal with trying to buy, store, and sell crypto. but that aside, this looks great.

>> No.2274995

I read that earlier today. It's actually genius in how simple but how necessary it is to everyday life. It's basically something like Craigslist except with escrow so you're less likely to get fucked. Plus users define all the tags themselves AND it's still a cryptocurrency, so there's endless flexibility in the (shady) business you can conduct. I plan on HODLing this for a long time. For once it's a coin I actually believe in the application it has.

>> No.2275065


Yeah nah, this is absolute trash written by a bunch of SJWs who program primarily in javascript but cant even make a decent fucking website.

>> No.2275308

you can tell from their logos, the website style, and their videos that this is going for an instagram type audience, i'm not sure how much money there is to be made from stormfront tokens.

>> No.2275331


Yep couldn't have worded it better myself


I'm not at all convinced this is a SJW fest. It's more like a libertarian/ancap fest. Besides who cares, we are trying to make money here. Also, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit are all SJW infested and guess what? They are all successful platforms.

The guy who wrote that diversity article is like that guy who is constantly brainstorming and comming up with awkward connections, every project has a dude like that. Who cares.

The two programmers actually seem like they are bros.

As I said they will release a new website soon. This is going to be a real catalyst. Remember one of the reasons the site is a bit shitty is because it runs a decentralized app entirely on the client side similar to MyEtherWallet. That's not some easy javascript stuff.

>> No.2275412

Why does the spokesperson look like someone just beat the shit out of him?

>> No.2275459


DGB shills didn't want him showing off an actually good coin

>> No.2275533

i just bought a little on bittrex. now im thinking I should buy a lil more.

>> No.2275727

>Mathew Carano
Enjoy your visit to 4chan, Mat?

>> No.2276434

>25, 50, 75 125, 225
this bot has been there all day selling this shit

>> No.2276503

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.2277028

OP, It seems very interesting by the way you described, however, I have to say that their web page lacks clear information about what they are trying to do. By reading, it doesn't look that different from the hundreds of other alts out there.

I'm saying this is a bad thing because people who stumble across this coin will not know what you are telling us, they will dismiss It as just a copy pasted shitcoin. They need to do a better jon at explaining what the project is about. Not to mention the page is slow.

>> No.2277219

But isn't that good for you because while most will pass on it, you will accumulate at really low prices? Anyone who does their proper research will know that a new website is coming, and everything is on the up and up. That's how investing early works.

>> No.2277223

Looks like decentralized craigslist to me mate, very normie friendly. Potential to go high if it takes off, the token is also a key part of it too.

Normies LOVE hashtags, reputation, connecting eachother, trusted transactions in escrow, all that shit they can piss around with on their phones. Some bitch will sit and make a #IKnitThings tag, and other bitches will join in and sell/buy their random shite etc.

If they get a good enough app / ui and so on, and have that obscure all the blockchain bollocks, it could take off pretty well.

>> No.2277259
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>> No.2277561

That is a really great idea once you explain it that way. If they can get it into the app store and advertise to the right people, it could become really popular.

>> No.2277569


The investment here is into a website or "platform"? Not a tech value investment but rather the idea to create the next craigslist with a crypto - like silkroad but marketed at normies? Not saying it cant work just curious what the sell is since the website wasn't very helpful.

>> No.2277585

But just how viable are we talkin here? What have they said in reference to the biggest problem facing normies and crypto today? (That being the actual entry/initial purchase of the coin)

Has anyone read how they will handle actually transacting the coins into real money? For us /biz/raelis its pretty simple since we'll just throw that shit to an exchange and swap it out, but for a normie, how are they going to handle turning SWT into cold hard cash?

>> No.2277606

i spent a few horus looking around. it is a platform where you can create marketplaces. a hashtag is a specific marketplace. you can make a request to buy something on a hashtag and people who sell the service/product will reply to you. then the buyer can choose to chat with the seller and arrange a deal. once a deal is struck, you both will put up money in an escrow. when the deal is finished, both your reputation points will go up.

>> No.2277614

is there a slack chat or discord i can hop into? Seems sick.

>> No.2277619

they're not working on that right now. they probably don't have to do anything and just wait for the exchanges to offer it

>> No.2277641

Thx anon, I like the idea but dont see this one in particular going newhere.

>> No.2277663

i'm iffy on this too. i think it will depend on how good their mobile apps are

>> No.2277706

Yeah, this sounds convoluted as fuck. No normie will use this. Also, OP has like 100 posts out of the 145 in here, so fuck this shit. Sage!

>> No.2277797
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This sounds like it COULD have huge potential. How does a swarm "coin" work then?

>> No.2277829

it's the money that is used on the platform. i'm not sure why they even need a separate coin

>> No.2277953

Indeed. I definitely see this as being the next "general service" buying thread.

Imagine tons of normies downloading it just to see what it has to offer, and then get interested in the coin. I just threw 500$ at 115k yesterday

>> No.2277963

i meant buying app/website*

>> No.2277982
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swarm coins work by swarming all over these gains with BEANCOIN!

>> No.2278054

When Uber and Lyft pulled out of Austin as they promised to do if Prop 1 passed requiring fingerprints for drivers, Arcade City started promoting the #needarideatx hashtag on Facebook. It was very popular and proved that people will transact with each other over a hashtag.

>> No.2278128

>i'm not sure why they even need a separate coin
no one will use they system, so how else are the devs supposed to scam money?

>> No.2278185

How much will i get paid per tag

>> No.2278651

I love how every coin claims to be the first ever decentralized X
Then another comes and say we are the first really decentralized X
Then the day after that another comes and says we are the first TRULY decentralized X
This is a big redflag, this bubble is getting saturated and ready to burst.

>> No.2278894

No, I'm not going to sell my coins to you.

>> No.2278935

Will users have to purchase SWT to spend in the app, or can they plug in their credit card info to make instant purchases with FIAT in the app?

>> No.2278982
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Someone answer this man

>> No.2278997


This is essentially the question I asked here - >>2277585

If they plan to use the coin, then someone would have to buy the coin before using it, so reasonably, a normie would have to use cash to buy the coin. But from where I'm sitting that just sounds like extra unneeded steps in the eyes of a normal-fag who doesnt give a single dick about "New-Age Currency".

They'll just see it as microtransactions, and having to essentially purchase the Swarm-City version of an in-game currency.

So unless they were backing all of their tokens with the cash themselves, the whole process just seems too convoluted to actually work.

>> No.2279041

Agreed. I really like the marketplace idea, in theory this could make uber/ airbnb/ craigslist obsolete by putting it all in one place.

If you have to deposit money into the app tokens before being able to trade then im 100% out. That is a dealbreaker. I'm not going to put $100 dollars into an app because I might need a ride sometime soon. I want to put money in when I actually want to pay for something.

>> No.2279341


Have some respect anon. He's a good dude.


I share you concernes and so do the Swarm City people. They are highly aware that fiat/SWT conversion will be a painpoint and they are working on solutions. They wrote up an article about it a couple of days ago.


So how I imagine it is that all the early adopters of Swarm City will come from the crypto scene and that gradually more mainstream people will join. By the way he Dark Net Markets are pretty huge and plenty of normies have learned how to buy bitcoins so it's not like this will be the end of the world. But as you read they are keenly aware of the problem and they are working on solutions. What more could you ask for?


Yeah there is a slack and it's full of friendly people. Visit swarm.city and click the slack link.


The mobile apps will come with their third release Storefront. Remember this thing is decentralized and open source so anyone could develop a mobile app if they wanted to do.


To make us rich anon


You set your own prices. The hastag owner asks a small fee because he plays the role of the arbiter. You can create your own hashtag too if you want.


This is not the 1000th coin promising to revolutionize the payment system. This is a commerce meta-platform. 100% unique in crypto. It's like a decentralized craigslist with hashtags and reputation built for normies.


See above and read https://press.swarm.city/swarm-city-business-hive-update-31-05-2017-998c14c5a6c3

The answer is they are working on it but for the time being you'll have to face some hurdles. But hey crypto doesn't go mainstream from one day to another. It takes time to develop solutions.

>> No.2279602


Because hashtags are a way to organize buyers and sellers into different hubs. The reputation you get for successfully completing transactions is hashtag dependent. Context matters. Someone who is good at ridesharing might not be the best person to provide you a cooking service for example.

You can always create your own hashtag but you'll have attract buyers and sellers, and most of them are going to be concentrated within the established and popualr hashtags so it's a pure competition for who can provide the best experience basically..

>> No.2279777

>To make us rich anon
But really though, is there a clear reason as to why there even is a token? Sorry if I'm being dumb here

>> No.2279918


Because there is a need to have economic incentives of participants in the platform aligned, and to eventually insulate the community from value fluctuations of other currencies.

I basically see SWT as a way to make the platform sticky. SWT incentivizes the participants to be invested in the success of the ecosystem because the value of SWT is closely linked to its success.

If we would just use ETH that kind of incentive disappears.

>> No.2280018

Damn i'm so happy I bought into this yesterday. THANKS OP

>> No.2280062

>buying at ATH
yeah how about you go and fuck your self?

>> No.2280072

thanks for shilling this meme coin op

>> No.2280145


>not buying at ATH

Bitcoin's ATH once was $0.1, then $1, then $10, etc...

Following your genius advice would have caused you to miss every train in the last year senpai

>> No.2280253


Now be patient bros. Nothing has happened yet. Once the two catalysts I talked about take place, only then will the price start to reflect the real value.

>> No.2280274

This is only the beginning, it's going to moon in value soon

>> No.2280279

Yea, within a few months.. Not today.

>> No.2280324


SWT is highly illiquid right now. The price is extremely easy to manipulate. That's why we're waiting for the new site and the release of Boardwalk. That's when the big guys with the big volume will start coming in.

In the meantime you will need to exercise some patience though. June 15th is still 11 days from now. But the new website will be released before that.

>> No.2280396

That website tho.

>> No.2280456

Oh I'm very patient. Just letting everyone know we're not there yet. We'll see volatility till the epic mooning occurs and leaves all the dumb fucks behind, where they belong. Right now I'm surviving on a very shitty income until then, but I'll be able make it to the finish line, that's all that matters.

>> No.2280934

A little bump, now dead in the water. nice shilling anon

>> No.2280987

Oh damn I only have a few eth. It's either swarm city or Bancor ICO for me. Which one has higher gain potential ?

>> No.2281001


>> No.2281033

I don't have enough to. I want to go all on one of them since they both look incredible solid/safe

>> No.2281247
File: 44 KB, 599x563, 1494977589280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya that got me, I just went all in after looking at the market cap

why did none of you faggots tell me about this ico?

>> No.2281534

Why is the guy with the bot selling?

>> No.2281547

don't know, his loss my gain I hope Tass really does nuke the fucking bittrex bots 99% of the time they are annoying as hell this one time is a VERY rare exception

>> No.2281596


>every transaction has a buyer and a seller
>so there's always someone buying and someone selling
>there's only one reason for buying but there are many reasons for selling
>I have no clue what the answer to your question is

>> No.2281621

ayy fuck i'm gonna throw a couple hundred on this

>> No.2282099

Just bought some, I'll probably dump June 14th.

>> No.2282143
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>> No.2282826

Am I too late to buy?

>> No.2282841

I think there will be a mini-crash by tomorrow and then we will see steady increase until the 14th when it will moon. It will crash around the 15th, and who knows what will happen after that.

>> No.2283920

I'm in a lot of coin Slacks and this one has the most people, how did biz miss this ?
All in boyos, looking at lambo colors https://swarmcity.slack.com

>> No.2284254

Indeed, they have VITALIK'S DAD on their advisory board.

The talk about "Diversity" and other normie shit is great. Think now, SC, Strat, all these other coins appeal great to business (yay shekels), however their reach is still limited.

Swarm will appeal to ALL hipsters with the instagram, rep points, hashtagging faggot ways, AND some of the general public who just want to buy and sell shit.

You'll have mums selling cakes or knitting or god know's what, UBER style random taxi dudes selling rides (and pubbies buying), punters soliciting prostitutes, families trading second hand furnature, the lot. Like the dude said, decentralised craigslist.

There's a lot of potential here, a LOT of kinks to work out, marketing to sort, and the whole thing hangs on how they handle currency, and having a VERY simple UI in their app that focuses on simplicity and trendy shit, and obscures all the blockchain bollocks.

June 15th-20th will be telling, but this coin I actually have a lot of hope for. ETH, SC and the rest I have good long term hope, but this one could really explode if it successfully gets normies on board.

>> No.2284304
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Sorry forgot the source, here ya go: https://press.swarm.city/dmitry-buterin-joins-swarm-city-advisory-board-675d47f268d1

>> No.2285400


Depends on what you think the potential is. If I had any fiat left I would be a buyer today. Personally I have no doubt this thing is going to $200m and beyond that. But don't take my word for it. Do your own research

>> No.2285628


ppl were buying mooncoij it went up 4 times, what do you think

>> No.2285902


This is not a simple meme coin bro.

>> No.2285954

Exactly. Talking to the Devs on their Slack channel and they say they don't want simple pump & dumps, but DO need more awareness. Advised them to make some memeable marketing images. (Their logo doesn't really say much about what it is).

They have Devs discussing the reputation system on their Youtube channel, and it only has 75 fucking views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N1MmklNBhA

They're flying WAY too under the radar, however the more I read about this, the more it's shot up into my top few coins for medium-long term investment.

They're going for decentralised craigslist+wordpress on the blockchain. This is the first one I've seen that could REALLY appeal to normies.

Talk about fucking bitcoin, ETH or SC cloud storage to a colleague and they'll switch off, talk about what Swarm does and the marketing girl who makes cakes on pintrest in her spare time will perk up..

They just need to get the marketing and UI right. They're also working on issues like what to do with the finance system, preventing reputation abuse etc. (No subjective reviews is one point they're focusing on, rep only at completing the transaction).

I'm hoping this coin drops a bit in the next few days so I can buy fuckloads, then REALLY hype it during June 15th / after. They're only running with the #pioneer hashtag for the Boardwalk release, but "some time" afterwards they're going to enable everything, (they won't commit to a date yet though, being careful). Can see this going big over time.

The bloggers will have a field day.