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22674448 No.22674448 [Reply] [Original]

23 years old, burned out from a high paying career (software engineer) and haven’t worked for the past year and currently up to my eyeballs with debt (equivalent to 40k USD) which I have defaulted on (but creditors can’t grab anything since I own nothing of value) and I’m considering ending it all. Only thing stopping me is the fact that I love my parents and I wouldn’t want them to deal with the aftermath.

I can’t get a respectable job because the authorities would need to garnish my wage and that’s a really bad look. Can’t believe it’s gotten to this but clown-world and my poor decisions have been a bad combo.

Is there anyone else in a similar situation? What’s the best way out of a situation like this? Not looking for sympathy but more if anyone has been through something like this because it’s not exactly something I can talk about openly to my friends who would probably just feel bad about me and not give more of a shit.

>> No.22674598

I’ve been toying with the idea of launching a small scale tech startup of some sort but I don’t know I feel that’s just me coping with the situation instead of actually dealing with it.

I have the knowledge and skills and have surprisingly a lot of experience for my age, but tech burnout is no fucking joke bros.

If there is any anon out there lurking here and considering tech please I beg you for your own sanity, do a 180 and never look back at this industry. It doesn’t get better, even at senior levels.

>> No.22675150

All jobs suck retard

>> No.22675232

The right answer is to work. Maybe stop doing so much work at work. Have you seen office space?
Garnished wages wont be a problem if you go through a contract agency as they handle the hiring and pay rate and dont disclose info like that to clients. Dude wtf learn how to save. You cant burn out and quit at 23. Homelessness is real

>> No.22675254

maybe fuck a hooker or get a girlfriend life balanace and do marijuana for your suicidal thoughts too

>> No.22675255

what company burnt you out lad?

>> No.22675262

>killing yourself over $40k worth of fiat garbage

>> No.22675322

not op but im burning out in tech jobs. So many women and indians/chinese. And all they do is point fingers. I used to work hard. Now? Why bother.

>> No.22675363

Can you borrow the 40k from family?

>> No.22675445

I've made plenty of poor decisions but I don't regret shit. I'm 22.

Why did you become a software engineer in the first place? Did you neglect something else in your life that you loved to chase that career?

>do marijuana for your suicidal thoughts
Lol don't throw psychoactive depressants into the mix if you're already feeling lethargic and suicidal man. Just take my word on this one.

>complains of minorities pointing fingers
>points fingers at minorities

>> No.22675501

Depressants depress neural activity not make you depressed, and marijuana is not a depressant.

>> No.22675513

Weed is not a depressant you absolute cuck
I didnt point fingers on the job site faggot i keep my mouth shut and focus on my work not my coworkers. Im reporting here that ive been repeatedly sabotaged. You must be a woman to have such basic equality reasoning skills

>> No.22675516

>burned out out from high paying software job
go fuck yrself faggot

>> No.22675560

also women arent a minority

>> No.22675597

Ok, fine. Still don't think it's a great idea to encourage drug use during a low point in someone's life, especially if it can exacerbate paranoid delusions and other mental health problems with chronic use.
Gonna call me a poopoopeepee meanie head next? Go smoke and chill out, you seem to have your shit together

>> No.22675670

I dont personally like liars (women are a minority), big mouths (weed is a depressant), or false assumptions (i pointed fingers at work because i said here im burnt out by being narcd on so many times by certain people)

>> No.22675705

weed is medicine, not drug use as you call it. Prior to starting most medicines especially for mental disorders people should first try marijuana in varying doses.
You can keep your big pharma agenda out of here too imo

>> No.22675719

Alright man, take it easy

>> No.22675727
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>burned out
>literally 1-2 years out of university


>> No.22675736

Why not bankruptcy?

>> No.22675772
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>> No.22675783

My career pays me $180k+ a year. It's stressful at times, especially now that it's flu season. I just think about how I'll retire early within the next 10 years. I'll have the time and money to live in Southeast Asia and fuck their young women until I die. Or I'll pursue an easier career anywhere in the world if I get bored of that.

>> No.22675815

go teach english in a foreign country anon, take a break for a year

>> No.22675822

25 yrs old. Felt like my life wasn't moving forward a couple of years ago. Decided to change my life.

Currently working 3 jobs, own two houses, and have $400k in crypto all while working a modest $70k/yr job.

All I changed was:
1. I developed a valuable skillset (crypto development, I am also a software engineer)
2. I worked as hard as I could until working hard became the norm for me
3. I stopped smoking weed and drinking so much. I go off the sauce for 3 months, go on a tiny bender for a week or two, then go sober for 3 months.

Number 3 has been the biggest change that worked the best for me. Good luck.

>> No.22675865

I smoke weed and will tell you 100% for sure that it effects your mind and your motivation. Can you be successful and smoke everyday? Sure. Could you be 3-4 times more successful if you didn't smoke? Yes.

Weed makes you ok with doing nothing, and working hard is the only actual way to make it.

>> No.22675906
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Actually y'know what, fuck it.

>I dont personally like liars (women are a minority)
If it's so obvious a fact women aren't minorities, how could you consider it a lie? How would I benefit from "lying" in this manner? (You also complained of Indians and Chinese in your post, which is what I was referring to).

>big mouths (weed is a depressant)
Weed can kill your motivation and make your depression worse. It's not a cure-all wonder drug and it's difficult to dose because we've blown right past how to standardize it. One in three pot smokers smoke daily, which is dependancy, Google it. This is anecdotal, but all the chronic smokers I know are seriously fucked up, including my dad, who encouraged my drug use when I was a kid which seriously damaged a lot of my development. So yeah, I've got a big mouth when you tell this kid to start smoking dope.

>(i pointed fingers at work because i said here im burnt out by being narcd on so many times by certain people)
What'd they narc on you for?

>implying there aren't Jewish lobbyists behind marijuana advocacy groups
>implying I trust big pharma or doctors with my health

Also the fact you advocated for seeking a committed relationship with someone you trust AND just blowing your load in a hooker in one sentence tells me you're seriously fucked in the head. OP, if you're still here, don't listen to this nigger.

>> No.22676093

At my first job, a woman narc'd on me for taking 1.5 hrs for lunch every other week with coworkers and making up the half hour at the end of the day
At my second job a chinese dude put his name on my reports and claimed the work
At my current job my pajeet boss despite the client being happy insists my work is subpar and spends her waking days trashing me. Idgaf im leaving the jew work world. Ironically jews are actually really great coworkers
And btw everything youre saying about marijuana is propaganda or a lie, just stop. Do research yourself, non anecdontal. Google endocannibinoid system

>> No.22676115

oh and now this jew is going to say i cheat because i recommended to another guy to take out stress with as i said a hooker OR a girlfriend.
Youre a woman jew by my guess based on the low iq

>> No.22676226

You’ve revealed your kosher colors you kike. Jews are not nice coworkers.

>> No.22676308

>burned out at 23

lmao you are just a mental midget

>> No.22676312
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Pic related is OP writing his prize-winning dissertation on the endocannibinoid system

>> No.22676335

Ive never had a jew give me issues. Im a hard working german heritage blonde aryan actually. And i find that despite jews being cutthroat they are fair and hard working while being cucked into workmanship themselves. I find the jew is in their element while being forced into wagecucking, not running it

>> No.22676358

never cheated. Calling you a jew because you racistly assumed im black and called me an epithet. Fuck you jew cunt

>> No.22676723

I'm sorry to hear that fren
but I think >>22675232 is right, you don't really have any other choice. It's either die, work or be homeless

>> No.22676809

t. fried-brain nigger

>> No.22676843

In fact ill say once again youre a lying faggot saying i said AND when i clearly said OR. and just noticed you said weed is the jew agenda. What a crackpot faggot brainwashed religious dipshit you are. People like you should learn how to shut the fuck up

>> No.22676879

Oh god. The jews are after me. Notice how mad they become over marijuana. The jew fears you having marijuana. Hence why they run big pharma and lobby against it

>> No.22676942

follow the african and white people. Not the "chosen" people. They were chosen to lead you to doom