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22668874 No.22668874 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst Boomer advice you've gotten?

>> No.22668892

Working hard will get you anywhere.

>> No.22668902

Settle down with a nice girl

>> No.22668918

The classic "it doesn't matter what you study or what your grades are in college, employers just want to see you're willing to put up with 4+ years of work!".

>> No.22668926

Staying in a shit job for more than a year.

>> No.22668931

"You'll actually lose money investing. The safest and smartest thing to do is work hard and put the money in the bank."

>> No.22668937

stick to only one job

>> No.22668946


I'm kicking the average boomer's ass at 30.

>> No.22668958

Because baby boomers are fucking old and have been saving their entire lives versus like the average 8 years millennials have been working?

>> No.22668961

>pay your dues

>> No.22668965


>> No.22668998

>well back in the 80s, mortgage rates were 15%! Never mind houses were cheap and we could refinance later! Wew!

>> No.22669015

>comparing the economy from back then to todays

I'd call you a nigger but even for you that would be too humanizing

>> No.22669037

Some dumbass boomer unironically said the words “compound interest” to me the other day

>> No.22669039

Sometimes people lie to make you feel better or keep your motivation up

>> No.22669083

Let's not forget Boomer niggers were literally using their summer job money to drop down payments for that house but they'll always try to make it sound like they paid off the house completely to own during signing

>> No.22669112

to buy government bonds

lol, okay, let me loan the government money for an infinitesimal interest rate.

>> No.22669113

My father isn't the average boomer, but from other other boomers I've gotten this advice:
>"Invest in a blue chip stock"
>Buy 3m stock days before it crashes
>instantly lose a thousand dollars
And of course, the advice from boomer wimin:
>"Just follow your passion!"
If I followed my passion, I would be broke, and possibly dead depending on which passion they man.

>> No.22669165

Literally true

>> No.22669171

You can refinance to get a lower interest rate

You can never get out of your down payment needing to be $50k for a 1000 sq ft house in suburban midwestern nowhere. Wish I could deliver pizzas to pay for college and a house.
>inb4 first time home buyer program + mortgage insurance

>> No.22669174 [DELETED] 
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I have an IQ exceeding 130, if someone had just given me non-retarded advice when I was 17 I wouldn't be constantly rushing to make up for years of being behind people with less retarded parents. The big lesson learned is never trust boomers and never give my mom any money or help since she is a useless tyrannical narcissist.

>> No.22669238

>put 3% down on a house

Holy PMI, all those extra costs between taxes and the mortgage insurance would have been more than the cost of renting

Boomers are way too obsessed with real estate investing

>> No.22669269

Redditors say that

>> No.22669299
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Give em a firm handshake

>> No.22669367
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Here's my story of following Boomer advice

>boomer dad convinces me to learn a trade
>go to HVAC school and be told they would practically hand me a job after graduating
>graduate with all certs
>get no job offers for nearly 2 months even though i applied everywhere
>eventually get one and Boomer owner gives me the "pay your dues" rundown
>tells me straight out i will be yelled at and will have to buy all my tools and safety equipmemt while making slightly less of a Bezos wagie
>get an IT job making more money than what I was offered in HVAC

Here's another one

>be 2011
>dad found a place for me to work
>we drive literally an hour to some ghetto burger joint next to a fucking bridge
>boomer dad tells me this is a great opportunity and i have to start somewhere

>> No.22669376
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>> No.22669416

Redditors are losers because they're 40 years old and still listening to their shitty boomer parents while giving their zoomer kids (implying sois have kids) the same shitty advice.

>> No.22669420

I fucking hate when they try to use the high interest rates as an argument.

>> No.22669425

getting mad at basic advice, peak soiyjack

>> No.22669433

"always be the first to showup to work and the last one to leave"

news flash nobody gives a fuck but you

>> No.22669459

Zoomers are surprisingly more intelligent in my experience. As a Millenial I can admit that our generation is the most blind.

>> No.22669474


>> No.22669481

>he bought into the "zoomers go to trade school" meme when college attendance rates are higher than ever

You are blind but not in the way you think.

>> No.22669488

I"m making fun of the Boomers, idiot. They freak out at the idea of actually saving money in your 20's.

>> No.22669499

Yeah that’s pretty horrible advice and I’m glad I never took it but I definitely heard it and no, employers don’t care.
All it really shows is that you didn’t plan far enough ahead and you’re desperate for a job and you’ve also been conditioned to just do meaningless work for 4 years because you were pressured into it.
Houses were like 5 years worth of wages and the Chinese economy wasn’t developed enough for them to be dumping money into residential real estate like they have been for the last 15 years

>> No.22669506

yeah I think "put all that cold hard cash into the bank" is the worst. I didn't fall for any of their college memes though.

>> No.22669542

I never said going to trade school was a smart idea. On the contrary it's mostly for fuck ups. College is actually a great step to building a career IF you know what you're going in for and not wasting time and money on meme classes. Fuck trade school

>> No.22669549

One of my teachers in high school went through Villanova and law school working part time at a bakery.

>> No.22669555

going to med school...
I'm miserable

>> No.22669577
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>plan far enough ahead
>17 year old needs to play the game 15 years in the future instead of 5 years in order to have a shot of not working mcjobs until he gets enough experience his resumes stop getting trashman'd

>> No.22669594

I'm kissing the average boomer's ass at 30.

>> No.22669598

It’s not even a boomer issue it’s just a low financial IQ issue. Most people don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to employment trends, housing market, equities market, or anything else financially related.
Like GI Joe says, knowing is half the battle

>> No.22669625

nothing really. my boomer parents never really gave me any advice. i've made my own decisions my entire life. some of them have been bad decisions, others worked out.

>> No.22669650

One of my Boomer professors graduated with an Accounting degree in the 1960's, and he was approached with 23 job offers! Yes, 23. And all he did probably was put a job ad in the newspaper.

>> No.22669674

Obviously their parents should be helping them figure out employment trends.
My point was that it I’m an employer and I see someone with a woman’s studies degree from an expensive university I know they are going to be easy to exploit for the reasons I already mentioned.
Parents should really spend time explaining the process to kids.
I’m pretty sure no one gets a psychology degree because they’re intent on going to med school to be a psychiatrist

>> No.22669688

Go to college but it was boomer society that did that to me

t. Unemployed even though ive had jobs and walmart will soon pay more than any job ive had....

>> No.22669692

>did you say you have a degree? From a university? In accounting? Son, you stick with me and you’ll be running this company one day

>> No.22669711

based. i did 1 month of med school before quitting because my fag classmates + my fag professors + the boring and extremely stressful coursework made me want to kill myself.

>> No.22669720

>"pay your dues"
I hate that. Its a load of crap. Crab buck mentality right there. Ironic considering their

>> No.22669722

I mean you should be doing that. What the use of millions when your dick don't work and you need to do lines upon lines of viagra unitl your heart bursts?

>> No.22669729

>"just walk up to the manager, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake. its that simple"

>> No.22669731
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My boomer parents told me to get a job part-time where my dad used to work (minimum wage), my brother followed his advice.
I told my parents I already had something to pursue and a job would only prevent the potential, caused alot of issues in my teens.

I made my own business, over 200k in my early 20's and business is still growing (online stuff). Paid off some of their mortgages too, ironic.

My brother, who didn't stand for himself is now working minimum wage in mask land/hell. *Just get a real job, it pays off*

He always has less than 500 to spare, he is my older brother too.

When listening to boomers money advice it is prudent to know how they got their wealth, and if they have any. Not all boomers are dumb, its the same in all generations, wages will always teach wage things to their children. Which is usually why they also become wagies.

>> No.22669795

It couldnt've been that easy...
It hurts.
tfw did not believe in myself to start a business
guess I'll be a wagey forever haha

>> No.22669802

>Paid off some of their mortgages too
You're a nicer man than me anon

>> No.22669826

Impossible to fail out, guaranteed six figure income for life, terrible.

>> No.22669839

>Your bitcoin is gonna be worthless in a few years, invest in stocks instead

>> No.22669868

This is true desu. Employers want someone who can hold down a job. Not a flaky faggot who gets fired or bored in two months

>> No.22669880

this. I've started conspicuously showing up 10 minutes late every single day and people have more respect for me now than they did before. It's a trick I've seen other people do in other jobs. Must be some weird alpha flex I've stumbled upon

>> No.22669892

1950 - 1980 america was a post-war fluke, an industrial powerhouse left standing in the wake of post-ww2 destruction. you could be at the threshold of mental retardation and still have a remarkable life (relative to today) just by showing up to work every day at a factory. that job would pay for a respectable middle class home, a car, college for your children, etc.

today that same job, if it even exists, would get you perpetual rentcuckery.

>> No.22669893

Although they gave bad advice, it was not with bad intent. No point making them work in their 50's to pay off jewsteins house loans.

Don't beat yourself up, making business is very luck-based. They also are very fleeting unless you can insulate your idea, especially online.

If your waging but also saving (something my family physically seems unable to do often) your ahead of the herd anyway. Just invest and try and move up the income ladder.

>> No.22669907

>people who have been alive longer have more stuff than people who have been alive for less time


>> No.22669910

I remember how out in the open they used to be about how easy it was. Now that things have gone to shit, they're awfully quiet at holiday parties.

>> No.22669914

>"pay your dues"
I was told this when I wanted to be a bartender/mixologist at an ok-ish bar. Told I was going to barback for several years, get tipped out like 4-5%, work graveyard every single night for weeks on end. I have a ton of prestigious certifications and degrees, a ton of sommelier titles, I would have been their most educated and decorated bartender.

A week later some girl with huge titties was hired to be a bartender, who’s previous experience was mixing up ‘Rita-trios at TGIFridays. I quit that week.

>> No.22669920
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Eternal wage cuckery.

>> No.22669922

I'm a 30s boomer so the actual boomers were giving me this advice circa 2002-2003. Employment trends were at the time we just had the first tech bubble so don't do STEM you'll get outsourced and the economy and housing are in recovery just major in whatever, you'll be fine when you graduate college in 2008-2009!

>> No.22669937

parents convinced me to go to university despite me having terrible grades and could only get into a shite uni. I wanted to learn a trade as I knew that was my only real hope of making money. Ended up dropping out of uni in first year, became an electrician, boomer retards shouting at me the whole way through saying what a mistake I made.
Fast forward 9 years and I am running my own business, have learnt about investing over the years and have a comfy value stocks/gold/crypto portfolio whilst boomer parents STILL think I made the wrong decision. I love them but boomers are unironically a plague to the Earth

>> No.22669947

life is literally a ponzi scheme

>> No.22669972

"Just live in the moment."

>> No.22669992

Stay in the military!

>> No.22670021

>go to college and graduate with a bachelors
but i'd have to take on so much debt?
>it doesn't matter just do it, its worth it
>you can't buy a house on your own, let me do it for you
>you can't get rich, you'll have to sell yourself to old men
>women will never respect you if you don't have a college degree
>a college degree is everything
>don't date black women they are crazy, white will get you in trouble with the law, go for Philippines women they are submissive
>be a nurse, you have to work a lot but the pay is good

>> No.22670028
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socialism doesn't work.

>> No.22670031
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I knew this Boomer engineer a few years ago that complained about how when he looks at Millennial resumes, he notices how most of them will just stay at a company for 2 years, then jump to another company for 2 years, etc. And he couldn't understand why. Uhhh, maybe it's because they saw that there was no room for salary/career advancement because the old fucks like you won't retire and allow them to move up? Smh

>> No.22670037

retiring on the taxpayer's dime after 20 years sounds insanely based. but i can't imagine the horror of joining the military, let alone being in it for 20 years.

>> No.22670066
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>> No.22670081

>jobs are either temp or shit pay nowadays
>"they want CAREER MEN not flakes"

Well I want boomers to die of the coof, but we can't get everything we want huh?

>> No.22670086

Boo.ers are set in their ways and they don't always realize that things are fundamentally different now than when they were growing up. Going to college was the respectable thing to do when they were growing up and would automatically lead on to far greater job opportunities for them. What your parents didn't realize with their advice is that the circumstances are completely different now and trades are a far more secure and often better means of building earning opportunities.

Tl;Dr their advice was good for their generation but not ours

>> No.22670101


"you can be anything you want just do what makes you happy"
"america is the most free and greatest country in the world"

>> No.22670123

All Boomer advice is bad. It is literally impossible to be a Boomer and not be a multimillionaire. They lived in an era where you could buy a house, a car, and pay for college, with a part time job.

You could have worked at McDonalds from the 70s till now and invested 15% of your income and you'd have millions right now. They lived in an era where fucking bonds were paying 5%+. You could get better rates with bonds back then than you can with stocks right now.

>> No.22670131

Its fucking misery
T. 13 years in and it gets more pozzed and harder having to babysit idiots everyday.

>> No.22670136

I’m also a thirties boomer, this advice was given to me a few years after you.
I did a stint at community college but did t want to finish my degree because I didn’t want the debt nor did I know what I wanted to do.
I’m doing very well now but it wasn’t an easy journey to get to where I am at.
It is what it is, I just would never tell someone to go to college just to get a meme degree because it means nothing in reality.
I tell young people to think about what they hate and avoid jobs that involve that and try to look at jobs with the highest incomes and work your way down until you see some things that would be good fits. Talk to people, watch YouTube videos, google “day in the life of _”

>> No.22670146
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>parents should be able to know trends 20 years from now and impart such wisdom

Just shut the fuck up, boomer. No one does this or has ever done this because the economy was never this retarded in the past, even in the fucking great depression they had straightforward pay for the jobs that existed and the jobs that existed were within a stable manufacturing economy. This meme-tier boom-bust bullshit where 5 years ago tech jobs were the best and now we're getting skullfucked by pajeets is not something that exists in a world without mass immigration to drive down wages in every fucking halfway decent industry and faggots like you are the reason why nothing ever gets better because you play goalie for anyone trying to score on corporate oligarchs.

>> No.22670158

another one
>I'll never lie to you
>I know everything there is to know about business, my dad ran one
>I've seen life, I've seen it all
>There isn't anything you can show me that I haven't seen
>Your so naive, you can't make money online
>Don't join the military
wish i joined the airforce, cushy job nice benefits

>> No.22670182

What the hell is that pic from?

>> No.22670217

You should have just gotten breast implants anon...

>> No.22670249

>wish I joined the airforce
Yeah have fun getting let go at 16 years cuz you cant advance to e6 because its locked up from boomers not retiring.

Tbh its based to join the military to learn a job, get va medical, and gi bill then immediately bounce.....staying in sucks

>> No.22670295

The time my boomer parents made too much money for me to get the loans I needed to go to any other school than the shitty local one. They never saved a college fund because they paid for theirs with minimum wage jobs. This led to poor job prospects because I went to a shitty school.

The time I committed multiple felonies to get the cash for a medical procedure because I had no insurance and they would rather send cash to Africans who have too low IQ to wear condoms than take care of their only son.

>> No.22670297

I woulda sticked around long enough to bang the broad with the tits then quit

>> No.22670298

What would happen if you decided to not give a fuck anymore, ever thought of that? Faggot.

>> No.22670318
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>ctrl-F 'pension'
>0 results
And here I thought /biz/ was redpilled

>> No.22670327

my mom recently told me to get a job at amazon warehouse, and that once they saw i have a degree they would hire me for corporate. she migt be right but impretty sure amazon warehouse slaves stay that way forever.

ive realized that when youre old you become disconnected from the zeitgeist. when im old im just going to try to listen to my kids, but ofc we all say that

>> No.22670354
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>here's why
Why do they keep adding this to titles

>> No.22670370

Thats pretty lame anon sorry to hear that. Only my moms around and shes a bible thumper that hasnt stepped foot in church for 20 years and lives off of my grandpas inheritance who worked his whole life just to have his kids pick his corpse dry like vultures.

I realized how huge of failures they are and I immediately stopped listening to them and put 18k in chainlink at 1.50

>> No.22670386

"You'd better go to college unless you want to flip burgers your whole life!"

"Oh you went to college and now youre mad because those burger flipping jobs are all that's available? You young people are so entitled!"

>> No.22670387

Maybe because they’re 12 times older? Retarded article

>> No.22670397

I'm pretty sure officers are responsible for their men aka if Private Paco and Private Jamal fuck up an ATV then the officer is going to get the blame for having to deal with 76 IQ mongoloids shitting things up.

>> No.22670400

You can google expected job growth over X years you fucking moron. It doesn’t take an economics analyst to figure out that an aging population = demand in healthcare for example

>> No.22670402

Boomers never found me worthy to give advice or help to, so now I abuse the shit out of them (verbally) any chance I get, no mercy. The looks on their face is so great when I randomly disrespect the shit out of a out of touch/rude boomer, it's a mixture of sadness, confusion, hatred, and defeat all at once, they know they are so old they can't do shit and I look them in the eyes like I'm going to murder them if they take it further. I still respect my grandma though.

>> No.22670406
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>> No.22670407

>not give a fuck
>shop work goes down
>affects my reviews
>affects advancement
>negates whole reason of putting up with 20 years of bullshit to get an early pension

I can tell by your post you have never been in kiddo

>> No.22670410
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Not so much advice but whenever there is an article about FIRE or even a young person who made a lot of money from a new business they always come out of the woodwork to bag them out in the comments. Most insecure generation ever, they even have the balls to say we need a war to "toughen these kids up", in their head they went through the depression, both world wars and vietnam and are only just retiring now

>> No.22670422

I understand, but I constantly explained this to them, showed the statistics of degree holder employment rates 40 years ago and today, etc. They just simply would not have it, to them a degree is magical, and must be attained at all costs

>> No.22670424

have you considered not being uneducated retards and geting into a quality university? all of your issues with university aren't issues with university, they're issues you brought upon yourself because you were too much of a failure/stupid/loser to put in the b a r e m i n i m u m effort in secondary education and get accepted to a top 20 university. elite private schools are often cheaper to attend than in state schools unless your family makes >250k (i went to one on a fullride and my family made 75k), never have any issues getting employed, worked with world class educators with world class infrastructure in a university that i guarantee you all know the name of. hell, you don't even have to study stem to get employed from there. all the broads who studied "useless" degrees like english lit and ethnic studies or whatever end up making bank just because of that sweet, sweet branding. if you go to some bumfuck 95%+ acceptance rate school and end up in debt struggling to get a job, it's not "college" that failed you, it's your own incompetence.

>> No.22670429

From who? Just act like you don't know who the fuck did it. What could they possibly do to you? Make you do push ups?

>> No.22670459

shes not right. thats retarded. amazon "corporate" doesn't just hire people with 'degrees'. it's a sweaty ass faang company that hires sweaty ass people willing to go through the sweaty interviews grinding sweaty hours on leetcode and show their sweaty competence, at least from the CS side. there is no "working your way up" in 2k20.

>> No.22670460

>elite private schools are often cheaper to attend than in state schools unless your family makes >250k
Dumbest advice ever given here. Not everyone is a minority entitled to scholarships.

>> No.22670466

Why would I ever want to spend time around so many niggers and retards while simultaneously serving Israel?
https://youtu.be/YZYjRREqUF0 this video is why I'd never join, even if threatened with death or prison.

>> No.22670473

In the past and present it isn't unusual for a dude in his 30s to flirt/fuck with 19 year olds if he can swing it, the problem with boombooms is that they're in their 60s and still trying to fuck 19 year olds and will fuck over any younger man that's stronger competition.

>destroy your son's prospects because maybe you can get laid like in 1975 again

Just a cannibalistic generation.

>> No.22670488

No its senior enlisted who gets in trouble. Then the whole inspiring leadership and ownership talk by some mystery meat affirmative action officer academy graduate.....thats the soul crushing part. If the military were a pure meritocracy it would actually not be that bad.

>> No.22670509

I'm investing all my money in retirement homes. The aging population has so much money they can freely purchase apartments with nursing benefits (at cost) and live there until they die at which point the company will resell the apartment and continue to churn out profit. It's a beautiful racket which benefits everyone involved.

>> No.22670518

>bruh you should have just gone to harvard bruh

Every bit of "advice" like this is cope from people who literally refuse to accept that the current "service economy" is built on sand and jews turning you into a debt battery to fund their banks. A stable manufacturing economy doesn't have this problem and fags like

>understands there is no working your way up in a failed economy
>still plays defense for a failed economy anyway


>> No.22670535
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Look little boy Im sorry you couldnt get through meps but "muh israeli foreign legion and muh niggers" doesnt give you the ammunition to shit talk about an organization you have 0 understanding of

>> No.22670539

i don't work at a big tech company but i do work in corporate accounting at a large manufacturing company. the hourly production/warehouse workers aren't even a blip on my radar. your mom is out of her element.

>> No.22670558

See this is how I KNOW you didnt go to such a university. No no, it's not scholarships. Scholarships are for people who DONT get into top universities. My university gave me a bill with a sticker price of 80k when I was accepted. After taking from the financial aid fund, my final bill was about 5k per year (including room and board, nobody at my school lives off campus as its too expensive).

Don't believe me? Go google, for example, Harvard financial aid calculator. Put in your financial information. If you make less than 200k and you have to pay >20k a year according to the calculator i'll eat my own ass. "Scholarships" implies it's merit aid, which these schools don't do. They are multi billion dollar institutions. They give you "need" aid.

Know what public schools do? They give you a fat loan and tell you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.22670565

>showing up 10 minutes late every single day and people have more respect for me now than they did before. It's a trick I've seen other people do in other jobs. Must be some weird alpha flex I've stumbled upon
Showing up late without getting cut IS alpha

>> No.22670575

My dad paid his way through college and law school working summers on an oil rig. Not a cushy job by any means, but it seemed to work out with no student loans.

>> No.22670579
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The day of the pillow is one day closer. The only reason people tolerate you is because they want to bleed you dry of all your important assets and sell them for pennies on the dollar when you're on your deathbed.

>> No.22670582


It's funny you mention that. I was just checking the bogleheads forum, huge boomer forum, a few days ago, and there was a FIRE thread and it got shit on so hard by the boomers because the guy was retiring at 38 from his bitcoin investment.

>> No.22670603

Have fun getting stiffed out of your retirement, and if you don't the kike bankers are going to fuck you through inflation.

>> No.22670604

>dude just go to Harvard lmao
I went to a low-tier state college for undergrad and grad, got paid for my stipend while living at home, published in top-tier journals, and now have a strong six-figure job. Private schools are for elites and fools.

>> No.22670612
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JUst wage slave for 50 years bro.

>> No.22670615

Just show up to the job site and tell the foreman you're willing to work a week for free and if you do well enough he'll give you a job.

>> No.22670626

>there was a FIRE thread and it got shit on so hard by the boomers because the guy was retiring at 38 from his bitcoin investment
Link pls, I need a whitepill

>> No.22670627

oh the way to work yourself up is to just not be an uneducated retard. you want to get a well paying job that requires minimal training and will always have employment? go be a fucking nurse. 2 year degree and you can end up making >25 an hour with plenty of 1.5x overtime in a few years. finish a bachelors and you can end up breaking six figures. it's not my, or the world's fault that you cannot compete with higher educational requirements to achieve your expected goals. if you cannot meet the bar of education, then you can work the slave jobs / dirty trades. please do kill yourself and hope you get reincarnated with an IQ above room temperature, friend.

>> No.22670648

Oh I wont get stiffed out of my retirement and ill get va disability as well im looking at at least 4200 a month for the rest of my life.

Have fun wagecucking!

>> No.22670674

Oh yeah and dod retirement adjusts for inflation

Have fun nigger

>> No.22670679
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>> No.22670683

Yep, it's the elite who are fools, not retards such as yourself posting on 4chan.

>> No.22670705

Put your money in a CD lmao

>> No.22670709

Coping fucking zogbot lmfao. You're all the same fucking faggot.

>> No.22670722

that's why you get /fit/ so you can still be fucking into your 70s idiot

>> No.22670724

Zero reading comprehension. Obviously if you can get into an Ivy, take it. 99% of Americans are 1) not elite enough or 2) not smart/hard-working enough to get in, and I take no shame in being one of them.

>> No.22670729

Go be a degenerate name fag on pol...or just have sex and stop being such a cringy edge lord

>> No.22670733

No one did this in 2005 you coping faggot, how retarded are you that you can't understand that before 2008 no one had these problems where 4 years later your chosen degree is suddenly worthless because "the market changed". Seriously kill yourself, you're clearly a fucking autist.

>> No.22670745
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>Boomers 20 years ago: Go to college or you'll never get a good job!
>Dave Ramsey in 2013: "Nobody promised you a job, darling!"

>> No.22670753
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> t.

>> No.22670764

>zzz-z zogbot!!!!

All that rage and tears is delicious. Cope more.

>> No.22670765
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>boomers are 450 years old

That would be horrible

>> No.22670777

Without sounding like im defending boomers here.

Crypto really isn't for anybody, in fact, its nearly for nobody without an understanding. Many people are "investing" money in the "next btc" on this false illusion that it will save them give them 10,000x, its dangerous and delusional. Many people bag hold/marry their bags due to the sheer cope as a result of these stories.

Boggle is a boomer forum indeed, but much of the information their on how to invest correctly in the stock market & Bond market is invaluable to beginners.

That ASIDE, IT HAS NO ANSWER ON HOW TO MAKE INCOME NOT SHITTY. What good is all this investment information if your job gives you pennys to play with!

Not a poor fag myself, as put above, still I feel for my generation so oppressed zoomers.

>> No.22670793

Stop arguing, guys we’re on the same team. Fuck boomers and trannies and jannies

>> No.22670794

You are responsible for the privates under you, you can't just say you didn't know- that would reflect poorly on your capabilities as an officer.

>> No.22670795

>t. Virgin loser who couldnt get through meps cuz hes 400 lbs

>> No.22670815

The answer is you aren't shit because you admit it's a broken economy and then immediately backtrack to defending it. You have no plan, you're just hoping to ride the shitwave until you can get somewhere.

>> No.22670830

You are an illiterate fucking retard

>> No.22670843

Dude this guy thinks hes le ebin trolXD

Hes just a salty namefag. Who thinks pushups are actually used as a punishment outside of boot camp. Hes probably 19 and khv

>> No.22670854

I went to arguably the best university in the entire globe for almost free, partied my ass off, got funded to do my own (published) research by them after i just wrote an email, got the best internships over summer, and ended up starting 2 years ago in the Bay with a compensation package breaking 300k at a company i interned at.

"Private schools" ARE for elites and fools if you're not going to a top 10-20 one. I would NEVER advocate for somebody to go drop 60k a year and attend some shitty liberal arts college in bumfuck nowhere. However, the prospect of staying at home to attend a local state college, in which you would pay MORE to attend than a private school unless you were loaded (you weren't paid for your stipend during undergraduate), while not getting to enjoy any of college as well is pretty disgusting desu. Getting paid a stipend also isn't rare for graduate programs at all, of which going to an elite school makes it quit a bit easier to get accepted into. I don't care if you are "published in top-tier journals" as like 12th author or something, you will *never* get a faculty position or make it in academia attending "a low tier state school" for your undergrad and graduate. If you're not "making it in academia', then your PhD was a waste and you managed to spend 6+ years of your life doing research you probably loved just to end up getting the same starting salary as one of the roasties in my graduating class who interned at google once sophomore year. Cope.
yes. the advice "just go to college" is bad. it should be "go to a good college or accept living as a slave"

also, why is everybody interacting with the weird schizo tripfag. just ignore him and move on. trannies feed on attention

>> No.22670884

I'm sorry sempai all I saw was red

>> No.22670910

the educational standards have risen over the past decade or two. the "economy" isn't broken, it's the way the world has changed. Manufacturing goes to the slaves in third world countries and anything that isn't slave labor requires a degree. as everything requires a degree, a degree becomes undervalued. Not all degrees were created equal. Some degrees are worth much, much more than other degrees. It is your responsibility to make sure your degree is actually worth something. The world is how it is. I dont see a point in complaining about it when the path to success is so obvious.

>> No.22670952

Putting money into the shittiest shitcoin will still yield you a higher ROI than the stock market.

>> No.22670962

If you ever go to a country with free college you will find droves of people working in bars and department stores with law degrees and such

>> No.22670965

Think about what gives you more power and leverage over the greatest span of time. Is a note that says you were willing to slave for 4 years as useful as for example being fluent in even just one foreign language? Actual skills give you freedom, certifications give you a few brownie points with people who have the actual skills needed to use you to make money.

>> No.22670974
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On a side note this is a think I've been having lately- if I had sold my UNI at peak on Friday before BTC tanking took everything down with it I'd have gotten myself a nice stack of ETH. I'm wondering if you're a small investor/shrimp with less than 2k invested if it makes sense to purely be a swingie zoomer ADD-type instead of autistically hodling in hopes things eventually moon. It seems like the people who can afford to do that are people who already have at least 100k in crypto to be their security blanket.

>> No.22670992

"buy a house, the prices never come down."

>> No.22671010

Well with the current rate of inflation this is the only thing they are right on

>> No.22671063

bingo, i entirely agree. if you have small sums, you should always be a swingie zoomer.

>> No.22671067

We aren't on the same team. Here's another piece of advice the boomers raised their kids with that turned out to be shit- "everyone is a winner". It means that older zoomers/millennials ended up with a pussy mentality of letting everyone else have a turn. This means that those foreigners/kids raised by bastards will always grab 90% of what's available, leaving 10% for everyone else.

See the dude arguing you needed to be a quantum genius at 15 projecting market trends for 20 years while pretending to be a jew to get into Yale and find the best frat with the best rich connections to become a 1%er? Dude was clearly born rich to think it's as easy as "get into a 1% school". We aren't on the same team, he's always going to give people shitty rich people advice the same way boomers will give people shitty old people advice.

Looking out for number 1 means being the sleazy insurance agent who rips off elderly people or the engineer who uses chinese cement to get the job done under cost so your pay is high and then flee to a third world country to lie low for a few years using africans as slave labor.

Literally no one succeeds by being nice and on the level. You have a month of programming experience? Change that to 3 years and claim to be a native American hybrid on your resume and they'll have to hire you- HR doesn't know. As long as you've got enough skill you can bullshit your way up in the world. Lying is key, this is a devil's world.

>> No.22671080

Clearly you’re mad and poor as fuck, nigger. Sorry you lack critical thinking abilities

>> No.22671085

>I went to arguably the best university in the entire globe for almost free, partied my ass off, got funded to do my own (published) research by them after i just wrote an email, got the best internships over summer, and ended up starting 2 years ago in the Bay with a compensation package breaking 300k at a company i interned at.
Congrats, you're 99.99999th percentile, or you're larping.

>> No.22671121

Crypto isn't for everybody.

>> No.22671172

Indeed, you can make decent gains/comfy side gigs off shit coins. 2k is usually the magic number right now.

However, you really can't get that much into them cus they get a possible rug pull and GAS fills.

>> No.22671215

This would be a good point if boomers actually saved.

>> No.22671222

>Literally no one succeeds by being nice and on the level.
>be a scammer pajeet like me
Pretty much the worst advice ever for people with above average intelligence. It's only a good rule of thumb if you're too dumb to understand anything that's going on and therefore are constantly systemically exploited yourself.

>> No.22671352

>Son, never join the army
>But dad. I love your guns and your stories about Bosnia, Lebanon and shit.
>DONT join the army son.
>Join the army
>6 years of my life wasted

Only good boomer advice he gave me and I ignored him.

>> No.22671370

>bezos becomes a billionaire by destroying normal retailers
>"n-no being a cuck is the real superpower"

Keep seething, silverspoon. I'll be your master in 40 years.

>> No.22671391

"Just buy a house!"

during the 2008 peak

>> No.22671424

Tongue my anus

>> No.22671523

Bezos provides a better service than his competitors. If you consider outcompeting someone to not be nice or on the level that's as retarded as your advice.
Being nice and on the level doesn't mean slowing down to match the other competitors when you're winning a race. That's not helping anyone.

>> No.22671536

Can Confirm, I worked for a decade as a power plant millwright and high pressure welder while going to school part time for mechanical engineering with a minor in CS. Recruiters basically suck my dick for an opportunity to give me an 80k a year job anywhere I want to go.

>> No.22671559

This. This. This.

After I'd saved up a few grand from my first factory job, I asked my parents what it took to get started in stocks. My mom's response, "You have to have money you're willing to lose".

>> No.22671590

Yeah if you dont go in for a specific job skill you are definitely wasting time. Except if its a job thats fun like watercraft operator.

>> No.22671608

reminder these threads are made by communists

>> No.22671632

I agree with that guy. My entire life changed for the better once I started blatantly lying. I lied my way into my career and now I make 6 fig working remotely ( UX Designer ). I lied about my income to banks to get higher credit limits and buy crypto ( made 100k ). I lie to women and fuck them. Being nice and truthful got me nowhere in 26 years.

>> No.22671638

Stfu dipstick. jew clown world is evil as fuck, that must be affirmed. So let me break it down for you with a simple quote so others can learn because you're gone;

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

If you're a decent place on the bell curve you will be able to extrapolate & identify who is your friends and opponent here, who should you should potentially LIE TO if it benefits you. Psychofaggots don't need to apply, you fuckers are just as good as dog meat anyway.

>> No.22671681

yes, but it too can be you if you just finagled your application a bit and got accepted. most of the heavy lifting was done in high school, ironically enough. once you're here, it just starts flowing into eachother

>> No.22671729

this drunk boomer was trying to fight someone on a plane, it's a video floating around the internet

>> No.22671732

Well, that's technically true of any investment, over all time. Never bet the house on a hot stock tip. Invest only with what you can afford to have disappear.

>> No.22671773


nobody likes a hero. the person that does everything to make himself seem more superior than his peers. you showing up late is the opposite of this, and they appreciate you not making them look bad

>> No.22671839

In my early 20's, I tried starting a "Computer Troubleshooting / Repair" business, this was after being unable to land a job doing it for a business. 18 year old-me's dream was to be a computer support guy.

I had printed fliers, stuck them all around the neighborhood, and actually managed to get a single gig doing it helping an old lady with her Intel Atom laptop. When my dad caught wind of what I was doing he got mad, telling me that I need to stop, find a job with benefits, and that I need to stop because "WHAT IF SOMEBODY ACCUSES YOU OF WRECKING THEIR PC?" I never really got more calls from anybody and I was discouraged to keep doing it and earned back into a NEET for a few years... then afterwards I have NEVER told my dad about work or investments that I do ever since because he's negative as fuck. He only wants me to "get a job with benefits" and nothing else counts. He doesn't know anything about me. He still thinks I want to be a PC Support guy, which I'm not even interested in anymore.

>> No.22671859
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Woahh there big shot grats you're so good at regurgitating institutional information others instruct you on command and got your cert, you are truly the grand the pinnacle of human development. kek

>> No.22671911

Medical school is a shitty deal for a number of reasons. Anybody who works in medicine knows it. PA school is a far better option for most people.

t. New grad RN making 90k pre tax at first job w/ an associate’s degree from community college and zero debt

>> No.22671924

This is quite common from the generation, it encouraged wagie job taking over risk. it was also an issue I faced with my Dad, and had to run my business behide his back for some time due to "what if somebody takes you to court, what if somebody gets you in trouble"

So what? Should I just take zero risk and wage for 50 years, yes.

>> No.22671934

A submissive act that you can leverage against the liar. In chimp societies the ape in control has no need to lie. On a deep biological level it reinforces your perceived low status and rarely gives more gain than what you lose. As a long term strategy it's awful even compared to being overly trusting. This has been true for millions of years, you can even see the same patterns in bird societies. If you want to be an exploitative, lying and successful bird/human you have to base your life around that, travel around constantly and only target the weakest targets.

>> No.22672020

And despite this, retirement funds are notoriously held in 401k's, which are invested in stocks.

>> No.22672096

i am willing to bet that if you put ALL of your effort into getting accepted to harvard, you *never* would have made it. Why? because "being good at school" is nowhere near enough to get into the top privates. you have to do a fuckton more. please enjoy those sour grapes

>> No.22672116
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"PC Support Guy"


>> No.22672117

>Hard work pays off.

>> No.22672132

This is somewhat true. A lot of college haters are just low IQ and/or poor work ethic losers who either couldn’t get into good schools, or picked a retarded major, or got shit grades.

1. Kick ass in high school (high grades, APs, extracurriculars, etc)
2. Go to a good college
3. Pick a smart major with good job prospects w/ high earning potential
4. Map out a realistic career pathway and don’t get complacent

90% of people who aren’t idiots should be able to do this.

>> No.22672150
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In a society of liars and frauds you refuse to lie to your opponents who are NOT your friends and NOT your allies in any shape or form imaginable? As in when are you going to tell me your employer is your friend too and that its somehow not a mutual business relationship? Your employer is a mutual ASSET just like you are an ASSET TO HIM EXCEPT THAT YOU ARE ON LEVERAGE. Do you understand that? You are just confusing me for some morally bankrupt jew pajeet gypsy shylock because its an easy way out of the argument.

>> No.22672159

>Hard work pays off

Yeh heard that a 1000x from them lol.
Hard works pays wagies, smart work pays more.

>> No.22672192

yeah.. who knows, had I actually got work in the field that I was passionate about straight out of school that could've been me right now. I've been rejected A LOT and it was totally crushing and demoralizing.

>> No.22672245



> just work hard and be loyal and you'll move up in no time
> any 4 year degree will get you a good job
> just walk right in ask for the manager and give them a resume
> finance everything you'll pay it off in no time

My only hope is that they are still alive when this country completely collapses and it's very publicly known that its 100% their fault.

>> No.22672306

Huh No real argument mr.harvard? You paper braggers are the worst there is. No doubt you may be the best regurgitator here. But brag worthy?ust because you may be from Jew/poc enforced admission skewed harvard doesn't mean you'll create anything intelligent that will ever amount to more than your paper and the coombux you got from jacking off other business owners in your silly grind, make something grand and then brag.

>> No.22672335

I honestly cannot wait for when the college system blows up (already in the process thanks to this plandemic and colleges going online while charging the same price) and college degrees become useless next year or so. I know whats going on and you college shills have no idea kek. You fags will finally learn that college is no longer actually needed and this is coming from someone who did go to college and got good grades at the uni.

>> No.22672406

Offer your brother to hire him. Don't be a dick.

>> No.22672443

"Buy tesla" the day before it tanked kek. I literally had an Open short so I didn't say anything.

>> No.22672485

I don't think I've seen anyone use
in four or five years. I'm so tired.

>> No.22672503

>Offer your brother to hire him
lmao fuck that, worst advice ever.
>"Money and blood don't mix, like two dicks and no chick, find yourself up in serious shit"
Hiring your brother the fastest way to hating each other, jealousy and money quickly seperates people.

>> No.22672529
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36 y.o. boomer here. I was in the us army and deployed to iraq. The military is fucking retarded and a waste of your life unless you are dirt poor and don't think deeply about anything.

My advice to young people who don't know what they want to do is to work on your relationships before your career, only working part time if you can get away with it. Friends and a love interest give you more drive to work and make something of yourself, even if the job isn't great. Inspiration is a forgotten ingredient for most people.

If you have an associates degree and want to start a new life, there are Asian countries you can legally teach English in, which is a great experience even if you only do it for a year or two. You can find child and adult classes to teach depending on you preference (i recommend trying both), and you can find private lessons that pay under the table if you want to make a lot more money.

>> No.22672561

boomers dont give advice

>> No.22672588
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He couldn't help me even if I needed that, my business is run by 100's of volunteers, with a heavy emphasis of upwards ranking via hardworking towards the Groups goals. (understandably u wouldn't know this with the little context I gave)

How am I being a dick, I simply decided to not follow the advice of going into wage slavery. I did all the research, I sat in my room for what is equal to years, gaining an understanding of economics my sector, networking etc etc.

My brother spent his time driving around in his car and got his gf preg. That is fine, but you do you. He is himself happy, he doesnt' understand wage slaving (ive never even said that word to him, nor would I). Most normies are content with the world, alot more than biz makes out honestly.

>> No.22672597

Dude, truck drivers make 70-80k a year with 2 weeks "training". Boomers are completely out of the loop.

>> No.22672610

(((Boomers))) not boomers, can you place a real piece guilt on someone for being born it a better age than us, except they refused to get up off their couchand didn't resist immigration reform act of 1965, hollywood, media & banking hebrews like sumner redstone and ben bernanke raping and corrupting america? That's the only gripe i have, just dont be blind betamale. If you're blind you'll be a boomer faggot just like them.

>> No.22672634

>work on your relationships before your career
ohohoho no no no no no, you really are a boomer. This is 2020. Friendships don't last, and a relationship won't happen unless you know for sure where you are headed in your career. I wasted a lot of effort on gaining and maintaining relationships in college and in my hometown, I keep up with about 2 of those people. I've been backstabbed / ghosted more times than I can count.

Humans are temporary. Latinum is forever.

>> No.22672691

Isn't half the reason that degrees are valued less today than in the past because they are no longer scarce?
Wouldn't fewer people who specialized skills and education make the people with degrees more employable than they are currently?
At least in my field (natural resources) there's already a scarcity of people with Forestry degrees(applied science).

>> No.22672692

I read that in your life time you will only have 3-5 friends who could be considered life-time friends. That being once you become friends you will remain that way until death.

Indeed, career is more critical. Career will bring you the majority of social interaction the human brain desires anyway, including ending up hopefully finding your parnter.

People who focus purely on social life make me cringe, but I'm a introvert afterall lol.

>> No.22672730

Vote for Trump

>> No.22672736

>my business is run by 100's of volunteers, with a heavy emphasis of upwards ranking via hardworking towards the Groups goals
Hope you at least pay for that Based & Redpilled department you've established kek

>> No.22672751
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>go college
>degree doesn't matter because foot in the door regardless so follow dream meme
>apply in person, look manager straight in eye, firm handshake, tell him you're the man for job
>DON'T mess with stock market (I want revenge on this person)

>> No.22672762

>college attendance rates are higher than ever
Yeah, that means zoomed are going to college.

>> No.22672780

Its to do with games, so those working are usually moderators or group leaders.

Its a bit of a strange setup, but gaming communities are renound for that sort of thing, in games like Ark, Rust, Garrys mod ECT.

>> No.22672795

>Employers want someone who can hold down a job
True but they also insist on a lengthy laundry list of experience and qualifications for entry level jobs because market is so heavy on applicants and thin on openings.

>> No.22672796

how poor are millenials?

>> No.22672812
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>>DON'T mess with stock market (I want revenge on this person)

Just put it in the bank anon

>> No.22672815

based, having a business staffed with goyim that work for free is literally the most genius business model you can do, nice work

>> No.22672825
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My only pension was 20k from a former job that is now sitting in a locked IRA. It's 15k now because I gambled with it.

>> No.22672848

How's indentured chattel fiat debt slave sound?

>> No.22672854

Fuck off.

Know a girl who jumps from job to job. No degree either. Manager in a manufacturing facility (with no prior experience in manufacturing) likely getting paid mid to high five figures. Yet here i am with less total jobs than her and got flack in an interview for job "hopping". Total jobs i had at that time 2. First one was minimum wage PART TIME retail, second was a long distance drive (up to 2 hours one way). I HOPE I get rich so I dont have to deal with these power tripping normies. Dont car3 how much theyll seethe with cope "retired, ha you must just sit around at home doing nothing. Get a job and be useful to society. Stop being useless, it kust be boring not having a job"

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I must get ric to escape wageslavery

>> No.22672865
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Thank you, good sir.

>> No.22672886

Invest in a 401k

>> No.22672887

>swinging/hour trading with small amounts
Easy way to lose your money, when you are some poorfag with 100-300 invested you get fucked by taxes more than gains. If you have $10k you can profit even on easy 1-3% changes. Good luck doing that with $100. Not only that but once you have more money you can take more losses on these small trades. As long as 60% of your predictions are right you will make money.

>> No.22672901
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Kill. All. Normies. Anon.

>> No.22672921
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Because with GloboHomolization most people who are content with holding down a decent degree based 9-5 are easily replaced by cheating chinks or a broken english pajeet mumbai street h1b's and there are billions more of them than us. Thank the globalized market goy.

>> No.22672966

>As long as 60% of your predictions are right you will make money.
If your risk management is good it doesn't need to be that good. It doesn't even need to be 50%.

>> No.22672989

Lol, do you run private servers?? Like minecraft??

>> No.22673000

My point was the gen zyklon memes about zoomers rejecting society are false and created by lazy 40 year olds who don't want to have to do the heavy lifting themselves.

>> No.22673033

>beating up grandpa

>> No.22673040

How's the knees? Champ.

>> No.22673043

>larping niggerfaggot thread

>> No.22673081

The immigration act of 1965 is irrelevant you fucking retard, it was the immigration acts of 1990 and 2002 that opened our assholes to getting raped by masses of migrants and the Boomers were entirely behind those.

>boomer apologetics have to ignore that immigration tripled from 300 in 1989 to 1 million in 2003

Fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.22673094

Lol, welfare queen.

>> No.22673106

Woah, have sex incel unironiclly.

>> No.22673127

I fail to see what any of that has to do with a scenario of colleges crumbling, or why you're better off than someone with a degree.
You think you're somehow less replaceable because you don't have a degree?
I'm confused.

>> No.22673133

the military wastes your youth in the pursuit of wealth. Literally saps your ability to consider yourself as an individual. 0/10 I hate the charger anyway

>> No.22673143

>Maybe if I call him fat that'll show him!

>> No.22673181


Holy fuck the absolute delusion of boomers about the "self-made billionaire in his garage". Gas yourself.

>> No.22673205

That’s literally true.

>t. Anthropology degree in telecom engineering

>> No.22673278
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>the ape has no reason to lie

Only a handful of apes have what could be considered a proto-language, they don't lie because they don't have the capacity and as a result of this you get chimpanzee clans descended from the same patriarch massacring their own blood-kin for limited resources.

>> No.22673293


>> No.22673296

self driving cars

>> No.22673322

Seethe. America had a 1910 homogeneity quote that was ment to preserve Anerica as a white nation.
>Hart–Celler Act into law on October 3, 1965. In opening entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than Northwestern European and Germanic groups, the Act significantly altered immigration demographics in the U.S.[1] Some sources assert that this alteration was intentional
>HIAS is an international aid organization helping to resettle mainly Jewish immigrants and refugees, ...
>Historians writing about the passage of the Hart-Celler Act have noted the role of NGOs, including HIAS, in shaping the bill.[1][2] And the Jweekly obit for James Rice, who was HIAS’s Executive Director at the time, mentions how he “worked with government officials to codify a new immigration law that eased restrictions for the entry of refugees

>> No.22673326


>requirements: 7 years of experience OR a bachelor's degree

What the fuck? Gonna try this, if it works then I've been living life on hardmode and didn't realize it.

>> No.22673369
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Which isn't relevant, you obviously 55+ faggot, because it wasn't until 1990 that immigration levels skyrocketed to the point where immigration was significantly impacting demographics.

>> No.22673399

This is bullshit and you know it

>> No.22673443

So are boomers to blame or (((boomers))) like the ones that have been in politics for 40 years and just fuck the working American over.

>> No.22673473

Being a door to door salesman/mlm is not a business anon..

>> No.22673478

>>"Money and blood don't mix, like two dicks and no chick, find yourself up in serious shit"
Stop quoting a fat nigger who sold ten ar crack rock.
Fucking loser.

>> No.22673499

Still years away.

>> No.22673533

Buy him a copy of Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Father's Day when you make it.

>> No.22673560

>My point was the gen zyklon memes about zoomers rejecting society are false
Yeah whatever, most niggers on biz are retarded.

>> No.22673562

>You think you're somehow less replaceable because you don't have a degree?
Yes, because of h1b and outsourcing of labour to cheap third world, or various chinese, pajeets, mexicans willing to come and settle in America and other places while they can work for dogshit wages just so they wont live in their savage like third world countries. Not to mention the full on outsourcing as in microsoft style.

Read the bill. The 65 bill was the preface to what really ended America as a decent country, regardless of what push or what happened in more recent history there were after the fact the 65' codified that (((they))) could do what they wanted with cheap foreign labour as well as getting in mass import voters on ridiculous premises, all of this from conniving jew escapees straight off the boat wanting to bring their fellow sublets with them so they can "feel safe" and not get targeted in the now filthy multicultural bazaar while they take full control and distract with low trust society and race relations.

>> No.22673568

>getting this triggered over a good rap quote
kek you faggot the nigger had a point, family and business, don't mix 'em

>> No.22673595

It is the case for most of Europe. Especially the UK, before 1997 migration wasn’t too off of net zero ever since it’s climbed to +200k each year and never came back to sanity, without considering child births that alone is a about a year on year dilution of about 5% of England.

>> No.22673641

That's BS.

>> No.22673649

Replacement migration policies are not a joke or a meme.

>> No.22673681

Millennials consider themselves enlightened people of the world. Average person lives on $1 a day best of luck out there you wanted equality have fun zoomer scum

>> No.22673709

for real tho

>> No.22673735

See you in hell. Don't break your hip on the way out faggot.

>> No.22673737

My passion is making money

>> No.22673744


>> No.22673799
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>"the rest of the world sucks so your life should suck too I GOT MINE"

>> No.22673851
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>when I was finishing college I was on a leave of absence
>told my mom I was gonna work full time to save money
>she screamed at me and told me not to even though for years she had hounded me to do a summer job

Later on I found out it's because making over 5k would have lost her the "dependent" tax credit. She made over 100k and fucked over my career growth/savings purely to save a few bucks on her taxes, then complains I don't talk to her. Your dad sounds like my mom, a negative asshole that'll fuck their kid over when their kid is trying to make something of themselves purely for retard-tier reasons.

>> No.22674039

clearly you got what you paid for retard, compare averages instead of your stupid ass specific situation

>> No.22674140
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Except that we never voted for any of this Trash in "our" -- "democracies" yidlet. Go back to your fake United Battletoads of America boomer bitch. Select your new huckster, believe, give him your paper and let him lie to you more on TV import scum and assrape you with more taxes caused. GenX and Zoomers will have to stand and fix for what you were too cowardly to do, coward.

>> No.22674231

My company still has be as a temp even though ive been here a year. Never missed a day of work. Companies dont care if you are dependable. You are always replaceable and they know it

>> No.22674267


>> No.22674351

Tell women about your feelings

>> No.22674520

Everyone I know who wasn't from a rich family and went to an expensive elite university it's heavily indebted and in mediocre jobs if they're employed, which plenty aren't
Yeah if you can get into one of the "better" ones for little or no cost compared to average ones at least the name might stop your resume from getting trashcan'd by HR, but the quality isn't much better than most unis, even bottom of the barrel ones, almost every uni works as a diploma mill nowadays even the curriculums are fucked and skip basic things while shoving random diversity bullshit

>> No.22674640

That might had been true when college degrees where uncommon, I would instantly disqualify any degree holder with bottom of the barrel blue collar experience in their resume

>> No.22674659

Degrees dont matter in 2020

>> No.22674738

I never got "bad" advice as in "wrong". I just got a lot of stuff that worked 50 years ago but puts you behind now. A lot of "follow your dream" type stuff. work hard, no shortcuts.
They never talked about What if you pick the wrong "dream" to follow, and there is no pot of gold at the end. Their gen always got pots of gold.

>> No.22674771

>I just got a lot of stuff that worked 50 years ago but puts you behind now.
This is basically the problem. They're not trying to fuck you over. They just don't get it.

>> No.22674813


>> No.22674820

The current business climate it's enforced through central bank interventionism and currency debasement, the same mechanism used by the early Soviet Union to finish the previous economic regime

>> No.22674837

We’re not average though we’re American

>> No.22674926

>Millennials consider themselves enlightened people of the world

On the one hand, our generation is the first to grow up with the internet and have more access to free information and new ideas than any other generation before us.

On the other hand, since the mid 2000's, the world has been in a constant state of recession, depression, and political corruption/mismanagement.

>> No.22674965

I've heard PAs are getting pushed out more and more by nurse practitioners due to the increasing autonomy they are being allowed because of the powerful nursing lobby. Any truth to this?

>> No.22674994

>self-made billionaire in his garage
Bezos was already a rich hedge fund manager when he founded Amazon. He went from super-rich to god-king of the universe. There's not a lot of his personal story that's applicable to normal people, just business strategy from Amazon.

>> No.22675016
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>toughen up, buttercup

So I withheld his pain medicine

>> No.22675122


>> No.22675131
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Yeah, because they've seen stocks actually crash to 0 multiple times you fucking braindead retards.

>> No.22675235


>> No.22675240

Yeah but boomers repeat all the billionaire bullshit

>Bloomberg was just a poor son of an accountant who only made 6000 a year

Which was like 70,000 a year in 1950

>Bezos started Amazon in his garage

After already being fucking rich

>Gates was just a nerd

Whose dad was a rich banker.

Boombooms buy the bullshit about self-made men when in reality it's "get in with your fat stacks, use the laws to 100x your stacks, change the laws to shut out newcomers". It's the entire reason why anyone spouting the "everyonecanbeawinner/be empathetic" meme should kill themselves.

>> No.22675247

Worst advice: "Get a degree!"

>> No.22675260

4chan has had boomer hate threads since at least 2008, fuck off back to red dit to suck boomer dick.

>> No.22675541

Work hard for what you want

>> No.22675568

Boomers aren’t defi enough to 4x their money off presale a for yf clones like >> gg/frVqPWm

>> No.22675595

The other night at dinner my dad told my sister to go for an easier degree so she can get into a better school because the degree doesn’t matter and the brand recognition is everything. I told him this was fucking horrible advice and would put my sister in crippling debt with no career prospects. His response was basically “it worked for me” . His first job was basically writing blurbs on the back of cereal boxes which he was paid 55k a year to do in 1983. I told him that won’t fly on 2020 and no one will hire you without real technical ability. He said you could basically “work your way up” at some tech company.

That’s when it dawned on me that 90% of boomers never worked a job that required any sort of real technical knowledge. They think every job is the same low level shit that’s already been automated they would have been doing in boomer time.

>> No.22675668

Advice for starting an e-commerce business?

>> No.22675673

Not going to give you that luxury, nigger.

>> No.22675703

So did the kike refuse to shake his hand? Too good to shake the goys hand huh?

>> No.22675729

>That’s when it dawned on me that 90% of boomers never worked a job that required any sort of real technical knowledge

What a harrowing revelation

>> No.22675792

This or they have been in an industry so long and expect you to reach the same skillset by doing jobs just once.

>> No.22675794


>> No.22675875

>That’s when it dawned on me that 90% of boomers never worked a job that required any sort of real technical knowledge.
This kills hopes and dreams.

>> No.22676257

>tfw my rent on my 1500 sqft house is more than my boomer parents' 4000 sqft house's mortgage in a better neighborhood.

>> No.22676386

This one.

Now I find myself wanting to go into university again. I have a choice of going into a Bachelor degree for Accounting, or going into a Bachelor of Nursing. Anyone on /biz/ with experience with either of them? Which one is the better choice?

>> No.22676415


My dad's a financial advisor, and he always tells me this when I talk to hum about crypto.

>> No.22676444

I am to this day regularly baffled at what my grandparents and parents' generations don't causally know. They act like I'm some fucking eccentric scholar because I caught a mythology reference in something. Not even niche stuff, just that Jupiter was the king of the gods.

>> No.22676509

That's the CHAD life, son. They're living their life natural while you stressing the small stuff like a fucking VIRGIN. Look how far that got you.

>> No.22676510

My dad literally had the same job since I was born and just retired this year.

I'm 28 and I'm currently in my longest held job (3 years) and looking for a new job. Luckily, I wasn't full retard and got a CS degree because I knew there'd always be companies that need programmers.

>> No.22676565

I made a 1980 on my SAT but was only in the top 26% of my high school class. I came from an abusive household that didn’t care what I did. Yeah you may call me a snowflake but I still got a full ride to a state school and acceptance into their honors program. I am getting by but not as well as those who went to better schools. I envy them. Anyway I’m drunk and have no idea what I’m trying to say. You seem like an asshole though.

>> No.22676574

> They give you "need" aid
confirmed for nigger. no white person gets this bullshit

t. white man who turned down ivy for high ranked state school because the state school offered him merit full ride + stipend

>> No.22676585

>12 year old and played online casino games with something called 'klammlose'
>there was a forum about it and there were talking about other online currencys
>wanted to buy 10 bitcoin at 90 euro with my money
>needed help from parents to pay the ebay bill (with my own money)

>father said no

fuck boomers

>> No.22676596

This is true. English major working in IT.

>> No.22676894

So you just learned to code and got a job, or did you take IT credits in university?

>> No.22676922

>got 95th percentile on SAT
>got absolutely nothing from my university

Kek. Life's a bitch.

>> No.22676945

Millennials know too much. But not enough know how to change a tire. I know I don't, gotta put that on my "to learn" list.

>> No.22676982

I'm looking towards an associates in programming, a BS in astrophysics and joining the army reserve. Then join the military afterwards to expunge the denbts and then go to lawschool like 9 years from now to get a free decade+ ride on rent.

>> No.22677018
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>your sister is 18
>your dad is nearly 60

Is he ever going to meet his grandkids? Lol.

>> No.22677034

>major in history
>teach history at high school level
>base pay is 50k, 80k roughly in 10 years
>working through my pay scales by taking Uni courses that the school helps pay for - these are in History and Pedagogy, but I genuinely enjoy school
>not rich but stable and fuck around with poop coins on the side

It’s an okay life bros

>> No.22677038

>I am to this day regularly baffled at what my grandparents and parents' generations don't causally know.
My grandfather was a boomer dentist and apparently you could be a total jokester and work on teeth just fine.

Stuff like dentistry in medicine is hardcore gatekept these days

>> No.22677061

>t. white man who turned down ivy for high ranked state school because the state school offered him merit full ride + stipend
Counterpoint: Ohio state wanted more money from me that a top 10 university. I'm a white male.

My top 10 wasn't Ivy league though

>> No.22677162

>Get a job and be useful to society
I'm currently doing an enterprise job that has turned into going back and forth between managers and wasting time in general, and the time I'm spending on this job is taking away from me working on my gamedev hobby, so in this case me having a job is actually less useful to society

>> No.22677206


>Kek. Life's a bitch.

I will say that overall universities are incredibly Jewish about aid to white guys (I got somewhat "lucky") going to a top 10 uni for less than $30k debt which was easy to erase as a software engineer.

I expected to get way more from my state universities. I felt like I had done EVERYTHING right. 33 ACT, straight As aside from a B in freshman honors english one quarter of high school. AP econ, stats, physics calculus, biology, writing, and I even self-studied AP US history to inflate my GPA as much as possible (more AP classes than possible in my schedule lol)

Ran cross country, also played percussion in marching/concert/jazz bands and my own on the side. There were days where I would spring out of bed at 6am to work on the mission of getting into a google college and get it PAID FOR, do school until 2:30, start cross country practice at 3, leave early to get to marching band practice at 6 and get home at like 9 with homework lmfao. That was a typical fall thursday.

Ohio state, in my mind, basically said "lol, neat, white boi" and ignored this. Barely got any aid. My colored friends with slightly worse stats were getting attractive offers.

>> No.22677215

>I'm currently doing an enterprise job that has turned into going back and forth between managers and wasting time in general, and the time I'm spending on this job is taking away from me working on my gamedev hobby, so in this case me having a job is actually less useful to society
Exactly the kind of inefficiency UBI is trying to remediate right here

>> No.22677320

>die for israel when the amerigolems summon you to attack an important region for them (again)before you get your zogger gibs
RTT actual old time boomers saying never join, i mean you seriously wanna answer to and get bogged by officer goldstein while you micromanage pvt deanda and paco? literally go to bootcamp on woman abroad istead if you want an adventure, the zogbots are fucking gay.

>> No.22677727


You'd only find out what kind of person they really were if it didn't work out. Niggers will be niggers no matter if they're your family or not.

>> No.22677879

>Friendships don't last
Nothing lasts forever, but relationships are the most meaningful thing you can pursue in the time you have on Earth. It's not always fun, but it's better than just having a boring, comfortable life where you do everything by yourself.

>> No.22677993

Cringing is better than being numb. And that number is wrong, 0-5 is closer to the truth. Not everyone has real friends, because relationships can be painful and cringy, so lots of people just give up on it and get cats. Yeah most people are idiots and finding and keeping real friends is extremely hard these days, but why not appreciate the challenge of it? Do you only do easy things?

>> No.22678152

This is unironically correct. Normal people shouldn't invest. It's a zero sum game and you are much more likely to lose most of your money than you are to even slightly multiply it