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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 91 KB, 540x377, 1920381094251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22668511 No.22668511 [Reply] [Original]

if you wanna stay at the virgin side of the border i hope you enjoy your shitty ass gas fees with a token that doesn't even allow instant transactions

join the new order tomorrow, anon.

>> No.22668521

You mean algorand right? I think you meant algorand

>> No.22668527

Did they announce the exact time for the binance listing

>> No.22668554

not yet, stay tuned

>> No.22668604
File: 68 KB, 250x245, wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not yet but it will surely be available in binance, coinbase and kraken

join the [ A V A X A R M Y ] anon

>> No.22668767
File: 70 KB, 659x490, litterallyall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AVAX compatibility with ETH contracts, tokens, tooling will make it PUMP. jumping into the make it train

>> No.22668798

fuck off pajeet

>> No.22668826

go back slicing kebabs

>> No.22668989
File: 303 KB, 500x600, EGS JC Denton - Do you have a single fact to back that up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i don't speak poor

i'm literally advicing you to make a smart decision for once in your retarded life yet u still prefer sticking to a timebomb token kek

>> No.22669056

Coins that constantly shit talk about other coins and call themselves ETH killers unironically are usually the ones that either dump to oblivion, or are outright a scam.

>> No.22669215

AVAX has literally all the benefits and compatibility of ETH but with lower fees and instant transactions

it's not trash-talking, it's the plain truth. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.22669377

QRD why I should care about this with Arbitrum around the corner

>> No.22669407

I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny! I will not buy coins that have already pumped. fuck off tranny!

>> No.22669473


all I see here is people fuding without any valid argument, that gives me certainty that AVAX is in fact a golden ticket

>> No.22669709

Yeah its nice when people put this much effort in, on something that is a "scam" according to them

>> No.22670241

so big dump tomorrow ? mmm nice

>> No.22671099

TOP KEK just found out that AVAX team LIED and ALL VC's bags are unlocked on listing, Brainlets are freaking out as there are x2 more circulating supply than initially thought, Enjoy your sub ICO price "gains". VC's are already in 200% profits if it open at ICO price and if there's one investor that do take profits it's VC's.

It really is a VC scam like some said here a month ago.

>> No.22671201


>> No.22671299
File: 58 KB, 1280x601, avax circulating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People thought that circulating will be 16M initially but it turns out VCs lock is over and now 70% of the circulating coins are from VC's at 1/3 discount.

>> No.22671328
File: 54 KB, 1280x486, avax vcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See. Their lock is over so it makes sense

>> No.22671374

so is it safe to assume it will massively dump upon release?

>> No.22671404

From previous experience, yes. Even if it pump at the start coins with this kind of release always experience epic dumps. That's why avax holders are freaking out.

>> No.22671455
File: 79 KB, 1286x1222, 1594432021335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avax is the single biggest scam ico.
0.97% of the supply was sold in the public sale.

>> No.22671483


if you dumbasses are looking for somewhere to bail, check out xDai STAKE

>> No.22671944

kek can you even read retard? Those are the stats for the testnet moron. That is the TESTNET explorer, clearly stated on the website. You either have the reading comprehension of a neanderthal, or you are fuding to try and get in at a lower price. Its not gonna happen.

The VC lock doesn't start until the mainnet is released, it is locked a the protocol level, the same as everyone elses. Weak fud at best.

That is a photo of the original sale plan that never happened. Over 10% was sold to the public (20% of the total tokens minted) and can be easily verified here https://info.avax.network/#token_distribution

The amount of well crafted fud for is really bullish, showing how you shitcoin holders are
trying so hard to protect your FTM and DOT bags.

>> No.22671998

>Over 10% was sold to the public
that really changes things, what a decentralized coin! not.

>> No.22672158

Out of the minted coins:
20% of the coins sold to the public
5% airdropped to the public
15% went to grants for tech
20% goes to the foundation for future grants
6% went to the private sale (I was in it, anyone who inquired could enter, not just whales)

Less than 5% went to VCs like Bitmain, and a16z, bullish parters AF.

Coins that didn't go to the public either went to grants to build tech that will increase the price, or long term reputable partners that are beneficial for price. If you don't understand the reasons behind the distribution your NGMI

>> No.22672204

Are the based in Mexico?

>> No.22673225

I would still like for
1) my question to be answered
2) my digits to be checked
It's a little telling that neither of those two things have happened in the hours since I posted that.