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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22665842 No.22665842 [Reply] [Original]

I thought bettin on the jews wohld be an auto win....

>> No.22665861

women in leadership positions. never good

>> No.22666229

A few more pools will be added and the caps will be increased in Q1 2021.

>I did not say this year

>> No.22666293

YFI stablecredit went wrong. It's over, but unrionically.

>> No.22666295

its dumping because they practically shut down v2 for maintenance for more than a month. when they start v2 up again, you'll see usage and with that usage bnt will rise. It sucks tho, they could've let the v2 pools run like they were the first week (which was amazing) and do tests in the background.

>> No.22666383

Can you eli5?