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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22664188 No.22664188 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ enables flag ID's for each post. What's the first thing you notice?

>> No.22664199

That you shit in the loo

>> No.22664213

Poo everywhere

>> No.22664215

Is that milk around his mouth or...

>> No.22664236

lots of leafs i bet

>> No.22664240

americans are retarded

>> No.22664242

Stop reading anything posted with a memeflag or posted from the 3rd world

>> No.22664255

All of the shill posts for dead projects are done by pajeets or american poors.
Most interesting posts about defi or tech come from backwater european countries like czech or serbian.
Something about chinks or gooks idk what those slopes are up to

>> No.22664265

i VPN to india and start posting subtle broken english shill posts in threads for coins i dont own

>> No.22664278

That the majority of scammers are actually russian, not poos.

>> No.22664296
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weather if it is man or a woman

>> No.22664307
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Then random undeveloped countries

>> No.22664342

Everyone is Australian.

>> No.22664349

Third world burgers shitting up the board.

>> No.22664358

Uh number of pajeet?

>> No.22664370

that we're all actually NA or EU

>> No.22664374


>> No.22664401


>> No.22664499


>> No.22664552

notice a spike in vpn larpers

brown poopy hands posted this

>> No.22664563

How come all the Americans own most of the chainlink and the Brazilian's keep spamming all these rug pulls?

>> No.22664583

China is blocked, you won't be seeing their flag

>> No.22664616

I noticed a shill had an English typing pattern similar to Chinese ESL people. so I told him 去你妈的 and he reeeed so hard he exposed himself. if you just Google translate you won't know how offensive that sentence is.

>> No.22664657

false. it's easily accessible with VPN. I did it for years.

>> No.22664669

That the scammers were americans all along.

>> No.22664678

>notice a spike in indian vpn larpers
You were right but jeets trying to larp as americans will be obvious. Eastern eurofags can be better at larping but will reeee harder as soon as their cover is blown. Chinks will be dealt with by local authorites as soon as you pull cheeky stuff like >>22664616 or the bugspray pasta

>> No.22664683

go away you shit?

>> No.22664696


>> No.22664706

what vpns even work here? every one I've tried has been blocked

>> No.22664726

I would say there are more people from European countries here than any of those countries except the US

>> No.22664760
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>> No.22664777

I agree and I'm a eurofag. I'm probably biased but I believe that the majority of europosters here don't partici[ate in scams or try to fuck over others but I may be projecting a little bit. Maybe the tech savvy human-hating people are willing to do so but judging by the iq of the board this crowd is borderline imaginary

>> No.22664869

meth whore bully gf will have a polish flag

>> No.22665290

Indians start asking for meme flags

>> No.22665945

Well someone had to replace the Australian shitposters

>> No.22666592

>Wait it's all Americans?
>Always has been.

>> No.22666617

This. Shitland confirmed.

>> No.22666631

Lol this

>> No.22666638

Also, I'm from Brazil. Link $ 50 eoy.

>> No.22666696

I immediately buy anything shilled by ISRAEL

>> No.22666819
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>> No.22667013

nothing changes, obvious pajeets and changs are called out regardless of flags.
ethnicity is a type of soul, an archetype that goes beyond skin color or isp geolocation.