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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22659882 No.22659882 [Reply] [Original]

I buy cow
>it pulls a x2 but I end up selling at a 60% loss
I buy rari
>it dumps immediately after I bought, sold for chart at 8 cents
>chart is dumping immediately after I bought


>> No.22659904

>what am I doing wrong?
Following biz advice. You’re supposed to do the opposite.

>> No.22659913

oh and I also sold my fucking uni airdrop at 2.5$

>> No.22660003

You're buying when it hits biz, that's buying at a 10x. This place isn't as early as it used to be

>> No.22660043

where to go to get in early

>> No.22660052

The problem it's that you are buying pumps you need to get early. If it's a good project then wait for a dip and some sideways action then go in.

>> No.22660115


>> No.22660121

You're buying virtual products you do not understand based on nothing but hype and shit you read on /biz/.

Wake up, and realize that you are the dumb money that everyone else is trying to harvest with cryptocurrency.

>> No.22660124

i dca in the dips but it keeps fucking dipping

>> No.22660472

would also like to know this

>> No.22660836

Dont worry chart will rebound soon.

>> No.22661156

lets hope

>> No.22661212

>buy cow
what the fuck

>> No.22661220

just think for a second anon, almost no project is first announced on /biz/ first unless they're a /biz/tard's scam, you're always late if you rely on this shithole for info

>> No.22661308

and you'll see news on twitter first mostly unless you follow the projects themselves on their own channels