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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 67 KB, 779x388, Screenshot_20200920_143254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22658955 No.22658955 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens
Hope you sold the top..

Rebuy is at 2 usd next week..

>> No.22658992

I find it funny that it started dumping the moment the 24h % went negative and most of the pumping and dumping didn't appear on the orderbook (market buying and selling is characteristic of retail investors), just shows how fragile the pump really was.

>> No.22659011

I would unironically trade some Eth I got from UNI at $2 as I think the fair price lies around $3.

>> No.22659022

nope still got em

>> No.22659030
File: 1.19 MB, 498x498, b4f1f19330a0542e69f1ea8c92ced4fc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not real fren. Still not selling, $15 is unavoidable

>> No.22659040


>> No.22659041

Completely agree. I think it was overbought by some whales and now dumping it back to the market.

Plus huge inflation coming from the Uni pools shortly

>> No.22659057

anyone not selling right now WILL regret it.
t. $3 ps5 owner

>> No.22659058

I'm trying to buy right now and I've been waiting for 7 mins already on fast gas. This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.22659100
File: 1.52 MB, 1908x4032, E99D9360-0117-480D-824A-9B721CD53A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying more at 5$, if it goes to 4$ I’ll buy even more and if I’m really lucky it’ll go to 3$ and I’ll go balls deep

>> No.22659139
File: 31 KB, 860x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking blizzard

>> No.22659311

youre delusional... it will never happen, and if they release more coins in the future..

>> No.22659328

>I think it was overbought by some whales
It usually happens.
Whales pumped all coins around september 4 to dump later and profit. I held bree which 5x'd at that time, too bad i didn't sell. Now the token is worth almost nothing.

>> No.22659336

You could speed up the tx in metamask fren..

Click activity, pending tx and increase gas..

With 2h waiting time it will most likely fail to execute

>> No.22659367

No point, I already tried to buy UNI like 12 hours when the displayed time was 50 seconds. Then it jumped to 12 hours so I sped it up on the fastest option without manually setting the gas, and it still failed after 20 minutes.
I think it's a sign from God that I shouldn't buy

>> No.22659377

Why do you want us to sell? This is what I don't get.

>> No.22659398

because he wants your bags

>> No.22659499

I still got my 400. Anyone in this thread can tell me what the future is for this coin? When should we be selling?

>> No.22659503

Smart anon, i need everyone's bag at 2 usd

>> No.22659536

When its market cap is at least somewhere nearing BNB

>> No.22659554

If you’re crazy 50$, 25$ If you’re feeling ballsy otherwise 15$ to be safe.

>> No.22659566

Yesterday was the top, you missed it

>> No.22659573

sold @ $6,5 with is a minus but at least I got off board

>> No.22659659


>> No.22659664
File: 88 KB, 532x668, AE3B19A8-1284-4707-B054-64CEAF773B3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-iron hands..

>> No.22659835
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>> No.22659907
File: 7 KB, 250x223, 1524264700049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i bought 5k at $3 and sold it all between $6 and $7 made $16k and never touching this shit again

>> No.22659938

lmao there are people on this board who actually buy crypto?
fucking lel

>> No.22659960

Who else buying back at 3 dollars?

>> No.22660161

everyone who is selling now has parkinson hands. I am either going up to the moon with my free uni or I am going to the mariana trench. Iron Hands

>> No.22660202

unironically this. everyone selling now will neck eventually. this isn’t just going away, it’s been less than a week
good luck faggot, if it goes back to $3 I’ll dump my life savings in it

>> No.22660226

Me will do the needful at 3 usd and convert my 70 ETH to pink unicorns

>> No.22660355

I sold a few minutes ago for 30 eth. This will either haunt me forever or it might turn out to be a good decision. Oh well. Holding under $5 was too stressful for coins I got for free

>> No.22660415

I purchased 10 at around $7 to intentionally crash it.

>> No.22660560
File: 363 KB, 944x743, Polish_20200920_110934330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, just bought more

>> No.22660574

I sold everything at 7. This is the first time I have successfully done this. Gonna rebuy 10k at 3

>> No.22660662
File: 231 KB, 706x677, fkn4ms5ziqj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe i was using regular coinbase. they're such liars. "Coinbase Fee: $0.00"

meanwhile they charged me $40 per fucking ETH exchange

live and learn

>> No.22661186
File: 3 KB, 308x75, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 40$
Lucky fuck.

>> No.22661325

use goybase pro. it's like 6 bucks to transfer to usdc or euro or whatever.

>> No.22661428

Listen here you kikes. I’m only going to say this once. I AM NEVER FUCKING SELLING

>> No.22661561

I didn't sell and I won't sell. I got it for free. There's no risk.

>> No.22661587

>t. absolute retards
Sell now and buy back at the bottom. Pro tip: we're nowhere near the bottom.

>> No.22661599

Don't worry evveryone I just sold, so the big pump is incoming. I'm ready to buy back in the second it gains real momentum again.

>> No.22661621
File: 202 KB, 1820x870, 2020-09-20_180640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit is not going to 3.
If you don't want to take risks this is your best chance to hop into the train before it moons again.
If you're a greedy gambler you should buy around 4, but don't complain if it moons right above your buy order.

>> No.22661703

Tomorrow the buying spree continues

Look at the whale wallets, they are gobbling this dip up like there‘s no tomorrow it‘s crazy

I‘m balls deep now, this is the one that‘s gonna send me to the moon once again

Can‘t believe we‘re gonna make it so soon frens, god bless the unicorn

>> No.22661736

I sold at $2.44. Feels so fucking good right now

>> No.22661820


>> No.22661852

Sad cope. You could've made so much swing trading this.

>> No.22661936

Yes I did, sold the top then bought a project that immediately dumped 40%

>> No.22662037


>> No.22662075

which wallets sir? please link sir

>> No.22662108

Im still in with my airdrop, should i sell now ? I dont know if it dumps more

>> No.22662117

kek what are these lines supposed to be showing

>> No.22662125

sell asap, for fuck sake anon

>> No.22662141

How are you that sure ?

>> No.22662166

Gotta keep holding, I don't even have any ETH to cash mine out.

>> No.22662175

next volume breakout will be bullish.

>> No.22662177

Yea you should sell you gigantic puss that needs others to tell him what to do

>> No.22662178

Bug in the smart contract for governance..

>> No.22662183

Morons. We pump tommorow

>> No.22662233

Nice bait fgt. I actually just wanted to gather some arguments and make my own picture out of it.

>> No.22662238


>> No.22662291

Listen it’s okay we can’t all make it. I’ll be here for you Anon when we hit $8 tomorrow

>> No.22662496

> $8 darn anon, that ain't gonna be happening anytime soon.

>> No.22662543


You mean....it wont happen anytime soon like in the next 5 hours or? Cause we will be at 15 on Tuesday

>> No.22662586

just sold 200 for 2000 vidt

>> No.22662647

kek I hold VIDT it's pretty comfy

>> No.22662682

>15 on Tuesday
Got anything to back that up? How do we know whales wont keep dumping