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22656651 No.22656651 [Reply] [Original]

>Chink wallet addresses use english characters

>> No.22656745

Why is their language so horrible?
Why can't they just decide on a few written letters to use to compose their words?
What is so useful in asking their children to spend thousands of hours to recognize patterns instead of making them learn to use logic to solve problems and to be creative?

>> No.22656776

bug people
they can't attribute more than 1 meaning to a word without their bug brains going haywire
they're not human

>> No.22656832

I am still trying to understand if they are all bug people without empathy or if there are a few exceptions in their ranks with real feelings. Some of them give the illusion of having human like emotions and make me wonder if we could salvage a few of them without their horrible education and system.

The frustrating thing is that I want to learn japanese but I run into the kanji problem there too...
How can an INTJ learn this language when it goes against his core values of efficiency?

>> No.22656841

Pointless sentimentalism.That's why 80-90% of chinese children now develop myopia. Imagine spending hours in school JUST to learn how to read.
Vietnamese did it right by switching to latin script.

>> No.22656850

Holy shit stop talking like a retarded 11yo kid. Grow up.

>> No.22656858
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>Holy shit stop talking like a retarded 11yo kid. Grow up.

>> No.22656864
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>I want to learn japanese

>> No.22656887

Way too many homonyms. Chinese is a tonal language and the same sound can mean many different things depending on with what tone it's said.


>> No.22656897

That's not how eyes work lmao

>> No.22656911

>angloids, nordcucks, ibs and other lesser species all steal the Latin alphabet from the only master race of Europe
>pretends they're as great at the Romans were

>> No.22656918

I didn't know that.
It's sad when a system puts more value into the past than the well being of their living citizens.
It's going to be difficult to justify this in the future when everything uses modern technology which is already doing the translations for their users.
It's a miracle of mental gymnastics to see them use a modern keyboard to write these patterns.

>> No.22656966
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>> No.22657017

quiet, medcuck, or we close the gibs tap and you starve

>> No.22657082

It's interesting to see our alphabet didn't change a lot in these last 2000 years compared to the previous 1000 years.
What made the roman changes so long lasting?

>> No.22657150
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Deal with it, barbarian scum. If you're so smart, why don't you invent your own language that doesn't sound like the lisping sound you make while sucking off your "brothers"?

>> No.22657158

what are you talking about nigger
we are here to make money

>> No.22657183

Yeah they do. That's why watching violent video games affect the brain and make you a violent ape with rapist urges, or why watching cartoons make you a tranny. The eyes, seeing stuff sends signals to the brain causing it to degrade. And chink script is painful to the eyes.

>> No.22657203

>It's a miracle of mental gymnastics to see them use a modern keyboard to write these patterns.
Yeah this one always cracks me up.

>> No.22657204

Exactly. I keep trying to tell people that seeing niggers constantly has made me racist.

>> No.22657216

That's just a means to an end.
If you don't have those your life will have no meaning no matter the amount of money you make because you will lack the ability to make a meaningful use of it.

>> No.22657236

Prolonged near work in developmental years most certainly causes myopia. There are countless studies done on this, both human and animal as well as observational ones. It must hurt to know your disability was completely preventable, retards.

>> No.22657246

True. It's also the reason why we can look at women and feel repulsed, while looking at our fellow white men makes us giddy and happy.

>> No.22657251

Chinese are bug people evolved to live on a macro scale.
Japs were bug people until we bombed the fuck out of them.

>> No.22657275

WHY the fuck did you quote me you retard? I'm agreeing with you, and expound on how important the eyes are in affecting you, physically and mentally.

>> No.22657668

Stop caring about horoscopes, stating you're an intj makes you sound like a gay cunt when you are probably not. Learning kanji can be a slog so you're going to have to redefine what you consider to be efficient otherwise you are just going to be quickly disappointed. Sure there are always creative ways of learning this kind of thing but you don't know what's gonna work in the long term without trying different things. Theorise away, but as feynman reminds us "If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.".
t. intp fag

>> No.22657772

>lisping sound
u talking about spainiards?