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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22654312 No.22654312 [Reply] [Original]


There is a lot of misunderstanding or outright misinformation surrounding this project so I'll list reasons why I'm a top 150 holder and generally enthusiastic about the project. A few things

YFV is VALUE. They can be swapped 1:1 ratio on the YFV.finance website at anytime. VALUE was created because the community voted on a serious overhaul of the token's inflation rates and supply. The devs had already burnt the governance keys as a result of the a previous community vote and couldn't implement the changes without them thus VALUE was born.

Once these changes are in place the community will vote once again to burn the governance keys for VALUE.

The total supply of both tokens is 6.37 Million. YFV and VALUE will exist together and have the same functionality until all of the VALUE has been farmed (2.37 Million) and then the community will vote to phase out YFV for just VALUE. A total supply of 6.37 Million.

The previous Balancer pools just ended about a day ago roughly were producing YFV as rewards. The BAT and BAL pools were discontinued and the rest were transitioned into new liquidity pools that produce VALUE as rewards and have lower reward inflation rates. If you are still in an old pool that was rewarding YFV you will want to exit before October 1st, but you may as well exit asap as the money isn't earning anything. As of right now there is little liquidity for VALUE. Its brand new. The VALUE you earn can be swapped for YFV on their website and traded or staked as normal in the Governance vault or any of the pools. Once Value Liquid is live there will be much more liquidity to trade VALUE freely. There is little reason to swap to VALUE as of right now.

>> No.22654340


The amount of FUD around this project has been massive. I haven't seen the likes of it since early Chainlink days. Its clearly organized. The devs had their V1 staking pool under assault from a timer attack which was locking people's funds from being able to withdraw. The attacker had to continously pay a significant amount of ETH to do so and was making no money from doing so. It was an attack directly on the project itself to prevent it from succeeding imo, perhaps from other competition. The devs handled it quite professionally and made sure the funds were eventually released. They have been getting multiple audits done on each smart contract they deploy now and there have been no problems since.


The devs are unrolling soon 2 major features

-Value Liquid(Its a Balancer/Uniswap hybrid) They are combining the best features of both to creature their own DEX
-Value Vaults( Vaults that will use crypto as collateral to yield farm other protocols like YFI) The first are WETH, WBTC,

and RenBTC. More will be voted on in the future.

The tokenomics are highly attractive and why I was stacking my YFV instead of dumping it. The devs clearly in this for the long haul and trying to build an extensive ecosystem that surpasses even YFI in many regards.

Governance Vault
-It generates vUSD, vETH, and VALUE passively. There is a 40 hour staking lock or a 1.92% early withdraw fee. No staking minimums
-In addition to the initial farming rewards the vault will also accrue revenue from the following:
-0.05% of the standard 0.30% swap fee from the Value Liquid exchange will be used to either buy back and distribute or burn VALUE to/for the Governance Vault stakers
-6.8% of the profits generated from the Value Vaults will be used to buy back VALUE and distribute it to the Governance Vault stakers.
-The staked value of the Governance Vault itself will be used as collateral to yield farm other protocols and buy back more VALUE as rewards.

>> No.22654353

Most Governance tokens only receive a the typical .05% swap fee. It has superior tokenomics to every other Governance token that I have come across.


Assuming everything is on track, the migration contracts are supposed to go live and will be siphoning quite a bit. As of right now there is 375 Million that will be automatically transferred from Balancer to Value Liquid. That alone will put us at 10th place on Defipulse.com. The migration contracts will also allow liquidity to easily move from Sushiswap and Uniswap as well. Uniswap is now sitting at 2 Billion TVL and Sushiswap at just over 500 Million. Even managing to get 5-10% from both protocols could put us at nearly 600 Million from the start. That isn't including TVL from the Value Vaults as well.

This project has a metric fuckton of promise and its so under valued its hard to believe. 45 Million MCAP that is routinely doing 35-60 Million in volume with potentially 600 TVL in the next few days. YFI has an MCAP of 875 Million with 930 Million TVL. You can argue supply matters but sooner rather than later the entire supply of VALUE will be farmed and then it will have continous burns and buy back pressure everyday from multiple mechanics.

>> No.22654458
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>> No.22654535
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>> No.22654559

Thank you fren for much needed clarification here.

One thing i would like to know though, Value is supposed to have a lower emission rate, which is one of its key appeals, but care to quantify that?

How much lower is the emission rate of Value compared to YFv which was being farmed out of control.

>> No.22654580

Thanks man just bought a bag

>> No.22654641

Can you tell me more about this timer attack? It sounds super interesting.

>> No.22654652

actually, why dont you tell us what you think is a fair market cap for something like this?

>> No.22654688


I'm not 100% sure I left the pool temporarily because I thought LINK was going to pump and didn't want to get caught with impermanent loss. I've basically accumulated my make it stack and am sitting comfy in the Governance Vault. I might return soon but Oracle might announce integration so its risky so I might wait longer.

To answer your question though it looks like based on the APR that I'm seeing on the website compared to with what I was earning its upwards of 40%-50% lower it looks like roughly.

>> No.22654701


I believe there is a medium article they posted describing it. I got in almost right after it was basically resolved. I'll have to check.

>> No.22654738

I mean if you look at YFI the TVL and MCAP are comparable. I wouldn't say it should be 1:1 but with 600 Million locked which is easily accomplished you'd think at LEAST a 50% ratio. I'll check other DEXes and compare besides YFI. So at least 300 Million MCAP but probably closer to 450 Million. Basically it should be like 8-10x higher than it is imo assuming they acquire that TVL that is expected in 2 days I believe it is.

>> No.22654792

oh wow, very interesting.

what time frame are you referring to with such multipliers?

btw, i think your assestment is quite fair. It doesnt assume this is going to surpass YFI in value anytime soon or some other crazy bullish prediction.

>> No.22654863


I do think YFV/VALUE is actually better than YFI but YFI has the first mover advantage along with Andre being a trusted leader in the space who is incredible at what he does but in terms of tokenomics as of now YFV will be much better if they enact their proposed agenda.

There is no way to know when the market will fairly value the project. Once all of those additional revenue streams are increasing yields for the Governance Vault people will catch on naturally as it will out perform everything else. I think the project will explode though once the VALUE is entirely farmed. I'll do some math and see how long that will take with current inflation rates.

>> No.22654929

I'm annoyed at this coin because I'm a poorfag who bought a small bag (5 YFV) at 30$.
I can't farm, stake, whatever the fuck because the fees nullify my profits. So I'm left holding a coin that does nothing but go down in price

>> No.22655012


Why would you withdraw your rewards more than once a month anyway? Your options are basically sell at a loss, stake to earn at least something, dollar cost average, or do nothing and hold. I mean if you bought 5 more lets say that would cost you around $65 and would lower your basis/break even level to $21.

>> No.22655043

isn't the inflation double at the moment because of YFV + VALUE, when does inflation reduce significantly ? When VALUE has finished being farmed? How long will that be?

>> No.22655079


You can't farm YFV anymore just VALUE. The inflation rates are reduced by almost 50% from what I'm seeing. It looks like nearly 100K are farmed a day and previously it was 200K YFV a day. So in my maybe a month it will be over unless the community votes on it.

>> No.22655094

I'm in the 98link-2yfv pool. Why would you pull out of the pool even if link did pump? If its 98% link wouldn't the impermanent loss be negligible?

I also don't get the fud but I found this project late when YFV already dumped and have only farmed it, so I guess it's left a bad taste for buyers, but the pools definitely aren't bad by any means. It's the best APY I've found for link since sushi ended 10x rewards, so I'll be in this for a while unless uniswap adds a link pool that pays out competitively.

>> No.22655097

Can I just HODL my YFV on exchange (OKEx) and it will automatically swap to VALUE?

>> No.22655103


Or even around weeksish 100K a day of 2.37 Million is about 23-24 days

>> No.22655121


No as of right now, I believe you have to manually do that on their website. There is no rush though but its easy to do with Metamask

>> No.22655168


Yea the returns for both the pools and the vault are the best I have seen. The 98/2 ratio does heavily mitigate the IL for the main asset pumping but I didn't want to lose any LINK at all basically. Its still my main hold besides 0chain. I have only dividend based holdings

>> No.22655194

2.37 mill in 20 days still worries me to be fully frank.

This means, that in a month, it would take over half a billion market cap to reach $100 unless we get some mega pump before the emission.

>> No.22655232


Well the Gov vault is about to be more profitable than just about any other Governance token out right now so since you bought high your options are to sell at a loss or be patient basically

>> No.22655243


I thought you were the other guy. Either way though there will be burning and buy backs before all the farming is even completed

>> No.22655457
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>> No.22655649


>> No.22655744
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>> No.22655767

Thanks for taking the time to write this anon. I know price predictions are stupid, but what the hell I'll ask anyway: where can you see this going EOY if all goes well (no hacks)? What about in the long-term?

>> No.22655834

I think a price prediction months down the line is close to impossible, its still too soon for yield farming tokens, and they havent established the frontiers of what's plausible or not yet.

if YFI continues to do well, they can sort of give a good metric of what's possible market cap wise, but until then, its anyone's guess methinks.

short term, at least you can go off the numbers that have been achieved and think what percentage of that is plausible.

>> No.22655946

If they launch everything successfully they should be competing with the most popular DEXes out right now. Their Governance token simply returns more revenue to the holders. Even more than Uniswap. The long term should be insane. As far as short term goes its hard to know. I'd be surprised if we weren't back to the ATH within at least 2-3 months after everything rolls out in a few days.

>> No.22656083



How will the rewards work for farming pools/gov vault with Value after we hit the max supply? If Value stops being minted due to reaching max supply how will people still make money from staking?

>> No.22656123
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>> No.22656149

How long do I have to swap my YFV to Value?

>> No.22656169


No more VALUE will be minted to farm but you will get vUSD and vETH instead which are elastic supply tokens that will operate in their ecosystem. They have yet to give complete specifics though. They do have a pool operating already that is vUSD/YFV 10/90 ratio respectively.

In addition the Governance Vault will also receive revenue from the the items listed here >>22654340

>> No.22656267


Undetermined. Both will exist for awhile. As of now there isn't much incentive to swap to VALUE until the ecosystem is developed more or the team releases more info pertaining to it. I think it won't be mandatory until the vote comes in to phase out YFV for VALUE after all the VALUE is farmed unless the team has something else planned. So far that is the agenda.

>> No.22656352
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>> No.22656407

I was thinking of throwing 10eth at it, how do I stake it, what kind of rewards does it pay out?

>> No.22656497
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Spoonfeed me fren, I am new to this shit and there's 20 different pools and what not. I am a simple man that just wants some comfy gains

>> No.22656530


134.86% APR as of right now without any of the added revenue features I listed here at the bottom >>22654340

That would be about 300YFV which puts you on the top 400 wallets on etherscan but that isn't including what is in the vault I suppose.

>> No.22656564


Its the Governance Vault on YFV.finance

I'm making about $1400 USD per month worth of VALUE at its current price with my stack. If/when we return to the ATH I'd vomit.

>> No.22656601
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Thanks buddy

>> No.22656611


I should say $1400 monthly USD worth of VALUE, vUSD, and vETH but its mostly VALUE

>> No.22656797
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>> No.22657034

Hey anon from the last thread.
I'm a 250 stacklet and currently farming the gov vault.
Is there any reason to switch to VALUE now or in the coming weeks?

>> No.22657069


It doesn't seem like it as of right now. Unless the team comes out with a medium article with new information the best bet is to continue to hold/stake your YFV

>> No.22657075

Can I ask how big is your bag to be making 1400$ per month with the governance vault?

>> No.22657151

Thinking about farming this with my SNX stack and increasing my stack too. Not sure if it's a good idea to buy more YFV or to just buy more tokens to farm it though.

>> No.22657205



>> No.22657250

staking 12 thousand dollery doos to make $1400 a month. Feels GOOD MAN

>> No.22657255


It depends on your goals. If you want a nice stack for passive income permanently then outright buying is the move especially at these prices. If you haven't maxed out your goals for SNX then buying more of it allows you to do both I guess. Not worrying about IL anymore is nice as well. The governance vault is so comfy

>> No.22657282


We are only just getting started too. That's from one of FOUR passive revenue streams being implemented.

>> No.22657326

Wow that's a good return, thanks for all the info provided it's helpful

>> No.22657347

At the same time.. laying down a huge stack at this price just for farming is really good as well. 250% APY is pretty stable at these prices on COMP, SNX and close to 200 on some others. Pretty easy to farm anywhere from 3-10 VALUE a day. Absolute STEAL right now

>> No.22657570

In order to farm in any of the vaults, I just deposit BAL tokens? Not BAL + the token itself (for example, knc)?

>> No.22657588

Yea and its just a fraction of the rewards coming over the next few days


Yea you have a lot of options. I'm never selling my initial stack and will probably continue to reinvest most of my rewards over time. I will probably be investing my rewards from the Governance Vault into the vUSD/YFV pool when I claim them. Its quite the positive feed back loop

>> No.22657638


Once you enter a liquidity pool on Balancer they give you BPT which acts as a place holder for your portion of the liquidity in the pool. The BPT is what you are staking on YFV.finance. The pool itself is composed of what ever assets and ratio it lists. For the KNC/YFV pool its a 98%/2% KNC/YFV. If you go to the YFV.finance website and click on the KNC VALUE pool it will have another link that will direct you to the Balancer webpage. Once you enter the pool you will get that BPT place holder to stake on the YFV.finance website.

>> No.22657685

So I choose a stake in yfv, follow the link to the balancer pool, add liquidity in balancer, get the BPT's, go back to yfv and use those to farm?

>> No.22657700


>> No.22657709

Thanks for the info, reading more now.

>> No.22657726

Once you understand the process of yield farming one protocol its pretty similar to doing any as well for other Governance tokens too

>> No.22657856
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>> No.22657857

This thread is too civilized and high IQ for /biz/.

>> No.22657935


I have another write up coming for another project I'm stacking as well.

>> No.22657950

Someone liked it so much they made it a Medium article lmao


>> No.22658029

everytime I read here on twitter people saying "Gonna buy more" or "I'll grab myself a bag", the price dumps to a new low. Literally dumping right now.

>> No.22658031

Lol, talk about plagiarizm.

>> No.22658058

Well.. this is a well known place to shill your bags to dump them. You do know that?

>> No.22658075

yes sir

>> No.22658103


I mean it dropped .30

>> No.22658124


The guy ironically contacted me and said he'd credit me. I said he could use my initials but overall I'd rather just be anon

>> No.22658136

from 12.6 to 11.7 in 45 min... not a great look....

>> No.22658145

>The VALUE you earn can be swapped for YFV on their website and traded or staked as normal in the Governance vault or any of the pools.
This is false. I converted my YFV to VALUE yesterday and none of the pools are accepting VALUE yet. You can't actually do anything with VALUE yet.

>> No.22658168

>There is little reason to swap to VALUE as of right now.
He fucking said it

>> No.22658183


I guess it depends on the exchange you are looking at I just checked on Coingecko and its varying a lot. Either way if you are worried about short term price fluctuations you are NGMI.

>> No.22658190

You're supposed to convert your Value to YFV to stake it numb nuts.

>> No.22658205


Trade VALUE for YFV. Put YFV in Gov Vault. Win

>> No.22658225

nah, not worried about it, my soul is at peace, my money is lost forever, I'm just staking worthless pieces of shit in the gov vault.
I look at Okex price.

>> No.22658242

Ya I get that now, but why is this dev team so fucking bad at explaining things? The amount of questions and uncertainty with this swap over was ridiculous

>> No.22658247


Also BTC just dumped $200 everything got hit in the last hour

>> No.22658278

yeah, just saw that

>> No.22658280

No idea mate, I bought an hour ago
desu I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with the vusd and veth I'm earning

>> No.22658318


I mean the medium articles they put out are pretty informative. If you have specific questions ask an admin in the TG or Discord.

>> No.22658375

What's the main difference between yfv and yfi?
Can farm yields be automatically put into governance vaults? When does rewards start to pay for the new farms?

>> No.22658438



>> No.22658501

Does anyone have an estimated ROI for the gov vault or is it too new?

>> No.22658537

>What's the main difference between yfv and yfi?

Read my first 3 posts if you haven't already. YFI doesn't have a DEX that interacts with its Governance token, its just a yield aggregator

>Can farm yields be automatically put into governance vaults? When does rewards start to pay for the new farms?

With the introduction of Value Liquid the DEX for YFV/VALUE you will be able to do all the farming in 1 step rather than 2 since its all in the same platform saving gas fees. Rewards are already being paid out in VALUE for the new pools. I believe they said the 21st Value Liquid and Value Vaults are supposed to go live barring no issues and the audits check out.

>> No.22658553

Thank you sir.

>> No.22658554


Right now its 126% APR but there is no way to actually project what it will be because 3 more revenue streams will be added you can read about here >>22654340

>> No.22658570

This shit is never going above $30 is it

>> No.22658585

this is never going back above 17

>> No.22658597

Sad. I just want to break even.

>> No.22658603


I would say its impossible to make that assessment when the most important features haven't launched yet but will be tomorrow.

>> No.22658625

gotcha, that's kind of what I figured. I just hope 125yfv is enough to make some half decent returns on. I could maybe get to 300, but I'd literally have to be 100% all in on their gov vault, which idk if I want to do that

>> No.22658757

300 is top 400 wallets on Etherscan but doesn't include what is already in the Gov vault. 200 is a solid stack. Idk what your finances look like though so its hard to judge in your specific instance. As far as current MCAP goes we are criminally under valued >>22654738

>> No.22658812

>As far as current MCAP goes we are criminally under valued
Im very aware of that. I got memed on and bought a very small amount @$70 (like 5 or something), but I've been loading up now from $20-$12. As long as its under $15 I'll be buying another 30-50 or so every week.

Im kind of surprised 300yfv is in the top 400 wallets though

>> No.22658857

anons if you decide to stake/farm please use my link i am just a poorfag and it will help me recover gas fees

>> No.22658884

what project fren

>> No.22658895
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tremendously based. already all in though

>> No.22658907

Was it a mistake to put my BPT into the staking pool already? Also have put my yfv/value into the governance vault. Should I do anything else to max farming?

>> No.22658914


Its only in the top 400 because most 1.5 Million is staked in the Governance Vault and Etherscan doesn't account for it so its probably not really top 400

>> No.22658948


Idk what you are asking? You click farm on the corresponding pool that your liquidity is in on Balancer. Otherwise you directly stake your YFV in the Governance Vault

>> No.22658971

Another shameless referral for a pooranon. Stake now, get those gains :)


>> No.22658995 [DELETED] 

What would you do to maximize your farming strategy with this protocol? Am I doing it right (Staking + Governance Vault)?

>> No.22659018

go away

>> No.22659085

Shoo shoo

>> No.22659167
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>> No.22659289

so whats the difference between this and YFI ? The pinnacle of this project is the government vault that use the locked funds in the gov vault to the highest yielding protocol and buy back VALUE/YFV with the profit. Before that happens i dont see any value in VALUE/YFV token. also many people say this is superior than YFI which they can't even explain

>> No.22659339


You should read the thread before you post questions that have been answered already.


>> No.22659347

piece of shit devs can't even release the logo contest winners. Literally a week late on their own terms

>> No.22659394
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this is for (You)

>> No.22659400


I'd prefer they accomplish everything else. Also now that VALUE is the main direction for the project a lot of the entries probably didn't make sense.

>> No.22659424

>The devs clearly in this for the long haul and trying to build an extensive ecosystem that surpasses even YFI in many regards.

this is all u said regarding yfi and yfv
sure it explains a lot

>> No.22659443

>ti hi less mak sum logo contest you guis, we need betta logo for marketing
>wtf guis i just had a greet ideea
>less make vult and slapp VALUE on it
>but wut about YFV
thanks just sold 100k

>> No.22659455

>YFI has an MCAP of 875 Million with 930 Million TVL. You can argue supply matters but sooner rather than later the entire supply of VALUE will be farmed and then it will have continous burns and buy back pressure everyday from multiple mechanics.

and comparing TLV which isnt much significant. TLV is the degree of whales farming and dumping on your ass.
sakeswap had more TLV than yfv just a week ago


>> No.22659518


I'm really not trying to insult you so is it willful ignorance and won't read, purposely being obtuse, or just legit low IQ?


Read from Tokenomics and down. YFI is just a yield aggregator that basically siphons only a small fee. Its not attached to a DEX that monetizes the Gov token.

>> No.22659579


You must be ESL Idk what you are even trying to say here or care.


TVL is massive as part of the swap fee on the Value Liquid will be cause burn or buy backs depending on how the community votes. Its fucking huge. Profits from Value Vaults go to buy backs as well in what world does TVL not fucking matter?

>> No.22659643

Don't worry lad. I've held YFV when it dumped from $30 to $7 amid the dusting attacks when most people bolted. I've since left when it started to stagnate, but will get in at a later time when most of the farms had their chance to dump

>> No.22659849

to be honest you are regurgitating the same YFV shill posts on 4chan /biz thats not much different but instead u talked too much

i visit yfv discord channel daily so i knew everything u stated even before reading. Like i said before the vault yield farming /buyback starts theres no value in this token. Whales are smarter than you theres a reason they are dumping

youre not any different from any other /biz yfv shill fags who's emotionally attached to his own investment. but its ok i have a bag too

>> No.22659851


Yea I don't really care if you buy or not though. There will be consistent burning and buy backs before the farming is over.

>> No.22659912


I'm not emotionally attached I only farmed never bought. I can't lose money. I'm one of the whales retard except I'm stacking for the long haul and not dumping. Yes some of this has been discussed on TG and Discord I'm there too. I put it into a palatable format that is easy to read and digest. There is a lot of incorrect information about the project being spammed everywhere.

>> No.22660072
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>> No.22660168
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this is a scam

>> No.22660251


Brilliant analysis. Absolutely destroyed the first 3 posts of my opening thesis.

>> No.22660358

absolute brainlet

>> No.22660368
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>> No.22660498

i see you have fallen for the scam >:0

>> No.22660813

bump just to say dont FOMO until vaults are released, until then the price will remain suppressed

>> No.22660826
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I'm financially ruined

>> No.22661094

how do we make money with yfv.finance after farming value is complete? is the answer vaults?

>> No.22661203



>> No.22661208

Good thread. Maybe too high iq for biz. The fud in here has been pretty bullish too.

>> No.22661405
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i like you op. you actually provide VALUE on this piece of shit anime basket weaving forum

>> No.22661431


There used to be solid threads, Idk what happened or when exactly it went downhill. 2018 LINK threads were pack filled with info and discussion. We need to bring serious due diligence back here. I have another write up for a different project I'm going to do soon. I only hold 3 projects total.

>> No.22661437

bought at 18$ and thought i bought the dip and keeps crashin, when i get my monies back?

>> No.22661442

Thanks OP, makes me realize maybe I’m not crazy believing in this project. I know it’s ambitious but devs have proven themselves.

>> No.22661466


Yea the FUD against YFV particularly is weird as there is tons of yield aggregate projects but clearly YFV/VALUE has the competition spooked or they are accumulating like mad. Balancer is about to lose almost 65% of the TVL in the migration contract coming up.

>> No.22661469


which 3?

>> No.22661481

Based thanks saved as well my pepe folder is getting massive

>> No.22661503

>gov vault apy increases 5% from when I woke up today

So I just throw my yfv in and make (as of this post) 10% per month? That feels too good to be true, although I'm admittedly a total noob to the world of defi

>> No.22661536


No one knows but $18 is a relatively low buy in relative to many other bag holders. I can't imagine all that long.


On paper the project is fucking golden. Patience has made me a lot of fucking money this year in other projects and I think YFV will do the same. I only choose projects that will produce dividends and hold them for long term

>> No.22661546

I have 9.9 YFV. Am I gmi?

>> No.22661575


As of right now yes. The APR varies as the price of YFV does and the total liquidity in the pool. Extra revenue streams will be added to the Gov vault so its hard to predict though per >>22654340

>> No.22661644

Well look at the price crash. There are trade offs with higher APYs as there’s a lot of anons who bought at $70+

>> No.22661652

fug, if that holds and even if the price stays at $11, I'll almost be making my monthly living expenses in veth, vusd and value. If the price of YFV/VALUE goes up, what does that mean for gov vaults? Will my apy go down relatively, or will my stake+returns (in USD) just go up?

Sorry for the retard-tier questions

>> No.22661685
File: 114 KB, 819x1024, dadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen to this. between nolinkers seething, pajeetery and defi scams, this place became a shithole of another dimension. i remember discussing tactics for starting up businesses, TA vs FA threads, frugal threads etc. i wont give biz up though. i come and drop threads like you do to newfags regarding LINK. will do so with YFV to. so keep up the basedness brother. we are all in this together (except the pajeets)

>> No.22661687

Whether OP turns out to be right or wrong I appreciate the detailed thread. I'm staking 50 of these and bought in early at 18 so I hope he's right.

>> No.22661786

>If the price of YFV/VALUE goes up

APY goes up as the price of VALUE, vUSD, and vETH go up

APY goes down as more liquidity enters the vault since you have to share the rewards with more people essentially

>> No.22661891

gotcha, makes sense. Thanks. I wasn't quite sure how more liquidity entering effected rewards either.

>> No.22661901

I got 27 YFV in the v2 Pool making 4 vUSD/day

Any idea when I should pull it out and swap tokens? The gas required to pull out and claim is like $20 so I'm hesitant especially when I don't even know what the fuck vUSD does

>> No.22661925
File: 29 KB, 922x712, frensforever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Summer is part of it with newfags but that is basically ending. I thread quality dilution from all the twitter people that found about /biz.

>> No.22661950
File: 29 KB, 334x506, 1592022939761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how there is always one YFV thread and its full of info and anons helping each other and staying positive despite price tanking down every day.

>> No.22662029


No point to swap tokens yet until further notice from the team. I do believe V2 is ending soon though and the Gov Vault will likely be more profitable as well in the next few days. I don't know the exact date for V2 you'll have to check the mediums

>> No.22662074

Thanks, the pool says it's ending in 1D21H

>> No.22662079
File: 93 KB, 1107x623, sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, ofcourse fren. now is the time to buy/farm/both. everyone keeps yelling why didnt i buy at "x" price etc. well, this is "x" price. not everyone one biz is pajeet/asshole. did you see the thread yesterday where /fatanon got hacked and lost everything he had (4k)? biz donated abou 5 eth to the guy. hang in there fren. imo id buy value instead of yfv tho. i cant see why farmers would dump value when so much cool shit from devs are popping up. but thats just my take

>> No.22662083

where do i farm my yfv first? can't find it on the website. I see my YFV but they're not farmed yet... only have 10

>> No.22662090


Half the community bought the top and the other half spent nothing on their stack but gas fees lmao Either way we all want it to succeed. The devs are going to be filthy rich if they pull this off

>> No.22662157

Never donate money to anyone on here under any circumstance. That guy was clearly scamming I saw the thread and in no way did he prove his account was drained.

>> No.22662179


Gov vault

>> No.22662297

Thanks Op, you put a lot of effort into this. You prominent member in the discord?

>> No.22662339

i didnt donate. but the point was that wether he was scamming or not, there are good people on biz. in regards to actual investing, it all comes down to your filter. i started browsing 4chan /b 10 years ago, and moved over to biz when that came. its all about filtering.

>> No.22662366

Most he did was taking a photo using his phone of a transaction going out lol
Then there were like a dozen or so pajeets larping to try and get some of the action

>> No.22662477
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, 66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys if you are interested in this project please can you use my referral code?
Lets keep the Biz wholesomeness going!

>> No.22662522


No I scan the TG and Discord from time to time but I'm not all that active. It didn't take that long to write up I've read the mediums multiple times and did a little extra research on the TVL stats. I just trade/research crypto all day and browse /biz in the mean time

>> No.22662547

all is see is balance not famerd yet ans stake and unstake. i don't see a senpai button or anything

>> No.22662557


Yea he was probably samefagging too as someone just offers to send him ETH. I've see that scam 100 times.

>> No.22662574

Thanks so much for this great thread. You’re a godsend, I’m glad I’ve been spamming these YFV threads with you EM.
In regards to this, I think major exchange listings are potentially on the table once VALUE becomes prominent. Why list YFV when it’s obsolete. Not to mention having their own native DEX is incredible. We GMI.

I wonder if liquidity Pool/VALUE pairs will be traded on the DEX. Would be sick to swap SNX/COMP/AAVE //VALUE pairings.

I really fucking like the idea that they will be taking over balancer.
Balancer is cool but here’s a catch for YFV: when you stake your BPT in YFV you no longer collect fees from that respective BAL liquidity pool. AND you lost 2% upon enter/exit of the pool. So you’re essentially paying massively upfront, then don’t get to collect fees on it. If this gets converted into a seamless integrated value process, you will be making money off the liquidity pool fees as well as the farming/staking. It’s just too fucking sick. We GMI.

>> No.22662592


click stake lol

>> No.22662628

whenever you feel like the bottom is reached, this shitcoin never fails to surprise... weeks of constant dumping, it's really disheartening...

>> No.22662706
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>> No.22662733

So when do I buy more? I honestly thought $10 was the bottom but not so sure now haha

>> No.22662748

fucking ell!

lol waiting game starts!

>> No.22662932

fuck it, tx failed! Is it worth it to stake 10 YFV?

>> No.22662940


I went through all this with Chainlink once already when I bought in late 2017 and averaged down over 2018. The fundamentals make the project and short term price action is just noise. Yea having the DEX plus the reward staking contracts altogether definitely makes sense. All of the protocols functions meld together well and feed off of each other. I hope everything comes together tomorrow.

>> No.22662999


I mean it would be pretty low rewards with only ten. I'd try and get like 100 at least.

>> No.22663180
File: 93 KB, 698x357, obito-is-in-hell-e1349862815759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never getting out of this bag of chink knockoff yfi for less than a huge loss

>> No.22663334


What's your basis?

>> No.22663540
File: 805 KB, 750x1334, businesspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22663586

nice trips bruv! checked!

>> No.22663608

Anons if you held through this monster dump and YFV implements everything and it takes off, we all deserve to make it.

>> No.22663666

Honestly, the moment they deliver vaults or liquidity pools this will 10x within 2 weeks. On the other hand if they don't deliver, this will drop by 10x within 2 weeks from today.

>> No.22663683

YFI is over anon, what do you think it's going to do? go to $100,000? KEK.

Look into Boring DAO ICO.

>> No.22663712

Bought at 30 too but I'm farming. With such a low amount invested I would probably not invest in projects during the inflationary period. Do it in the dip just before/after the reward period ends of halves.

>> No.22663743


Checked. Yea they obviously have to deliver their flagship products relatively soon.

>> No.22663768


KYS and get your fucking scam ICO out of here ranjeesh this isn't even about YFI

>> No.22664731


>> No.22664801
File: 17 KB, 950x824, omgpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this at their site. wtf does referral do? no info anywhere

>> No.22664943
File: 31 KB, 720x644, Yes fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The community is part of the reason why I've dove deeper into this. Maybe but I'm a sucker, but maybe it's all real and we're all ferns here

>> No.22665257
File: 333 KB, 1279x1013, A6BD1327-1923-4711-9163-577073E62D4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based & Fren-pilled