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22651931 No.22651931 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 22, I have a “good job” a “good salary” I am in good shape, I invest most of my income. I don’t have that much debt.

How do I make it?
>Do I need to start a business?
Or can I make it simply by trading options and buying LINK?

>> No.22652005

Go all in on UNI stop loss at 5. Check back in two months.

>> No.22652014

im 23 and after 1.5 years of being an accountant and buying link and trading options (credit spreads) i have been able to quit my job and return to NEETdom.

>> No.22652032


>> No.22652034

I will not invest in UNI. Simply by the fact that I have seen too many threads for it, too rapidly.
>these types of things usually don’t end well.
Good luck though! I hope you make it anon.

>> No.22652058

Exactly, I’ve found a strategy to gross a 100% per year in realitively safe options trades. I just need to save enough to then be able to use the gains to pay for expenses.

>> No.22652061
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> three fucking years
you should've already bought anon

>> No.22652128

Follow what the #1 crypto vc firm is doing. https://old.reddit.com/r/polkadot_market/comments/iw5ium/not_sure_why_this_wasnt_posted_before_olaf/

BTC + Eth + Dot, 33% each. Everything else is so risky and volatile its basically gambling. Don't touch that money for five years or you're a moron.

>> No.22652161

Im making 20% a week, compounding. literally can/will be a millionaire in 2 years, just with credit spreads. LINK is my baby though.

>> No.22652176

I fucked it up. At one point I had 2,200 LINK. Now I only have 580 LINK.

I don’t want to talk about how retarded I was. I might physically just break my phone so I can’t sell for another 10 years

>> No.22652217

What does uni even do, beside getting it for free lol

>> No.22652382

yet another governance token that the developers still hodl the majority of. it's gibs for chinks nigs and jeets kek what did you expect?

>> No.22652691

if you fucked up that badly already you probably arnt destined to make it. Literally had the golden ticket in your hand and set it on fire

>> No.22652721

That’s why I sold right at the ico. Imagine waiting for it to moon when literally everyone got it for free

>> No.22652784

Hi OP, good question, and good place to ask it. Making it is, as a meme, the state of not having to do shit. So ultimately the amount of income you need to have made it is variable, so we're going to simplify to a proportion: the top 1%. Making it might mean generating at least enough passive income to be in the top-1% income-earners in your economy. For Americans, that's just north of $400,000/yr. At a conservative portfolio growth rate of 5%, you would need $400,000 / 5% = $8,000,000 invested. In other words, if you have 8 million bucks invested in shit and it's pulling in at least 5% per year, you've Made It.

And yes, you can buy at least 10,000 LINK and run a node or join a stakepool. If LINK climbs to $800/LINK and you've accumulated 10k, you can definitely live off fees in the top 1%.