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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 960x431, rainbow-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2265128 No.2265128 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine how mad the SJW will be when cryptos go main stream and the majority of the wealth is in the hands of males. Specifically autistic ones.

All that hard work they put into getting women equal pay and filling quotas.

How many will you field in your haram anon?

>> No.2265133

Genuinely curious, are there any women under the age of 30 on /biz/?

>> No.2265145
File: 48 KB, 500x500, CryptoAnnaBog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im here anon. add me on skype.

>> No.2265156

>tfw no stinky, fat neet crypto trading gf to cuddle with

>> No.2265157

Remember. You can't create wealth, it can only be transfered.

>> No.2265185

imagine how mad you would be if you made mad gainz in crypto and then had it taken away in a divorce settlement

>> No.2265205

>implying the government can force you to give away your crypto
>implying they'll even know how much you own other than 'a lot'

>> No.2265219
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 1495332104177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in this to btfo the normies desu.

>mfw this is what kills the boomers

>> No.2265227

as if some kike judge can take your buttcoins from you.

>> No.2265231
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 68f0520e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much longer until cryptos become exposed to normies?

>> No.2265235

Typical /biz/ user:
>early 20's
>never had a job
>never had a gf
>never lost virgirnity
>was awkward in high school and had 5 (((friends)))
>failed out of college
>used parents allowance to 50x the money this year becoming the top 10% in their age group by 2018.

>> No.2265242

How'd you know?

>> No.2265272
File: 39 KB, 600x342, [skeptical].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting married

>> No.2265286

>divorce settlement

>> No.2265352


omg im laughing so hard

>> No.2265354

Hi :)

>> No.2265370

Marriage is the dumbest shit to come out humanity.
I don't need to buy a diamond ring, have an expensive party or legal bind half of my assets to someone just because I want to fuck them on the reg.

>> No.2265387
File: 32 KB, 200x211, bitb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy your marriage partner beancoin. They're going to love it. Its family friendly and the only coin with a great mascot!

>> No.2265419

Step up the crypto trading game by adding me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2265435



>> No.2265437
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, banderas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>never had a gf
>>never lost virgirnity
>>was awkward in high school and had 5 (((friends)))


>> No.2265444

I dont think its biologically possible for them to be this redpilled.

>> No.2265490

Other than that I am in my early 20s and will be rich I dont fit into that description.
>early 20s
>was one of the cooler kids in school but respect and hang with everyone who was nice
>lost virginity kind of late with 18 but after a few months became fuckin sex god
>worked some months fulltime to finance university
>looking lean and hot (bit of a manlet with 5"7 but thats okay because hot af gf
life is good

>> No.2265505
File: 11 KB, 200x200, bitbean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose your virginity to this little guy. hes your new gf and best friend. his names BEANCOIN!

>> No.2265547

They already are, check out those BTC for fiat sites being inundated.

I called it before, we only have about 12 months more of these crazy gains before it begins to level out

>> No.2265862
File: 70 KB, 386x451, howtomakepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, what stuff like this:

Actually exists as a method of thought, then fuck'em. I say we keep hustling and let them whine about it in the soup line.

>> No.2265907

>Imagine how mad the SJW will be when cryptos go main stream and the majority of the wealth

I am an SJW.

I also know cryptocoins are a bubble and scam.

The reality is I will be laughing my ass off when Bitcoin plummets and you realize how worthless your little enterprise has been.

I've been around when bubbles pop, and most people who ride it up don't get out.

>> No.2265937

What the fuck. Unless you're a jew or sociopath, you should be redpilled by now.

>> No.2265939
File: 120 KB, 1024x661, 1442708713502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early 20's
in uni but still check
>never had a job
meme jobs aside check
>never had a gf
haha, I did slay a couple qts
>never lost virginity
see above
>was awkward in high school and had 5 (((friends)))
>failed out of college
this looks increasingly likely
>used parents allowance to 50x the money this year becoming the top 10% in their age group by 2018.
parents started giving me tendies again once I showed them my returns

>> No.2265952

>not a sociopath

>> No.2265961

if all my gainz are in wallets, can a roastie with jew lawyer help incarcerate me indefinitely until i give up the password?

>> No.2266049

kek agrees

>> No.2266080

Nope, in college
Nope, have gf
No, might graduate with honors

>> No.2266452

>20 next month
>had 7 jobs and going into the Navy next month
>had 3 girlfriends, 2 of them long term before realizing they are very costly and almost no reward.
>fucked 3 girls. I am a bit of an autist so I kept track and it has been over 70 fuck sessions between the 3.
>lonely and sad in high school. few friends. one true friend. now have 4, including the one from high school.
>have not yet gone to college. see military
>never gotten an allowance. saved up $500 and put it in crypto, it is now over $2200 only 17 days later.

I am actually a successful human IMO. I am bodybuilding a bit before I get into the Navy, where I will get a comfy job in cryptology funnily enough. As if that were not enough to set me up for life, I got into crypto relatively early too. And I have healthy relationships. I think I am in an extreme minority on 4chan though.

>> No.2266468

They exist but what do they have to prove? Money is money

>> No.2266480

>>early 20's
not really
>>never had a job
had under the table jobs lol
>>never had a gf
>>never lost virgirnity
>>was awkward in high school and had 5 (((friends)))
>>failed out of college
dropped out, fuck college
>>used parents allowance to 50x the money this year becoming the top 10% in their age group by 2018.
Pretty much

this shit is basically cheat codes

>> No.2266502
File: 87 KB, 750x741, IMG_4618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say a few years (5+). Volatility scares normies away. Plus, it's not super easy to get into the market. Yes, it's easy for us because we do this everyday but the average person wouldn't know how to buy in, buy/sell, transfer, store, download wallets... also a lot of younger people live paycheck to paycheck so there is very little "normie" money now. They rich boomers are too old and scared of the internet to buy in. Sooooo it might be a 10+ years in reality.

>> No.2266505

Fucking crypto Anna LeeaaaVvEe!!! ReeeeeEeeEeEeE!!

>> No.2266572

Sad truth. They are only capable to pretend for attention.

>> No.2266755


some of us are lurking here

>> No.2266806

I'm a woman and I make bank on crypto. It's so goddamn easy to make money with this shit, just watch for an uncoming wave and ride it to the top, then drop it. The very obvious patterns aren't difficult to figure out.

>> No.2266837

I keep our accounts separate. The money is mine. He can't touch it.

>> No.2267500

Good thing you said you were only 5 foot 7 or I would never have believed you..... lol