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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 550x551, 4chan's alignment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22643900 No.22643900 [Reply] [Original]

It took me a good amount of researching each board to create this.

What do you think guys?

>inb4 /pol/ takes it personal, them autists range from lawful evil to chaotic good. /pol/ pre-2016 would be 'chaotic good'.

>> No.22643936
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I like it anon. I miss when 4chan had a bit of a tighter identity and togetherness to it. The PES tournaments are a relic of that, they make me happy.

>> No.22643987

this has nothing to do with /biz/

but I would say the only true neutral is r9k

/ck/ can be chaotic evil when you think about the slaughtered animals

>> No.22643993

they are still happening, usually 0 to 4 people in the audience

>> No.22644008

This chart is not only wrong it's awful. The only one correct is ck, and you don't even have /lit/. Your "time and research" doesn't make up for you being a newfag

>> No.22644047

Yes anon, I really miss the oldfag days of when 4chan actually felt like a community.

Nowadays, everyone is at each other's throats and people are seething and getting triggered by each other left and right.

>> No.22644077

/biz/ and /k/ are objectively the best boards

>> No.22644083

there was literally 100 +-3 throughout the entire 4hour stream today. What do you mean 0 to 4 people

>> No.22644106

bots anon, they are bots

>> No.22644116
File: 48 KB, 436x280, rick header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I had a lot of fun with the last Winter cup.

>> No.22644151

but the chat on cytube, it had like at least 20 unique users

>> No.22644204

/fit/ is has to be on the chaotic side. They’re mentally fucked in the head so obsessed with being perfect human beings. Post after post is them justifying their physical superiority and at the same time you realize these people are poor and horrible life and financial decisions.

>> No.22644212

Since this is /biz/, you should use the boards' names like ticker symbols instead of using their 4CC logos

>> No.22644293

That's a lot, kind of left cy for shitwave and the doom streams, caught the restreams there, but its getting annoying as well. Maybe I come back, then there will be 21

>> No.22644568

Rukia a cute

>> No.22644629

considering the world has gone to shit, it's surprising 4chan still has something to it

>> No.22644660


>> No.22644831

>t. Stellar Lumens bagholder.

>> No.22644868

Daily reminder that /sci/ and /lit/ are boards for faggots and pseuds.

>> No.22644881

just buy $UNI faggot

>> No.22644901
File: 164 KB, 2000x1074, 1598609552669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong /pol/'s coin is and will always be LINK.

>> No.22645012

How much time do you actually spend on fit?
Fit is filled with less retards than this board and they actually are looking to self improve rather than gossip about shit coins that will never make them rich.

>> No.22645077

you get banned for posting on 4cc threads, which doesn't help participation much/any. They seem to have killed everything inter-board - Winter Ball sine died as well?
Most of it was just dumb trash, but, thats all people want, sometimes. Agreed, its dumb they fucked it all up so

>> No.22645111

Why do jannies not like inter-board communication and gatherings?

>> No.22645121
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>> No.22645143

>fascism would allow cryptocurrency to exist

whew lads

>> No.22645147

chart checks out

>> No.22645222

Throw /fit/ into that, it's my trifecta.

>> No.22645298

Even with all the fph threads, there's still /fat/, which dough elementals like 90% of this board should be when not trying to catch the next 2x. Feels bar is also good for what it is, and it's the only place you'll find a /sig/ thread anymore before the jannies nuke it. Seriously, lurk and take something out of it. 4chan is a good tool outside of just shitposting about stinkies and free pink unicorn money.

>> No.22645366

What’s it like to be such a huge faggot?

>> No.22645404

I don't know, but i'm sure you know what it's like to have a low iq?