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File: 24 KB, 320x299, RarePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2264380 No.2264380 [Reply] [Original]

>Mooncoin is actually fucking mooning
Well I'll be fucking damned.

If anyone ever needed motivation to "buy and hold," this is it.

>> No.2264421

Also fucking Bleutrade
>try to log in
>have to wait 10 minutes to get confirmation code just to log in
What garbage, my god.

>> No.2265167

just placed a sell order @0.000999

if it ever hits i'm banking 3.8million @current btc price.

>> No.2265181

Good lad.

>> No.2265196

>went from 1 sat to 3 sat

is this considered mooning now?

thats like finding a penny on the side of the road yesterday, and today you find 2 pennies. does it make sense to start yelling to all your friends "HOLY SHIT I DOUBLED MY WEALTH IN 24 HOURS!!:

no you just look like a tard who doesnt understand money

>> No.2265220

it only went up 1sat, wtf are you talking about mooning, i checked and thought i'd see like 12 sat

>> No.2265281

I actually FINALLY dumped my bags at 3sat..... wow, what a nightmare . Made a few hundred though.

>> No.2265521

If you put $1000 in Mooncoin at 1 sat, You now have $3000 worth.

It's that easy.

>> No.2266105

lmao, look at some of those sell orders...

>selling 8 million moon coins for .5 BTC each

>> No.2266121

Who the fuck spent 30k on moon coins?? Who are these people?

>> No.2266576

rich bored guys or absolute madmen

>> No.2266695

No brakes for Mooncoin, 3 sat sell wall coming down quickly

>> No.2267203

mother fuckers still getting pumped

its over for no-mooncoiners

>> No.2267206
File: 429 KB, 1161x1600, 1495719802081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to the moon boys, buy in at 3 sats while you still can.

>> No.2267279
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, MOONDANDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets gooo 10 sats here we come

>> No.2267749

People thought we were meming when we said this would be the next dgb/rdd...

>> No.2267832
File: 25 KB, 624x525, 1493787004535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on finally finding someone to hold your 2 sat bags!

>> No.2267849



>> No.2267863

u wot mate? Bleutrade doesn't have a typo

>> No.2267887

Lol no way fag. Bitcoin is still above 2000$ and there's a bunch of shady shit going on with all the exchanges right now. Besides atm I really can't concentrate.

>> No.2268308

14000 mooncoin. Fucking no coiners kekek.

Dun finna moon soon

>> No.2268362

Anybody that thinks mooncoin is going anywhere is insane. You anons are literally just handing each other your bags. Instead of better discussion, there's always a few shitty, desperate mooncoin shill threads. If a good coin had this much attention this often, it would be mooning hard (DGB).

Mooncoin buyers: Have fun wishing for 2x gains when the rest of us are going to actually make money.

>> No.2268497

So, when is it actually being added to ccex?

>> No.2268538

>bought at 4 sats

please moon

>> No.2268641


>> No.2268796

Huh? How? Why? It's been at either 2 or 3 for the past days. How could you possibly have bought at 4?

>> No.2268818

reminder that the supply of this coin is so insanely high that if it ticks up even a few sats shoots it right up to one of the highest market caps out there

>> No.2268831

(excuse the shoddy sentence structure, you get the idea)

>> No.2268837

It's smaller if you consider the frozen accounts, the big ones on explorer.

>> No.2268889

>frozen accounts
True. Do remember that a lot of coins have been lost, especially early adopters.

t. I had a few thousand a while back, as in, before Mt Gox, don't remember where the fuck I had them.

>> No.2268904

how new are you?

It peaked at 5sat briefly during intiital pump

>3sat sell wall is growing


>> No.2268921


lol I mean come on. I dumped my moon at 3 sats in the intial pump, but to come into this thread and actually start shilling DGB is just pathetic. Everyone this is what it looks like when a noob has vested in one type of shitcoin, and thinks other shitcoins can't moon

>> No.2269024


autistic baghodlers are a scary thing