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22639868 No.22639868 [Reply] [Original]

Ive noticed normalfags think a week or a month are long amounts of time, like if a normalfag hasn’t seen their friend in a week they start to wonder if they’re really friends.

Normalfags also overestimate how much they think they can do in a week or month. They think they can learn entire subjects in a few weeks. Sometimes normalfags will talk about how much weight they will lose or how much muscle they will gain in a certain amount of time, for example one normalfag told me he planned to gain 15 pounds of muscle in 3 months before summer. I tried to explain it was literally impossible to gain that much lean tissue in 90 days, but the normalfag insisted he could do it. Eventually I asked him how often he planned to work out, and explained the math to him that each workout would have to result in some absurd amount of muscle being gained before the next one. He just said “I don’t know man” and didn’t want to talk anymore.

Do normalfags experience time differently? Is it a low IQ thing?

>> No.22639996

Your observations are correct fren, normalfags cant stand a single day without the shit you described.
They never research anything properly and just wonder why they fail all the time and you will loose theire friendship after one or two weeks of no contact.

>> No.22640062

It is a low Intuition thing. Jung defined intuition as "tells you whence it comes and where it is going." Intuitives are a small minority (like 15% as opposed to sensing types which are closer to 80%) of the population and tend to not do as much group activities such as meeting friends.

These people do not have a good understanding of cause and effect, so you are correct. Unfortunately they are permitted to vote.

>> No.22640459

Normalfags are inferior for a list of reasons too long to write out

>> No.22641046

voting has always been a mistake

>> No.22641102

>dude a month isnt a long time! Just let life pass you by and live life on npc mode
Ok retard

>> No.22641196

>Unfortunately they are permitted to breathe

>> No.22641824


>> No.22641883

t. high time preference jogger

>> No.22641950

forsen bajs?

>> No.22642026

Sorry, I just kind of enjoy actually living my life rather than pretending it's a movie that I'm only halfway interested in. Please go back to r*ddit npc friends.

>> No.22642185

24 hours is quite a long time. you could launch a shopify store, advertise, and get your first customer in that time.
if youre just shitposting and watching anime, yeah it speed by like a freight train.

>> No.22642297

I think the high time preference while probably now genetically more common thanks to age of prosperity with no requirements of having to cope with famine/drought is real,
but I think the general attention span of the average person has definitely dropped. Not to sound too much like a boomer, but the average person today would find it stressful to sit down and read an entire chapter of a book in one sitting. Tiktok is another example of the short attention spans in a lot of people. They need things NOW NOW NOW, and they have been trained to want instant stimulus.
How many people are shocked and dismayed when someone says they want to save sex for marriage "how is that possible?".

>> No.22642439

Every test I've done has shown me to be intuitive. I enjoy meeting friends, but only real friends.
I do believe that the NPC meme is real though, if you are a sensing type, without an inner monologue, you really do end up a slave to whoever/whatever seems good in the moment, rather than thinking ahead, or thinking about things in systems.

>> No.22643065
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It's called waking up at normal times and actually having a job to go to NEETfrens

You have more waking hours to work with in general so yes time generally goes by slower

>> No.22643178

normies our honestly pretty dumb. Its one of the main reasons are markets are in the state their in

>> No.22643280

>one normalfag told me he planned to gain 15 pounds of muscle in 3 months before summer. I tried to explain it was literally impossible to gain that much lean tissue in 90 days, but the normalfag insisted he could do it. Eventually I asked him how often he planned to work out, and explained the math to him that each workout would have to result in some absurd amount of muscle being gained before the next one. He just said “I don’t know man” and didn’t want to talk anymore.
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." He'll end up accomplishing more than you will with his insane goal. Your negative attitude would keep him stagnant. He could see that and disengaged with you.