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File: 266 KB, 2560x1707, 46D77FE4-BA0B-415A-8CED-462A51FC9F1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22638496 No.22638496 [Reply] [Original]

Having a beta dad is hell.
If you’re a young father and a beta cuck please consider changing your ways before you do irreversible damage to your kids, especially if they’re males.

>> No.22638567

You sound like a little whiny bitch

>> No.22638593

Shut the fuck up

>> No.22638944

You’re a whiny bitch because you’re daddy is a beta cuck? No you’re just a fag instead of learning how not to be like your father you became somthing worse

>> No.22638983

zoomer are the worst scum ever walk the earth

>> No.22639052

Quick question. Would you rather be raise by a single mother or having both parents but a beta cuck father?

>> No.22639103
File: 165 KB, 1024x902, 1588448784851m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why whine when you can praise the Lord instead OP?

>> No.22639140

I'm late 20s and have one of these fairly beta, mentally unhealthy/anger issue dads that clearly just bent the knee to a narcissistic bitch so they could have some pussy around.

Both single motherhood and narcissistic parenting have shitty outcomes, so both will put you somewhere in a spectrum of not good. I've been hitting therapy hard in 2020 though, now that I have the framework of wtf happened and can target the issue.

>> No.22639265

Same, my old man and his wife are pretty liberal too which makes it all the worse
feel bad for my sisters, nothing I can do

>> No.22639317

Beat his ass so you both will see eye to eye. If he is still disrespectful, whoop his ass again.

>> No.22639390

most dads who actually raise their kids are betas. I bet you'd be much happer if you had an alpha dad who pump and dumped your mom and never came back around huh.

>> No.22639429

I don't even have a dad

>> No.22639485

lel holy based. imagine shitting on your dad when an entire race of people is fucked up from not having a father figure in most households. OP sounds like a snotty dickhead

>> No.22639521

I ask because I was raised by my mother after leaving my abusive father. She could have easily got with another man but didn’t until after I finished high school. I would say I turned out fine but I’m on 4chan so you know how that goes. My mother and step father are red pilled as fuck. That man can’t relax around niggers and works as a handyman

>> No.22639604
File: 114 KB, 819x1024, dadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw my dad is the biggest cuck of them all
> mom "kidnapped" me
> moved to shitty small town
> dad did jack shit
> at age 12 say fuck u mom, move to dad
> hes got a new wife
> realize at age fucking 12 that he is a cuck
> am 28 now, and tenfolds the man he is, and he knows it
> he even fucking asked me about money cause his wife had spent $10k on a vacation
> fucknokek.png
> get gf of my own
> she tries narcisisms on me
> tries to cuck me more and more
> i realized it too late for my liking
> kicked her out
i realize im rambling, im high.
my point is, you dont have to be like your dad op. mine is a physically weak cuckold, whereas i lift, work, fuck and mid 5 digits in crypto. not saying im chad, but compared to the old man, i am a fucking god.

> pic related is what its supposed to be like
> dads are supposed to teach boys how to be men.
> some have to figure out themselves

>> No.22639745

There are no men in the world only children and rats . No man rapes women, no man steals, no man kills a woman. Men should be the pillar of the house with the woman advising or leading alongside with him. Power struggles are shit each person has their role to play. No man or woman can have control over everything.
This isn’t about chivalry, stoicism, or anything like that. Masculinity is strength, leadership, and mutual respect for your fellow man

>> No.22639848

Im glad i don't have kids because id abandon those little faggots for even judging my alpha or betaness

>> No.22639875
File: 32 KB, 480x439, pepepepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, yes?
masculinity is about being an example. about stepping up when its needed. i never said it was a powerstruggle. just said that some women want cucks, and some men want to be cucks. i found a gf that wanted a cuck. the one before my ex was alright tho. 6yr long relationship. no powerstruggles, rarely arguments, both emotionally stable etc