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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22637218 No.22637218 [Reply] [Original]

I can't imagine not holding fantom right now. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.22637231
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This meme was true all along, holy shit I can't believe it

>> No.22637236

I wouldn't be surprised if it gets to top 50 coins before EOY.

>> No.22637275

Got a stack of 50000, will i make it?

>> No.22637310

Who is this retard and why should i care about what some literally who on twitter says? Just buy statera the comfy coin of biz and be done with it

>> No.22637343

Not spoonfeeding you pajeet. Fuck off

>> No.22637381

Time to unskelegate my fantoms

>> No.22637439

The Godfather has spoken.

>> No.22637490

What is impressive about this? Why does this make it a good buy? The tech seems really confusing to a new signup

>> No.22637571

Imagine not knowing the father of DeFi who took a coin to the top 25 in a couple months from nowhere and inspired tons of projects to clone it. Fucking retard, ngmi

>> No.22637584
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Holy shitty its really comingggg

>> No.22637604

Yes, because normies understand how bitcoin works. Kill yourself

>> No.22637651

Not sure i understand the benefit of this.

>> No.22637736

I wanted to buy Fantom a while ago but there was this guy who kept saying Fantom was a scam here everyday in every Fantom thread, now I am very angry with him, where is he now? I want to tell him I am angry with him!

>> No.22637766

it's a faster, cheaper more scaleable ethereum.. it's here now

>> No.22637840

So basically an arbitrum style settlement layer?

>> No.22637893



>> No.22637932

It was me, i'm sorry I had to buy millions of Fantom

>> No.22637984

>almost one billion FTM on Binance
should I stake? is it worth it?

>> No.22637995

really? I am SO angry rn! So all this time when you were saying bad things about Fantom, all this time you actually thought it was a good investment? You only said those things because you wanted to buy precious Fantom tokens at a lower price? That is so mean! But also very smart, I don't know should I be angry with you or admire your intellect! You make things hard for me, almost feeling schizo right now.

>> No.22638008

Fuck, should I fomo in?

>> No.22638052
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>if i buy now it will dump
>buying now to fuck you all over

>> No.22638064

FTM dumping like a rock. Complete shitcoin will never pump. Next.

>> No.22638066

Yeah always buy the pump especially if you hang out on biz.

>> No.22638077

>In order to understand the Reddit, some brave anons had to become the Reddit

>> No.22638080

>You only said those things because you wanted to buy precious Fantom tokens at a lower price?
>That is so mean!
>But also very smart

>> No.22638137

well I am flabbergasted! You are an evil genius Sir, but somehow you deserve the gains because you put in so much effort into fudding Fantom 24-7 for years! It was like your full-time job! what are you going to do now with your free time?

>> No.22638199
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>muh wrapped tokens
You poor, poor newfags.

>> No.22638311

> muh working product

Go back to your vaporware discord faggot

>> No.22638344
File: 220 KB, 657x527, Fantom_ops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22638412

All the fudders still want to up theire holdings or are absolutely fucking retarded
if you can’t see what is coming then neck yourself newfag
this is gonna be antshares, railblocks etc
get in faggots or die

>> No.22638892

I just locked 125k and started minting more!

>> No.22638918

Guys you were pumping this when i left /biz/ two years ago. Has it mooned in between or are you terminally bagholding

>> No.22638962


>> No.22639196

Plan to get at least 100000

>> No.22639270

Fuck, good time to buy in soon once the dump stops? Or just dumb fomo?

>> No.22639354

cause it used to be trash. Now they've got some of the best tech in the game. Check the weiss score, andre tha God out here dunking

>> No.22639413


>> No.22639659

Fuck it I’m gonna buy more for the biz. Literally only investment that’s actually gone up

>> No.22639784

What dump? It went parabolic and now it's found support until the next giant green dildo.

>> No.22639890
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Time to get to the top 30

>> No.22640310

>Why does this make it a good buy?
Because it's faster than eth while also having compability with eth. It can be a cross chain for eth defi to scale out and grow.

>> No.22640380

>whitepaper specifically mentions wrapped tokens
>muh wrapped tokens bad

>> No.22640495

>meaningless comparison chart with no proof

>> No.22640792


>> No.22641055

Please don't buy any fantom. I don't want you to hold this coin. Thanks.

>> No.22641112

Imagine moving the DeFi platforms from ETH to FTM.
Just imagine.

>> No.22641188

kek, eth is deprecated after andre and ftm.

>> No.22641323

prediction eom?

>> No.22641336
File: 174 KB, 700x393, 1_5qEHfrrl-M29VfAsSfc_yA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Raj, please stay poor.

>> No.22641393

I also do this to fill my bags faggot. Learn the game

>> No.22641424

I wonder what is this formation called............

>> No.22641444

what are suicide and make it stack for FTM

>> No.22641482

back to 0.02, Head and Shoulders pattern forming on the daily. Run away from it now, buy the dump

>> No.22641504

The Last Chance to Get In while Cheap.
That's up to everybody's individual opinion, it seems.
To me, it goes:
100k-499k = suicide.
500k-999k = make it.
1MM+ = fuck you money.

>> No.22641544
File: 44 KB, 640x628, 7BBD01D4-6E5F-4E43-8394-E50D0179A537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dandruff pattern forming now to counter. Last chance to buy cheap

>> No.22641553

Sissy, I got in at 0.0017, got out at 0.04, I'm telling you, H&S on the daily never lies, dump this now, buy back when cheap. (I'm doing the same.)

>> No.22641646

it's called the "andre shout-out on twitter and it will probably 4x in the next couple weeks" pattern

>> No.22641652

Obvious exit pump for his ftm bags.
I lost a lot of trust in Andre I'm going to sell my yfi much sooner now. First he pumped SAFE, now a random DPoS shitcoin. Becoming a crypto eceleb clearly fucked him up.

>> No.22641697

>sent my ftm to pwa wallet
>etherscan said it succeeded 5 min ago
>nothing in my wallet yet, original ftm gone from my coinbase wallet
did I get memed?

>> No.22641702

t. guy who owns no yfi (who would fud his own bags)
people have decided to start furiously buying anything he mentions, it's not his fault. he doesn't say to invest

>> No.22641738

Maybe it's not about Andre being an asshole but rather you being slow at making calls at the right time?
Every time there's a 5x, a correction follows. That's fact.

>> No.22641803

go to your "receive" page in PWA wallet, choose Ethereum and click CONFIRM DEPOSIT.

you didnt get memed you are just idiot.

>> No.22641810

>First he pumped SAFE
to add, from leaked chats he supposedly mined over 600, easily made $1M-$2M, all from a grant of $25k. Obvious PnD.
This guy is going to lose his eceleb status very soon and sentiment is going to turn to complete opposite. One-two PnD more is all it takes.
>t. guy who owns no yfi (who would fud his own bags)
stop thinking like a pajeet lmao
I have literally millions worth of yfi (at current prices) which I farmed for free.
There are other devs so I'm going to wait at least till the end of September to observe what's happening. If eth vault is still not on I'm definitely out.
I'm not going to buy into a complete shitcoin just because a crypto eceleb is promoting it. That's a straight road to financial ruin.

>> No.22641819

>now a random DPoS shitcoin

>> No.22641864

thanks anon, turns out I am an idiot

>> No.22641902

Thats like saying sell ETH when it was 20 dollars to buy back in cheaper.

>> No.22641911

To be honest, you should not have to click a button to receive anything. It IS confusing.

>> No.22641962

Same financial ruin as YFI and NYAN were if you were early, right?
I bet you don't even use Uniswap because it's morally wrong for you to use a platform full of rug pulls.

>> No.22641966

actually you should, because if you dont have to confirm you want receipt, people can generate huge tax liability for other people just by sending them price manipulated scam tokens lol.

>> No.22641970

somebody bought the top kek

>> No.22642059

H&S invalidated by that giant green dildo when it should have broke the neckline and hit the next support.

Fuck off LARP

>> No.22642067

you do understand the difference between a total supply of 110M and a total supply of 2.2B, right?
I bet you even hold a bag of XRP KEK

FTM will reach a decent price, but not now, you shills just wanna sell your heavy bags because you bought the top

>> No.22642092

the fuck you are on about
fantom is 2017-tier DAG bullshit that barely even works, chance it ever achieves anything is zero. Today ethereum killers are the likes of Avalanche or Algorand, it's not even in the same category.
It's fine he tried to cash out on the DAG hype created by iota, but failed for some reason. The problem is rather than consider that a failed experiment he's leveraging the success of yfi for an exit pump of his ftm bags.

>> No.22642115

nice comeback, faggot. nope

>> No.22642117

Bit of an overreaction there faggot.

>> No.22642118

idk man fantom.finance feels pretty fucking slick

>> No.22642160

ETH doesn't have a capped supply pajeet. Stop trying to get cheap fanties you fucking streetshitter

>> No.22642179

every 'ethereum killer' with a working network now has 'defi' consisting of clones of ethereum projects that no one uses.
Maybe expect tezos I don't think I have ever seen anything defi on tezos shilled. Even shills have given up on tezos.

>> No.22642210


>> No.22642214

Good, don't buy any fantom then. It's complete garbage. Bye.

>> No.22642216

brainlet, you do understand the difference between total and capped, right?
How's that XRP bag going?

>> No.22642231

It's already done 2000%, would it be dumb to fomo/buy more? I have a stack of 1000 from 0.01

>> No.22642305

Thinking about just minting a huge stack with my fantom then immediately buying more. Thoughts? I have 313k

>> No.22642320

You're up to 6 posts in this thread now. Absolutely seething. Your frustration is palpable.

>> No.22642374

kek, 7 now.
This will dump this week. buy back around 0.2, don't be a fucking moonboy.

>> No.22642379

sorry you didn't buy anon.. noone fuds for free.. you are seething rn aren't you? We both know this wallet performs better than anything else out there..wait until the plebs figure it out

>> No.22642387

what wallet? I have no idea what are you even on about

>> No.22642437

Lol you mean shitfork tron? There's a fucking bridge coming you mouthbreather

>> No.22642574

I'm here anon. I wanted to buy cheap fanties.

>> No.22642634

Based brainlet. You can buy my bags back at 0,20.

>> No.22642729

I did it to fill my bags too

>> No.22642768
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Imagine not having at least 40k FTM in your wallet.

>> No.22642892

Keep waiting then, swinglet.

>> No.22643421

>I got in at 0.0017
>getting out at all
Yup. If there's H&S, I'm gonna track you down and shove a H&S up your arse.