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File: 131 KB, 1722x954, Eh3FLndXYAQ--St.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22633698 No.22633698 [Reply] [Original]

11 years to buy bitcoin
Now it's breaking out again, and you're trading sushi tokens.

The stock 2 flow never lies.

>> No.22633719
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alts always have gained more than btc in btc bullruns.

>> No.22633734

where's it breaking out to lol, shit is still 50% down from the ATH.

>> No.22633736

well they rotate

>> No.22633789

Except it’s not following the previous trends at all right now.

>> No.22633972
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>where's it breaking out to lol, shit is still 50% down from the ATH.
>Except it’s not following the previous trends at all right now.

>> No.22634010

exponential growth clearly holding and just recently it broke out of a multi-year-bullflag.
once it bounces up from it (falls and touches it again) it's liftoff
for every alt that has gained against bitcoin, a dozen other have died completely

>> No.22634683

hahahe hehehe alook at the prety colers aaaaaaaaaaaaa weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ehhwehwh

>> No.22634704

>11k / 17k = 50%
common core mathlette detected.

>> No.22635231

some alts once each not on average and not long term.
you are gambling when there is no reason to gamble.
but see if i care.

>> No.22635324

>Never lies
>Shows it should be near 45k right now
Pick one

>> No.22635353

>stock to flow

>> No.22635471

>with no use case whatsoever BTC will just continue to climb infinitely
very convincing argument bro

>> No.22635633 [DELETED] 

Imagine your wealth is yours and yours only.
No one can accidentally dig it up like gold. (Assuming keys are properly managed and you're not retarded)
No one can charge you interest just to hold on to your wealth and loan it out at their convenience.
No one can take it away from you through taxation.
It's yours, no one in the world can access it by any legal means. All through a ledger than cannot be altered. I personally choose this option over any other store of value the world has to offer. As my wealth is my wealth. And even though that value may change due to a volatile market. I would rather that than some hook nosed cunt do whatever the fuck he wants with it. Sure they both maybe just numbers on a screen in both scenarios but with BTC your number on the screen will always be able to be changed at your leisure and not when some banker or some other entity decides I can. That's why I believe in Bitcoin. Call me a fool all you want but I believe in a trust less system.

>> No.22635695

>It's yours, no one in the world can access it by any legal means
By any means at all

>> No.22635780

Bitcoin will be above 14k by late october

>> No.22635940


you stupid nigger how many times do i need to tell you, if you want this to happen then you need to stop fucking posting this chart

>> No.22636021
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Shhh it makes him feel good about himself. Be more sensitive to people with autism

>> No.22636143

You still haven't figured out why Blockstream(fucking Bilderberg) won't let this anywhere near 20k again have you?
It just makes too much money in the 8-12k range and keeps you goy in check. While you're thinking it'll pump anytime you see a green candle, we're making money hand over fist shorting you idiots.

>> No.22636187

How many times are you going to spam this thread you fucking desperate nigger

>> No.22636496

>we're making money hand over fist shorting you idiots.
Who do you think is providing the liquidity for the shorts?
You might wick some retards on shitmex, but long term you trust the stock 2 flow.

>> No.22636519
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If that chart doesn't convince you, maybe this one will.

>> No.22636552
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All time chart

>> No.22636570
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2017 moon start

>> No.22636596
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last few months

>> No.22636599


OP is right 23k by November

>> No.22636660
File: 122 KB, 1737x991, EhTVvpSWoAAsED4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to give all away, but hodl bitcoin 8 months and 100k easy 10x

>> No.22636729

Cryptos are already mainstream, there will never be another breakout, stop dreaming

>> No.22636830
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Pic related is going to make bitcoin neets millionaires.

>> No.22636996

>Disclosing your trade strategy
That's either the most retarded or fake tweet I've ever read

>> No.22637313

It's real and he bought more 38k bitcoin now.

>> No.22637375


>> No.22637474

>disclosing after going all in and buying silently with small otc tx
smart as fuck

>> No.22637580

This chart only says stock to flow model is dead.

>> No.22637628

>Ath 19k
Historylette detected

>> No.22637658

>400M in purchases barely moved the market.
tards dont get the importance of this. the thing that has kept institutions sitting on sideline was btc was too illiquid before for real whales.
this is proving that reserves are deep enough that large purchases / sales can not destroy market.
this is the one thing gold has going for it still.

>> No.22637717


You are a bunch of retards if you actually think any of the things he said on that tweet happened. No wonder you are constantly getting scammed and trapped into P&Ds around here lmao

Do you even know why crypto market cap is so high?

>> No.22637750

ath is 19891.99
so 55% he's close enough

>> No.22637789

Imagine trying to not jump from a bridge in 2030 while reading in warosu archives what you just wrote

>> No.22638364

the plustoken scam really fucked that graph up
in comparison the coronadip is just a blip in the graph
puts things in perspective because going through the corona dip was pretty scary

still tho btc better start doing something by years end or StF will be invalidated

>> No.22638381


Okay fucking retard, tell me more about how this man is publicly defrauding his investors by lying about the handling of $500MM of customer assets. Jesus fucking christ, once in a while you remember how little experience some people have on this board. How could you be so fucking thick?

He bought BTC and now wants other institutions to do the same. For people asking why he'd want to do that: HE WANTS THE PRICE TO GO UP. HE WANTS OTHER PEOPLE TO DO WHAT HE DID SO THAT THE MARKET CAP INCREASES. Jesus fucking christ. I don't know if this board has more retards or schizos.

>> No.22638400

2017 called anon, they want their shill talking point baxk

>> No.22638424


>> No.22638449

still bagholding from 2017?

>> No.22638460

the make it strat has always been to make money in alts and dump profits into btc or eth. if you haven't figured this out yet you're an idiot.
1btc is what retards thought 10k Link will be, in the long run.

>> No.22638853

24k avarege on this cycle

>> No.22638989

Jokes aside. As probably a top 5 crypto trader on biz (gains wise)
Btc and link are in limbo and will be for a few months.. and there is a few low market cap obvious coins that will jump a shit ton short term. Just have to do your DD.

I prob shouldn't share this to you ungrateful bastards but i just moved.
80% in Kambria
10% in link
10% in btc

>> No.22639113

Nobody gives a fuck faggot and your lunch money portfolio will go nowhere

>> No.22639145

>up 4600%
>lunch money
Hey yeah lets listen to you instead

>> No.22639296

Sweet let me go all in after a 4600% manipulated pump thanks for the rad tip anon I won’t forget it.

>> No.22639478

No dumb dumb im personally up 4600.
I never jump in anything that already pumped, i get in weeks to months before it.
Thats why im not holding link at the moment.

>> No.22639482
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>> No.22639810
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I'll feel better once we fucking break 20k already. That's when I'll know this is really happening.

>> No.22640027

kek what a fag

>> No.22640195

except for 5 dollar wrench attacks and 'put him in solitary confinement until he remembers where he hid his private keys' legal attacks

>> No.22640236

There is a reason to gamble though, and it's because not all of us are rich already.

>> No.22640290

How so? Hes right, look at the market cap and technicals. Lets not push the .5% away that is actually intelligent and does work.

>> No.22640345

according to this chart btc should be way higher rn

>> No.22640432

you are wasting your keyboard strokes on retards that fud btc because they're getting paid in bchsv to post this retarded fud lines. good analysis by oldfags in this thread tho

>> No.22640531 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 1024x1024, ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We pumping boys. This project is extremely undervalued and will 7x in the next 6 months

Comfy +100% in the next 3 days.



>> No.22640689

BTC is the future as long as you aren’t some Norman can’t handle anything aside from instant gratification

>> No.22640859
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>> No.22640947


I think bitcoin is a vehicle for a private individual to purchase natural persons buying the cryptocurrency in a reverse merger by overriding laws of nations, therefore any natural person having bought or that has cryptocurrency is technically plausible to be a slave.

>> No.22641045

how many BTC do you guys have?

>> No.22641062
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Don't care, number go up.

>> No.22641117


law of the jungle hoogabooga moar weapons

>> No.22641125

hope you sold everything.. and dont buy back plz

>> No.22641145

Investing in Bitcoin is normie bullshit. When BTC pumps everything does, so why not invest in projects that actually have potential for serious growth? "Oh look at me, I bought BTC and made 20%."

Meanwhile, smart traders are accumulating altcoins that will moon.

>> No.22641198


>> No.22641231

Because bitcoin is always upgrading its 2nd layer which will blow out altcoins.
For example schnorr signatures allow discreet log contracts to take place on lightning network.
This means you can have risk free sports betting or futures contracts for example with decentralized oracles.
RGB protocol also went into beta a couple months ago.
This is bringing smart contracts and colored coins onto lightning network.

What's the point of altcoins when bitcoin has all that in the pipeline?

>> No.22641295

>sample size: 2

>> No.22641339

Too many not understanding how big DLCs will be. Bitcoin settled derivative markets on lightning is going to drive massive liquidity into lightning. Gambling is the only reason there is so much wBTC. People don't give a fuck about payments yet, that is some end game shit after we've become dominant reserve asset

>> No.22641383
File: 30 KB, 412x599, Adam-Curry-Bitcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to need at least 1 Bitcoin to survive the apocalypse. You don't have much time left to accumulate.

>> No.22641450

liquidity is 3.5B dollarydoos maximum at any given time and the market sold out to futures redundancy and resiliency is served as a beta tedt model vut the conversion to legal tender is more of anbexit rather than an entry

>> No.22641515

I'll buy calls off you, got any contact info?

>> No.22641608

>that is some end game shit after we've become dominant reserve asset
i actually think its never really going to happen for payments...i think fiat / shitcoins will be alive and well in 2060 and you will use your btc to "instantiate" piles of shitcoins to buy shit with and then in 1 years time when price gets driven up instantiate another pile of shitcoins endlessly. basically anyone holding >1btc will be able to live forever without selling.
we will all be our own central banks.

>> No.22641912

Holy fuck up 30% since this was posted

>> No.22642543

I guarantee 50k BTC by March next year

>> No.22643318

btc is beyond pathetic in 2020.
I have made more % during September farming food tokens than btc since 1 Jan.
Complete loser coin even that gambler ceo putting in $400M didn't manage to pump it up

>> No.22643368

does that retard even realize bitcoin relies on fees for security in the long run?
If 99.98% (why that number exactly?) of transactions are off-chain fees are going to be minuscule.

>> No.22643407

Blockstream doesnt care about layer1.

>> No.22643490

The fact that someone can buy 400m on open order books without using an otc desk and the price didn't move is the most bullish fucking thing in the world. Any other coin in the top ten and you would see at least a 10x spike, outside of the top ten probably a 100x move.
The defining quality of money is that it is the most liquid and tradable thing in an economy. For crypto economy that is still bitcoin, and this will continue to snowball from here

>> No.22643547

good for you, im sure the yield farming craze will last forever

>> No.22643563

it's not bullish it's incredibly bearish. It means price would dump without their buying. It took $400M in a short period of time to keep btc from dumping.
>The defining quality of money is that it is the most liquid and tradable thing in an economy
wrong, it's something that taxes are paid with. Everything else follows from that.

>> No.22643571

Yeah everyone knows it relies on fees which is why we don't want to fuck with the base layer like bch and bsv which are generating less than 10 bucks a block in fees.

>> No.22643587
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>> No.22643634
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Sorry bro, but you are just incredibly fucking stupid

>> No.22643644
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except that strategy failed completely and bitcoin is on a road to have empty blocks.
Once eth scales with layer2 (very soon, already starting to get used) expect fees comparable to litecoin now.

>> No.22643705

Btc is definitely not on the road to empty blocks. If you ever looked at the mempool you would realize that

>> No.22643827
File: 19 KB, 1321x660, 1572559670613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what's your argument. Fees are on downward trend.
Fun fact: there are 106k wrapped btc on ethereum and the trend is exponential. In two years there's going to be a day when btc on transfers on ethereum pay more in fees than all btc transactions on bitcoin. >1M total wrapped btc.
Binance started supporting wbtc three weeks ago. Rather than liquid or ln exchanges are going to increasingly rely on erc20 btc especially once layer2 transfers get more popular.
All that redirects fees from bitcoin to ethereum, and they're from btc's main and almost only use case: speculation on btc itself.

>> No.22644416

Maxipads eternally btfo

>> No.22644571

This model is retarded because it was made for the pre Covid world
All old predictions don't apply

In 2017, China was still an American partner. Now it's a pariah state that's about to be sanctioned to hell. And China also controls vast Bitcoin assets.

You retards need to look beyond biz

>> No.22644639

That’s not even mentioning the fact that the futures markets can kill btc

>> No.22644741

All bets are off the table now. Anyone "predicting" shit is just throwing darts at a board. Covid has accelerated everything by a decade or more. None of the happy globohomo pre Covid predictions apply - every country is becoming more insular, poorer, and angrier.

The only prediction is that there will be strife - direct, indirect - in the coming future.