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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 489x500, Green Door.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2263082 No.2263082 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive me if this is not the right board for this but I was wondering what, if anything, you guys thought of the bearer bond scandals of the past decade or of PROMIS.

In regards to PROMIS, does anyone know if it is out in the wild or is for them and not us so to speak?

>> No.2263241
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literally what?

also generally curious.

>> No.2263251

Smells like a good story. Have a bumperino

>> No.2263258
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Please explain

>> No.2263281


>> No.2263284

what? go away nocoiner

>> No.2263285
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>> No.2263308

I heard something about people carrying bearer bonds worth billions, possibly trillions in Europe. I think it was Jim Willie who spoke about it. Is that what you are talking about?

>> No.2263310

ok I'll bite what the fuck is going on in here

>> No.2263367 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 600x596, elitecookparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this is some strange government black budget stuff, I think you purchase one and that's your potential ticket


>> No.2263384

The bearer bond scandals are a few in number, from 2009 until now there have been arrests made in few European nations and the Philippines of people trying to smuggle "fake" bear bonds, made on official papers, with all the official trappings of real bonds just with casual misspellings, like Federal "Reserved" Bond etc.

The numerical value of the bonds varies per bond with standard values being represented, eg $500,000,000 and non standard bonds such as ones with a face value of $1,000,000,000,000.

In one case in Spain two men were arrested with valued in excess of 1.6 trillion dollars.

The SEC is very slow to process these bonds and has always declared them fake then taken them back, usually such fakes are destroyed by the financial police of the nation they are found it as soon as they are recovered.

The bear bonds, the methodology of deployment and the places where they have been found all have ties to the old Nazi Operation Bernhard.

PROMIS is a program that went missing after it was found to be of use in high volume forex trading. Look up the Inslaw case of the 80s for more information about that.
Too bad this is real.

>> No.2263385
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>> No.2263402

WHats this about?

>> No.2263410

The patch?

It is from an experimental flight squadron out of the groom lake facility.

A lifetime of Silence behind the Green Door is a reference to the fact that in the USAF classified projects are located behind green security doors.

>> No.2263453
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>> No.2263470 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 717x393, 4523538877349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexus Earth - Illuminati confirmed, genuine Illuminati


>> No.2263484
File: 131 KB, 493x500, 1386379479509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that even a real patch?

This is the last of the good patches that the govt made. If you are good at math this patch will actually tell you the telemetry data of an imaging satellite that excelled at taking very high resolution images at night over Africa.

Because someone figured it out now all the patches just have references to the overall goals of the program the patch is for if you understand the imagery, but no more mission details.

>> No.2263509
File: 158 KB, 648x539, membershipinitiated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illuminati is confirmed, I don't even know what the fucc is going on right now

>> No.2263712

and whats your point exactly ? why make the thread?

>> No.2263761

To query if others have heard of it and what they think of it along with its implications on the finical systems of the US and the world at large.

>> No.2263802

Financial, damn phone.

>> No.2263936

thank you for correcting the spelling i couldn't have figured it out

also biz is a shill board youre not going to find any info , most likely on x you will but most of them are also larpers

>> No.2264005

Why /x/, these are real events and things, not tulpas.

>> No.2264077

so pol then , biz is only shill bots . plus what does the forex thing have to do with the fake bonds?

>> No.2264108

PROMIS was made to track criminals through the criminal justice system of the US as they moved from state to state etc.

It was found out however that it could also be used to track financial trends to maximize market gains and effectively make predictions that would over 85% of the time make money.

The issue however is that by tracking the market in the way that it did it also hit upon hidden trends of massive puts on companies or industries that would be shortly impacted by natural disasters.

It ended up being stolen from its makers and its continued usage or current location are unknown.

They both relate in so much as they are indicators of a hidden system of finance present in the world.

>> No.2264187

awesome , but incase your thinking anyone on biz has it ......if this thing was created once , whats stoping someone else from recreating it ?

>> No.2264206

I dont think anyone here would have it, but perhaps would have heard about it.

I dont know what is stopping someone from making a similar program besides lack of expertise or perhaps fear.

>> No.2264211
File: 122 KB, 600x739, 1380783534617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread. Don't know about either and I doubt anybody else here does either. Did you mean to start a 'secret finance wars' kind of thread? You kind of started off with a vague topic before getting to the interesting stuff so this may be a dead thread friend.

>> No.2264223

PROMIS and the bearer bond scandals are not vague though, they are specific and asking if others have heard about them isnt a bad idea given the replies present here.

>> No.2264239

fake bonds just seem like a low tier scam , who the fuck would buy bonds without having some sort of specialist authenticate , and if its all legit minus spelling could be a foreign country doing this , like the rumor of nk printing fake dollars

>> No.2264267

Everything was real, the ink, the paper, the serials, the metal bands wrapping the bonds together, and even the metal boxes they were found it were all real, the only indicator they were fake was the misspellings, or to quote Heydrich "unauthorized facsimiles."

The length of time it took the SEC to say they were fake was extreme, in the case of two Japanese men arrested on an Italian commuter train bound for Switzerland it took nearly two weeks, this was after the Italian financial police said they were certain they were real.

Interestingly the Japanese men were arrested with bonds that matched the exact amount of funds TARP had left at the time, 134.5 billion dollars.

>> No.2264310

tarp? tarp? your being too cryptic whats your agenda?

>> No.2264318

How do you not know what TARP is, are you retarded?

>> No.2264330

yes. yes i am retarded

>> No.2264356 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 630x480, 1493303058172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Illuminati confirmed, the gains are going to be excellent

>> No.2264415

These events in Europe also are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese 57 Series bonds.

>> No.2264441

dude it seems like youre trying to say something but biz just isnt the right audience , or be less cryptic and spoon feed us

>> No.2264448

I am spoon feeding you.

>> No.2264463

must be a real tiny spoon

ok from all this information u have given , how can i make money of it ?

>> No.2265123

I guess we're asking you for some kind of opinion on the subject. It seems like you have one, but you've only given 'info.' It would make for a more interesting thread if you would give us your take on this. Is it 'da joos,' aliens, nazis?

>> No.2265208

>'da joos,' aliens, nazis?
Well Jews are an age old boogy man but I doubt that one could label this as a Jewish problem.
From the perspective an intelligence analyst at the end of WWII given the reports of foo fighters and the like in all theaters of war by all involved, coupled with the large scale denial by nations who reported them it would behoove a govt to figure out what they are and how to raise themselves to parity from the perceptive of a national security issue. The money could certainly be used for this purpose as it would require an immense amount of money with no oversight to do such a thing.
The bearer bond scandals draw direct parallels to Operation Bernhard in terms of quality of forgeries and dissemination techniques.

I will say that the black budget, if we are to believe that nearly the entirety of the spoils on the Japanese front and half of the Germans spoils from WWII, made the start of the budget at the time of the formation of the CIA that it would be immense in its own right.

The additional monies from selling of "gold" and paper rehypothecation of real gold, along with large scale financial fraud is just the icing on the cake.

We can ask ourselves, then, for what purpose is this occurring, is it simple greed on behalf of a few or is there a greater purpose to fact that there seems to be an financial underworld that is very large and seemingly integral to the world that the rest of the world lives in.