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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22630548 No.22630548 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes

>> No.22630882

The shitcoin didn't even get posts responded to now

>> No.22630938

extremely low effort post that's why

>> No.22630958
File: 4.01 MB, 640x533, -swipes-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, yeah I swipe

>> No.22631417
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>> No.22631503

why would someone stake swipe if binance card has more cashback and u only need to have bnb for it u dont even need to stake it..... much lower risk much higher usecase...

>> No.22631642
File: 55 KB, 500x374, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp me Venus

>> No.22631871

Will I get Venus just for staking onchain?

>> No.22631892
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>> No.22631898

SXP will be +10 USD by the end of this year. The current mcap is insultingly low. Not only this has a working product, it also has incredible potential.

>> No.22631926

Made a $4500 loan on aave to buy at 3.70 and now my health factor is at 3
Im scared, bros, I need It at $7 to pay my debt!

>> No.22632632

I just got banned in the telegram with 2 other users for discussing the shortcomings in the KYC process and support.. GREAT PROJECT GUIS 1000$ EOY

>> No.22632926
File: 69 KB, 456x331, frmuJ5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. so you're the guy who despeartely wants it to hit 7 dollars. Guess what, it will never ever reach 7 dollars.

>> No.22632969

what about $4? i need $4 to break even...

>> No.22633018

The pajeets in the telegram chat are an eye opener to the quality of the project.
Any question that isn't on their script is apparently FUD. Even though they can't speak English properly.
Dead coin

>> No.22633045

Yeah, I got banned for answering some guy's question about coinbase.

>> No.22633188

FML guys the Telegram bans and FUD on shit wallet bugs. We are all gg.