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22627362 No.22627362 [Reply] [Original]

i reported coinbase stealing my linkies at uniswap ath to ic3.

what other places can i report coinbase to?

they "cancelled" my conversion of uni to link.
3 minutes before the ath. i converted out to link. and they reset my conversion right back into uni for the ride down.
despite the conversion completing
"success" pop up window and log showing i converted 9k unis for almost 8k linkies..

where else can i report them for fucking me out of 8k linkies?

>> No.22627500

you said you were gonna kill the employees and now you are bitching out?

your linkies are fucking gone, when the burgers wake up in 10 hours your uni will be -40%

just face it bro you tried to swing THE ABSOLUTE BOTTOM and you got fucking rekt

>> No.22627560

>using coinbase

>> No.22627825

i rode that shit to ath.
they put me back in uni after leaving.
it's the principle of it.
i went to link, and they put me back in uni.

dont care. my new mission in life is to get my fucking linkies or reich coinbase.
that's all there is to it.

>> No.22627874

i hear you but you're not going to win against them and their resources, unless you put all the money you have and get a lawyer. better have all screenshots and any emails they sent you when the trade was successful

>> No.22627938

looks like i'm going to san francisco then.
i am very autistic in rl, and that put me over the edge. i'm not coming back.

>> No.22627980

everyone else and their fucking mother can convert cryptos np.
but when i do it.. no.. cancelled.
just like when youtube deleted my classic doom last man on earth death wish mob preset maps of chaos 100% complete with 0 bfg..
just like when i try to use faceburg.
just like when i try to use tinder..

just like when my boss stole my tax returns and trump stimulus.. canceled.

just like when i come home and found my dog dead.. canceled..

they push me too far man.
they fucked with the wrong autist.

>> No.22628244

relax anon. go the legal route before going crazy because they will use it against you

>> No.22628269

why are you even using goybase to begin with?
one visit to that place was an instant hard nope.jpg from me.

>> No.22628273

who cares if he's over the edge at least let him do something where he doesn't end up tortured in prison for years for hurting government agents

>> No.22628288

damn, i want to see you doom map playthough

>> No.22628330

wahhh wahhh WAAAAHHHH

>> No.22628438

where else can i report them to.
i wont be able to sleep until it gets resolved.
chainsmoked a full pack already tonight.
i even showed my boss "check it out over 7777 links!" then as soon as i walk away and swipe refresh 0 link
and email "we cancelled your conversion"

i am content losing or making whatever in gains or trades. that is natural.

i just don't like seeing it was successful/ completed and then a moment later see it get stolen from me. i converted out when i wanted to leave, but coinbase kept me in there, and now i am locked out for up to a week.. it's not a good feeling. if it converted as it should have, i would be happy/content.
it is it failing and then being locked out that is fucking with me. they stole it from me.
it is that simple. i left at 2:11 4 minutes before ath.. and they would not let me out despite showing "sucessfully converted" and "completed" stamps. followed by "we cancelled your conversion"
and looking it up on ai and the ai says " we convert immediately we do not cancel transactions."

well. yes they fucking do.

>> No.22628501

fren, i have been playing doom since 1993.
it is the only videogame i can play for more than 10 minutes now.
mainly for nostalgia.
my grandpa taught me how to run wolfenstein and doom on dos, he's dead now.
but i cleared doom, doomII on brutal, project brutality, and vanilla. and put them on youtube so my grandpa could watch.
youtube deleted them cause i had copyright shit somewhere on my channel.
probably from illegal mmos being reported.
or wolfenstein hitler shit.
my grandpa was old vet, and he used to teach me how to load garands without pinching thumb, and teach me about the nazis and all that good shit. was 10/10.
so i beat doom so he could see it...
spent 3 months.. 30+ minute long maps on the hardest difficulty.. non stop carnage.

do project brutality.
maps of chaos
and brutaldoom too.

drag/drop them into doom together to swap them out.
i beat all those mods on the highest difficulty for my grandpa.
he never saw it.

>> No.22628518

i know. i can't help it. i am autistic in rl.
pre 9/11 autist diagnosis.
this cbase has me going full fuckery.
i just want to get back into my damn account so i can figure out what i'm gonna do.

>> No.22628528

All the other boards have had a mass shooter, is it finally our turn?

>> No.22628539

If your screen shots are 100% real how the fuck can they get away with this? I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get a lawyer to would work for you and take money if you win. It seems cut and dry. I would check their terms of agreement maybe but honestly if this is real I would wreck these faggots. You could clearly sue for much more than its worth right.

>> No.22628584

no fren. i just vent like a bitch.
i'm upset. i am just naturally pessimistic so i go immediately what is the worst thing, and then work up from there until i find some serenity.

>> No.22628718
File: 90 KB, 379x628, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the price was too volatile probably.
it was jumping over a 0.10 multiple times a minute. it probably spiked while i was trying to convert out. that is what i think. i left at 2:11pm east. it capped out at 2:14-2:15 east.
swiped refresh after showing my boss the 7777+ links trade. get email alert. "cancelled" check price.. i'm back in uniswap and i'm riding it down...
i fucking left at 2:11pm by 2:20 i'm back in uni...
like waht the fuck is that.

>> No.22628756

>doom player
High levels of based

>> No.22628833

So your trade didn't go through due to price volatility and their shitty UI said complete. So an auto generated email goes to you saying it was cancelled. This is pretty ordinary on uniswap to have a failed trade attempt with slippage/gas too low, and you would never use 'swapping' to swing close trades or make money on small price differences.

>> No.22629142
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>looks like i'm going to san francisco then.
> i'm not coming back.