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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22620950 No.22620950 [Reply] [Original]

I made $65k last year in a rural area but got denied for a $159k loan because of my student loans. How in the fuck are these fat motherfuckers, that can barely tie their own shoes, able to afford nice big houses with huge yards and lots of other shit like a pool and a huge truck and golf carts and shit? It’s makes me absolutely sick. It’s seems like these people are always home and never work. What the fuck? They are everywhere. There’s just not enough jobs around for all these fucks to be able to afford this kind of shit. Is it just generational wealth? Are the fuckers just handed all this stuff and they just sit around and get diabetes and die? WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.22621050

Are you white? I'm guessing no. The answer is you gotta be white. Sorry anon.

>> No.22621146

Boi, banks are tight now.
Recession incoming

>> No.22621330

I’m assuming these “fat motherfuckers” that “can barely tie their own shoes” aren’t college educated, thus they don’t have any outstanding debt from student loans.

>> No.22621390


Wagie, wagie, wagie... Homes are for the upper class. Go back to your service job. $65k/year... LMAO what is it 1995? Maybe next life, poorfag. maybe kys to respawn faster.

>> No.22621394

it is less expensive to "own" your property than it is to rent

>> No.22621609

Many cosigners

>> No.22621633

Wages have barely gone up in nominal terms since 1995

>> No.22621673


>> No.22621718

The property probably is passed down from generation to generation. When you don't have a mortgage payment or rent payment life is easy

>> No.22621752

Actually, the bank asked me if I had any latino background/heritage. I should’ve said yes.

>> No.22621757


Only for the poor. Houses aren't for poor fucks. Maybe next life.

>> No.22622023

>the poor
So 75% of wagies

>> No.22622175

work remote and move to the midwest. there, you can buy a house now.

>> No.22622197 [DELETED] 

Hey anon, they may have been calculating your monthly payments wrong. I am a loan officer, send me an email and I can get an estimate for what your payment would be and get you prequalifed.

>> No.22623170

I say I'm black latino on these forms even though I'm not.
Apply for an FSA loan if there are more than 10 acres.

>> No.22623315

Anon, if you have a college degree and a few years of work experience you can qualify for an FSA loan with terms up to 40 years at low interest for $600,000 with no collateral. Student loans aren't part of the decision criteria and you'll be approved if you're willing to go through hoops. You can make $1000 to $2000 an acre with minimal work effort, feasible if you work remotely. I'd really go at it again and go for an FSA loan and look at better rural properties with more acres. I say go for the $600k and get a property around $300k. You need a business plan for how the rest of the cash will be used but they don't monitor it and you can spend it as you please. It's not very risky if you live on the property as most states exempt farm property for small farmers. Even if it didn't work out, you won't be any worse off as you are now. It's clearly a clown world.

>> No.22623343

Same poster as here by the way. Phone posting.

>> No.22623457

80% of people are financially illiterate. These fat fucks you are referring to are you to their asses in debt. They have no concept of how to accumulate wealth and do idiotic things like cash out of retirement accounts early. The banks are tight right now, but that’s not the norm. Credit is very easy to access my friend.