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22619681 No.22619681 [Reply] [Original]

This used to be a place where likeminded individuals could share thoughts and ideas related to stocks, commodities, investing and trading.

Now it’s just a bunch of get rich quick pajeet shills promoting one scam after another... what the hell happened?! This is so sad...
TronLink Code: s19M

>> No.22619763

I'm so addicted to porn and masturbation I can't do anything anymore. I used to make good posts. Now all ill do is coom. The horniness keeps getting worse. I am more stimulated than ever around women and need to suppress erections. I used to have books I wanted to read and designs for making money and now it's all gone. I am a slave now.

>> No.22619791

Thx just bought 100k

>> No.22619805

Sorry. No china dirt welcomed. Chinkpeng broke the deal. Go herd normies and dump gay horses on them

>> No.22619834

porn makes you dumb maybe r/nofap are truly enlightened but only if you quit all other addictions like gambling and internet i'm only doing the same my self i try to limit my trading to morning and night

>> No.22620699

Agreed but masturbation and sex are the worst and hardest addictions to surmount of all. Gambling is nothing compared to it. In some sense that stimulates the higher mind which is why Pascal and Descartes and Dostoevsky were gamblers and Freud said as much about and said it was a step up from masturbation. I'll force myself not to eat and make myself as uncomfortable as possible the day and days after I masturbate because I don't want to grow complacent. If I gave no mind to it, I would be masturbating 5+ times a day and doing and reading nothing. Everything is a chore the days I masturbate. I view semen loss for a man as the same as when women have their menstrual cycles. It makes men irritable. Those in antiquity said a drop of semen was equal to 60 drops of blood.

>> No.22620827

bro this post hurts me

>> No.22621006

I try to do quality posting but I am slowly giving up on the community. All the responses I get are so lazy and it clearly shows biz is not doing any research at all. it's like everyone here are zoomers with ADD who burst their last dopamine receptor.

get help. it will only get worse and harder to quit the longer it continues. you don't want to be like this forever.

>> No.22621127

How much cooming are we talking about, here?

>> No.22621234
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>This used to be a place where likeminded individuals could share thoughts and ideas related to stocks, commodities, investing and trading.
>Now it’s just a bunch of get rich quick

>> No.22621462

>get help. it will only get worse and harder to quit the longer it continues.
It does. People act like it relieves horniness but you're just reinforcing it and making it worse.

>> No.22621491

Just buy UNI

>> No.22622001

Thanks for the TRONLINK code OP

>> No.22622509

OP didn't buy UNI and is now LARPing as an investor