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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 1451x728, EZ 30 cets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22618067 No.22618067 [Reply] [Original]

CHART going to the moon my dudes, its looking like it will hit 30 cents in a few hours!!! Rip to those disbelievers that sold at 8 cents! 1$ EOW very feasible

>> No.22618109

im aiming for 30-40 cents, but then again i sold UNI at 3$

>> No.22618406

if anything is going to the moon it's this motherfucker right here. or I could buy that new CORNDOG coin my autistic nephew keeps talking about.

>> No.22618413

get REKT

why sell there when you can sell at $2


>> No.22618417

I am getting my booster packs ready!

>> No.22618567

This looks parabolic.

>> No.22618632

30 cents? It hit fucking 70 on listing. Im targeting at least listing open.

>> No.22618638

thanks /biz/ for shilling me a decent token for once

>> No.22618645

If you still don't hold some of this, you hate money

>> No.22618674

Bought the absolute bottom LMAO. FUCKING SEND IT

>> No.22618675
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>> No.22618679

holy shit anon. i aped in thanks to another shill post. comfy 2x just for chadding in.

>> No.22618692

Get in here faggots, hunnit X

>> No.22618693

Uniswap going to shill this within the next week.

>> No.22618701

haha you fags laughed when I first said this is going to blow past 10c.. Look at her now. Pumping easy to 35c now. Easy 3-4x from here.

>> No.22618703

Mewn it peoples

>> No.22618712

I don't know wtf this is but it looks like a good gamble RN

>> No.22618718

imagine the guys who slept on all the shills for the past couple days

>> No.22618724

.75 today

We are going to make it frens

>> No.22618727


>> No.22618741

I bought at 6.5c, not the bottom but close enough that it doesn't matter lol.
If it hits $1 it'll literally offset my entire sxp loss off a couple of eth.

>> No.22618782

72c end of today, 2-3$ this week

>> No.22618800

This is the next #UNI in terms of mooning. Book it

>> No.22618801

The an eth at it. Fuck it lets see what happens

>> No.22618806

FUCK ANON, i like money, FOMO

>> No.22618822


>> No.22618835

My week in crypto:

>start using uniswap
>buy PRINT at $180
>sell all the way up, and at the first big crash (down to $2500) I exit

>since I've only been using uniswap for a week, I get no UNI...
>see biz selling all their 400 UNIs for $4-3 a piece
>buy 500 at below $3
>gets ridiculed by biz
>"who buys free tokens?"
>buy some more at $4

>see this CHART thing
>join the telegram
>"CHART is listed at $0.02"
>try buying at launch
>it's $0.6. wtf?
>it looks stable
>see anon getting in at $0.075
>buy at ~$0.08

Everything went bettr wxpected

>> No.22618853

Chartex is the king of Uniswap charts

>> No.22618863

explain for a brainlet, why would a coin for a chart website moon just because people use the website to chart shit

>> No.22618874

Legend. SEND HIM

>> No.22618878

Because you'll need $CHART for premium features.

>> No.22618931

Token will actually have a use with extra features on the page and governance

>> No.22618986

gj anon, youre smart, youre gonna make it

>> No.22618987

UNI never hit $4 and then went sub $3 again you larping faggot

>> No.22619057

fundamentally: because people will need $CHART for premium features and shit
economicaly: because their competitors pumped too (higher than current level even) and they are better than the competition

>> No.22619079

I think this may have legs, but fuck me if i am buying it

>> No.22619129


Are you reading me backwards?

Why would I larp about 100 more coins than everybody else here got for free?

>> No.22619151

Market bought. Chart looks parabolic. It's a good time to buy shit now when everyone sleeps on uni plays

>> No.22619166

Okay I will sell UNI and buy this, if you insist.

>> No.22619188

Yes I am an abject retard. My apologies sirs

>> No.22619283


>> No.22619415


>> No.22619546
File: 4 KB, 557x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK fucking gas

>> No.22619782

Speed it up my friend, it will never go through like that

>> No.22620051

Listen friends... everybody and their mothers is talking about $UNI the past few days. This is bringing new money to Uniswap. ChartEx is by far the best charting service for Uniswap available right now. Would be silly to sit this one out. Don't be stuck poor

>> No.22620510


Some poor fags still don't get that tons of those $UNI profits are waiting to flow into a new coin. And CHART is the hottest shit on uni atm

>> No.22620890

This shit is not stopping anytime soon

>> No.22620901
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>> No.22620949
File: 41 KB, 410x409, blankiepepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking my UNI gains to the next level

>> No.22620963

FOMO. Should I sell my UNI and get on this?

>> No.22620982
File: 3 KB, 202x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally didn't even make their own chart. Just plugged in variables into Tradingview's app.

You guys can't be serious.

>> No.22621011

They have a whole backend running what are you talking about?

>> No.22621038

those who are missing out on this fucking gem are clowns, CHART is the next best thing since sliced bread

>> No.22621073

I just swapped some ARTE for 2500 CHART. What am I in for boys?

>> No.22621085

I know. I bet they didn't even write the operating system the server runs on either!

>> No.22621098

This motherfucker is gonna break .20 then go parabolic really soon. $2 here we fucking go

>> No.22621140

This is THE charting tool for uniswap. It’ll get to $1. Market cap now is nothing

>> No.22621223

literally scam.
There is already uniswap.vision

>> No.22621533

Sold my uni for this kek. All in

>> No.22621548
File: 315 KB, 1673x930, chartex wow this is grape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dextoolers first time on chartex.pro be like

>> No.22621638

You should have gotten a PS5 instead. At least then you'd be able to resell it at a loss when it depreciates in value.

>> No.22621767


Look at what you're competing against. You're telling me a single chart is worth paying for in comparison to this?

>> No.22622045

this looks like straight trash without an existing customer base or working product. nowhere comparable. gtfo with your shill garbage troll

>> No.22622297

>Look at what you're competing against.
I looked at the live feed charts in that URL but I couldn't find them, can you give me the link so I can compare?

>> No.22622403

Welcome to financial freedom

>> No.22622807

$0.30 end of weekend... 33m circulating supply

>> No.22623546

I bought in at 0.127 hopefully not a big mistake but time will tell

>> No.22623998

Feeling pre comfy right now, you probably have less than 12 hours to secure a 10x

>> No.22624051

Unironically going to hit $8 in a couple months.

>> No.22624092

ChartX > Dextools

As soon as the word gets out we are going to hit $1 very fast, then jump to $3!

>> No.22624110
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>hashtag on 4chan

If you guys needed any more proof that this thread is filled with literal shills and sockpuppet posts; here you go.

>> No.22624211

wow next you'll tell me that the unnatural enthusiasm from these pajeets is a sign of a legit project!

>> No.22624576
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1561772807001s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt get the uni stimulus money and cant afford gas. Im ngmi as a broke ass third worlder that cant buy uni gems

>> No.22625413

yeah cuz its not like # and $ are right next to each other. this is the missing piece of the puzzle anons. code cracked. Chartex doesn't have 18k daily users is all a scam kek

>> No.22625491

what are the premium features that will be enabled by ownership of this token? can some based anon link me some resources?

>> No.22625521
File: 8 KB, 250x200, 1ACF2E4D-0A82-472D-9397-D0DECB3E801D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Paywalled eh? Are you a pajeet by any chance?

>> No.22626017

sirs how to buy

>> No.22626767

Which one?



>> No.22627124


The one you can see here:


I read on Twitter that people bought 43 eth worth of a fake during launch

>> No.22627171
File: 3 KB, 125x95, C986A2FE-8766-4F7B-84F9-54072853F0A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling comfy with my 2000 Charts