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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22617339 No.22617339 [Reply] [Original]

I waited three years for the same price action a pajeet scam coin just achieved in less than a week. Fuck this

>> No.22617372

Exactly this. Why the fuck does link have to stop now. Every fucking day for the last month we’ve been dumping like pajeets

>> No.22617412

What happened to swing he’s getting the rope and all that shit. Link not a single ounce of firepower left. Just short this bitch back down another 30% Bc there is literally no enthusiasm left about it

>> No.22617461

Sounds like a buy Signal to me.

>> No.22617492

The whole last month has been a buy signal right

>> No.22617618

>literally no enthusiasm left
there are hundreds of millions of people right now who go through their retarded lives thinking about donald trump and joe biden and BLM, NFL kneelers, masks, coronavirus vaccine, etc... When we get back to boring reality Q1 2020 and people realize neets are stacking money in crypto, some real BTC movement will commence and crypto normie flood will happen again. Link will be their "lesser known" investment in their normiebase wallets and we will 10x no prob.
>but normies already got burned and fomoed in 2018
yeah and theyll do it again. theyre retarded. Also alot of 20 year olds were 14 in 2016 when the last bull run started which is basically where we are now. Theres a huge zoomer class of brain dead retards ready to pump us. be patient

>> No.22617652

*Q1 2021

>> No.22617693

Hopium is just that. It’s over we all expect it to go ham and now it dumps 50% it’s fucking pathetic

>> No.22617758

I don’t think you’ve been here 3 years

>> No.22617804

imagine waiting for 3 years for something to moon when crypto projects have been taking off left and right with returns that are 1000% higher than your shitty memecoin.

>> No.22617863

Assuming that there will be a Q1 2021. There are serious reasons to be doubtful.

>> No.22618190


>> No.22618547

>people were six years younger four years ago

>> No.22619160

>newfags getting demoralized
this is my favorite part. Can't wait for the"I sold LINK at $22" pink wojaks

>> No.22619241

>Also alot of 20 year olds were 14 in 2016
Just market sold my entire stack

>> No.22619297

All this was before the team took orders of magnitude more money than it took to build btc or eth with no explanation whatsoever. Now it has to be the number one cryptocurrency in order to justify its existence

>> No.22619355
File: 1.46 MB, 480x206, math.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alot of 20 year olds were 14 in 2016
>alot of 20 year olds
>not all of them
> were 14 in 2016
>born in 2000 + 16 yeas = 14 yeas old
>it's been 4 years since 2016
>meaning the 20 year olds are 18 years old

>> No.22619441

>All this was before the team took orders of magnitude more money than it took to build btc or eth with no explanation whatsoever.
what a fucking word salad. Are you trying to say that LINK has cost too much to develop?

>> No.22619492

Yeah bro! Catch that knife! It's worked great for everyone at $18, $16, $14, $12, $10

>> No.22619576

>Catch that knife!
I dont think you know what that phrase means. link has been crabbing for a month now.

>> No.22619580

Yeah that’s what he’s saying, it’s just in midwit-speak.

>> No.22619597


>> No.22619683

boomers cant do math what did you expect lmao

>> No.22619747

Let him have fun with his ps5, he deserves it. Hopefully manages to get out early enough for one

>> No.22620165


Nigger, it crabbed 500 fucking thousand dollars out of my networth. I'd hate to see what you think a fucking falling knife is.

Fucking mongoloid ass retard.

>> No.22620193

Got my 4000 tokens for free too

get pooped on link tard

>> No.22620208

So are you telling this that very moment was a bad time to put all of my money into link

>> No.22620223
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "price gains will come when normies flood in after seeing price gains"