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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 309 KB, 715x434, Uniswap_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22615374 No.22615374 [Reply] [Original]

We will never see 6$ again

>> No.22615399
File: 23 KB, 666x666, 1600411810088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost $7

>> No.22615481

OP is gay and retarded.

>> No.22615499

OP is right.

>> No.22615528
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>> No.22615538

Can someone please tell me how to properly do a uniswap transaction that actually works?
I’ve lost so much this month waiting for them to go through..failing, then losing a sizeable fee. How do I fix it?

>> No.22615583

op has between 50 and 65 IQ

>> No.22615592

It's closer to 7 than it is to 6.

>> No.22615703

swing trading this coin in the past 2 days has been absolutely braindead, it's impossible to lose money doing literal meme line TA

>> No.22615722

What am I doing wrong?
I try to swap to eth, just falls sometime later..

>> No.22615753

When you set fees, pump up the gas price
Use https://ethgasstation.info/ to estimate how much u need

>> No.22615799

Dont' be a cheap jew and actually look up the gas price on ethgasstation and adjusting to a good median, Don't be cheapest, don't be middle, something within the lowest 30% works fine for me and usually costs 20%+ in GWEI

But it's the cost of doing business, anon, don't be a jew.

It's like not getting free shipping on a item. Is the value, utility and worth of what you're buying worth it?

Then pay the fucking gas.

>> No.22615817

High gas eating into potential profits scared me out of it.

>> No.22615898

Sold 300 at 7.50, now I don't really care if it falls or pumps but this is not hitting $15 or $20. This will be more like CRV than YFI, just wait until the whales that are farming thousands of these coins start to dump. Everyone should take some profit at these prices, don't be a greedy retard.

>> No.22615915

It's already about to break 7 again lol. This is going to get close to 10 in the next 10 hours and then anons will be on here going "IT'S GONNA CRASH TO 6, YOU'LL SEE, IT'LL NEVER MAKE IT THIS HIGH AGAIN". And then this time tomorrow it'll be above 18.

>> No.22615948

Ok. Not even sure where to set the gas on the phone app..
I’m at work.
I can set the slippage rate, but where do I adjust the gas? I don’t care about being ‘cheap’ just want it to work.

>> No.22615976

Just sold all my XRP for this

>> No.22615977

Crv released with .00001% of the supply and initial buyers were diluted 20x in the first 24 hours. This is nothing like crv.

>> No.22616005
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>> No.22616048

When confirming transaction a window with gas fees will pop up, you can't miss it fren

>> No.22616060

Why did this coin moone in the first place?

>> No.22616084

You're welcome, I've been fudding this non-stop

>> No.22616169

we'll crab at around 7 for 10 hours or so then boost to 16

>> No.22616182

>tfw transferred to coinbase and can swap instantly with no fees
DeFi still has a long way to go, i'm carefully bullish

>> No.22616221

>Governance of top exchange
>Listed absolutely everywhere
>NEETs and pajeets got a fuck ton for free

>> No.22616238

bought 1k at 6 lets gooo

>> No.22616250

coinbase has fees

>> No.22616260

>but muh gaming console!

>> No.22616334

The coin is literally designed to incentivize whales to accumulate, you retard. Only brainlets will dump for the gibs, just like only brainlets sold at 2.50 for a PS5.

>> No.22616346

Maybe not as quick, but the supply will double over the next year so even staying the same price as now puts Uniswap over 1BN. $14 dollars means a $2bn market cap. I'm not saying short term it won't do $20 but that won't last long. Just saying it makes sense to take profit here, it's fairly priced. Any further pumps are pure hype which usually ends in tears.

>> No.22616350


>> No.22616355

>I'd rather have 1200 now than 20,000 later!

>> No.22616368

What wallet are you using? If it's coinbase, you're a shitter who will do nothing but eat fees

>> No.22616431

I don't understand where you came up with that retarded logic, but they're not going to be buying in the market but just farm and dump like literally every other farmed governance coin bar YFI. If the whales are all farming, then who's buying?

>> No.22616438

pretty sure it only governs the farming platform not the exchange which existed long before this governance token

>> No.22616450

Holding till I die

>> No.22616463

Long term though, how high can this go? Should I FOMO in?

>> No.22616489
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Please don't tell me people unironically sold for the newest so(n)y console. There's no way it's nothing more than a meme

>> No.22616493

>the whales won't buy because I say so, so you should sell



>> No.22616581

Poorfag detected

>> No.22616616

5$ is comming

>> No.22616615


>> No.22616704

I'm not salty and I'm not finding, I'm just saying this "never selling" attitude is retarded. If you're so bullish you should be swing trading the shit out of this coin and build your stack at least. I'm just saying selling 75% of my stack from a free airdrop for over $2k and still leaving 100 there in case we do hit 20 is comfy. Don't make Uni holders look like XRP schizos so soon

>> No.22616749

I’m trying to farm while farming.

>> No.22616779
File: 591 KB, 828x595, ECDDB10F-E7CA-463F-972B-CAF052DE0370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.22616959
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>> No.22616981


>> No.22617031
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>> No.22617038


>> No.22617121
File: 820 KB, 828x1005, 1BC423E2-7E8E-413F-A8C7-6B66647C5C54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to pull out 400/650 unis and swap them to eth which right now is equivalent to about 4000 leaf bucks. Last night I had 1500$ in my wallet after losing my ass on yf scams. I swapped all my shitcoins over last night to uni and am up to 6500$. I plan on swinging this bitch till the cows come home.

It ain’t much. But it’s dishonest work.

>> No.22617162

Wholesome. Best of luck to you anon. Are you trying to make it just for some gains or are you wanting to ever leave farming?

>> No.22617258

I unironically shat in my pants this was too intense

>> No.22617324
File: 3.85 MB, 1792x828, AE950D09-51A2-4BC4-ACC4-99BAF24552F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never want to leave farming but it’s tough. Harder every year. For a 30yo the prospect of the future in farming is horrible. Just want some security. I’ve lost all delusions of making but I’m going to try anyways.
Also have a nasty addiction to airplanes that needs to be fed, would be pretty cool to finish my commercial pilot license with clown world money or put a new engine in my bird when the time comes.

>> No.22617630
File: 42 KB, 600x584, gmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$7 is new support