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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1024x576, strat_roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2260916 No.2260916 [Reply] [Original]


Why Stratis' value will skyrocket:
-Proof of Stake = limited supply & no inflation
-Breeze wallet integrates BTC payments and privacy
-Can do literally everything ETH does but better
-Top notch dev and marketing team

If you missed ETH at $10 this is your chance at redemption.

pic related our rocket fuel

>> No.2260939

Stop talking about this on /biz/, it's the secret coin

Let them keep freaking out over DGB and ETH

>> No.2260948

shh don't ruin my profits.

>> No.2260949


idc senpai I'm already all in on it

>> No.2260958
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I hope you use your ETH gains to fund your potty training, street shitter. I really do.

>> No.2260960

I bought this morning and panic sold during a dip. Lost a little. contemplating going back in

>> No.2260963

You are the same t ypes of people that tell people buy MNE and steal from my jewish pockets. Dont start with strat too! Biz doesn't deserve to know about good coins.

>> No.2260981


What about all this Blitzcash noise? I heard it's the first Stratis token?

>> No.2260982
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what dip are you even talking about

>> No.2260990

it is which is why it's being pumped and dumped on idiots. it's an easy news story "FIRST STRATIS SIDECHAIN".

>> No.2260997

seems to be doing extremely well, i've invested in it for some risky gains

>> No.2261003


I mean it's at a really low market cap and was literally the Stratis dev's project before Stratis, shouldn't it be at a higher value?

>> No.2261007
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Fucking shit I sold this for 25000 just today for fuck sake

>> No.2261013

50 sat at ATH will I make it lads

>> No.2261023

>7m market cap

Yep I'm not missing this boat.

>> No.2261024

Why the fuck would you sell

It has a market cap of $700M. XRP has fuck all for fundamentals & it's at $10B+. We're taking that spot

>> No.2261049

>Proof of Stake = limited supply & no inflation
I don't think you know how proof of stake works.

>> No.2261059

I have $1600 in this coin bought at $2. 5x's my money. Wish me luck lads I missed out on every coin possible before

>> No.2261071

nah I'm pretty sure I do but I'm open to hearing your argument

>> No.2261076


>> No.2261102
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As a nutritionist this shit bought me, even if it doesn't moon I want to help.

>> No.2261145

supply is not capped and inflation is approximately 3% per year.

>> No.2261174

>spoof that shit
>free money

>> No.2261204

so what does this coin offer?

>> No.2261207

Fuck you niggers. Not buying your bags.

>> No.2261213
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>> No.2261221

Was going to sell off all my XEM to buy more STRAT next time STRAT dipped. It never dipped.

>> No.2261231

Show me where stratis has dapp projects?

It doesn't. Project disregarded.

>> No.2261243

waiting for a dip now is retarded

it's never dipping

going straight to $20

>> No.2261261


seems it's do for a correction of some sort after it's past hour of upward movement

>> No.2261267



>> No.2261286

How is stratum better than Eth? Just because it uses C# and .Net for Windows babbies?

>> No.2261303

you have literally all the resources you need in the OP

How spoonfed can you get lmao

>> No.2261317

>250,000 coins for a masternode
That's a pretty high requirement.

>> No.2261329


>> No.2261330

it's ethereum for windows users without any active development from fortune 500 companies

highly speculative imo

>> No.2261335


Strat dies when Bancor is released. Hope you retarded faggots understand that. Have fun with your temporary 2-4x gains before going to zero while I'm crushing 50x gains with DBG which is actually a good coin.

>> No.2261344

Stratis' is not primarily a dApp blockchain. It's a feature but it's not the selling point.

The point is that it makes it easy for business to run their own blockchains backed by the public Stratis chain.

>> No.2261346

>supply is not capped and inflation is approximately 3% per year.
No it's 1%.
And if you stake you won't notice any inflation because you also have more coins.

>> No.2261359

Literally has nothing to do with Bancor but ight

>> No.2261362

Sunk 200 into this last week. Tripled my money. Going to sink another 200 in asap

>> No.2261371

Strat to the Stratisphere

>> No.2261382

Where can I go and buy stratis?
Is going to coinbase and then buying stratis on poloniex ok or do you know better sites to do it?

>> No.2261392


Kid... regardless of what you think on c# and .net, that shit is a big share of big business, and that is all that matters.

>> No.2261396


Simple & reliable.

>> No.2261398

you can use changelly

>> No.2261405



Biz is so fucking pedantic and awkward to the point of self harm. Be pragmatic in your investments, because that's exactly how the business world will be.

Get over your politics or egos when it comes to crypto and start thinking like a large corporation trying to make efficiency savings.

>> No.2261414

Will look into those, thanks.

>> No.2261418

lol idiots C# is a meme wrapper, it means nothing. Ethereum has easy coding solutions already. Companies from EEA won't suddenly switch to STRATIS nigcoin, because "muh C#"

>> No.2261421


you post the same thing in the WAVES thread?

>> No.2261423

Keep in mind that changelly (similarly to shapeshift.io) will have hefty fees.

Buying from a proper exchange like Bittrex is much more cost efficient.

>> No.2261424

Pretty sure this is a good long term investment as long as it's under $10. Will buy in tonight.

>> No.2261426
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>> No.2261433

Lmao you have no idea how to code do you

>> No.2261436


>> No.2261437

This is the kind of retarded /biz/-logic that leaves you missing out on actual, solid projects & returns.

Stay close minded.

>> No.2261442


>> No.2261488


I'm thinkin' this too.

>> No.2261506

Show me dapps developed by STRATIS.

You have my full attention.

>> No.2261514

Bought $200 more

Let's go nig coin

>> No.2261518

It's dipping now bois, if you want in, this is probably the only chance left

>> No.2261524

got rid of my ETH for strats

should have sold ETH at 1100

>> No.2261535

Poorfag, here. I just bought 6 more at 0.00357581/btc

>> No.2261536


Firstly, dApps are literally not the point of Stratis. The business model is that the project make it easy for business to set up their own private chains fully backed by the public chain.

Secondly, Stratis is what, ~1 year old? The whole point of buying now is that you get the coin before major developments happen & its value skyrockets.

>> No.2261556

A big thing about this is that if you look at the graph it has literally never dipped.

All the money that has gone into it has be long. This is not a P&D

>> No.2261565

Hey I just did the same thing anon

>> No.2261576

So stratis is making the Blockchain space easily accessible?

Will it be used as a currency?

>> No.2261597

Companies would have to spend Strat (the coin) to interact with the public chain.

It's lengthy but I highly recommend reading their whitepaper, very valuable info (or at least the important sections):

Otherwise there's a rundown of the info on their website.

>> No.2261607

Its selling point is eth but in c#?
God crypto proves that the world is literally filled with imbeciles, even in IT. I'm getting back in.

>> No.2261626


How do you come to the conclusion that that's the selling point lmao. looks like you're the imbecile my dude

>> No.2261653
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Looks like it is picking back up

>> No.2261731

Think it'll dip lads?

>> No.2261741

yeah it dipped 50 cents for like 30 minutes, but you already missed it

it's on a mission to $10 now

>> No.2261744
File: 214 KB, 542x346, when-you-trying-not-to-cough-and-you-already-coughed-twice-but-you-dont-want-people-to-think-you-have-ebola-meme-wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when you already dropped tons of money on shitcoins today but have to get more Stratis.

>> No.2261748

Nigger coin

>> No.2261766

what should be the stationary point of that coin?

i want to sell at that point and make the gains move around for more gains

>> No.2261770

I have another 0.015 btc to spend. Buy more STRAT or should I buy DGB?

>> No.2261774


Get DGB so I can get more Strat cheaper

>> No.2261782


If that's what you're in for I wouldn't recommend it.

STRAT is a long term hold, trying to get any kind of sick gains from it over the short term is a gamble.

>> No.2261825


>> No.2261834

java is literally the most widely used language in the world

take your dumb /g/ memes back to /g/

>> No.2261838

literally a meaningless comment

>> No.2261841
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>> No.2261842

I get memed into not buying this shit because u faggots kept saying it was a king nigger coin.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.2261858


>> No.2261869

still not late to buy

>> No.2261877

I went 50/50 but that's when STRAT was at $3.

Your call. Wait by the sidelines for any dip.

>> No.2261881

Don't always trust biz, anon. Do your own research and invest wisely.

>> No.2261884

What are the best ETH/STRAT or BTC/STRAT exchanges, lads?

>> No.2261885

strat or dgb with 40 bucks?

>> No.2261889


>> No.2261890

I will take my 10 strat to my grave

>> No.2261893

20 20

>> No.2261910

I'm getting cucked by Changelly again.

>> No.2261920

Got in at 85 cents. I wish I had more than 100 coins but I'm not going to complain about 900 dollars profit on a 84 dollar investment.

>> No.2261934

Seriously considering putting all my ETH into STRAT, good idea or too risky?

>> No.2261941


I did that yesterday at about $6.22 per Strat going by current BTC conversions. Worked out for me

>> No.2261949

Bought 100 Strat at $5.70, but I want mooooore

>> No.2261958

There are those who claim the cucumber tastes better pickled, and there are those who know.

>> No.2261968

I went 0.1 / 0.1 BTC
Here's hoping they both moon and my hands don't get heavy and weak

>> No.2261975

whens this shit gonna dip, im tryna buy in

>> No.2261977


>> No.2261979

cope more

>> No.2261994
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>> No.2261997

>day trading shitter

this is LONG HODL

>> No.2262003

I checked their website and they offer nothing 100 shitcoins before them didnt offer except c#.

>> No.2262004
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there's one thing worse than jumping into the boat late and it's to sell while it's still docked

>> No.2262009

I think it will correct hard in the near future

>> No.2262068

When is this shit gonna dip.

>> No.2262080
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>> No.2262088

>business oriented

what does this even mean you are just using buzzwords you cunt

>> No.2262100
File: 186 KB, 389x571, weregonnamakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no strat on margin why?

>> No.2262101

it aims at being an enterprise solution for businesses that want to adopt the blockchain

traditionally businesses who are quick to adopt new tech are the ones that win out

>> No.2262112

>100 btc sell wall @ .0038
is it FINALLY going to dip? I want in

>> No.2262204

mfw it's still rising

>> No.2262685

Yes and
Stratis is PoS, ETH is not.
Stratis has Segwit.
Stratis will run smart contracts and dapps on sidechains instead of the main blockchain. Currently as it is, ETH bloats the mainchain with its dapps.
Stratis doesn't have its reputation tarnished by hacks like ETH does.
Stratis is currently undervalued, sitting at $9, while ETH is overvalued at $200.

>> No.2262700

according to them, there will be masternodes for smaller holders in the future.

>> No.2262855

I'm contemplating driving like 40 minutes to go to the nearest BTC ATM to put down like $2000 more to put into Strat. Should I do it?

>> No.2262935

It just crashed pretty hard so it's now or never my dude.

>> No.2262939

I literally bought about five seconds before it started heading downwards. I hate my life

>> No.2262943

It just had a 1$ dip, I would buy now If I had more money.

>> No.2262970

it's about to double top, buy the dip now cause this is the last dip you'll see in a few days

>> No.2262976

Stratis looks good at first, but it's run by a nigger conman who ran another shitty coin that went under.

I was going to buy it a month ago until I looked into it. It's a scam/unserious coin.

>> No.2262984

what do you suggest instead?

>> No.2262995

Lol don't even sweat it.

Just hold the coins & check back on the price in a week. If there was ever /biz/ advice you needed to follow this is it.

>> No.2263001

Yeah I plan to hold I'm not going to panic sell like a retard. I just got heated the second I bought in and started seeing consistent red arrows on bittrex lol

>> No.2263002

got more info on this?

>> No.2263015

I suggest doing your research.
Start with coins that have hedge fund/vc backing, an office with employees, a serious roadmap, etc.
ANT for example is run by MIT/Harvard grads, has Silicon valley hedge fund backing, all the right indicators going for it, etc.
There's a lot of other coins with the same thing, but you can look into it yourself.

>> No.2263024

I plan to, just wanted to see what you felt good a about as you were so adamantly against this

>> No.2263028

Wish I knew how to read the market properly to sell at peaks and buy back at dips. Every time I try this I end up fucking up.

>> No.2263032

buy the dip you fools!

>> No.2263039

i live 2 minutes from a bitcoin atm. dude their market price is like $200 more than average, never again.

>> No.2263068

You really think this'll recover it's moon trajectory?

>> No.2263089

If I didn't why would I stay invested in it?

I'm holding this indefinitely. With that said, don't buy into it just because this thread tells you to. Read up on the project and see for yourself if you believe in it.

I will say, now that it's had its massive rise it's gained a lot of attention. A lot of people are in the same boat as you and have just heard of this coin after seeing the rise. I'm expecting a lot of new money in the upcoming weeks.

>> No.2263090

Dip's over boys, here we go

>> No.2263095

hope so

>> No.2263107


I made the mistake of trying to time the market again and lost about 5 STRAT

RIP, time to just hold and leave that shit to the whales

>> No.2263108

wow this shot right back up that was quick

>> No.2263123

we're straight up being played by whales right now lmao

>> No.2263127

Well.. I bought into the dip with about 1/5th of my btc... my hope's on you guys

>> No.2263129

well if you really bought at the dip it would've already been a solid profit for you

>> No.2263141

It is :) but I'm riding this a bit see where it goes...

>> No.2263195

Does this shit really have a future?

$300 may not be a lot for you guys but as a wage slave cuck trying to earn money for his family its a lot.

Will this really get big by the years end? Or in a month?

>> No.2263196

aaaaaand back down it goes

>> No.2263208
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look at that dip
consider it went immediately back up

there's something with this coin

you just missed a massive dip too bruh

>> No.2263229

OMG that buy wall... thank you guys in advance <3 let's see which planet this'll take

>> No.2263234

Don't invest something you're not willing to lose.

In my view it's a solid investment but it's not worth the stress if you're tight on money. Don't just buy it because of a /biz/ thread.

>> No.2263256
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>bought only 1 strat at $5.41

>> No.2263299
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"Stratis’ Breeze Wallet Redefines Financial Privacy for Blockchains"


Bought 600 yesterday at. 0023 sold 600 at .0035 earlier. Don't like bags but Stratis probably is a good hold when it cools off.

>> No.2263596

When STRAT and WAVES were > $1, I had invested in both, but WAVES tech won me over (and me believing unfounded rumors that STRAT was a scam), so I sold my strat for WAVES. Can anyone provide a good side by side comparison of the two, seeing as they fulfill the same need.

>> No.2263746

Anyone who has been staking:

What % would you estimate your returns are per month (in just strat)

>> No.2263775

Damn dude, that's like 4 dollars profit. Don't forget to report it for taxes.