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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 639x132, Kroger Premarket 20200918a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22598584 No.22598584 [Reply] [Original]

Kroger anons
We got duped yesterday.
Can we get out today without taking a hit?

Premarket looks like we might make it


>> No.22598786

Krogerbro here, holder since yesterday's shill. Am unironically going to hold it long term, i'm in positive already, i like the company and imo consumers were smashed in the last weeks after their corona run, so not even a bad entry point. Plus they had an earnings beat with some profit taking recently. I think it got some momentum left for more gains.

>> No.22598794

Anyone who bought far OTM calls is fucked. Luckily I didn't so I should be OK.

>> No.22599086
File: 33 KB, 972x391, Kroger Premarket OTM Call 20200918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who bought far OTM calls is fucked.
we'll see
I hope you're wrong

>> No.22599504
File: 14 KB, 644x132, Kroger Premarket 20200918b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am unironically going to hold it long term
I'm strongly considering it too
The only question is if I can get in before it goes above my call price...
do I sell 100 contracts, 95, or less?

>> No.22599773

I don't buy calls, always the stock itself. Eurofags mostly aren't able to trade real options, we only have fucking option derivatives where we're scammed by banks.

>> No.22600271

>Eurofags mostly aren't able to trade real options
meanwhile the ECB is cucking you guys hard

>> No.22600716
File: 8 KB, 959x81, Kroger Premarket OTM Call 20200918 Sell Order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'll get my price?

>> No.22601578

I might actually lose $5k on this. My sells didn't trigger, the spread is too much. I spent 2k on shit where I'd make $200 if I sold at the bid right now.

Kroger anon unironically has garnered himself a lifetime of negative karma.

>> No.22601715
File: 14 KB, 960x183, Kroger Position 20200918a..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.22601729

I bought Sept 18 calls KEK

>> No.22601801

>I bought Sept 18 calls KEK
god damn,
did you go for the hardest of yeets?
like 10,000 contracts?

>> No.22601806

Are OTM always the best options to buy?

>> No.22601825

Remember when I said niggers came in here telling everyone to buy options talkng about brokers etc. THEY WERE WRITING CALLS AND SELLING YOU THIS SHIT KNOWING THEY WOULD EXPIRE WORTHLESS.
The shill army YOU'D be like 30 times calling me a liar. Look who was correct now. I've been here long enough to spot someone that doesn't belong.

>> No.22601859
File: 56 KB, 608x608, 1598029815177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped all my UNI freebies into it

>> No.22601878

remember when I said I don't care if I lose a couple hundred; it was worth to for the hope of making it?

>> No.22601920

hoddlefag checking in. It was up premarket, decided not to sell though. I want to give it a little room to breath. If something obviously better shows up or maybe a week goes by I'll try to dump it at cost

>> No.22601976
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1589503209831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22602004

Same kek, lesson learned. It was a fun ride though.

>> No.22602067

>Are OTM always the best options to buy?
depends on what you want, risk, etc
the contract prices are a function of price and time

>I want to give it a little room to breath.
yeah its friday, these fuckers are sleeping in

>It was a fun ride though.
im about to say fuckit and hodl these options over the weekend if I don't get out with a profit

>> No.22602090

If you were gambling why didn't you go out at least 2 weeks time?

>> No.22602098

I bought my first option yesterday for PUT AAPL $90 on Oct 9. Thoughts?

>> No.22602145

Dude nobody is doing that. Please stop. It’s not like we paid a higher price for the calls than we would have if we chose to buy on our own. The options trading volume on Kroger is high, there is liquidity without begging retards on biz. Dude was just being a jackass, end of story. There was no financial gain in this for him or anyone else as it turns out.

>> No.22602169

Nigger. This is how options decay. You know that are deceiving anons.

You will end up losing 100%

>> No.22602305
File: 23 KB, 662x629, Kroger Price 20200918a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you were gambling why didn't you go out at least 2 weeks time?
well that's reasonable to ask, and my answer is that I wanted in for about as cheap as I could without being completely under the gun
I work for a broker dealer, and my ability to trade is shit because I have to get approval
So minimizing my exposure is critical because I'm never sure if my trades will get approved. I've been cucked a couple times just on the amount of time it takes to walk around to the principles to get my paperwork signed off

>You know that are deceiving anons
im not doing any such thing
anons are responsible for themselves anyway
so quit your rabble rousing

>> No.22602556


>> No.22602583

Won't the PUT go up if AAPL keeps going down?

>> No.22602760

>Won't the PUT go up if AAPL keeps going down?

but I wouldn't be bearish on apple long term
I work for an investment company and these people would dig up steve jobs dead body so they could lick his asshole
the company doubled it's value during this year, during a fucking pandemic
where did that money come from?
it wasnt money on the sidelines
it was the fed dumping massive amounts of cash into the stock market.

so think about taking your profit before those fuckers at the fed print more

>> No.22603081

Don't know man the AAPL chart looks like shit, I'm pretty sure I'll close the daily gap at like 95$. Also it has now closed under 50 ma daily

>> No.22603111

I'm not bearish on AAPL long term, just short term

>> No.22603273

Got out with a $2k loss. Fuck you, Kroger anon.

>> No.22603311

make that money
better if it's at the expense of apple

we were going to make it!

>> No.22603540

I was going to likely lose everything, I'm surprised I got out with what I did. Rolled the $3k I had into a MSFT $230 Jan '23 call.

That was the first time I made degenerate options trades in over 4 years. Obviously couldn't pan out.

>> No.22603710

Why don't we have a options general on this board!

>> No.22603732

bummer man

well I got my trades approved.
hopefully one of us has a good day
but fridays are always a little dicey

>> No.22603752

>Why don't we have a options general on this board!
that's a good question
I want to be options bro
but I'd probably have to quit my job

>> No.22604584
File: 28 KB, 657x645, Kroger Order 20200918a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]